IntelliJ IDEA: Open build tool window - maven

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3 and Maven for building my project. I've set "Delegate IDE build/run actions to Maven".
Is it possible to automatically open a Build tool window when I build the project or a module?
Something like "open run/debug tool window when started" option on application run configurations.

I went with the solution floating-cat provided:
I think the IDEA doesn't have this feature. But you could try to record a macro which shows the Build tool window first and build this project.


How do I create a project in Visual Studio not meant to compile?

I've got a Visual Studio 2010 solution that I would like to add a project to that only contains some command-line scripts. This project isn't meant to actually compile/build anything, but I want to be able to edit my scripts with the rest of the solution, and have TFS integration etc.
Unfortunately, in searching I get a lot of results for errors where builds don't happen, or other conditions where specific build targets are implemented. I simply want a non-build project in VS as a visual repository for the editor. I don't want to one-by-one include individual files in a solution folder.
In the build configuration manager (On the Menu, "Build", "Configuration Manager"), there is a "build" checkbox for each project. Uncheck it for your script project.
Could you make a content project, add your scripts to it, then change their properties to "Do not compile"?

Open an editor in debug in Eclipse RCP application

I'm developing an Eclipse application that allows to develop PDE modules. Note that this application has an own workspace.
I have the following question for you:
Is possible to open a GraphicalEditor in debug mode, using all plugins projects that are in the application workspace?
If yes, how can i do it?
thanks in advance
You cannot use an instance of Eclipse debug the same instance...
But you can run a new instance of Eclipse with you extra plug-ins and debug that. Simply, select the plug-ins in question, right-click, "Debug As..." -> "Eclipse Application". You can adjust the used plug-ins and/or features later for a faster start-up...

Build a project in release mode without changing build mode?

I have a solution with a lot of project, Default build configuration manager is Debug.
Some times i need build only one project in release mode, So it force me to change solution build mode to release that consume long time to change it and after build to switch back to debug mode.
Question is any way to achieve this purpose quickly without doing this above stages?
Look into the batch build menu. You can select a particular project and have only that one build.
Use the command line.
Use msbuild passing in the project file and set the configuration property to release.
In a Visual Studio Command Prompt window:
msbuild /property:Configuration=Release <path to project>

In Visual Studio change my main project from Console to Window when I switch from Debug to Release

anyone knows how to do this automatically/programmatically? I mean, when I switch my solution from Debug to Release, I want my main project to change from Console to Window automatically.
I thought to use vb script, but I want to know if anyone has a better solution before.
Console/Windowed subsystem is a per-project per-configuration setting. You can change it separately for Debug & Release configurations via project properties dialog - so you can just setup your Debug/Release configurations once (the settings are stored in the project files).

Why F5 does not start a unit test in VS2008?

I have a solution with several projects and all of them are unit test projects. While I can start some tests selecting the project as the startup project and pressing F5 there are other projects that when selected as startup and pressed F5 says that a project with an ouput type of class library can not started.
I've compared the projects and all looks the same with the same project properties. Any hint about this?
Thanks in advance mates.
Check the properties of your projects that start when you press F5. I'm guessing that some of your projects have have a start action specified in the debug tab (specifically Start external program) that runs something like the NUnit test runner and passes your class library to it.
The problem was that the project was created to be tested with NUnit and thus was created as a "New class library" instead of a "New test project". This must be writing something at the project file that specifies how to behave when pressing F5.
