Slice practice in phyton - slice

course = 'Python for Beginners'
What is the result?
Explain the result please.
I tried to figure out the result without success.

The slice notation [-16:-1] means go from -16 to -1 (not inclusive) in steps of +1, so it's accessing indices -16, -15, -14, -13, ... -2 in that order.
Negative indices means to look from the end of the string and look backwards, so -1 is the last character, -2 is the second-to-last character, and so on. If you count 16 characters from the end of "Python for Beginners", you get the "o" in "Python". After that, since we're counting by +1 at that point, we just grab the next letters until index -2 which is the "r" in "Beginners".
The final output is on for Beginner


How to find the xth decibinary number?

Hackerrank has a problem called Decibinary numbers which are essentially numbers with 0-9 digit values but are exponentiated using powers of 2. The question asks us to display the xth decibinary number. There is another twist to the problem. Multiple decibinary numbers can equal the same decimal number. For example, 4 in decimal can be 100, 20, 12, and 4 in decibinary.
At first, I thought that finding how many decibinary numbers for a given decimal number would be helpful.
I consulted this post for a bit help ( ). The post was a bit too hard to understand but then I also realized that even though we have how many decibinary numbers a decimal number can have, this doesn't help FINDING them (at least to my knowledge) which is the original goal of the question.
I do realize that for any decimal number, the largest decibinary number for it will simply be its binary representation. For ex, for 4 it is 100. So the brute force approach would be to check all numbers in this range for each decimal number and see if their decibinary representation evaluates to the given decimal number, but it is clearly evident that this approach will never pass since the input constraints define x to be from 1 to 10^16. Not only that, we have to find the xth decibinary number for a q amount of queries where q is from 1 to 10^5.
This question falls under the section of dp but I am confused how dp will be used or how it is even possible. In order for calculating the xth decibinary number q times (which is described in the brute force method above) it would be better to use a table (like the problem suggests). But for that, we would need to store and calculate 10^16 integers since that is the how big x can be. Assuming an integer is 4 Bytes, 4B * 10^16 ~= 4B * (2^3)^16 = 2^50 Bytes.
Can someone please explain how this problem is solved optimally. I am still new to CP so if I have made an error in something, please let me know.
(see link below for full problem statement):
This is solvable with about 80 MB of data. I won't give code, but I will explain the strategy.
Build a lookup count[n][i] that gives you the number of ways to get the decimal number n using the first i digits. You start by inserting 0 everywhere, and then put a 1 in count[0][0]. Now start filling in using the rule:
count[n][i] = count[n][i-1] + count[n - 2**i][i-1] + count[n - 2*2**i][i-1] + ... + count[n - 9*2**i][i-1]
It turns out that you only need the first 19 digits, and you only need counts of n up to 2**19-1. And the counts all fit in 8 byte longs.
Once you have that, create a second data structure count_below[n] which is the count of how many decibinary numbers will give a value less than n. Use the same range of n as before.
And now a lookup proceeds as follows. First you do a binary search on count_below to find the last value that has less than your target number below it. Subtracting count_below from your query, you know which decibinary number of that value you want.
Next, search through count[n][i] to find the i such that you get your target query with i digits, and not with less. This will be the position of the leading digit of your answer. You then subtract off count[n][i-1] from your query (all the decibinaries with fewer digits). Then subtract off count[n-2**i][i-1], count[n-2* 2**i][i-1], ... count[n-8*2**i][i-1] until you find what that leading digit is. Now you subtract the contribution of that digit from the value, and repeat the logic for finding the correct decibinary for that smaller value with fewer digits.
Here is a worked example to clarify. First the data structures for the first 3 digits and up to 2**3 - 1:
count = [
[1, 1, 1, 1], # sum 0
[0, 1, 1, 1], # sum 1
[0, 1, 2, 2], # sum 2
[0, 1, 2, 2], # sum 3
[0, 1, 3, 4], # sum 4
[0, 1, 3, 4], # sum 5
[0, 1, 4, 6], # sum 6
[0, 1, 4, 6], # sum 7
count_below = [
0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 14, 20, 26, ...
Let's find the 20th.
count_below[6] is 14 and count_below[7] is 20 so our decimal sum is 6.
We want the 20 - count_below[6] = 6th decibinary with decimal sum 6.
count[6][2] is 4 while count[6][3] is 6 so we have a non-zero third digit.
We want the count[6][3] - count[6][2] = 2 with a non-zero third digit.
count[1][6 - 2**2] is 2, so 2 have 3rd digit 1.
The third digit is 1
We are now looking for the second decibinary whose decimal sum is 2.
count[2][1] is 1 and count[2][2] is 2 so it has a non-zero second digit.
We want the count[2][2] - count[2][1] = 1st with a non-zero second digit.
The second digit is 1
The rest is 0 because 2 - 2**1 = 0.
And thus you find that the answer is 110.
Now for such a small number, this was a lot of work. But even for your hardest lookup you'll only need about 20 steps of a binary search to find your decimal sum, another 20 steps to find the position of the first non-zero digit, and for each of of those digits, you'll have to do 1-9 different calculations to find what that digit is. Which means only hundreds of calculations to find the number.

1000 Digit Fibonacci - Error on Euler?

Below is my code. It runs. It works.
The problem is, the INDEX of the first 1000 digit fibonacci number isn't's 4871. 4872 is the POSITION, not the INDEX. Is Euler accepting the wrong answer, or did they use the word index when they should have used position?
def fib_of_a_certain_digit(num)
fibs = [1, 1]
idx = 1
while true
fib = fibs[idx] + fibs[idx-1]
fibs << fib
idx += 1
digilength = fib.to_s.split("").length
return "The first #{num} digit Fibonacci number is at index #{idx}, the fibonacci array is #{fibs.length} long" if digilength == num
puts fib_of_a_certain_digit(3)
puts fib_of_a_certain_digit(1000)
Here is the output.
The first 3 digit Fibonacci number is at index 11, the fibonacci array is 12 long
The first 1000 digit Fibonacci number is at index 4781, the fibonacci array is 4782 long
As you can see, the control case matches the known data.
[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144]
The last number in the array is 144. It is at index 11, but is the 12th number in the array.
The same principle applies to the larger number (it's just too big to paste here). It winds up in the last position of the array (4872), which has the index of 4871.
Why has nobody else noticed this?
No, that's not an error. Project Euler says:
Hence the first 12 terms will be:
F1 = 1
F2 = 1
F3 = 2
F11 = 89
F12 = 144
Note the little subscript numbers bottom right of each "F". Those are the indexes. So they start indexing with 1, and thus "position" and "index" are equivalent here. In particular, we can see that the first Fibonacci number with three digits is at index 12.
Your choice of programming language and data type and that language's choice of indexing doesn't override what's in the problem statement. And if it did, there'd be a problem because there are programming languages that start indexing with 1.
In the comments below you talk about "common terms" and what they "usually mean". I'm sure you realized that Project Euler is very mathematical, and in mathematics, those subscripts are the indexes. See for example Index notation in mathematics. Btw, all the examples there start indexing with 1 (not 0), because that's a common/usual way in mathematics as well.

Easy ROT13 Ruby "programme" mystery

I made a simple ROT13 programme and I don't understand one thing:
(a.length+1).times do |i|
print a[i + 13]
if i>13
print a[i %14]
If I don't add +1 after a.length, the iteration ends with the letter L. However, if I use print a[i] inside the iteration, it normally starts with A and ends with Z with no +1 addition needed.
Can someone explain this mystery for me?
I just needed a quick rot13 one liner and this SO entry was the first google result. I kept on searching and found a super small one by #xfaider that worked well enough for my purpose.
Just gonna post it here for the next person who wants a one-liner."A-Za-z", "N-ZA-Mn-za-m")
As you may know, the .times loop invokes the block specified number of times, passing into each iteration an incremented value.
If we say 26.times {|i| puts i} it will print values from 0 to 25. Up to, but not including the last value.
Now let's walk through the loop. At first iteration, i is 0. So we print 14th character of the string, "N" (at index 13, zero-based). We don't go into the condition because 0 is not greater than 13. On second iteration we print 15th character, "O". And keep doing this, until we reach i=14.
At this point, the "magic" begins. First, we attempt to print 27th character of the string. There's no such character so we print literally nothing. Then the condition is triggered and we go in.
i % 14 equals 0, so we print zeroth character, "A". Next iteration we print character at index 1 (15 % 14) and so on, until .times finishes its iteration and stops calling the block. Now, for this logic to work, the last value for i must be 26, so that we get 12 in i % 14 and print "M".
Length of the entire string is 26. Remember, .times counts up to but not including the number? That's why we add one to the length, so that it counts from 0 to 26. That's the mystery.
There are many-many ways of improving this code, and you'll learn about them in time. :)
I knew something looked odd about the code. And, of course, there's a bug. When i is 13 we don't print the first time and we don't go into the condition. We waste one iteration. This is a classic example of "off by 1" class of errors. Here's fixed version of code that doesn't waste iterations and contains no mysteries:
a.length.times do |i|
print a[i + 13]
if i > 12
print a[i % 13]
The length of the string of letters is 26, however the index is 0 based. With this being the case, the letter Z is index number 25. The times method will not run the final iteration(26). Therefore to account for that, we add a +1 to the length.

How many times does a zero occur on an odometer

I am solving how many times a zero occus on an odometer. I count +1 everytime I see a zero.
10 -> +1
100-> +2 because in 100 I see 2 zero's
10004 -> +3 because I see 3 zero's
So I get,
1 - 100 -> +11
1 - 500 -> +91
1 - 501 -> +92
0 - 4294967295-> +3825876150
I used rubydoctest for it. I am not doing anything with begin_number yet. Can anyone explain how to calculate it without a brute force method?
I did many attempts. They go well for numbers like 10, 1000, 10.000, 100.000.000, but not for numbers like 522, 2280. If I run the rubydoctest, it will fail on # >> algorithm_count_zero(1, 500)
# doctest: algorithm_count_zero(begin_number, end_number)
# >> algorithm_count_zero(1, 10)
# => 1
# >> algorithm_count_zero(1, 1000)
# => 192
# >> algorithm_count_zero(1, 10000000)
# => 5888896
# >> algorithm_count_zero(1, 500)
# => 91
# >> algorithm_count_zero(0, 4294967295)
# => 3825876150
def algorithm_count_zero(begin_number, end_number)
power = Math::log10(end_number) - 1
if end_number < 100
return end_number/10
end_number > 100
count = (9*(power)-1)*10**power+1
answer = ((((count / 9)+power)).floor) + 1
end_number = 20000
begin_number = 10000
puts "Algorithm #{algorithm_count_zero(begin_number, end_number)}"
As noticed in a comment, this is a duplicate to another question, where the solution gives you correct guidelines.
However, if you want to test your own solution for correctness, i'll put in here a one-liner in the parallel array processing language Dyalog APL (which i btw think everyone modelling mathemathics and numbers should use).
Using you'll be able to get a correct answer for any integer value as argument. Tryapl is a web page with a backend that executes simple APL code statements ("one-liners", which are very typical to the APL language and it's extremely compact code).
The APL one-liner is here:
{+/(c×1+d|⍵)+d×(-c←0=⌊(a|⍵)÷d←a×+0.1)+⌊⍵÷a←10*⌽⍳⌈10⍟⍵} 142857
Copy that and paste it into the edit row at, and press enter - you will quickly see an integer, which is the answer to your problem. In the code row above, you can see the argument rightmost; it is 142857 this time but you can change it to any integer.
As you have pasted the one-liner once, and executed it with Enter once, the easiest way to get it back for editing is to press [Up arrow]. This returns the most recently entered statement; then you can edit the number sitting rightmost (after the curly brace) and press Enter again to get the answer for a different argument.
Pasting teh code row above will return 66765 - that many zeroes exist for 142857.
If you paste this 2 characters shorter row below, you will see the individual components of the result - the sum of these components make up the final result. You will be able to see a pattern, which possibly makes it easier to understand what happens.
Try for example
{(c×1+d|⍵)+d×(-c←0=⌊(a|⍵)÷d←a×+0.1)+⌊⍵÷a←10*⌽⍳⌈10⍟⍵} 1428579376
0 100000000 140000000 142000000 142800000 142850000 142857000 142857900 142857930 142857937
... and see how the intermediate results contain segments of the argument 1428579376, starting from left! There are as many intermediate results as there are numbers in the argument (10 this time).
The result for 1428579376 will be 1239080767, ie. the sum of the 10 numbers above. This many zeroes appear in all numbers between 1 and 1428579376 :-).
Consider each odometer position separately. The position x places from the far right changes once every 10^x times. By looking at the numbers to its right, you know how long it will be until it next changes. It will then hold each value for 10^x times before changing, until it reaches the end of the range you are considering, when it will hold its value at that time for some number of times that you can work out given the value at the very end of the range.
Now you have a sequence of the form x...0123456789012...y where you know the length and you know the values of x and y. One way to count the number of 0s (or any other digit) within this sequence is to clip off the prefix from x.. to just before the first 0, and clip off the suffix from just after the last 9 to y. Look for 0s n in this suffix, and measure the length of the long sequence from prefix to suffix. This will be of a length divisible by 10, and will contain each digit the same number of times.
Based on this you should be able to work out, for each position, how often within the range it will assume each of its 10 possible values. By summing up the values for 0 from each of the odometer positions you get the answer you want.

Convert a very large number from decimal string to binary representation? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I have a very big number, on the order of a thousand decimal digits, and I have to convert this to its binary representation. The numbers are stored as strings.
Since few languages have a basic data type to handle numbers this big, I see no easy way to turn this into an integral value for which I could convert it.
Could someone please help me out here? What would be a viable approach for doing this?
If this is a genuine problem, there are plenty of BigNum libraries out there to assist, such as the MPIR library.
If it's something where you can't use a third-party library, it's still relatively easy. You don't actually need a complex BigNum library for this, you only need one operation: divide by two.
Here's how you do it. Start with an empty stack of binary digits. Then loop until the number is "0" (yes, that's still a string). If the last digit of the number is odd, push 1 on to the stack, otherwise push 0. Then divide the number by two and restart the loop.
Once the loop is finished (number is "0"), pop the digits off the stack one at a time and print them. There you go.
Oh, yeah, the divide-by-two, that is a rather important piece of the puzzle :-)
Let's start with "12345". Here's the process you follow, in pseudo-code.
Set next_additive to 0.
For every digit in number (starting at the left):
Set additive to next_additive.
If the digit is odd, set next_additive to 5, else set it to 0.
Divide the digit by two (truncating) then add additive.
Remove leading zero if necessary (if it starts with 0 but is not just 0).
This can be done by processing the actual string one character at a time.
Starting with 1 (from 12345), additive is 0, number is odd, so next_additive is 5. Divide 1 by 2 and add additive of 0, you get 0: 02345.
Next digit 2, additive is 5, number is even, so next_additive is 0. Divide 2 by 2 and add additive of 5, you get 6: 06345.
Next digit 3, additive is 0, number is odd, so next_additive is 5. Divide 3 by 2 and add additive of 0, you get 1: 06145.
Next digit 4, additive is 5, number is even, so next_additive is 0. Divide 4 by 2 and add additive of 5, you get 7: 06175.
Next digit 5, additive is 0, number is odd, so next_additive is 5. Divide 5 by 2 and add additive of 0, you get 2: 06172.
Strip off leading zeros: 6172. Ignore the next additive since you're truncating the result.
And there you have it: 12345 / 2 = 6172.
By way of example, here's a Python approach to implementing this algorithm as follows. First the support routine for checking if a string-number is odd (keep in mind this isn't meant to be Pythonic code, it's just to show how it could be done - there's almost certainly better ways to do this in Python but that won't necessarily map well to another language):
def oddsToOne(s):
if s.endswith('1'): return 1
if s.endswith('3'): return 1
if s.endswith('5'): return 1
if s.endswith('7'): return 1
if s.endswith('9'): return 1
return 0
Then another support routine for dividing a string-number by two:
def divByTwo(s):
new_s = ''
add = 0
for ch in s:
new_dgt = (ord(ch) - ord('0')) // 2 + add
new_s = '%s%d' % (new_s, new_dgt)
add = oddsToOne(ch) * 5
if new_s != '0' and new_s.startswith('0'):
new_s = new_s[1:]
return new_s
And, finally, some actual code to make a binary string from the decimal string:
num = '12345'
if num == '0':
stack = '0'
stack = ''
while num != '0':
stack = '%d%s'%(oddsToOne(num), stack)
num = divByTwo (num)
Note that if you wanted to actually use this to populate real bits (rather than make a string of bits), it's a simple matter to change what happens in the if and else clauses.
As stated, it's probably not the most efficient or beautiful Python code you could come up with but it's simply meant to show the process, not be some well-engineered production-ready piece of code. The output is (with some added stuff below to show what's going on):
|| ||| |
|| ||| +- 1
|| ||+---- 8
|| |+----- 16
|| +------ 32
|+------------- 4096
+-------------- 8192
Because this works on the string representation of the numbers, there is no arbitrary numeric limit such as the size of a 64-bit integer. Some example values are (slightly reformatted into 32-digit chunks for readability):
=> 11010001001001001101100000011011
=> 10010010010011010110100100101100
