Find the image source in a container - image

this isn't a developer question. I am just a user and I am looking at historical archives online. I would like to download some documents and the site allows that. However, I can't open the image in another tab. I can save the image but when it's saved you can only see the part that was visualized inside the container, and not the whole image. I then have to zoom it in order to make it fit in the container before saving it, but it's small.
My question is: how can I find the original source of the image in order to download it and see it in its original size?
Here is the page I am talking about:


Part of Image Missing From Data URL

Backstory to the below issue:
I'm using the jQuery plugin Cropit to produce an image which I get in data URL form (the user uploads an image and Cropit allows them to manipulate it, when the user is happy, Cropit exports the final image).
This data URL is attached to the product (this is a Shopify website) via Shopify properties (in a similar way you would attach text for an engraved product) and then when the order is created, I have an app listening for new orders and I pull the data URL from the order.
From testing, I can confirm that the data URL is wrong / corrupted / broken at the time the order is placed and not being broken in transit.
Original Question
I have a bit of a weird situation and I can't find any similar situations online.
I'm being sent an image in data URL format (from Shopify if it's relevant, I have written a private app and their webhook is sending me an image)
The image is in a data URL format that starts with, as an example,
The problem I am having is sometimes (and it's maybe less than 10% of the time) when I get the image and try to print it, it's missing the bottom chunk of the image. In a PDF, it considers the image corrupt, and in a web browser, it just sees the bottom of the image as transparent, however much is missing.
This is what it looks like in Inspect Element on Google Chrome when you hover over the image URL (image has been purpled out for anonymity)
My question is, does anyone know why?
We can't find a correlation with browser or device type. And I'm not sure if it's because part of the data URL is somehow missing (maybe a character limit, because it's a really long string!) or if it's the type of image. Might possibly be something going wrong in the upload process?
Is anyone able to shed any light? It's such a weird issue I'm not even sure what to google!
And just to confirm, the image absolutely has to be sent in this format for a whole series of reasons, mainly Shopify restrictions so I can't send the image in file format.

Check if an image contains another image

Im trying to check if a screenshot contains an image that is saved in the project resources, I need to find a 100% match only and would like to not use any extra libraries, now with that being said, I have no idea how to do so.
heres a few questions:,
do I compare the two buffered images together? do I change them into something else?
Il have to compare it atleast once a second or so. (just as general information)
I have a resource folder under my project in eclipse and the .png files are shown as text, is there a way to change that? I tried tinkering with the settings, no luck yet.
public static BufferedImage screenshot(){
BufferedImage capture = robot.createScreenCapture(screenSize);
return capture;
this is my screenshot, another bufferedimage is for example "compare", where the size of the compared image is smaller than the screenshot. how will I be able to check if the image contain the second image?
*For those who wondering, im trying to make a simple program that clicks a certain image once it pops up.

Open Graph Stories with Big Images

Our app shares a custom open graph story that included a 1200x630px preview image. The preview image however always displays as a small square when posted to the Facebook timeline.
As mentioned here, the header of the website I'm linking to already contains og:image and og:image:width and og:image:height. Still the image is cropped and only a square on the left is visible.
Is there any trick to make the image use the full width? User generated images are not the solution to go for because it removes the link from the open graph object and also stores the image in the user's photo albums.
I know that this has to be possible somehow because it works for apps such as Runtastic Results.

Wordpress upload image size

Kinda new to wordpress.. Creating my own theme. When I upload an image and put it in a post it comes out at 300x183 pixels but the original file I upload is 1800x1100 pixels. Wordpress alters my size when i upload it.This is what i get in the url on the post NDAppleProductMockUp-300x183.jpg.. It restricts the size of the image. When i go into the image properties within the post and click original nothing happens it stays at 300x183.. I have tried to work it out but can't Any suggestions guys..
Unfortunately, WordPress does not resize the actual image that you upload. It creates 3 smaller versions of it, leaving the uploaded image untouched. I would suggest that you create all of your images at 1800x1100 before you upload them.
Another solution would be to link to the "big-sized" image when you "Insert into Post"... unfortunately, you would have to know the filename of the large image. I check the source code and this part of the media system does not appear to be pluggable.
Another option may be to check out this plugin:
This link here details how You can change what image size will be displayed
also when u attach to post you can set the image size in the setting
THE SETTING is Before you attach the image!
you are trying to change an image that has already been attached (the attached image was in a mid or small size to begin with) so it is already at its original size.

Very large images in web browser

We would like to display very large (50mb plus) images in Internet Explorer. We would like to avoid compression as compression algorithms are not what CSI would have us believe that they are and the resulting files are too lossy.
As a result, we have come up with two options: Silverlight Deep Zoom or a Flash based solution (such as Zoomify). The issue is that both of these require conversion to a tiled output and/or conversion to a specific file type (Zoomify supports a single proprietary file type, PFF).
What we are wondering is if a solution exists which will allow us to view the image without a conversion before hand.
PS: I know that you can write an application to tile the images (as needed or after the load process) and output them; however, we would like to do this without chopping up the file.
The tiled approach really is the right way to do it.
Your users don't want to download a 50mb file before they can start viewing the image. You don't want to spend the bandwidth to serve 50 megs to every user who might only view a fraction of your image.
If you serve the whole file, users will eventually be able to load and view it, but it won't run smoothly for most of them.
There is no simple non-tiled way to serve just a portion of an image unless you want to use a server-side library like imagemagik or PIL to extract a specific subset of the image for each user. You probably don't want to do that because it will place a significant load on your server.
Alternatively, you might use something like google's map tool to provide zooming and scaling. Some comments on doing that are available here:
Take a look at OpenSeadragon. To make a image can work with OpenSeadragon, you should generate a zoomable image format which mentioned here. Then follow starting guide here
The browser isn't going to smoothly load a 50 meg file; if you don't chop it up, there's no reasonable way to make it not lag.
If you dont want to tile, you could have the server open the file and render a screen sized view of the image for display in the browser at the particular zoom resolution requested. This way you arent sending 50 meg files across the line when someone only wants to get an overview of the image. That is, the browser requests a set of coordinates and an output size in pixels, the server opens the larger image and creates a smaller image that fits the desired view, and sends that back to the web browser.
As far as compression, you say its too lossy, but if thats what you are seeing you are probably using the wrong compression algorithm or setting for the type of image you have. The jpg format has quality settings to control lossiness, and PNG compression is lossless (the pixels you get after decompressing are the exact values you had prior to compression). So consider changing what you are using as compression, and dont just rely on the default settings in an image editor.
