How to admin table column values compare with input admin - laravel

I have a problem: how can I compare a user's value with a database?
public function login(LoginRequest $request)
$data = $request->validated();
$host = Admin::where('email', '=', $data['email'])
->where('password', '=', $data['password'])
return redirect()->route('');


How to filter or search name and id & Cnic in laravel

I want to filter data based on the table columns cnin,name,id.
public function Search(Request $request){
$employee = $request->search;
$empm = DB::table('users')
// ->where('cnic','LIKE',"%$employee%")
return view('Users.markindexo',compact('empm'));}
Try This:
$empm = DB::table('users')
return view('Users.markindexo',compact('empm'));

How to get all the user data from another table and include them on user list in laravel?

I am using 2 tables upon displaying my users in my users>index.blade
these 2
USER table
The result is this
Now my problem is I want to connect to the other table called
to achieve this result
USER Controller index function
public function index(Request $request)
$users = User::all();
$admins = User::whereHas('roles', function ($q) {
$q->where('', '=', 'admin');
$collectorList = User::whereHas('roles', function ($q) {
$q->where('', '=', 'collector');
$borrowers = User::whereHas('roles', function ($q) {
$q->where('', '=', 'borrower');
$userProfile = Auth::user()->id;
if (Auth::User()->hasRole(['borrower','collector'])){
return redirect('dashboard/profile/'.$userProfile);
return view('dashboard.users.index', compact('users','profile'))
// ->with('collectorBorrowers',$collectorBorrowers);
How wan I display the commission_amount column from commissions table? to make my list like this
You could use sum aggregate function, your code should look like this.
$collectorList = User::whereHas('roles', function ($q) {
$q->where('', '=', 'collector');
})->with(['collectorCommission' => function($query) {
Assuming that you have this relationship in your user model
public function collectorCommission() [
return $this->hasMany('App\Commissions', 'user_id');
You cant use belongsToMany relationship since this relationship
requires you an intermediary table in your second argument.
You should use hasMany relationship considering that one user has many commissions.

How to declare the result from another function in Laravel

The first 2 functions are for the dropdown, and the last function filter function is to fetch the data into datatable. I want to use the results from function FirstName ($FirstName= [];) and LastName ($LastName= [];) for this purpose.
public function FirstName(Request $request)
$FirstName= [];
$search = $request->q;
$FirstName= DB::table("user")
return response()->json($FirstName);
public function LastName(Request $request)
$LastName= [];
$search = $request->q;
$LastName= DB::table("user")
return response()->json($Last_Name);
public function filter()
if(!empty($FirstName)) //catch from other function
$data = DB::table('user')
->select('id', 'Fn', 'Ln')
->where('First_Name', $FirstName)
->where('Last_Name', $LastName)
$data = DB::table('user')
->select('id', 'Fn', 'Ln')
return datatables()->of($data)->make(true);
$data = DB::table('user')
->orderBy('First_Name', 'ASC')
->orderBy('Last_Name', 'ASC')
return response()->json($data);
What I did above is put the array from function first and last name to the filter function. But i got it wrong. What should be done to fix this?

how can i notify a specific users

here is my AdsController.php
public function save(Request $request)
$this ->validate($request,[
$ads = new Ad;
$ads->object = $request->input('object');
$ads->description = $request->input('description');
$users = User::where(("id","!=",$current_user->id ) || ("admin","=",1 ))->get();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$user->notify(new NewAd($current_user, $ads));
return redirect('listads') ;
I want to post an ad to the admin only but i have an error
Please help me
You made a simple mistake of your query builder, the conditions should be chained as follow:
$users = User::where('id', '<>', $current_user->id)->where('admin', 1)->get();
Use where condition like this
$users = User::where("id","!=",$current_user->id)
->orWhere("admin",1 )->get();

How to call name user has login

public function getDeletee($id)
$data['data'] = DB::table('lembur_karyawan')
->where('id', $id)
$users = DB::table('users')
<your code??>
return redirect('user/detail/'.$users->name);
(ASK) how to call user who has logged to $users?
Instead of:
$users = DB::table('users')
<your code??>
To get the name, use Auth::user()->name;
More on this here.
