Deploying Astro with GitHub Pages - No astro.config.mjs - continuous-integration

So I am new to CI/CD and am trying to deploy a new portfolio website to GitHub pages using a more modern workflow mostly just to learn. The workflow is encountering an error that debug and log files don't seem to help with too much (probably me misunderstanding).
I followed tutorials from GitHub and generated a repo and workflow using this and this. I used the template that GitHub provides for Astro and after installing npm I was able to get the basic workflow to run through a few steps without error when committing changes. Now I am encountering an error that seems to point to me not having an "astro.config.mjs" file. I was under the impression GitHub would generate all needed files apart from the package-lock.json npm generated for me. My website does not have a custom domain so my assumption is that I need to delete the "base:" directory field in the "astro.config.mjs" as indicated here but I do not have that file in any of my directories, just the deploy.yml and package-lock.json file. I figure I am missing something due to lack of experience in CI/CD. Can someone point me in the right direction?


Problems for laravel project on share hosting server where I cannot run npm run dev or build

I used jetstream laravel authentication and I used npm run dev and keep it running on my cmd while I developed my project locally. Everything was OK till here. But now I want to upload on a shared hosting. And I got it that I need to run npm run build now. I have run it locally and uploaded the files but my ui of my project has been all scattered and misplaced. So I know I have missed a/some steps. What really have I missed out or have wrongly done.I am stuck now.
Regarding my web hosting ,I have my project files outside the public_html. All the public files are moved in this folder public_html.My database and my application working fine except the ui is messy.
I have find out a way but still do not know whether it is the best solution or proper one.
What actually the scenario is that the build folder of the npm run dev is folder project_folder/public/build but I have my project files outside the public_html folder. So it was unable to find the manifest.json in the folder project_folder/public/build. It was not working ,the UI is very ugly. Then, I put only the manifest.json in project_folder/public/build but the app.####.cs and app.###.js is kept in the public_html/build/assets. And now it is working fine. Hope this help someone like me, even though it might not be the right approach.

What is the difference between git push and jekyll build for jekyll blog

I am creating a jekyll blog using Jekyll. In the instructions I see that there is a command to build the site using the command jekyll build.
However, I noticed that when I make changes to my code/post and perform a git push origin master the content and changes are uploaded automatically. This makes me wonder why I would need to "build" the site.
Could someone help me understand what the difference is? I'm currently trying to add Google Analytics to my blog and I suspect that knowing the difference between the two will help me get it to work properly. Thanks.
to turn a Jekyll app source code into a site you view, it has to do that build step to create the HTML that is served.
Github pages automatically does the build step for you after the code is pushed (if the repo/brach is configured for Pages).
So, you are right. It is not necessary for you to run the command.
The reason you may want to run it is to run the site locally (using your computer as the server). Or if you want to deploy it to some generic static host other than Pages. Or if you want to just view the final compiled site for some reason.

Is it possible to clone existing cloud code already deployed on server side, through the Parse command line tool?

How can I clone an existing Parse Cloud Project files to my computer with the command line tool? I tried parse new and selected a project but it created a folder with new files, not the files that I already had in the Parse Cloud.
Note: I did not find clue regarding that point in the Parse cloud code documentation neither via Google.
With the new release of parse-cli, this is possible now. Make sure your cli is at least at version 2.2.5
Follow below instructions to download cloud code files on your new machine:
parse new then choose e for existing app, then choose your app. This will create a new project directory.
Browse to your project folder using command line tool
Use this command to download: parse download [app] -f. Replace [app] with the app name. Note that -f will override all current files in the directory
If you want to download code files to existing project, you can skip step 1.
Note this is now possible (2016), with new features at Parse.
Response from a Parse engineer:
"This is by design, which means that maybe we will include this feature one day. For the moment, the CLI tool cannot pull files from cloud code. The tool can only deploy code to Parse, it is not meant to be used in place of source control.
I spent a lot of time looking up an answer (on Google and the closed Parse forum) to this unanswered question. I finally had an answer from a Parse engineer, after having asked them on the Parse/Facebook bug tracker system, if it was possible to clone existing cloud code.
So I hope this answer will help you guys.

Laravel symlink to separate repo and framework

I wrote a web app in Laravel. The repo doesn't store a whole Laravel installation - it only has app and public directories.
I'm trying to figure out a good solution to allow other devs to easily spin up a local version of my code for them to try/work on. Someone suggested that I set up a symlink between the cloned repo and my Laravel installation, which sounded like a good solution to me (allows them to push/pull from my repo without needing to copy files endlessly).
However, when I set up the symlink, Laravel starts looking for its files (bootstrap, vendor, etc.) in the repo's directory, but they don't exist there, so I just get a blank screen.
Any ideas?

Laravel 4 - Developing & deploying web application for other users

Although I'm new to Laravel 4, there has been one question on my mind since day one which I cannot seem to understand, nor find any information on.
My plan is to build an open source web application, which other users will be able to download and use on their own server. Now my current way of working is:
Install Laravel with composer
Add packages to composer than I need for the application
Start coding: editing files directly inside of app/ (global.php, routes, controllers, views, migrations etc).
Keep all of my assets within /public/assets/
This works fine for me, and I have no problems with it. However the question is:
How will I deploy the application to users if I build it this way? If they install Laravel via composer, all of the files within /app will be default (obviously), so how would I go about getting my edited + custom files into their install of Laravel?
Do I have to build the whole application as part of my own bundle? Or is there some kind of way composer can pacakge what I've done to solve this problem I can see happening?
I'm just throwing words out, if someone could explain and point me in the right direction that would be great.
You can just chuck all your files on github. You dont need to include composer. People can download composer and run it from the install directory (or if they have it globally run it from there)
If you run a composer install with laravel 4 only, it will download all fresh. In your case you just have all the library's in place already. So for future updates you as a developer can easilly upgrade to a newer version. The "users" can simply say "git pull" to update their instance. You still need composer to do your initial install (db seed, post install steps etc)
At least that is my point of view. Just look at a simple laravel 4 bootstrap example it also holds all the files.
