How to merge lines previously broken by black due to violating the line length constraint when removing a few arguments? - python-black

Assume I have a single-line function call that exceeds black's line length constraint. Black will reformat this function call to a multi-line function call to satisfy the constraint, e.g.,
replace_config(user_args, tune_args, container_type, class_name, param_names)
Further assume I would like to remove the last three arguments, which are optional, from this function call. My new code would look like this:
How can I tell black to shorten this multi-line function call to a single-line function call because it no longer violates the line length constraint?
The output should look like this:
replace_config(user_args, tune_args)

You're running into the magic trailing comma feature. Black will never collapse any collections or function argument/parameter lists if it has a trailing comma.
You can either disable the magic trailing comma feature by passing -C or --skip-magic-trailing-comma, or simply just remove the trailing comma (and the next time Black formats the file, it'll happily collapse the function call as you'd expect).
FWIW there's an open issue on the issue tracker about this.


How do I ignore comments in a text file with LabVIEW?

I've created a script file reader, nothing more than a glorified text reader that changes loop cases in my program, but I need it to be able to ignore comments on a line, execute that command, and go to the next line and process the new command after it finds the comment denoted with a semicolon. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to do this.
Currently, the commands are read in like this:
I'd like to comment it with a semicolon like this:
DO THIS FUNCTION ;this is a comment to be ignored
Below is my text file read code, should be able to drag and drop it in to test. The command indicator just echoes the command being read. I've removed the rest of my program, sorry, can't send that part.
Can someone shed some light?
Is a semicolon used anywhere else in your file? Or is it just used to indicate a comment?
If it is only used to indicate a comment then as you read each line in, call the Split String primitive and split at the ";". Just use the top output regardless of whether or not the line contains a semicolon:
You can use the "Match Regular Expression Function" to split up the string, as #Moray already suggested.
Sadly I can't give you an example vi right now.
The main idea is:
find the "Match Regular Expression Function"
give it a ; as char to search for
there are three outputs of the function (before match, match, after match)
use the 'before match' instead of the whole line and give it to the rest of your program
This only works if your commands don't contain any ; except for the comments.
Note: I not quite sure what happens if you give the function a string that doesn't contain ; but you can figure that out by yourself by using the detailed help to this function :)

How can I refactor an existing source code file to normalize all use of tab?

Sometimes I find myself editing a C source file which sees both use of tab as four spaces, and regular tab.
Is there any tool that attempts to parse the file and "normalize" this, i.e. convert all occurrences of four spaces to regular tab, or all occurrences of tab to four spaces, to keep it consistent?
I assume something like this can be done even with just a simple vim one-liner?
There's :retab and :retab! which can help, but there are caveats.
It's easier if you're using spaces for indentation, then just set 'expandtab' and execute :retab, then all your tabs will be converted to spaces at the appropriate tab stops (which default to 8.) That's easy and there are no traps in this method!
If you want to use 4 space indentation, then keep 'expandtab' enabled and set 'softtabstop' to 4. (Avoid modifying the 'tabstop' option, it should always stay at 8.)
If you want to do the inverse and convert to tabs instead, you could set 'noexpandtab' and then use :retab! (which will also look at sequences of spaces and try to convert them back to tabs.) The main problem with this approach is that it won't just consider indentation for conversion, but also sequences of spaces in the middle of lines, which can cause the operation to affect strings inside your code, which would be highly undesirable.
Perhaps a better approach for replacing spaces with tabs for indentation is to use the following substitute command:
:%s#^\s\+#\=repeat("\t", indent('.') / &tabstop).repeat(" ", indent('.') % &tabstop)#
Yeah it's a mouthful... It's matching whitespace at the beginning of the lines, then using the indent() function to find the total indentation (that function calculates indentation taking tab stops in consideration), then dividing that by the 'tabstop' to decide how many tabs and how many spaces a specific line needs.
If this command works for you, you might want to consider adding a mapping or :command for it, to keep it handy. For example:
command! -range=% Retab <line1>,<line2>s#^\s\+#\=repeat("\t", indent('.') / &tabstop).repeat(" ", indent('.') % &tabstop)
This also allows you to "Retab" a range of the file, including one you select with a visual selection.
Finally, one last alternative to :retab is that to ask Vim to "reformat" your code completely, using the = command, which will use the current 'indentexpr' or other indentation configurations such as 'cindent' to completely reindent the block. That typically respects your 'noexpandtab' and 'smarttabstop' options, so it use tabs and spaces for indentation consistently. The downside of this approach is that it will completely reformat your code, including changing indentation in places. The upside is that it typically has a semantic understanding of the language and will be able to take that in consideration when reindenting the code block.

Trimming chr(49824) in the middle of a field in oracle

Unable to trim the non breakable space in the middle of a filed in oracle
'766195491 572'
Tried the below method it works only when non breakable space is present on the sides.
select length(trim(replace('766195491 572',chr(49824),''))) from dual;
it works only when non breakable space is present on the sides
That’s what the trim() function is supposed to do:
TRIM enables you to trim leading or trailing characters (or both) from a character string
“leading or trailing” means “at the sides”. It is not supposed to have any effect on appearances of the characters anywhere else in the source string.
You need to use the replace() or translate() functions instead; or for more complicated scenarios, regular expression functions.
If the input value is in a column named input_str, then:
translate(input_str, chr(49824), chr(32))
will replace every non-breakable space in the input string with a regular (breakable) space.
If you simply want to remove all non-breakable spaces and don't want to replace them with anything, then
replace(input_str, chr(49824))
(if you omit the third argument, the result is simply removing all occurrences of the second argument).
Perhaps the requirement is more complicated though; find all occurrences of one or more consecutive non-breaking spaces and replace each such occurrence with exactly one standard space. That is more easily achieved with a regular expression function:
regexp_replace(input_str, chr(49824) || '+', chr(32))
Try CHR(32) instead of CHR(49824)
select length(replace('766195491 572',chr(32),'')) from dual;
If it does not work, use something like this.
select length(regexp_replace('766195491 572','[^-a-zA-Z0-9]','') ) from dual;

Ruby execute shell command and get array

I'm getting a string of few lines from the shell. Is it possible to get an Array with each line being its element?
Sure, depending on the output you could just split it. For example:
lines = `ls`.split
This solution is independent of the method you're using to execute the program. As long as you get the complete string you can split it.
The original question was splitting on lines, and the split function, by default, splits on white space. While that may be sufficient, you may want to pass in a regular expression, as in:
`ls -l`.split(/$/)
Which returns each line in a separate element in the array. However, it doesn't get rid of the initial carriage return or line feed. For that, you will want to use the map function to iterate over the array and apply strip to each, as in:
`ls -l`.split(/$/).map(&:strip)

Pep8 Python3.3 Contradiction

Pep 8 has the following rules
Blank Lines
Separate top-level function and class definitions with two blank
Method definitions inside a class are separated by a single blank
Extra blank lines may be used (sparingly) to separate groups of
related functions. Blank lines may be omitted between a bunch of
related one-liners (e.g. a set of dummy implementations).
Use blank lines in functions, sparingly, to indicate logical sections.
Python accepts the control-L (i.e. ^L) form feed character as
whitespace; Many tools treat these characters as page separators, so
you may use them to separate pages of related sections of your file.
Note, some editors and web-based code viewers may not recognize
control-L as a form feed and will show another glyph in its place.
However, you can't have a completely blank line inside a class defintion
Example from my head:
class bunny:
def spam(self):
def eggs(self):
#a second example
class bunny2:
def __init__(self):
self._eggs = None
def eggs(self):
doc = "Spam and Eggs"
def fget(self, value):
return self._eggs
def fset(self, value):
self._eggs = value
def fdel(self):
del self._eggs
return locals()
eggs = property(**eggs())
The line between spam and eggs needs to be a blank line, however, that will result in a parse error of unexpected indentation. Is there another character that should go in that space? My assumption is just leave the spaces/tabs on the "blank" line because it is more readable.
In the second example nested defs need to have their previous lines indention maintained for the parse to work correctly.
What is the correct PEP 8 way to handle this? Blank line, blank line with white space, no line?
If you're working in the REPL, you can't have entirely blank lines. But there is no reason for code entered in the REPL to strictly adhere to PEP 8, anyway. But inside a file, it is a good idea to follow PEP 8.
