VETTED_PARTNER Status for Google Business Profile API - google-api

I am trying to use the Google Business Profile API to verify locations, etc. using the VETTED_PARTNER method, but I am unable to do so because I am not a "Vetted Partner."
I couldn't find any details on how to become a Vetted Partner or at what level this status is needed.
Could someone help with the following questions:
How can I become a Vetted Partner?
Is it needed for every client?
I tried used the API to list my accounts and it shows that I'm not vetted for any of them, but I do have owner access.


How to get the get API path and parameters of Google play developer API?

I have added a non-renewable subscription for one of my projects. We also started implementing the Google play developer API to get the subscription latest status from the Play Store. For that we have done the below steps as per this blog:
Linked the developer account to a new Google Cloud Project.
Enabled the Google Play Developer API for the Google Cloud Project.
Created a service account and created a key for the service account.
I have below clarifications related to this implementation:
I tried to Grant Access for the following permissions: But the corresponding checkmark is not clickable.
View financial data, orders, and cancellation survey responses
Manage orders and subscriptions
The 3rd step as per the blog is to Authorize an API key, but I didn't get a clear idea of that.
We are going to implement this API on the back end side as a corn job, do we need to generate a JWT token for accessing this API? Is this possible to call without a Token? I found 2 types of implementations from this blog, which one is easy and secure?
"Your application can complete these tasks either by using the Google APIs client library for your language or by directly interacting with the OAuth 2.0 system using HTTP."
From where we get the get API path and other details. I found a similar get API from AppStore like this. Is the play store providing a similar kind of get API?
We need the latest purchase status API and for that what parameters do we need to pass?

Youtube API: Download and upload playlists

I'd like to manage the playlists on my account automatically with a program I'm going to write. To this end, I took a look at the youtube API. However, it seems to me that the only sensible way to do that is to have a Google G Suite account in order to get access to the OAuth 2.0 API. At the same time, it confuses me that I need to pay a monthly fee just to be able to manage my own playlists. Am I missing something or is this indeed the only way?
You actually don't have to pay anything for normal operations (e.g. if you're able to function within the boundaries of the default quota allocated to your app). To manage (ie. list/create/modify/delete) your channel's playlists you'll have to use the following API endpoints:
Playlists.list, Playlists.insert, Playlists.update and Playlists.delete;
PlaylistItems.list, PlaylistItems.insert, PlaylistItems.update and PlaylistItems.delete.
For read-only operations on public data it suffices to have an application key.
For write operations you'll have to familiarize yourself with OAuth 2.0 authorization in the context of this API. See a brief top level description given by one of my recent answers. Then you'll have to go through the official docs referred to therein.

Places API returning NOT_FOUND

Since this morning the Places API has returned NOT_FOUND results for every single place ID we've tried searching for.
We regularly query the API to check details & it has been running fine for over a year but today it's fell over and only returns NOT_FOUND, for over 300 different place ids.
Is there a current issue with the API?
I contacted Google Cloud support today about this because it still hasn't changed.
Yes they no longer support Service area businesses in the Places API. Here is their response:
Thank you for contacting Maps Platform Technical Support. My name is Ana and I'm here to assist you.
Places API mission is to enable developers to help users find relevant places to visit. Since Service Area Businesses are not places users can visit, they do not belong in the Places API. That is the reason why you cannot search it in Places API and it is an intended behavior.
Business owners can fix this via MyBusiness IF they have a brick-and-mortar shop
(a shop someone can visit on the streets).
I find this shocking that developers are unable to pull out information about any ACTIVE business on Google. I have responded with my own views but as expected Google will not change their stance.
Well that is very confusing to customers. You (rightly so) allow local listings to be setup as service area businesses. Why should only brick and mortar shops be allowed to utilise the Place API? That’s separating the market for businesses to advertise properly and surely is not legal.
Regardless of if you agree about service area businesses not being allowed to be shown on Maps – there is no reason that an ACTIVE business should not return details through a Development API which has no public facing impact. It is stifling the support agencies and businesses can provide to its customers.
We're denied access to the Google My Business API and then resort to pulling out data via the Places API and now we can no longer do that.
You should at the very least provide some kind of development data for ANY business that is available on Google, whether that be via the Places API or not – business owners should have a right to pull out data about their own business at any time.
Please forward this to the GMB team.

How to bulk update "Authorized JavaScript Origins" in Google API Console?

Currently, I have been tasked to utilize the Google People API to ask for a user's basic Google information along with their public phone numbers. So far the results have been positive.
The solution my team and I have incorporated the Google People API integration in has the capacity to be utilized across thousands of domains. As a result, my question is simply, How can my team members and I ensure that any our clients that utilize our solution with their own particular domain get our new functionality built with the Google People API?
Keep in mind, our clients have the flexibility to have http/https and any subdomain on their site. Entering each domain possibility for our client base one by one would not be an easy task. I'm seriously hoping there is a solution around the single, explicit origin entries.
Thank you for your time and help.
You must remember that if this is source code you are giving your clients that you are not allowed to release your client id and client secret. This includes plugins and scripts.
On November 5th 2014 Google made some changes to the APIs terms of Service.
Asking developers to make reasonable efforts to keep their private
keys private and not embed them in open source projects.
So if your clients could view the code of your application and see your client id and secret you should not be giving it to them.
Read more about this issue Can I really not ship open source with Client ID?
The best solution for you will be to instruct your users now to create there own project on Google Developer Console and create their own JS origins.
You may just have to provide your own wrapper around the target API where you authorize the client request yourself and then do the request from Google using your own credentials.

Extending YouTube API Quota with limited funds

With a simple java program, I send GET requests using YouTube Data API specifically videos.list, in order to get the public metadata of a video and store it as .json files.
For my universities research, we have to do this with all available YouTube video IDs provided in the Youtube-8M Database.
Therefore, I would like to know if there is a way to extend the available quota for requests (I already know about the billing option, but I am a student and my university is small).
I have read the YouTube API terms, which states that only one project per client may be used to send such requests with the necessary API Key.
If I understand it correctly, even my simple java code is such a client.
In some other Stack Overflow questions about extending ones daily quota with API Keys, some suggested creating multiple accounts or projects.
Is this a legal option or not? Or is there another possibility to get a higher quota for simple requests used in research like I do right now?
If you go to the Google Developer console where you enabled the YouTube API. the second tab is called quota
Click the pencil next to which ever quota it is that you are blowing out. A new window will pop up with a link called apply for higher quota.
Fill out the form to apply. To my knowledge you do not have to pay for additional YouTube quota but it can take time to get approved. Make sure you comply with everything on the form.
I have never heard of the one project per client term. Technically you can run your application using different API Keys it should work fine. Technically there is nothing wrong with creating additional projects on Google Developer console. You don't need to go as far as creating another Google account.
