Spring Security entry point - spring-boot

The problem is that the user is getting logged in with the context "/oauth/token" but I am unable to find the exact entry point. There is no controller or anything written.How is it working? How is the spring security getting call and process the requests? My spring boot project version is 2.2.1.RELEASE and java version 1.8
I tried making some basic project and cannot get a hand on it.I which class or files do I have to look and any documentation or blogs that will help me please provide it.

Spring Security's servlet support is based on servlet filters.
The entry point for Spring Security is the FilterChainProxy which invokes one SecurityFilterChain with multiple filters configured.
Placing a breakpoint in FilterChainProxy#doFilter can help you understand what happens.


Spring boot authority check inside controller?

Had a discussion with a coworker.
He claims we should check user authority inside the controller (with our own implementation) instead of using Spring Security's filters before the controller.
I'm new to Spring and maybe I'm wrong, but I see that authentication should be resolved as early as possible and be implemented by the coding standards and well known methods.
Can anyone comment on this.
Edit: he's main reason for this was the complexicity of the spring boot security mechanism that may introduce security holes.

Spring Boot -1.5.3.Release Version - Enabled with Security Features?

I use Spring Boot - 1.5.3.Release Version for my project. Simply tested my demo application with Actuator and Dev-tools plugin from spring boot initializer site. (Hence I no longer needed to share my POM, as it is default).When I launch my application and try to hit the metrics End Point URL, I get this 401 Unauthorized status (image given below).
Following Options Tried to Bypass this exception
I excluded the SecurityAutoConfiguration on my main Class.
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude= {org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.security.SecurityAutoConfiguration.class})
public class MainConfig {
But the above option didn't work.
When I downgrade my Spring-Boot - 1.4.6.RELEASE Version, I didn't get the UnAuthorized Exception. My Application worked like a charm :-)
Is there any Specific Security Enhancements have been made in the latest release of Spring-Boot (1.5.3.RELEASE Version)?
If at all any enhancements made, let know the community on how to bypass such kind of exceptions?
I also, noticed that when using Spring-boot (1.5.3.RELEASE) it doesn't show any exceptions on startup, even though I have multiple main program in my IDE build path. Is that also an enhancement is spring-boot (1.5.3.RELEASE) version?
Kindly clarify.
From the Spring Boot 1.5 Release Notes:
If you’re upgrading a Spring Boot 1.4 application that doesn’t have dependency on Spring Security and you wish to retain open access to your sensitive endpoints you’ll need to set management.security.enabled to false.

Equivalent of org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.FilterRegistrationBean for non-Boot Spring project?

I'm trying to implement external session handling in Spring, as per this tutorial. I'm having some trouble adding the right filter though. Spring Boot appears to have defined the proper bean/filter, but my project is not Spring Boot, so it cannot find the FilterRegistrationBean. Is there some sort of equivalent to this class in non-Boot versions of Spring? I also tried org.springframework.web.context.embedded.FilterRegistrationBean, but can't get it to import properly (it looks like this documentation refers to a SNAPSHOT version, so perhaps this package was never part of a proper release).
Depending on your container configuration, web.xml or ServletContainerInitializer, you can register a DelegatingFilterProxy filter and make it refer, by name, to a Filter bean you've declared in your ApplicationContext.

Spring Security-Reload my security.xml on edit

I am using Spring Security in my project. I have a situation where I need to change the pattern attribute in itercept-url tag on runtime. For this I have to again restart the tomcat server and in turn takes a lot of time for me to test my changes.
Does Spring have a solution where the security.xml file is reloaded when I edit it in my web application, without restarting my server. Please provide some pointers for the same as I am new to Spring Framework.
Any link to a step by step tutorial will certainly help a lot.
Thanks in advance.
Divyang Agrawal
Use spring annotation rather than using xml configuration. so by using annotation you do not required tomcat restart after changing the source code.
you can find simple tutorial for how to use annotation based spring security here Link

Spring Security without spring core?

I have a really simple question, that I just can't find the answer.
If I want to use only Spring Security, do I need Spring core or any other dependency?
In this link, in the bottom I see only spring security jars as dependencies, but still I couldn't get it to work. I only got it to work when I used a lot more of spring jars (core, context, and more).
So, what are the minimal dependencies I need for using Spring Security? All I need is an authorization and authentication framework, and I want as little dependencies as possible.
Thank you!
For every spring extension you need to use Srping core, because every extension is build on top of spring core
