Error When Uploading Attachments with Directline App Service Extension - botframework

We are attempting to upload a xml file using Directline App Service Extension, but getting an error with the message: "Error getting value from 'ReadTimeout' on 'Microsoft.Bot.Streaming.Payloads.PayloadStream'."
We have deployed an Azure bot and have enabled Directline App Service Extension as we want to restrict access to our bot.
We followed the Microsoft Docs and correctly configured the bot.We are getting an "Error getting value from 'ReadTimeout' on 'Microsoft.Bot.Streaming.Payloads.PayloadStream'." error when we try to upload a config.xml file.
Bot was working fine, but after enabling Directline ASE, we are getting this error.


In virtual assitent ,IBotFrameworkHttpAdapter.Adapter.Processasync menthod render the error :"Error invoking the skill id: error code 401."

We are trying to create virtual assistant bot microsoft teams. When we are trying to send request to skill bot from root bot using SkillClient.PostActivityAsync method, while debugging request hits botcontroller of skill bot. But it return 401 unauthorized error. If we try same in local using bot framework emulator (without using app id and password) it is working as expected. And how we can resolve this unauthorized error?
"When we use root bot with the different simple skill bot, it is working. but when we use app having client app (for tabs and Messaging extensions built using react) and additional authorization required for it. at that time it is throwing the above error"

File upload failed MSTeams

I am not able to attach or upload any kind of attachments through my bot integrated with MSTeams .previously it was working fine for me..suddenly it stop working. and I am getting the error as "File upload failed". I also checked my one-drive and cleared all other docs for getting space..but still it is not working.

Error while integrating QnAMAker with Azure Bot framework

I am trying to integrate QnAMaker with Azure Bot Framework V4.I folllowed the step by step procedure mentioned in of
When I run the project and try to chat with the bot in Bot Emulator without mentioning the APPId and APPPassword in the bot emulator,I get the error "[onTurnError] unhandled error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined" in the project.And the following error in Bot Emulator 'The bot encountered an error or bug'
When I configure the bot emulator with APPID and sand chat with the bot I get the error ""The bot's Microsoft App ID or Microsoft App Password is incorrect."
I don't understand how to fix this issue and make the bot working.
Try putting values for "QnAKnowledgebaseId", "QnAEndpointKey", and "QnAEndpointHostName" in appSettings.json file

Azure core bot Luis integration gives error on running via emulator: Operation returned an invalid status code 'Resource Not Found'

Steps I followed:
1.created a Bot service using core bot template through cookiecutter.
2.created LUIS app on and added the configurations for the same in file.
Now, when i try running the bot locally from emulator, i am getting error:Operation returned an invalid status code 'Resource Not Found'
I am entirely new to Bot framework.Sorry if i missed any detail.

The remote server returned an error: (409) Conflict

While trying to register a bot in Microsoft Bot Framework, I am getting the following error message :
The remote server returned an error: (409) Conflict.
The messaging endpoint is of the form :
The bot is hosted in azure.
I got the same Error during the registration of a bot in Microsoft Bot Framework. Mostly the above error occurs whenever we are trying to create a new bot, in that registration we are specified the Existing Microsoft Application Id in the Microsoft Application Id field of bot registration form.
So, try to create new Microsoft Application with new name (like that the name would never use before) for your new bot then your issue resolve.
-Hope it will be help to you.
