kedro jupyter notebook in command prompt returns kedro.framework.cli.jupyter.single kernelspec manager' could not be imported" - bash

I have been trying to activate jupyter notebooks in a kedro context for over 24 hours now and I receive the same error all the time. I have searched around and no one seems to be able to solve this problem. I have created a jupyter_notebook_config.json as recommended by some and deleted it as recommended by others and there is no change.
I have installed ipython and run $python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name=myvenv
this successfully installed kernelspec within my venv but still when i run
kedro jupyter notebook
i get the following error
[C 08:50:49.028 NotebookApp] Bad config encountered during initialization: The 'kernel_spec_manager_class' trait of <notebook.notebookapp.NotebookApp object at 0x7fdef3120a90> instance must be a type, but 'kedro.framework.cli.jupyter.SingleKernelSpecManager' could not be imported
Can anyone direct me on how to approach this as it is preventing me from conducting my work in jupyter.
note that kedro jupyter and kedro jupyter lab and kedro ipython work just fine. The issue seems limited to notebook
I have tried
Running jupyter lab in kedro project in vscode under windows not possible
none of these resources helped. Any guidance is appreciated

After some time on this. My manager asked to run jupyter --version turns out that notebook was not installed.
while not a solution for everyone, it warrants a check to ensure that notebook is installed. Though this does not explain how i was able to access and work in notebook prior to noticing this issue


'ModuleNotFoundError' Jupyter Notebook even though module was installed with pip

I am trying to run some code in jupyter notebook which needs the module 'CTRNN' installed. I can not install with conda, so I installed with pip (which are the instructions on the pypi page for ctrnn module anyway). However, even though I can see the ctrnn module is installed within the env I am using, I still get this error message.
The environments also match up with where ctrnn was installed
Jupyter notebook:
active environment : tf
active env location : /Users/logan/opt/miniconda3/envs/tf
Path of ctrnn install:/Users/logan/opt/miniconda3/envs/tf/lib/python3.7/site-packages
What is going on here? I have no idea how to fix this. Any help greatly appreciated!

No Module Found "elasticsearch"

Installed elasticsearch by pip but notebook was throwing error like no module found.
i got it fixed by restarting the jupyter notebook. but iam curious how it fixed the problem
It is probably a problem with environments. The jupyter notebook you previously used, did not use the same Python environment as where you've installed elasticsearch. You can always check which version you are using with
which python
in your terminal. Or the Windows CMD equivalent
where python

Jupyter Notebook nb_conda_kernel not able to find current environment

Jupyter notebook is not opening kernels in my current environment. Running which jupyter in command line indicates the proper directory within the environment, my environment has nb_conda installed using conda_forge and also has ipykernel installed, I just updated conda to version 4.5.12. When I open jupyter notebook I am able to see a conda tab and my current environment shows up there but when I try to create a new notebook or change kernel within a notebook my current environment does not show up. When I run jupyter notebook in iterm (I am using zsh) I receive a message [nb_conda_kernels] enabled, 2 kernels found which is a problem because I have three kernels (root, an old environment, my current environment).
I've tried looking through different help forums on github and following the readme but I still haven't managed to get it to work. Any help would appreciated!

Launching JupyterQ from Anaconda Navigator

I'm following Kx instructions on installing jupyterq, embedpy and kdb in Anaconda. This is where I want to get to - a Jupyter notebook where I enter q commands. However, when I launch Jupyter notebook from Anaconda Navigator, I'm only able to create a new Python 3 notebook.
How do I create a notebook which accepts q commands?
Checked so far:
I can launch q from ubuntu terminal, it's licensed
In Anaconda Navigator, base environment shows jupyterq, embedpy and kdb as installed
I see jupyterq_kernel.q and others in my ~/anaconda/q directory
EDIT: Meanwhile, I downloaded Jupyter kernel for kdb+ manually. Its apparently registered q kernel for Jupyter. I'm able to open a notebook with jupyter notebook from terminal.
The below is now redundant as the Conda package has been fixed, but is left for reference
You can follow the guide here in order to add the kernel to Jupyter, it seems the package misses kernel.json
From the comments it appears this is or will be fixed, but given you've already installed everything, it is likely quicker to follow the relevant section of this tutorial (under "installing jupyterq")

Non-root jupyter notebook startup

I recently got a new Macbook Pro (Sierra 10.12.3) and wanted to install anaconda. I downloaded the graphical installer from the conda website and ran it; I mistakenly selected the option to install in root (ie not just for a local user). The installation went fine and python ran without a hitch. However, when running jupyter notebook I was told "Permission denied". sudo jupyter notebook worked.
Previously, I had been running an up-to-date conda and jupyter notebook on my previous laptop with Yosemite, and I had never had to sudo to run the notebook. As far as I've been told, letting programs (even trustworthy ones) run with root access should be avoided at all costs, so I wanted to try to fix this.
I used anaconda-clean and then removed the conda directory, and re-installed it for the local user (so now it sits in ~/anaconda/ and not //anaconda/). All conda commands now work without sudo except the jupyter notebook, which still requires sudo jupyter notebook or else it throws the same "Permission denied" error.
How do I solve this and enable the jupyter notebook to start up without root access? I do not know if this is a related issue, but the notebook starts up in Safari despite my default system browser being set to Chrome. Any help will be appreciated!
Got it working; the key is in the ownership of the ~/Library/Jupyter folder. As mentioned in the comments, the anaconda-clean utility deletes all the config files in the home/root folder, and then the removal of anaconda involves "simply" deleting the //anaconda or ~/anaconda folders depending on which install was done.
However, it appears that the Jupyter Notebook creates the ~/Library/Jupyter folder in the home directory, which I obviously missed! Recursive chown does the trick.
Incidentally, this also solves the browser problem, and the notebook starts up in Chrome as expected. I suspect this may have had something to do with sudo jupyter notebook starting up its own browser as root.
