Magento 2.4 How can I exclude products from the products widget - magento

I need to exclude some products from the product grid widget in Magento 2.4 based on the value of a custom attribute set on the product.
Does anyone know how to achieve this?

In the attribute you need to go to Storefront Properties and turn Use for Promo Rules Conditions to YES and Used in Product Listing to YES.
Then when you insert the widget in the conditions you will see the attribute


How we can add attributes for old product in Magento?

I have Magento portal and I want to filter option through the attributes. So is there any possibility to add the attributes for old product which already in portal?
Yes, sure can add attributes for existing attributes.
go to catalog > Manage attributes > create new attribute and than go for Attribute set and drag the new attribute to attribute set.
than you can give attribute values for each products manually or for all products once using "update attributes" option.
than you can display the attributes under layered navigation.
feel free to ask any doubts
For the older product I have added the attributes and include in the default attribute set. So it will be by default add for all the products only you have to select for each product.
Please find the relevant image:

How to display Category list at search result page in magento..?

I want to display categories instead of product result. if anyone search product name, then result should be category which contains that product.
Is it possible in magento?
Magento does not have this feature.
Magento search depends on product and it Eav Attributes.
If you want then you need create custom extension and custom module

Magento set default associated product to display

I have a configurable product which have 2 associate products. I want to able to select, which one display by default in product page. How to do this?
you can achieve this by using below extension:

make configurable product options independent on product view page --Magento

I am working on a Magento project and I need to know if there is a way to make a product's options independent to each other or unrequired. I need to use one of several at a time (I have 6 dropdowns).
I have tried add to cart by query string but all dropdown values were still required. I also tried to make all the options default, then modify the selected options in the observer, but I did not meet with success. See the screenshot below for more details.
Any help will be appreciated
Configurable Products in Magneto are only parent products of Simple Products. Whatever you have as an attribute of a Configurable - a Simple Product has to be present for each. To do this out of the box in Magento, you should be looking into setting up a Simple Product with Custom Options.

Magento 1.4: Disabling all products in a particular category

I need to disable all products that are in a particular category (the category itself is disabled but the products must not show in search, either).
I found this blog post but that's for an older version of Magento than 1.4 - the database structure has changed and I don't know how to adjust the SQL accordingly.
The filtering of products could alternatively be done on a dropdown attribute if that's easier, as all products with this attribute set a certain way are in the category.
with the enhanced admin product grid you can configure it to show the categories: from there you could filter by the category you want and then use "actions" dropdown to disable the products.
Just Export the products in your store, then filter the spreadsheet by the category you want to affect. Now you only have the products in that category. Change the Status to disabled and then import the products with the updated status to make the change.
