progressbar with random sequence - user-interface

Looking for help/idea to to show Progressbar with input type range
Say I have 100 images & images are downloaded in background cache in any random order between 0 to 100 in batch of 5 - on input type range I need to show which area image is downloaded - say in first batch 25-30 images are downloaded then it should display that area as highlighted - next batch may be 31-35| 51-55. once batch is downloaded I got notification & it should highlight that much area on progress bar -
currently it's implemented with linear gradient with input type range to show progress from left to right but say if user click on extreme right end, it may be possible that image might not be downloaded, so want to display exact state of cached image on UI.


Detecting color in image and delete the image and save which don't have it

000 image which I need to identify hollow red square in the middle of the image and delete the image which has it automatically how can I do this with code
in my mind I think I need things like
loop to take inputs for every picture
the detecting process
and save loop to save the images which don't have
any idea

Site speed image caching for image in pop-up

I'm creating a website that loads some images on first load, then if a user clicks on one of the images the same image opens in a popup but bigger (Lightbox).
My question is, is it better to just use the same large image and resize the dimensions for caching (So the user already has loaded the image) or is it better to first load a smaller thumbnail then the bigger image once the pop-up opens?
I'm trying to reduce site speed as much as possible as there are a lot of images.
I'm using Masonry for the site and Magnific Popup for the image expand if that helps.
the thumbnail image size is around 100kb whereas the larger image is between 200-300kb.
The main idea of any lightbox-type script is that they allow you to display preview images (thumbnails) on your page and load larger versions only when needed (e.g, when user clicks on the thumbnail). This greatly helps to reduce page weight and load time. Modern scripts (like fancybox) can display preview image while larger version is gradually appearing over it thus relieving users from staring at blank screen.
image = "Your image link / location here"/ZoomService
--if you use MilkWar web coding use that

How to display calculation results in namedWindow in opencv (c++)

I used this code to display multiple images in the same namedWindow. Now I want to display some of the calculation results (that I have calculated before with image processing functions).
The results should be displayed in the fourth position of the namedWindow, like I show in the red square in the image below:
Is there any way in opencv that can throw console window in the namedWindow? Can I copy the results from console window in any other way on the named window? Is it possible to create somehow scrolling window with all information and put them on ?
I would suggest creating an new Mat with either ones() or zeros() and then using the function putText to insert your text.
Afterwards show the Mat like the rest before

Outlook 2010 - assign fullsized pictures on a contact card - HOW?

I've faced with the next problem: I do not understand why but then I am assigning the proper picture in a high resolution (300x300dpi, file size ~1.5MB, photo's dimensions 700x500px) to my favorite contact at Outlook 2010 - this f... Outlook is stretching down my picture.
As a result I have picture with next output data: unknown dpi, file size ~15KB, photo's dimensions 300x200. Tested by two different operations available inside the contact's card dialog window:
calling the context menu on a thumbnail of my picture - and choosing menu item "COPY".
And exporting of the contact into the vCard file. After that - decoding saved picture from base64 format into a real binary JPEG format.
Questions: WHY outlook is changing the original quality and output data of my picture?
And which final dimensions the Outlook can accept as nonchangable? Only photo 200x300?
HOW to overcome this problem and forcibly to assign to contact's card exactly that picture which I wanted?
The picture will be resized if its dimensions are greater than 314x314 pixels and/or the size is greater than 50,000 bytes.
You can assign a picture with different attributes, but you will need to add it as a regular attachment (Attachments.Add), then add all the picture related properties using Attachment.PropertyAccesor.SetProperty - look at a contact with an existing picture with OutlookSpy (I am its author): select the contact, click IMessage, go to the GetAttachmentTable tab, double click to open the attachment. In particlar, you will need to add PR_ATTACHMENT_CONTACTPHOTO, PR_ATTACHMENT_FLAGS, PR_ATTACHMENT_HIDDEN, PR_ATTACHMENT_LINKID, PR_ATTACH_FLAGS properties.
Keep in mind that if the picture is too big, Outlook will not show it in the Card view in the folder.

How do I get FoxPro to snap-to-grid on an English report layed out in Metric?

So I've recently had to create a report that emulates a Canadian customs form. The problem is that the report is printed on 11" x 14" paper, but uses a metric layout. As my FoxPro installation is on a machine with US-English units-of-measure, FoxPro tries to oblige by using an English ruler, and doing snap-to-grid on inch-based measurements. This creates some minor design issues obviously.
I understand that the reports are really just tables in disguise, and I have figured out how to turn on the Metric ruler (instead of the English one) by changing a record, and that is working as intended. However, the snap-to-grid functionality appears to want to snap on 48 units-to-an-inch, instead of something Metric. So moving a box around using a mouse results in the box being offset (again) in English measurements.
To get around this, I have taken to openning up the report as a table and manually converted all Metric units with a spreadsheet, and entered the offsets and sizes by hand. While this has worked well and appears to be very accurate, it's still error-prone.
So the question is, how do I get FoxPro 8 to snap-to-grid in Metric units on the report, so that I don't have to keep re-entering numbers by hand? It would be nice to get FoxPro to accomodate Metric in a fashion where I can align objects in the report using a mouse, rather than punching them in as numbers and "flipping" the report into design view to check it.
For reference, currently there are the following translations:
25.4 mm = 1 inch = 10,000 report units = 48 grid snap points
Obviously I'd like something closer to this:
25.4 mm = 1 inch = 10,000 report units = 25.4 grid snap points
Note: Yes, I have considered setting up a Virutal Machine with FoxPro that uses a Metric install, i.e. a Windows XP install set up for Canada. However, that will take another day or so to get the installation done, along with the rest of the development environment, so I'm trying to avoid that.
Hidden unless you've been exposed to more of it...
Modify your report.
Right-click, get to properties of the report.
On the tab for Ruler / Grid, there is a combobox which is defaulted to ruler of "inches", but you can change it to Metric/cm or Pixels. Below that is your grid snap and you can change the default of how many pixels to snap to.
Additionally, if you use your cursor keys, you can move the controls one pixel at a time for more precise alignments as needed. And if you need to resize a control's width, if you hold the Ctrl key down and use the arrow keys left/right, will shrink / strecth one pixel at a time instead of moving the control. Likewise for the moving and sizing if you pick multiple controls, they will ALL move or resize respectively.
Just spoke with a freind lastnight who has VFP8 installed. Based on that version, there MIGHT be a way to get metric for your reports. There is a setting on the reports from showing based on PIXELS, or SYSTEM METRIC. If you system configuration is based on inches, so too is the report. If you change your system metric to that of centimeters (or whatever equivalent it would be), so too should the report respect in design time.
