The herokuapp jsonpath site is down - heroku

Loading is returning this:
Application error
An error occurred in the application and your page could not be
served. If you are the application owner, check your logs for details.
You can do this from the Heroku CLI with the command heroku logs --tail

You application might be using free Heroku plan. However, heroku has shut down their free services from November 28, 2022. You should host the website to some other hosting services.


How do I show only web app logs on Heroku?

How do I display only web app logs? Same as on the Heroku website but in the windows terminal.
I use this command and the logs are equal to "All Processes":
heroku logs --app=angelimsystemmotorzone-bling --tail
But I want the same logs when I filter "web"

.NET 6 webapp returns 503 error on random intervals

I published a simple .NET 6.0 web app with user authentication on my IIS 10.0 web server hosted on Azure.
The application read and write data from a SQL Server 2017 database hosted on another machine on the same virtual network of the web server.
Everything works fine but after a while, even though nobody is using the app, it stop working and send Http Error 503 Service Unavailable and I have to restart it every time from the application pool.
I enabled tracing on the event log, but I don't receive any message explaining this.
These are the application settings:
IIS application settings
I tried to follow these advices but none of them worked:
IIS HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable
503 “Service Unavailable” error for all apps after installing .NET Core 2.2 Runtime & Hosting Bundle for Windows
.Net core Service Unavailable after Publish to IIS
On the same web server I have other applications but this problem appears only on this one. None of the other apps is using .NET 6, most use .NET Framework 4.7/4.8 and another couple .NET Core 3.1.
I also tried to publish the application on Azure WebApp service and it has the same problem.
1. If you're deploying on IIS, we can install DebugDiag Tools and then use the DebugDiag collection to crawl the dump logs.
2. If you are using the azure app service, it is recommended to get dump in the azure portal.
My Suggestion
Enable Failed Request Tracing, and find which request will cause the Http 503.
Maybe this 503 is not a problem with the code, and it is possible to find some useful information in the log.
Check the EventViewer, try to find the useful info about the application.
Download the DebugDiag Tools, use debugdiag collection to collect the dump file when the issue occured, and use the debugdiag analysis to analyze the dump file and check the stacktrace.
My suggestion can't tell you the root cause directly, but it will help you to find it. You are also welcome to update the useful stacktrace information in the future, and there will be more people to help you.
I'm currently having the issue but using MySQL on a remote server.
Azure WebApp, Azure VM (IIS 10) and AWS EC2.
Http Error 503 Service Unavailable when the database connection timesout or fails to connect and the AppPool failed to restart.
No crashes when debugging in VS via console app.
I changed the hosting model to out-of-process and this solved the issue.
<aspNetCore processPath="%LAUNCHER_PATH%" arguments="%LAUNCHER_ARGS%" stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" hostingModel="outofprocess">

Checklist when moving from Heroku to AWS

I am trying to move my backend API app (node.js express server) from Heroku to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. But I did not realize the amount of features that Heroku was providing automatically and which I now have to set up manually in AWS.
So here is the list of features which I discovered were missing in AWS and the solutions I have implemented.
Could you please let me know if I am missing something in order to run smoothly my APIs in AWS and get the equivalent of what I had in Heroku?
auto-restart server when crashed : I am using PM2 to automatically restart my server in case of critical error
SSL certificate : I am using AWS ACM certificate,
logging : have inserted the datadog agent in order to receive logs in datadog
logging response time : I have added the "morgan-body" package to get each requests' duration and response code (had to manually filter the AWS healthchecks and search engine bots, because AWS gave me an IP adress which was visited constatntly by Baidu bots)
server timeout : I have implemented a 1200000ms timeout on the whole app (any better option ?)
auto deploy from Github : I have implemented a github automation to deploy code automatically (better options?)
Am I missing something? This app is already live so I do not want to put my customers at risk when I will move from Heroku to AWS...
Thanks for your help!
I believe you are covered:
Heroku Dynos restart after crashing or raising an error (Heroku Restarting Policy)
SSL certificates are provided for free
logging: Heroku supports various plugins, including Datadog
response time (in millisec) is logged automatically
HTTP timeout is 30 sec (it cannot be changed)
deploy from Github is possible (connecting the accounts), Docker deployment is also supported. Better options? Using Github Actions to deploy a new version after code push or tagging.
If you are migrating a production environment I strongly suggest first to setup a Heroku (Free) Dyno to test and verify all your needs are satisfied.

Cannot Access Heroku Dashboard

I am trying to access the Heroku website now and it's not responding.
API Unavailable
I can't even update my application through CLI.
How soon this will be fix?
Heroku was affected by the DDOS attacks made to DynDNS. Check Heroku Status for more info

My Sinatra App displaying 'Internal Server Error' after deployed to Heroku

My app is working locally, But after deploying to Heroku I'm getting an 'Internal Server Error' on my page
The Error log is as follows.
I cannot see what the problem is
Thanks for your help!
The problem is related to your database (or lack of):
2013-05-13T06:58:57.488018+00:00 app[web.1]: PG::Error - could not connect to server: Connection refused
Did you add one with $ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:[dev|basic|crane|etc] -a app_name? Checkout this Dev Center article with info on setting up Rack based web apps (including Sinatra) and setting up database access:
Deploying Rack-based Apps
