Maven running Groovy integration tests using Spock testcontainers - spring

I need to introduce integration tests into a Maven build for a Spring REST application. These test classes are written in Groovy and extends an abstract base class what is based on spock.lang.Specification.
The base class looks like this:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
abstract class Base extends Specification {
and a test class like this:
class SomeTestIT extends Base {
private int localManagementPort
private RequestSpecification reqSpec
def setup() {
reqSpec = new RequestSpecBuilder()
The test are failing with the error IllegalArgumentException: Port must be greater than 0,
exception thrown by io.restassured.internal.RequestSpecificationImpl. The annotated field is evaluated with zero. This annotation relies on the value of the property.
I tried to set it as system property or as Spring Boot configuration property.
How can I achieve to have a non-zero port value for it?
Version for the used components:
Apache Maven 3.8.7
Java version: 17.0.6, vendor: Eclipse Adoptium
Groovy 3.0.13
gmavenplus-plugin: 2.1.0
springframework.boot:spring boot-test: 2.7.7
spockframework:spock-core: 2.3.groovy-4.0

If you don't plan to set the port yourself via server.port=<portnumber>, then just use RANDOM_PORT instead of DEFINED_PORT.
So change the line
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)


How to inject values from application.yaml to Junit 5 Test case

I am using Junit5 to write unit test cases in java. I have few values that I have added in application.yaml but I am not able to retrieve them in my test file eg. ownerMasterList value is coming as null but it is present in application.yaml
public class OwnerServiceTest {
private ownerMasterList;
void findAllOwners(){
---test detail
Using ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer alone does not provide support for #Value("${…​}") injection. Its only job is to ensure that files are loaded into Spring’s Environment. For #Value support, you need to either additionally configure a PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer or use #SpringBootTest, which auto-configures one for you.
From doc
#ContextConfiguration(initializers = ConfigFileApplicationContextInitializer.class)
public class OwnerServiceTest {...}
Please try providing property source
By reading your code, it seems that you are using JUnit5 (#ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class)).
The correct extension to use to trigger the launch of a Spring application context is (#ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class)). If you are using Spring Boot, you can use the #SpringBootTest annotation which is itself annotated with #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class).
One point to note though: you should not wire an application context when unit testing your code. You should rather test your class in isolation and inject the needed property (here ownerMasterList) through the constructor (see #BeforeEach JUnit 5 annotation):
class OwnerServiceTest {
private OwnerService ownerService;
void setUp() {
this.ownerService = new OwnerService(new ArrayList<>(...));

How Do I Manually Wire A Spring Boot Integration Test?

Normally, I would test the web layer in a Spring project like this:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class SpringBootDemoApplicationTests extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {
int randomServerPort;
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
However, I currently have a difficult back end that requires a specific #TestConfiguration class to manually instantiate the test dependencies using beans.
This ultimately means that I can't use the #SpringBootTest annotation as it will try to create conflicting beans and fail to instantiate others.
If I am not using the #SpringBootTest annotation, I can manually create the TestRestTemplate instead of autowiring it, but what do I need to do to start the embedded local server on a random port?
I would still continue using #SpringBootTest, and combine that with using #Profile on your configuration classes.
That way you could have a configuration which is only used during tests, by using #ActiveProfiles on your #SpringBootTest classes. In the same way you can turn other config classes on or off depending on whether you want them to load or not.
For example on your test would have the following
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class SpringBootDemoApplicationTests extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {
Then create a configuration class which will instantiate your components the way you want them in test
public void TestConfiguration {
And you can use profiles to stop your other configuration class from loading during tests.
public void ProdConfiguration {

How to test repository with junit5 and testcontainers?

I have a sample project in which I experiment with different technologies.
I have the following setup:
Spring Boot 2.3.4.RELEASE
Flyway 7.0.1
Testcontainers 1.15.0-rc2
Junit 5.7.0
How can I test the Repository layer with testcontainer-junit5?
Example of code I have now for
public class CompanyRepositoryTest {
private CompanyRepository companyRepository;
public MySQLContainer mysqlContainer = new MySQLContainer()
public void whenFindByIdExecuted_thenNullReturned()
throws Exception {
assertEquals(companyRepository.findById(1L), Optional.ofNullable(null));
public void whenFindAllExecuted_thenEmptyListReturned() {
assertEquals(companyRepository.findAll(), new ArrayList<>());
When I add #SpringBootTest, I need to set up all the context and have some Application load context issues?
The question is, can anyone demystify what #TestContainers annotation does? What is the best practice or correct to use it while testing the Repository?
The JUnit 5 extension provided by the #Testcontainers annotation scans for any containers declared with the #Container annotation, and then starts and stops the those containers for your tests. Containers as static fields will be shared with all tests, and containers as instance fields will be started and stopped for every test.
If you are using Spring Boot, the easiest way to setup testcontainers for your tests is probably to provide properties in application-test.yml. This will use the datasource JDBC URL to launch the testcontainers container. Refer to Testcontainers JDBC support for more information.
You can also test just the repository layer by using #DataJpaTest instead of #SpringBootTest:
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
class CompanyRepositoryTest { }
Your application-test.yml file:
url: jdbc:tc:mysql:8.0://hostname/databasename
driver-class-name: org.testcontainers.jdbc.ContainerDatabaseDriver
In some cases you might also want to use the #TestPropertySource annotation instead:
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
properties = {
"spring.datasource.url = jdbc:tc:mysql:8.0://hostname/test-database",
"spring.datasource.driver-class-name = org.testcontainers.jdbc.ContainerDatabaseDriver"
class CompanyRepositoryTest { }
Please note that the hostname and test-database are not actually used anywhere.
You said
When I add #SpringBootTest, I need to set up all the context and have
some Application load context issues?
If you'd like to try an alternative and Testcontainer is not mandatory you can do it differently.
You do not need to load everyting when using SpringBootTest annotation, you can specify which classes are needed such as
#SpringBootTest(classes = { TheService.class })
or use #Import annotation
and mock others such as
MyService service;
For database connection you can use annotation such as
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
EDIT: I feel like this should be an comment but I wanted to address the SpringBootTest part of the question with proper formatting
Here is an example, how I configured Liquibase (a similar framework to Flyway) with MySql inside Spring:
#TestPropertySource(properties = {"spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=validate"})
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
#ContextConfiguration(initializers = { MySqlLiquibaseBaseIT.Initializer.class })
public class MySqlLiquibaseBaseIT {
public static MySQLContainer<?> mysql = new MySQLContainer<>(
static class Initializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext configurableApplicationContext) {
"spring.datasource.url=" + mysql.getJdbcUrl(),
"spring.datasource.username=" + mysql.getUsername(),
"spring.datasource.password=" + mysql.getPassword(),
"spring.datasource.driver-class-name=" + mysql.getDriverClassName())
public SpringLiquibase springLiquibase(DataSource dataSource) {
SpringLiquibase liquibase = new SpringLiquibase();
return liquibase;
As per docs:
The test containers extension finds all fields that are annotated with
Container and calls their container lifecycle methods. Containers
declared as static fields will be shared between test methods. They
will be started only once before any test method is executed and
stopped after the last test method has executed. Containers declared
as instance fields will be started and stopped for every test method.
So in your case it will recreate a container for every test method, it's only responsible for starting and stopping the container. If you need some test data - that has to be done manually, as I see you have Flyway, that should do.
What "context issues" are you talking about?
Repositories are usually not tested separately, you can just test services which run repository methods instead of writing tests for both. If you want to test repos anyway - fill the database with some data in #Before.
If you have more questions please ask.

Is it possible to activate a spring profile in a WebMvcTest

Given a test class like:
#SpringBootTest(properties = "")
public class MyControllerTest {
... some tests
I get the error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Configuration error: found multiple declarations of #BootstrapWith for test class [com.example.MyControllerTest]: [#org.springframework.test.context.BootstrapWith(value=class org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebMvcTestContextBootstrapper), #org.springframework.test.context.BootstrapWith(value=class org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTestContextBootstrapper)]
The desired goal is that I'm just running a controller test and thus for test performance reasons do not want to set up the whole context - I just want the "web layer".
I can remove the #SpringBootTest(properties = "") line - however, now I've not activated the test profile, which may customise the web context in some way via properties, e.g. jackson customisations that will no longer be applied. Is there a way to get a "web layer" only test and still activate a spring profile?
My environment is java version "10.0.2" 2018-07-17, spring boot 1.5.16.RELEASE
To set active profile, you can use #ActiveProfiles, like this
public class MyControllerTest {
then you can you application-test yml or properties in test resources.
Additionally, if you are getting active profile in programmatic way like this:
String environment = System.getProperty("");
Then you can set this property in the static block in your test class:
public class MyControllerTest {
static {
System.setProperty("", "foo");

Spring boot cucumber testing

I try to perform some Cucumber tests of a Spring boot application.
It seems like Spring Boot is not started before tests are running.
What am i missing?
My Cucumber repo still runs without doing all the above steps:
Docs :
To add more:
#SpringBootTest takes care of loading the application context in that case #ContextConfiguration is reductant.
Spring test automatically provides a bean of TestRestTemplate which can be autowired but still it should work with RestTemplate also.
It still runs without RANDOM_PORT but RANDOM port can be also used in conjunction for testing.
Let's say you have a feature file, feature1, and glueCode in
plugin = {"pretty"},
features = "src/test/java/resources/feature/feature1",
glue = {""})
public class CucumberTest {
#SpringBootTest(classes = {Application.class},
webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class FeatureTest extends CucumberTest {
int randomServerPort;
public void test_1 {
I found the problem and has updated the repo.
I did the following to get it working:
Added RANDOM_PORT to #SpringBootTest
Added #ContextConfiguration
Switched from RestTemplate to TestRestTemplate
