SpringBoot: activate log4j2 ScriptSupport - spring-boot

I use log4j2 for logging my SpringBoot application. I activate the yml file by 'config.classpath=log4j2.yml'.
I would like to use a ScriptFilter within the Log4j2 configuration. To do this, the corresponding language (e.g. groovy or javascript) must be activated in the current log4j2 version by the system property log4j2.Script.enableLanguages. Therefore I start the application with -Dlog4j2.Script.enableLanguages=javascript. Unfortunately, the error message appears when using the ScriptFilter: ERROR Script support is not enabled
Apparently the Log4j2 property is not being edited correctly. How can script support for log4j2 be activated within a SpringBoot application?


log4j2 behaviour different between tomcat 8.5.83 and 8.5.39

We have our web app running on tomcat 8.5.39. This app is using log4j2 correctly, applying a system property before log4j2 starts to indicate the log4j.xml configuration file. Something like:
System.setProperty("log4j.configurationFile", "/opt/ventusproxy/logs");
Now we have migrated to tomcat 8.5.83, and after this our webapp is not able to find the configuration file. Asking the log4j team, and after checking log4j debug file, it seems that, for any reason, log4j2 is starting before we set the previous system property.
We also tried 8.5.79 with the same result.
Is there any configuration change that we are missing between 8.5.39 and a later tomcat version that breaks the way log4j2 was working into our webapp until now?

Spring cloud config server not honoring logging.file property and not logging external file

I'm using spring-boot-starter 2.3.3.RELEASE version. I'm running my spring cloud configuration server in native profile (looking for configuration files in file system). I added
logging.file = /var/log/config.log in application.properties file. But my application is not logging logs to this file.(All other microservices are logging to this location). Am I missing any additional settings for Spring cloud config server? Thank you so much for your help.
In the spring boot 2.3.3 RELEASE documentation the logging properties that specify where the location should be is indicated using the property:
The documentation:
This modification from logging.path to logging.file.path appears as a deprecation in Spring Boot 2.2:
One way to do it with spring-boot application is, setting it from command line argument as default it will dump every thing on console.
Old school but far effective, save path in application.properties

Load Logback config from the library in Spring Boot application

I'm trying to build a logging library which will be used across my services. I would like it to come with a default Logback configuration (predefined appenders). Is there a way to tell the application to load that config when the library is added to the project?
Ideally i would like to have this in the library, in application.yml
config: classpath:logback.xml
Application should use that configuration, and also allow to load custom application Logback config if developer wants to override the one.

Spring Log4j2 xml file location

using Spring 2.0.5 with Log4j2
Have found works as expected if I place the file log4j2.xml in the resources folder.
However, have found the log4j2 option of monitorInterval="60" to be super useful as if some production issue can increase logging on some class without a restart. However if log4j2.xml is embedded in the jar of course it cannot be modified. so far the best I have been able to do is use 2 copies of log4j2.xml one in the resources and the other in the folder running the jar from.
I can then run:
java -Dlog4j.configurationFile=log4j2.xml -jar myapp.jar
it seems to work the same if started from the maven spring-boot plugin or from Eclipse.
Have tried a number of things such as setting the classpath, the absolute file name etc. but no luck
My question is how can I remove the log4j2.xml file from the resources folder and only specify it on the command line when starting spring?
I am not entirely clear on your question but I can provide the following information which I hope addresses it:
Log4j 2.12.0 added support for Spring Cloud Config and enhanced the support for Spring Boot. As of that version you can include a file named log4j2.system.properties and place any system properties you want defined there. They will be set before Log4j initializes. So you can specify the full URL to the configuration there if you want instead of the command line. You can also add the definition to a file named log4j2.component.properties.
The support for Spring Cloud Config allows you to place the configuration in your Spring Cloud Config server. See Spring CLoud Config support for more details.
Spring Boot initializes logging at least 3 times. The first is usually because the SpringApplication class declares a Logger so logging is initialized before anything else happens. The configuration for that will use "normal" log4j 2 initialization. After that Spring influences how logging initialization occurs primarily because Spring Boot sets the class path to include the jars inside BOOT-INF/lib directory inside your Spring Boot jar.
By using one of the configuration options I outlined above you can move the logging configuration outside of your application and you should not require a logging configuration in the resources directory. In fact, if you look at the sample Spring Cloud Config Application in Log4j you will see it does not include a configuration file in it.

How -Dlogging.level JVM argument is handled in spring boot, spring cloud

I have a spring cloud application, which under the covers uses spring boot.
In the bootstrap phase of the app I am using some classes from the apache commons config library under: org.apache.commons.configuration
My application is started with this flag per the spring docs:
Despite this, i am still getting DEBUG level logs emitted during the bootstrap phase of spring....
I am lost as to how to properly specify the log level of INFO specified for the bootstrap phase of spring boot.
Ensure you are not setting debug=true in application properties or not passing --debug flag to the application.
In application.properties set:
The configuration of spring boot has a specific order, so probably somewhere in the application or bootstrap configuration files the logging level is configured to DEBUG.
