How to separately implode data, based on ID or unique NAME? - laravel

I have database like this
and I'm trying to retrieve and save it like this
So I made a code like this to implode and save the data
$arr_name = [];
$arr_numbers = [];
$arr_implode = [];
$data= MyDatabase::all();
foreach ($data as $data) {
if ($data->name == $data->name) {
$arr_numbers [] = $data->numbers;
} else {
$arr_numbers [] = $data->numbers;
$arr_implode[$data->name] = implode('.', $arr_numbers);
but what I get when I use dd($arr_implode); is like this, so I haven't tried saving the data in my database.
array:2 [▼
"Kathy" => "5.15.25"
"William" => ""
What should I do to get the desired output? sorry, I'm not really good at arrays and stuff

You can use DB::raw to format them during the query
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
return DB::table('table_name')->select([
DB::raw('ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY name ) as id'),
DB::raw('group_concat(numbers SEPARATOR ".") as numbers')
Just query all the data and format the Collection
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
$data = DB::table('table_name')->select(['id','name','numbers'])->get();
or if you have a model for that table
$data = Model::select(['id','name','numbers'])->get();
then format it the way you want
return $data
->map( fn ( $item, $key) => [
'id' => $key+ 1,
'name' => data_get($item, ''),
'numbers' => implode('.', $item->pluck('numbers')->all() )


laravel get() return 2 rows but foreach gives only the last row()

in order details table i have 2 row . When I use get() it gives 2 rows. But in foreach loop it only gives the last row.
In Controller:
$orderdetail = DB::table('order_details')->where('order_id',$eid)->get();
$data =array();
foreach($orderdetail as $odetail){
$data['id'] = $odetail->product_id;
following is the output
Get() result:
[0] (
[id] => 832
[product_id] => 1090
[1] (
[id] => 833
[product_id] => 1133
Foreach loop output
array:1 [▼
"id" => 1133
You overwrite in $data['id'] in foreach loop ,so it has one member
,you can use one of this code:
$data =array();
foreach($orderdetail as $key=>$odetail){
$data[$key]['id']= $odetail->product_id;
$data =array();
foreach($orderdetail as $odetail){
$data[$i++]['id']= $odetail->product_id;
thanks every one for your answer. I solved it following way:
foreach($orderdetail as $key=>$odetail){
$data[$key]['id']= $odetail->product_id;
You are replacing array so its storing last data
$orderdetail = DB::table('order_details')->where('order_id',$eid)->get();
$data =[];
foreach($orderdetail as $odetail){
$data[]= $odetail->product_id;
if you need id as key then
$data =[];
foreach($orderdetail as $odetail){
$data['id'][]= $odetail->product_id;
$data[]['id']= $odetail->product_id;
or Simple way is to use pluck
$orderdetail = DB::table('order_details')->where('order_id',$eid)->pluck('product_id');

Laravel - Table with two columns, each has ID from different tables

I need to create a single objective that has a multi-select drop down wherein different departments can share that same objective. I wanted to create a relationship table with an output like this.
Department Table
id | name
1 Science Department
2 Math Department
3 Biology Department
Objective Table
id | name
1 Be the best
Relationship Table
objective_id | department_id
1 1
1 2
1 3
This is what I think of inside the controller.
public function store(Request $request) {
$objective = Objective::updateOrCreate(
[ 'id' => $request->id ?? null ],
[ 'name' => $request->name ]
// From multiple select drop down
foreach($request->departments as $department) {
[ // what should be the case? ],
'objective_id' => $objective->id,
'department_id' => $department['id'],
I'm not sure on how I would define this in the Model and how I could call their relationship inside the resource. I even think that my controller is wrong or are there better ways to achieve this?
First You are running query under loop is a very bad process.. may this process will help u? change it as your need!
public function store(Request $request) {
$objective = Objective::updateOrCreate(
'id' => $request->id ?? null,
'name' => $request->name
// From multiple select drop down
$insert_array = [];
foreach($request->departments as $department) {
'objective_id' => $objective->id,
'department_id' => $department['id'],
//Relationship Should Be Like in this example
Relationship Model
public function object() {
return $this->hasOne('Model Class of Object' , 'objective_id ' , 'id')
public function depertment() {
return $this->hasMany('Model Class of depertment' , 'department_id' , 'id')

laravel collection nested query

I'm new with laravel collection . i just want to make this query with collection
DB::select(SELECT id, user_id, created_at,latitude,longitude
FROM coordinates
WHERE created_at IN (
SELECT MAX(created_at)
FROM coordinates
GROUP BY user_id));
according to the document
this what i did and it gives me all the data
$this->data['information'] = collect($response->json()['items']);
simply i need to produce that query (that i mentioned above) by using Collection.
This is the contents of $response->json()['items']
"#items: array:17 [▼ 0 => array:9 [▼ "id" => 977777779 "platform_id" => "msaeed" "platform_type" => 1 "status" => 1 "longitude" => 1.1 "latitude" => 1.1 "created_by" => "NMF" "created_at" => "2019-10-27T21:00:00Z" "updated_at" => "2019-10-28T07:58:36Z""
any help would be appreciated
Here is the query.
$data = collect($response->json()['items']);
$data = $data->whereIn('created_at', $data->sortByDesc('created_at')
->onlyKeys(['id', 'user_id', 'created_at', 'latitude', 'longitude']);
The equivalent for the subquery:
SELECT MAX(created_at)
FROM coordinates
GROUP BY user_id
$data->sortByDesc('created_at') // we use sortByDesc to produce the same result as `MAX`.
->pluck('0.created_at') // then to get the max value, just get the first array after grouping.
To achieve the select statement, we need to create a little macro, i've named it onlyKeys:
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
Collection::macro('onlyKeys', function ($keys) {
return $this->map(function ($value) use ($keys) {
$tmpValue = (array) $value;
if (is_array($tmpValue)) {
$value = Arr::only($tmpValue, $keys);
return $value;
You can register the macro in your AppServiceProvider.php.
PS. Why you need to querying using Collection? Is that data not come from DB?
You want to collect array recursive
Unfortunately laravel does not have this feature:
you can write it on your own.
if you have helpers file you can write this method:
function recursive_collect($array){
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = recursive_collect($value);
$array[$key] = $value;
return collect($array);
Or You can implement macro in your AppServiceProvider:
\Illuminate\Support\Collection::macro('recursive', function () {
return $this->map(function ($value) {
if (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) {
return collect($value)->recursive();
return $value;
Hope this helps you

Pluck with multiple columns?

When i use pluck with multiple columns i get this:
{"Kreis 1 \/ Altstadt":"City","Kreis 2":"Enge","Kreis 3":"Sihifeld","Kreis 4":"Hard","Kreis 5 \/ Industriequartier":"Escher Wyss","Kreis 6":"Oberstrass","Kreis 7":"Witikon","Kreis 8 \/ Reisbach":"Weinegg","Kreis 9":"Altstetten","Kreis 10":"Wipkingen","Kreis 11":"Seebach","Kreis 12 \/ Schwamendingen":"Hirzenbach"
But i need this?
["Rathaus","Hochschulen","Lindenhof","City","Wollishofen","Leimbach","Enge","Alt-Wiedikon","Friesenberg","Sihifeld","Werd","Langstrasse","Hard","Gewerbechule","Escher Wyss","Unterstrass","Oberstrass","Fluntern","Hottingen","Hirslanden","Witikon","Seefeld","M\u00fchlebach","Weinegg","Albisrieden","Altstetten","H\u00f6ngg","Wipkingen","Affoltern","Oerlikon","Seebach","Saatlen","Schwamendingen-Mitte","Hirzenbach"]
Any suggestion how can i do that? This is my method:
public function autocomplete_districts(Request $request)
$district = $request->input('query');
// $ass = /DB::table('districts')->select(array('district', 'region'))->get();
// dd($ass);
$data = Districts::whereRaw('LOWER(district) like ?', [strtolower('%'.$district . '%')])->orWhereRaw('LOWER(region) like ?', [strtolower('%'.$district . '%')])->pluck('region','district');
return response()->json($data);
You should use select() with get() and then later on modify the object as you need.
So instead of: ->pluck('region','district');
use: ->select('region','district')->get();
pluck() is advised when you need value of one column only.
And as far as possible, you should have your models singular form not plural (Districts) - to follow Laravel nomenclature.
Cos that is how pluck works. Instead try this.
$data = Districts::whereRaw('LOWER(district) like ?', [strtolower('%'.$district . '%')])->orWhereRaw('LOWER(region) like ?', [strtolower('%'.$district . '%')])->select('region', 'district')->get();
$data = collect($data->toArray())->flatten()->all();
In my case I wanted to pluck 2 values from an array of Eloquent models and this worked:
$models->map->only(['state', 'note'])->values()
That's shorter version of
$models->map(fn($model) => $model->only(['state', 'note']))->values()
This is an issue I constantly have faced and has led me to create the following solution that can be used on models or arrays.
There is also support for dot syntax that will create a multidimensional array as required.
Register this macro within the AppServiceProvider (or any provider of your choice):
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
* Similar to pluck, with the exception that it can 'pluck' more than one column.
* This method can be used on either Eloquent models or arrays.
* #param string|array $cols Set the columns to be selected.
* #return Collection A new collection consisting of only the specified columns.
Collection::macro('pick', function ($cols = ['*']) {
$cols = is_array($cols) ? $cols : func_get_args();
$obj = clone $this;
// Just return the entire collection if the asterisk is found.
if (in_array('*', $cols)) {
return $this;
return $obj->transform(function ($value) use ($cols) {
$ret = [];
foreach ($cols as $col) {
// This will enable us to treat the column as a if it is a
// database query in order to rename our column.
$name = $col;
if (preg_match('/(.*) as (.*)/i', $col, $matches)) {
$col = $matches[1];
$name = $matches[2];
// If we use the asterisk then it will assign that as a key,
// but that is almost certainly **not** what the user
// intends to do.
$name = str_replace('.*.', '.', $name);
// We do it this way so that we can utilise the dot notation
// to set and get the data.
Arr::set($ret, $name, data_get($value, $col));
return $ret;
This can then be used in the following way:
$a = collect([
['first' => 1, 'second' => 2, 'third' => 3],
['first' => 1, 'second' => 2, 'third' => 3]
$b = $a->pick('first', 'third'); // returns [['first' => 1, 'third' => 3], ['first' => 1, 'third' => 3]]
Or additionally, on any models you may have:
$users = User::all();
$new = $users->pick('name', 'username', 'email');
// Might return something like:
// [
// ['name' => 'John Doe', 'username' => 'john', 'email' => ''],
// ['name' => 'Jane Doe', 'username' => 'jane', 'email' => ''],
// ['name' => 'Joe Bloggs', 'username' => 'joe', 'email' => ''],
// ]
It is also possible to reference any relationship too using the dot notation, as well as using the as [other name] syntax:
$users = User::all();
$new = $users->pick('name as fullname', 'email', 'posts.comments');
// Might return something like:
// [
// ['fullname' => 'John Doe', 'email' => '', 'posts' => [...]],
// ['fullname' => 'Jane Doe', 'email' => '', 'posts' => [...]],
// ['fullname' => 'Joe Bloggs', 'email' => '', 'posts' => [...]],
// ]
My solution in LARAVEL 5.6:
Hi, I've just had the same problem, where I needed 2 columns combined in 1 select list.
My DB has 2 columns for Users: first_name and last_name.
I need a select box, with the users full name visible and the id as value.
This is how I fixed it, using the pluck() method:
In the User model I created a full name accessor function:
public function getNameAttribute() {
return ucwords($this->last_name . ' ' . $this->first_name);
After that, to fill the select list with the full name & corresponding database id as value, I used this code in my controller that returns the view (without showing users that are archived, but you can change the begin of the query if you like, most important are get() and pluck() functions:
$users = User::whereNull('archived_at')
return view('your.view', compact('users'));
Now you can use the $users in your select list!
So first, you GET all the values from DB that you will need,
after that you can use any accessor attribute defined for use in your PLUCK method,
as long as all columns needed for the accessor are in the GET ;-)
As far as now Laravel didn't provide such macro to pick specific columns, but anyway Laravel is out of the box and lets us customize almost everything.
Tested in Laravel 8.x
in AppServiceProvider.php
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
// Put this inside boot() function
Collection::macro('pick', function (... $columns) {
return $this->map(function ($item, $key) use ($columns) {
$data = [];
foreach ($columns as $column) {
$data[$column] = $item[$column] ?? null;
return $data;
$users = App\Models\User::all();
// Returns: [['id' => 1, 'name' => 'user_one'],['id' => 2, 'name' => 'user_two']]
Important notes:
Do not use this macro for a really HUGE collection (You better do it on Eloquent
select or MySQL query select)
Laravel: To pluck multi-columns in the separate arrays use the following code.
$activeAdsIds=$Ads->pluck('id'); // array of ads ids
$UserId=$Ads->pluck('user_id'); // array of users ids
I have created the model scope
More about scopes:
* Scope a query to Pluck The Multiple Columns
* This is Used to Pluck the multiple Columns in the table based
* on the existing query builder instance
* #author Manojkiran.A <>
* #version 0.0.2
* #param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query
* #param string $keyColumn the columns Which is used to set the key of array
* #param array $extraFields the list of columns that need to plucked in the table
* #return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
* #throws Illuminate\Database\QueryException
public function scopePluckMultiple( $query, string $keyColumn, array $extraFields):\Illuminate\Support\Collection
//pluck all the id based on the query builder instance class
$keyColumnPluck = $query->pluck( $keyColumn)->toArray();
//anonymous callback method to iterate over the each fileds of table
$callBcakMethod = function ($eachValue) use ($query)
$eachQuery[$eachValue] = $query->pluck( $eachValue)->toArray();
return $eachQuery;
//now we are collapsing the array single time to get the propered array
$extraFields = \Illuminate\Support\Arr::collapse( array_map($callBcakMethod, $extraFields));
// //iterating Through All Other Fields and Plucking it each Time
// foreach ((array)$extraFields as $eachField) {
// $extraFields[$eachField] = $query->pluck($eachField)->toArray();
// }
//now we are done with plucking the Required Columns
//we need to map all the values to each key
//get all the keys of extra fields and sets as array key or index
$arrayKeys = array_keys($extraFields);
//get all the extra fields array and mapping it to each key
$arrayValues = array_map(
function ($value) use ($arrayKeys) {
return array_combine($arrayKeys, $value);
call_user_func_array('array_map', array_merge(
array(function () {
return func_get_args();
//now we are done with the array now Convert it to Collection
return collect( array_combine( $keyColumnPluck, $arrayValues));
So now the testing part
$basicPluck = Model::pluckMultiple('primaryKeyFiles',['fieldOne', 'FieldTwo']);
$advancedPlcuk = Model::whereBetween('column',[10,43])
->orWhere('columnName','LIKE', '%whildCard%')
->Where( 'columnName', 'NOT LIKE', '%whildCard%')
->pluckMultiple('primaryKeyFiles',['fieldOne', 'FieldTwo']);
But it returns the \Illuminate\Support\Collection, so if you need to convert to array
$toArrayColl = $advancedPluck->toArray();
if you need to convert to json
$toJsonColl = $advancedPluck->toJson();
To answer the specific question of "how to return multiple columns using (something like) pluck" we have to remember that Pluck is a Collection member function. So if we're sticking to the question being asked we should stick with a Collection based answer (you may find it more beneficial to develop a model-based solution, but that doesn't help solve the question as posed).
The Collection class offers the "map" member function which can solve the posed question:
$data = Districts::whereRaw('LOWER(district) like ?', [strtolower('%'.$district . '%')])->orWhereRaw('LOWER(region) like ?', [strtolower('%'.$district . '%')])
->map(function ($item, $key, $columns=['region','district']) {
$itemArray = [];
foreach($columns as $column){
$itemArray[$column] = $item->$column;
return ($itemArray);
This should give you a collection where each element is a 2 element array indexed by 'region' and 'district'.
Laravel 8.x, try to use mapWithKeys method instead of pluck, for example:
$collection->mapWithKeys(function ($item, $key) {
return [$key => $item['firstkey'] . ' ' . $item['secondkey']];
Expanding on #Robby_Alvian_Jaya_Mulia from above who gave me the idea. I needed it to also work on a relationship. This is just for a single relationship, but it would probably be easy to nest it more.
This needs to be put into AppServiceProvider.php
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
// Put this inside boot() function
Collection::macro('pick', function (... $columns) {
return $this->map(function ($item, $key) use ($columns) {
$data = [];
foreach ($columns as $column) {
$collection_pieces = explode('.', $column);
if (count($collection_pieces) == 2) {
$data[$collection_pieces[1]] = $item->{$collection_pieces[0]}->{$collection_pieces[1]} ?? null;
} else {
$data[$column] = $item[$column] ?? null;
return $data;
$users = App\Models\User::has('role')->with('role')->all();
// Returns: [['id' => 1, 'name' => 'role_name_one'],['id' => 2, 'name' => 'role_name_two']]
Hope this is helpful to someone. Sorry I didn't add this to under #Robby's answer. I didn't have enough reputation.
Pluck returned only the value of the two columns which wasnt ideal for me, what worked for me was this :
$collection->map->only(['key1', 'key2'])->values()

Laravel whereIn array repetition

$item_ids = Cookie::get('name');
$items = Item::find($item_ids)->get();
$items = DB::table('items')
->whereIn('id', $item_ids )
$item_ids in dd($item_ids)
array:5 [▼
0 => "2"
1 => "2"
2 => "2"
3 => "4"
4 => "6"
As you can see in $item_ids 2 was repeated 3 times and I only get one. How to repeat it also 3 times. Is there any Query Builder could do this?
Query builder looks in the database for id = 2 with the whereIn method. There is only one item with id 2 in the database so it only returns one record.
However you can loop through your all your ids again and pull these from your database results. Do this for every id so you get multiple results for same id.
Something like this:
$item_ids = Cookie::get('name');
$items = Item::find($item_ids)->get();
$items = [];
$dbItems = Item::whereIn('id',$item_ids)->get();
foreach($item_ids as $id){
$items[] = $dbItems->first(function ($key, $value) use ($id) {
return $value->id == $id;
