Error on filtering on data for R Shiny app - filter

I am trying to crate a Shiny app for price forecasting. price curve categorized based on 3 filed: 1- curve name, 2- peak type and 3- delivery.
I have a question in Server function for my app, I have following code and ui section is working fine but I think server function filtering on data has some problem, I really apricate if anyone can help me on this.
Data sets"
date curve_code curve peak_code delivery period peak price
1 0001-10-20 3 ICE NYISO A Monthly Futures 0 2024-05 17 OFF_PEAK 19.05
2 0001-10-20 4 ICE NYISO C Monthly Futures 1 2024-02 14 PEAK 66.90
3 0001-10-20 3 ICE NYISO A Monthly Futures 0 2023-05 5 OFF_PEAK 19.85
4 0001-10-20 3 ICE NYISO A Monthly Futures 1 2023-03 3 PEAK 35.30
5 0001-10-20 3 ICE NYISO A Monthly Futures 0 2023-08 8 OFF_PEAK 39.20
6 0001-10-20 4 ICE NYISO C Monthly Futures 0 2023-11 11 OFF_PEAK 24.30
7 0001-10-20 5 ICE NYISO F Monthly Futures 0 2023-03 3 OFF_PEAK 72.25
8 0001-10-20 3 ICE NYISO A Monthly Futures 1 2023-07 7 PEAK 56.45
9 0001-10-20 6 ICE NYISO G Monthly Futures 1 2024-07 19 PEAK 69.75
10 0001-10-20 5 ICE NYISO F Monthly Futures 0 2023-07 7 OFF_PEAK 53.25
and here is my code
## app.R ##
ui <- dashboardPage(
header <- dashboardHeader(title = " Price Forecasting"),
## Sidebar content
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
menuItem("price forecasting", tabName = "dashboard1", icon = icon("chart-bar")),
menuItem(" Log-Return forecasting", tabName = "dashboard2", icon = icon("chart-bar")),
menuItem("Choose Curve Name", tabName = "controller", icon = icon("th"))
## Body content
body <- dashboardBody(
# First Tab Content
tabItem(tabName = "dashboard1",
box(title = "Forecast Auto-Arima Method", status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, collapsible = T, plotOutput("plot1", height = 400),
box(title = "Timeseries Decomposition", status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, collapsible = T, plotOutput("plot2", height = 400),
# Second Tab Content
tabItem(tabName = "dashboard2",
box(title = "Log-return Forecast Auto-Arima Method", status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, collapsible = TRUE, plotOutput("plot4", height = 400),
box(title = "Log-return Timeseries Decomposition", status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, collapsible = TRUE, plotOutput("plot5", height = 400),
# Third tab content
tabItem(tabName = "controller",
box(title = "Curve_name", status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, collapsible = TRUE,
selectInput("reg",label = "Choose Curve name",
choices = list('ICE NYISO A Monthly Futures'=1,
'ICE NYISO C Monthly Futures'=2,
'ICE NYISO F Monthly Futures'=3,
'ICE NYISO G Monthly Futures'=4),
selected = "ICE NYISO A Monthly Futures")
box(title = "Peak_type", status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, collapsible = TRUE,
selectInput("reg",label = "Choose Peak Type",
choices = list("PEAK"=1,
selected = "PEAK")
box(title = "Delivery", status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, collapsible = TRUE,
selectInput("reg",label = "Choose Delivery Period",
choices = list("2023-01"=1,"2023-02"=2,"2023-03"=3, "2023-04"=4,"2023-05"=5, "2023-06"=6,
"2023-07"=7,"2023-08"=8, "2023-09"=9,"2023-10"=10,"2023-11"=11, "2023-12"=12,
selected = "2024-02")
#Integrate Dashboard
#Our Server to get IO from User
data=read.csv("ICE data.csv", h=T)
#data=dplyr::filter(data,peak_type==c("PEAK" ,"OFF_PEAK"))
data <- data[order(data$last_updated_date,decreasing=F),]
data=data.frame(date=as.Date(data$last_updated_date, origin = "1900-01-01"),
curve=data$ICE.Curve.Name, delivery=data$delivery, period=data$period, peak=data$peak_type, price=data$ICE.price)
server <- function(input, output) {
# server logic based on user input
observeEvent(c(input$Curve_name,input$Peak_type,input$Delivery), {
data <- data %>%
filter(curve %in% input$Curve_name)
if (input$Delivery == 1) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2023-01") }
if (input$Delivery == 2) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2023-02") }
if (input$Delivery == 3) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2023-03") }
if (input$Delivery == 4) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2023-04") }
if (input$Delivery == 5) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2023-05") }
if (input$Delivery == 6) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2023-06") }
if (input$Delivery == 7) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2023-07") }
if (input$Delivery == 8) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2023-08") }
if (input$Delivery == 9) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2023-09") }
if (input$Delivery == 10) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2023-10") }
if (input$Delivery == 11) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2023-11") }
if (input$Delivery == 12) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2023-12") }
if (input$Delivery == 13) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2024-01") }
if (input$Delivery == 14) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2024-02") }
if (input$Delivery == 15) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2024-03") }
if (input$Delivery == 16) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2024-04") }
if (input$Delivery == 17) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2024-05") }
if (input$Delivery == 18) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2024-06") }
if (input$Delivery == 19) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2024-07") }
if (input$Delivery == 20) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2024-08") }
if (input$Delivery == 21) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2024-09") }
if (input$Delivery == 22) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2024-10") }
if (input$Delivery == 23) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2024-11") }
if (input$Delivery == 24) {
data <- data %>%
filter(delivery=="2024-12") }
if (input$Peak_type == 1) {
data <- data %>%
filter(peak=="PEAK") }
if (input$Peak_type == 2) {
data <- data %>%
filter(peak=="OFF_PEAK") }
m1 <- auto.arima(data$price)
f1 <- forecast(m1, h = 30)
detail1 <- accuracy(f1)
m2 <- auto.arima(data$price)
f2 <- forecast(m2, h = 20)
detail2 <- accuracy(f2)
m3 <- auto.arima(diff(log(data$price), lag=1))
f3 <- forecast(m3, h = 30)
detail3 <- accuracy(f3)
m4 <- auto.arima(diff(log(data$price), lag=1))
f4 <- forecast(m4, h = 20)
detail4 <- accuracy(f4)
output$detail1 <- renderText({ detail1[,"MAPE"] })
output$detail2 <- renderText({ detail2[,"MAPE"] })
output$detail3 <- renderText({ detail3[,"MAPE"] })
output$detail4 <- renderText({ detail4[,"MAPE"] })
# Create plot
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
output$plot3 <- renderPlot({
output$plot4 <- renderPlot({
shinyApp(ui, server)
I am expecting to have plot for ARIMA forecasting for each curve, delivery and peak type

Don't nest all of your output$.. <- calls within an observeEvent: they are defined once, at which point none of them react to changing data.
input$Delivery is never defined, that should be input$reg (the box title does nothing for input$-based variables).
I suggest a mydata <- reactive(..) model that works on filtering the data based on inputs, and then model/forecast/plot that.
We can do some significant reduction of code, all 24 of the if (input$Delivery == 21) {...} can be simplified into 1 expression. Change your box(title="Delivery" to:
box(title = "Delivery", status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE, collapsible = TRUE,
selectInput("reg",label = "Choose Delivery Period",
choices =
c("2023-01", "2023-02", "2023-03", "2023-04", "2023-05", "2023-06",
"2023-07", "2023-08", "2023-09", "2023-10", "2023-11", "2023-12",
"2024-01", "2024-02", "2024-03", "2024-04", "2024-05", "2024-06",
"2024-07", "2024-08", "2024-09", "2024-10", "2024-11", "2024-12"),
selected = "2024-02")
Similarly, change the Peak type choices to choices = c("PEAK", "OFF_PEAK"). Note that if the choices= vector/list is named, then it shows the names and returns the value; if it is not named, it shows and returns the values.
Try this (untested):
server <- function(input, output) {
# data <- read.csv(...)
mydata <- eventReactive(input$reg, {
data %>%
filter(delivery == input$reg, peak = input$Peak_type)
mdl1 <- eventReactive(mydata(), {
mdl <- auto.arima(mydata()$price)
fcst <- forecast(mdl, h = 30)
detail <- accuracy(fcst)
list(mdl = mdl, fcst = fcst, detail = detail)
mdl2 <- eventReactive(mydata(), {
mdl <- auto.arima(mydata()$price)
fcst <- forecast(mdl, h = 20)
detail <- accuracy(fcst)
list(mdl = mdl, fcst = fcst, detail = detail)
mdl3 <- eventReactive(mydata(), {
mdl <- auto.arima(diff(log(mydata()$price), lag = 1))
fcst <- forecast(mdl, h = 30)
detail <- accuracy(fcst)
list(mdl = mdl, fcst = fcst, detail = detail)
mdl4 <- eventReactive(mydata(), {
mdl <- auto.arima(diff(log(mydata()$price), lag = 1))
fcst <- forecast(mdl, h = 20)
detail <- accuracy(fcst)
list(mdl = mdl, fcst = fcst, detail = detail)
output$detail1 <- renderText({ req(mdl1()); mdl1()$detail[,"MAPE"] })
output$detail2 <- renderText({ req(mdl2()); mdl2()$detail[,"MAPE"] })
output$detail3 <- renderText({ req(mdl3()); mdl3()$detail[,"MAPE"] })
output$detail4 <- renderText({ req(mdl4()); mdl4()$detail[,"MAPE"] })
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({ req(mdl1()); plot(mdl1()$fcst); })
output$plot2 <- renderPlot({ req(mdl2()); plot(mdl2()$fcst); })
output$plot3 <- renderPlot({ req(mdl3()); plot(mdl3()$fcst); })
output$plot4 <- renderPlot({ req(mdl4()); plot(mdl4()$fcst); })


No output from for loop eventReactive: Shiny

Awesome people out there! Need a quick help on Shiny eventReactive().
I have two data frames (df1, df2), which are outputs of previous calculations in my Shiny app. I need to run a for loop on these two data frames in my Shiny app with eventReactive(). When I click/trigger the actionButton("simulate") from my UI. I need to run the below for loop and create a data table in Shiny app. The problem I have is I do not see anything happen on UI, UI is blank (while I expect to see a datatable) and there is no error message to debug.
The for loop runs fine in console but not in the Shiny App. I tried lapply but that did not work as well. It was also an empty screen without any output.
Any help is much Appreciated!
For loop in console, this runs fine
df1 <- data.frame(Year = rep(c(2018:2020), each = 12),
Treatment = rep(c("AA", "BB", "CC"), each = 4, times = 3),
Source = rep(c("Ran", "Ban", "Dam", "Sam"), times = 9),
Value = sample(36))
df2 <- data.frame(Year = rep(c(2018:2020), each = 3),
Treatment = rep(c("AA", "BB", "CC"), times = 3),
Value2 = sample(9))
tnames <- unique(df1$Treatment)
simdata <- data.frame()
for(i in 1:length(tnames)){
vcmp <- df1 %>% filter(Treatment == tnames[i]) %>%
group_by(Source) %>%
summarise(median = median(Value)) %>%
mutate(Trait = tnames[i])
preSD <- df2 %>% filter(Treatment == tnames[i]) %>%
summarize(Value2 = median(Value2))
simuS <- tibble(nLo = rep(5:15, times = 3),
nRe = rep(1:3, each = 11),
nPlo = nLo * nRe,
Vg = vcmp[[3,2]],
Ve = vcmp[[4,2]],
ycept = preSD[[1,1]],
sm = sqrt(Vg / nLo + Ve / nPlo),
sd = sqrt(2 * (Vg / nLo + Ve / nPlo)),
ld = 2 * sd,
Rp = factor(nRe),
Treatment = tnames[i])
simdata <- rbind(simdata, simuS)
MRE, Shiny implementation, I kind of solved half, I can see the output now but it only generates one iteration. not the entire for loop
ui <- fluidPage(
sidebarPanel(width = 2,
selectInput("Parameter", "Select Parameter","", ""),
actionButton("generate", "Generate Data"),
actionButton("simulate", "Simulate Data")),
mainPanel(width = 7,
server <- function(input, output, session){
table1 <- eventReactive(input$generate,{
df1 <- data.frame(Year = rep(c(2018:2020), each = 12),
Treatment = rep(c("AA", "BB", "CC"), each = 4, times = 3),
Source = rep(c("Ran", "Ban", "Dam", "Sam"), times = 9),
Value = sample(36))
table2 <- eventReactive(input$generate, {
df2 <- data.frame(Year = rep(c(2018:2020), each = 3),
Treatment = rep(c("AA", "BB", "CC"), times = 3),
Value2 = sample(9))
simudata <- eventReactive(input$simulate,{
tnames <- unique(table1()$Treatment)
simudata <- tibble()
for(i in 1:length(tnames)){
vcmp <- table1() %>%
filter(Treatment == tnames[i]) %>%
group_by(Source) %>%
summarise(median = median(Value)) %>%
mutate(Trait = tnames[i])
preSD <- table2() %>%
filter(Treatment == tnames[i]) %>%
summarize(Value2 = median(Value2))
new_Row <- tibble(nLo = rep(5:15, times = 3),
nRe = rep(1:3, each = 11),
nPlo = nLo * nRe,
Vg = vcmp[[3,2]],
Ve = vcmp[[4,2]],
ycept = preSD[[1,1]],
sm = sqrt(Vg / nLo + Ve / nPlo),
sd = sqrt(2 * (Vg / nLo + Ve / nPlo)),
ld = 2 * sd,
Rp = factor(nRe),
Treatment = tnames[i])
simudata <- rbind(simudata, new_Row)
output$table1 <- DT::renderDataTable(table1(), options = list(paging = t, pageLength = 5))
output$table2 <- DT::renderDataTable(table2(), options = list(paging = t, pageLength = 5))
output$table3 <- DT::renderDataTable(simudata(), options = list(paging = t, pageLength = 5))
shinyApp(ui, server)
You can address your issue by using local() as shown below.
simudata <- eventReactive(input$simulate,{
tnames <- unique(table1()$Treatment)
simudata <- tibble()
for(i in 1:length(tnames)){
i <- i
vcmp <- table1() %>%
dplyr::filter(Treatment == tnames[i]) %>%
group_by(Source) %>%
dplyr::summarise(median = median(Value)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Trait = tnames[i])
preSD <- table2() %>%
dplyr::filter(Treatment == tnames[i]) %>%
dplyr::summarize(Value2 = median(Value2))
new_Row <- tibble(nLo = rep(5:15, times = 3),
nRe = rep(1:3, each = 11),
nPlo = nLo * nRe,
Vg = vcmp[[3,2]],
Ve = vcmp[[4,2]],
ycept = preSD[[1,1]],
sm = sqrt(Vg / nLo + Ve / nPlo),
sd = sqrt(2 * (Vg / nLo + Ve / nPlo)),
ld = 2 * sd,
Rp = factor(nRe),
Treatment = tnames[i])
simudata <<- rbind(simudata, new_Row)

Double for loop to check dynamic number of plots in shiny app

I find myself faced with a problem:
I already have my shiny application (server part) like this :
data <- my_function() %>%
filter(col1 == "X1")
h <- sort(unique(data$year))
nb <- length(h)
lst <- as.list(h)
output$plot_name <- renderUI({
plot_output <- lapply(1:nb,
function(n1) {
plotname <- paste0("plots", n1)
}), plot_output)
my_data <- list()
i <- 0
for (i in 1:length(lst)) {
my_i <- i
plotname <- paste0("plots", my_i)
my_data[[my_i]] <- data %>%
filter(year == lst[[my_i]])
output[[plotname]] <- renderPlot({
g <- ggplot(..........)
that allows me to output, for each year, graphs for a given X.
However I would like to remove the filter and have for each year of each X a graph, knowing that I do not have the same number of years for all X (X1: 2000, X2: 2000 and 2001, X3 : 2001 etc.....).
Since I would like to determine dynamically the number of graphs.
If you have any clues, it will be very useful.
Thanks in advance.
We can create all the plots inside a data frame and then count how many of them are they in order to create the corresponding outputs.
df <-
read_table("col1 col2 year pts
X1 1 2000 24
X1 2 2001 36
X2 1 2000 48
X1 0 2000 24
X3 1 2000 72
X2 1 2000 24
X2 2 2002 48
X3 2 2001 24")
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
my_function <- reactive({
observeEvent(my_function, {
data <- my_function()
# Create the plots --------------------------------------------------------
plots_df <-
data %>%
group_by(col1, year) %>%
summarise(plot = list(
ggplot(cur_data_all() ,aes(x = pts, y = col2)) +
geom_point() +
ggtitle(paste('col:', col1 ,'year:', year))
# plots UI ----------------------------------------------------------------
nb <- length(plots_df$plot)
plotname <- paste0("plots", 1:nb) # save the names for renderPlot functions
output$plot_name <- renderUI({
plot_output <- lapply(
function(n1) {
), plot_output)
# renderPlot funcitons ----------------------------------------------------
walk2(plotname, plots_df$plot, ~ {
output[[.x]] <<- renderPlot({
shinyApp(ui, server)

Queries run in R Markdown much slower than queries run in R Console?

I'm creating a report in R that estimates and plots the level of transmission of COVID19, and am finding that it runs MUCH more slowly in R Markdown than it does in the Console. I am using RStudio for Mac v1.3.1093, and R v4.0.3.
This chart, which uses a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methodology to estimate infections and the level of spread, first obtains data showing new cases by day in the American state of Oklahoma. This is very quick in both the Console and R Markdown. The next part is the MCMC modelling, which is where the delays are coming.
I ran it this morning and it took 2.5 hours in R Markdown, compared to 30 minutes when running the query as an R Script in the Console.
I can't work out why it's SO much slower in the R Markdown version. This becomes more important because, if I run the query at a county level (say, for 10 counties), then it models this 10 times, and would therefore take 10 times longer.
As a shortcut, I can simply run 2 queries, with the output of the modelling query being added into a bigger R Markdown query (e.g., by saving/reading in an RDS file). However, I just can't understand why this is happening and so wanted to better understand before I took that route.
Below is code for the R Console version:
# Paths for output files (used as reference for Daily Dashboard and other reports)
# ok_rt_output <- '/Users/tony/Dropbox/Chickasaw R Queries/ok_rt_output.rds'
# cn_rt_output <- '/Users/tony/Dropbox/Chickasaw R Queries/cn_rt_output.rds'
# cn_counties_rt_output <- '/Users/tony/Dropbox/Chickasaw R Queries/cn_counties_output'
# Define defaults for generation time, incubation period and reporting delay for COVID19.
generation_time <- get_generation_time(disease = "SARS-CoV-2", source = "ganyani")
incubation_period <- get_incubation_period(disease = "SARS-CoV-2", source = "lauer")
#set number of cores to use
options(mc.cores = ifelse(interactive(), 4, 1))
# construct example distributions
generation_time <- get_generation_time(disease = "SARS-CoV-2", source = "ganyani")
incubation_period <- get_incubation_period(disease = "SARS-CoV-2", source = "lauer")
# Reporting Delay
reporting_delay <- list(mean = convert_to_logmean(3, 1),
mean_sd = 0.1,
sd = convert_to_logsd(3, 1),
sd_sd = 0.1,
max = 10)
# Obtain data from JHU Repository
jhu_county_COVID_confirmed <- read_csv("", na="")
# Put dates into a single column
jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data <- jhu_county_COVID_confirmed %>% select(c(-UID, -iso2, -iso3, -code3, -FIPS, -Lat, -Long_, -Combined_Key, -Country_Region, County=Admin2))
jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data <- jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data %>% pivot_longer(c(-County, -Province_State), names_to = "Date", values_to = "Cases")
jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data$Date <- strptime(trimws(jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data$Date), format='%m/%d/%y')
jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data$Date <- as.Date(jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data$Date)
# Limit to Oklahoma
ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed <- jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data %>% filter(Province_State=='Oklahoma')
ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed <- ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed %>% rename(county=County, state=Province_State, date=Date, cases_total=Cases)
ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed <- ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed %>% select(state, county, date, cases_total)
# Add in VERY latest OK data from OK DoH.
# Download latest day of *Oklahoma* COVID data. Defines fields as needed.
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard <- read_csv("", na="")
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$ReportDate <- as.Date(ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$ReportDate)
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County <- as.factor((ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County))
# Adjust format from state data (counties are in all caps at first; so make them lower case and then adjust the "Mc" counties)
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard <- mutate(ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard, County = toTitleCase(tolower(`County`)))
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County[ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County == "Mccurtain"] <- "McCurtain"
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County[ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County == "Mcclain"] <- "McClain"
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County[ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County == "Mcintosh"] <- "McIntosh"
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard <- ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard %>% rename(`Date`=`ReportDate`)
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard <- ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard %>% rename(`Recoveries`=`Recovered`)
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$Province_State <- "Oklahoma"
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard <- ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard[,c("County", "Province_State", "Date", "Cases", "Deaths")]
ok_latest_day_for_daily_dashboard <- ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard %>% group_by(Province_State, County, Date) %>% summarise(OK_Cases=sum(Cases))
ok_latest_day_for_daily_dashboard <- ok_latest_day_for_daily_dashboard %>% rename(cases_total=OK_Cases, date=Date, county=County, state=Province_State)
# Append latest data file for Oklahoma to existing COVID (after first testing it is in fact new)
if(min(ok_latest_day_for_daily_dashboard$date) > max(ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed$date)) {ok_cases_by_day <- rbind(ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed, ok_latest_day_for_daily_dashboard) }
if(min(ok_latest_day_for_daily_dashboard$date) <= max(ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed$date)) {ok_cases_by_day <- ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed}
# Oklahoma Cases by Day
ok_cases_by_day <- ok_cases_by_day %>% arrange(state, county, date)
# New Cases in Oklahoma for Rt calculation
ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt <- ok_cases_by_day %>% group_by(date) %>% summarise(OK_Cases = sum(cases_total, na.rm = TRUE))
ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt <- ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt %>% mutate(OK_New_Cases=OK_Cases - lag(OK_Cases,1))
ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt <- ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt %>% select(-OK_Cases) %>% rename(confirm=OK_New_Cases)
# Limit cases to dates from 1 April
ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt <- ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt %>% filter(date >= '2020-04-01')
# estimate Rt and nowcast/forecast cases by date of infection for Oklahoma
out_ok <- epinow(reported_cases = ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt, generation_time = generation_time,
rt = rt_opts(prior = list(mean = 1, sd = 0.2)), # replace earlier mean of 2 and sd of 0.1 used in initial approach by Abbott et al.
delays = delay_opts(incubation_period, reporting_delay), return_output = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE, horizon=14)
# summary of the latest estimates
# plot estimates
Below is code for the R Markdown version of this query
title: "Rt Sample"
word_document: default
df_print: paged
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, collapse = TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
## R Markdown
This is a query that graphs the transmission rate of COVID19 in the American state of Oklahoma. It uses the EpiNow2 package to do this.
More info can be found on
``` {r ok_rt_chart}
# Note this is a sample report so the commentary (e.g., progress) will appear in the report.
generation_time <- get_generation_time(disease = "SARS-CoV-2", source = "ganyani")
incubation_period <- get_incubation_period(disease = "SARS-CoV-2", source = "lauer")
#set number of cores to use
options(mc.cores = ifelse(interactive(), 4, 1))
# construct example distributions
generation_time <- get_generation_time(disease = "SARS-CoV-2", source = "ganyani")
incubation_period <- get_incubation_period(disease = "SARS-CoV-2", source = "lauer")
# Reporting Delay
reporting_delay <- list(mean = convert_to_logmean(3, 1),
mean_sd = 0.1,
sd = convert_to_logsd(3, 1),
sd_sd = 0.1,
max = 10)
# Obtain data from JHU Repository
jhu_county_COVID_confirmed <- read_csv("", na="")
# Put dates into a single column
jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data <- jhu_county_COVID_confirmed %>% select(c(-UID, -iso2, -iso3, -code3, -FIPS, -Lat, -Long_, -Combined_Key, -Country_Region, County=Admin2))
jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data <- jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data %>% pivot_longer(c(-County, -Province_State), names_to = "Date", values_to = "Cases")
jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data$Date <- strptime(trimws(jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data$Date), format='%m/%d/%y')
jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data$Date <- as.Date(jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data$Date)
# Limit to Oklahoma
ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed <- jhu_county_COVID_confirmed_data %>% filter(Province_State=='Oklahoma')
ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed <- ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed %>% rename(county=County, state=Province_State, date=Date, cases_total=Cases)
ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed <- ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed %>% select(state, county, date, cases_total)
# Add in VERY latest OK data from OK DoH.
# Download latest day of *Oklahoma* COVID data. Defines fields as needed.
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard <- read_csv("", na="")
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$ReportDate <- as.Date(ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$ReportDate)
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County <- as.factor((ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County))
# Adjust format from state data (counties are in all caps at first; so make them lower case and then adjust the "Mc" counties)
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard <- mutate(ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard, County = toTitleCase(tolower(`County`)))
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County[ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County == "Mccurtain"] <- "McCurtain"
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County[ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County == "Mcclain"] <- "McClain"
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County[ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$County == "Mcintosh"] <- "McIntosh"
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard <- ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard %>% rename(`Date`=`ReportDate`)
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard <- ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard %>% rename(`Recoveries`=`Recovered`)
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard$Province_State <- "Oklahoma"
ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard <- ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard[,c("County", "Province_State", "Date", "Cases", "Deaths")]
ok_latest_day_for_daily_dashboard <- ok_covid_data_latest_for_daily_dashboard %>% group_by(Province_State, County, Date) %>% summarise(OK_Cases=sum(Cases))
ok_latest_day_for_daily_dashboard <- ok_latest_day_for_daily_dashboard %>% rename(cases_total=OK_Cases, date=Date, county=County, state=Province_State)
# Append latest data file for Oklahoma to existing COVID (after first testing it is in fact new)
if(min(ok_latest_day_for_daily_dashboard$date) > max(ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed$date)) {ok_cases_by_day <- rbind(ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed, ok_latest_day_for_daily_dashboard) }
if(min(ok_latest_day_for_daily_dashboard$date) <= max(ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed$date)) {ok_cases_by_day <- ok_jhu_county_COVID_confirmed}
# Oklahoma Cases by Day
ok_cases_by_day <- ok_cases_by_day %>% arrange(state, county, date)
# New Cases in Oklahoma for Rt calculation
ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt <- ok_cases_by_day %>% group_by(date) %>% summarise(OK_Cases = sum(cases_total, na.rm = TRUE))
ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt <- ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt %>% mutate(OK_New_Cases=OK_Cases - lag(OK_Cases,1))
ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt <- ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt %>% select(-OK_Cases) %>% rename(confirm=OK_New_Cases)
# Limit cases to dates from 1 April
ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt <- ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt %>% filter(date >= '2020-04-01')
# estimate Rt and nowcast/forecast cases by date of infection for Oklahoma
out_ok <- epinow(reported_cases = ok_cases_by_day_for_Rt, generation_time = generation_time,
rt = rt_opts(prior = list(mean = 1, sd = 0.2)), # replace earlier mean of 2 and sd of 0.1 used in initial approach by Abbott et al.
delays = delay_opts(incubation_period, reporting_delay), return_output = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE, horizon=14)

R Shiny - Extracting Anti-Diagonal elements in matrix using for-loops

I am trying to create an R Shiny app which can read matrix inputs and extract the anti-diagonal elements, however, I can't figure out why the codes don't work as the way I wanted.
Below are the sample codes:
ui =
dashboardHeader(disable = TRUE),
dashboardSidebar(disable = TRUE),
server = function (input, output, session) {
output$input1 = renderRHandsontable({
MAT = matrix(as.numeric(''), nrow = 3, ncol = 3,
dimnames = list(paste(1:3), paste(1:3)))
rhandsontable(MAT, width = "100%", height = "100%") %>%
hot_col(col = c(1:3), valign = 'htCenter', format = "0,0")
row_input <- reactive({
my_input_matrix <- as.matrix(hot_to_r(input$input1))
my_input_row<- as.matrix(hot_to_r(input$input1))
for(i in 1:3) {
my_input_row[i] = sum(my_input_matrix[,i])
row_input = matrix(my_input_row, nrow = 1, ncol = 3,
dimnames = list("Rowname", paste(1:3)))
output$input2 <- renderRHandsontable({
table <- reactive({
my_input_matrix <-$input1))
my_input_row <-$input2))
my_table <-$input1),
for(i in 1:3) {
for(j in 3:1) {
my_table[,1] <- my_input_matrix[j,i]
my_table[,2] <- my_input_matrix[i,j]
table = data.frame("A" = my_table[,1],
"B" = my_table[,2],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
check.names = FALSE)
output$results = renderRHandsontable({
shinyApp(ui, server)
Below is the sample inputs and outputs:
1st table is the input matrix
2nd table is a 1-row output matrix which shows the sum of each column of the 1st table(not sure if this causes the issue, so I'll just put it there)
3rd table is the output table produced by the codes
Here is the issue, I want the 3rd table to show the anti-diagonal elements 7-5-3 in column A and "reverse anti-diagonal" elements 3-5-7 in column B from the 1st table like below instead of the above (3-3-3- and 7-7-7).
Please help! Thanks!
Solved the issue by changing the codes to below:
for(i in 1:3) {
for(j in 3:1) {
my_table[,1] <- rev(my_input_matrix[i+(j-1)*3])[i]
my_table[,2] <- my_input_matrix[i+(j-1)*3][i]

cannot populate a vector with for loop

I am trying to populate the empty vector with value from a for loop. However i am having trouble with. See below for my code....
i <- c("AL", "AK", "AZ", "AR")
file <- read.csv("outcome-of-care-measures.csv", colClasses = "character")
mylist = list()
for i in unique(file$State){
count = 1
file <- file[grep(i[count], file$State),]
file[,11] <- as.numeric(file[,11])
R <- file[order(file[,2], na.last = TRUE),]
Rsub <- R[,c(2,11)]
Rsub2 <- Rsub[order(Rsub[,2], na.last = TRUE),]
Rsub2$Rank <- rank(Rsub2[,2], na.last=TRUE, ties.method="first")
Rsub2 <- Rsub2[,-2]
su <- subset(Rsub2, Rsub2$Rank==20)
mylist <- su
count = count + 1
My final output has only values from one variable
> mylist
Hospital.Name Rank
Can somebody point to me where i am doing wrong?
I figured it out by myself....
file <- read.csv("outcome-of-care-measures.csv", colClasses = "character")
data <- data.frame()
for (i in unique(file$State)){
#count = 1
file1 <- file[grep(i, file$State),]
file1[,11] <- as.numeric(file1[,11])
R <- file1[order(file1[,2], na.last = TRUE),]
Rsub <- R[,c(2,11)]
Rsub2 <- Rsub[order(Rsub[,2], na.last = TRUE),]
Rsub2$Rank <- rank(Rsub2[,2], na.last=TRUE, ties.method="first")
Rsub2 <- Rsub2[,-2]
su <- subset(Rsub2, Rsub2$Rank==20)
data <- rbind(data,su)
