Third-party UI library [using styled-components] + Next.js SSR CSS rules ordering/specificity issue - user-interface

I have a third-party library that uses styled-components v5.3.6
I am using this UI library in my Next-JS app. My Next-JS app also has styled-components v5.3.6 as a dependency, using which i overwrite styling for my UI components.
For instance, i have a component in my UI-library as :
const Header = (props) => {
return (
<Text p="0 14px" {...props}/>
Usage in my main-app
For my requirement , i require padding of 4px on right and left. So, i created a styled.ts file and i have overwritten the component
import styled from "styled-components";
export const ModifiedTextComponent = styled(Text)`
padding: 0 4px;
> someComponent.ts
import modifiedTextComponent from './mystyled.styled.ts';
function test() {
return <ModifiedTextComponent> Text </ModifiedTextComponent>
On SSR, css-specificity for this component changes. Styling defined in <ModifiedTextComponent /> takes less priority over styling of my Text Component.
So during SSR, my ModifiedTextComponent always ends up with a padding of '14px' instead of `4px` on left and right-side.
Note, for this query, naming my third-party UI library as `MyLib`
What i tried.
To resolve this, i removed styled-components dependencies from my main-app and exposed styled utility from my third-party library
Third-party library
import styled from 'styled-components'
export {styled}
main-app > mystyled.styled.ts
import {styled} from "MyLib";
export const ModifiedTextComponent = styled(Text)`
padding: 0 4px;
Exposing styled utility from my third-party library i.e MyLib and consuming it directly seems to resolve the issue.
But this creates an extra dependency on my UI library. I would like to know if there is some other way to resolve this. Also, wanted to understand why specificity for my third party library is high over css-styling that i add in my app.
Solution - 2 , suggested by styled-components-library
Please suggest if someone has a better solution to this, or an explanation to why CSS specificity gets affected with NextJS SSR and Styled-components.


How to globally add styles to some components

I would like to add some styles to some components for example v-chip I want to add some padding globally. I do not want to do it, or import a style file on each component that uses v-chip. I tried to add the styles to variables.scss it works fine but violate the caveats that produces duplicate css. Created a overwrites.scss file and add to it dose not work neither. Please if anyone know how to achieve it?
According to caveats CSS duplication is happened when you import any other stylesheet into variables.scss. As far as I understand, there is no any duplication happened when you haven't imported any CSS file. So, to configure variables in variables.scss is a good way to configure global styles.
If you need to configure styles which have no applicable variable (or you just prefer this way of styles configuration) you can:
a. Create your own component (e.g. XChip.vue) as a wrapper for v-chip.
<!-- XChip.vue -->
<v-chip v-bind="$attrs" v-on="$listeners">
b. Add necessary styles in this component
<style scoped>
c. Then use it everywhere in your project when you need a chip.
You can find more information how to pass down slots here: Vue - how to pass down slots inside wrapper component?

PrismJS syntax highlighting is broken due to conflicts with Bulma

PrismJS syntax highlighting is broken when used together with Bulma.
Both PrismJS and Bulma use the number and tag classes. So, there is a conflict between PrismJS and Bulma.
Are there any workarounds?
There are at least 2 workarounds.
Workaround #1
PrismJS adds token class to all highlighted elements including number and tag unlike Bulma. It allows us to write a more specific CSS rule and resolve conflict with Bulma:
.token.tag {
all: inherit;
color: #905;
Just specify the correct color used in your chosen PrismJS theme.
Workaround #2
Use Custom Class Prism plugin.
It allows to prefix all Prism classes (e.g., with prism- prefix).
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
So number and tag become prism-number and prism-tag so the conflict with Bulma will be resolved.
But you also have to manually prefix classes in Prism CSS style-sheet, e.g.:
.prism-token.prism-function {
color: #dd4a68
I don't like this approach due to the need to manually edit Prism theme CSS file and then hosting it yourself.
Like Eugene Khyst mentioned in his answer, one way to do it is to use the Custom Class plugin for prismjs.
Instead of renaming every prism class you can selectively rename some of the classes. Which should be easier to maintain.{
number: 'prism-number',
tag: 'prism-tag'
This will rename only the number and tag classes.

How can I provide configuration variables to a Sass/SCSS file before including it?

I'm migrating a Stylus library to SCSS since Angular 12 has deprecated Stylus and I'm in that impacted 0.3%. I've run into something we were doing that I'm not sure how to convert to SCSS—maybe it's impossible.
Let me lay this out simply: I work on several projects that all use loads of the same styles, so we put those styles together into one style sheet in its own NPM package. We can then just grab #import '#company/design/styles'; and suddenly we've got all of our regular styles and variables and mixins available in the project, or we can import #import '#company/package/styles/common'; for just the variables and mixins.
The thing is, our projects might need to configure the library before we import it. Suppose the library contains this bit:
// #company/package/styles/_forms.scss
input:invalid {
background: url('/assets/input-error.svg') no-repeat center right;
Not every project will have /assets/input-error.svg at that exact location. Maybe one of my projects has to use /subfolder/static/input-error.svg.
I could include this then overwrite input:invalid { background-image: url(...) } to supply it with the correct location, but there may be many references to this particular file and many other assets on top of that to correct. So we instead, in our Stylus library, we introduced an $asset-input-error variable that points to /assets/input-error.svg by default and did something like this:
// #company/package/styles/_forms.scss
input:invalid {
background: url($asset-input-error) no-repeat center right;
// the local project
$asset-input-error: '/subfolder/static/input-error.svg';
#import '#company/package/styles';
The above is heavily simplified and isn't actually legitimate SCSS, but I hope it conveys what we're trying to do: we want to set up what are effectively environment variables in our SCSS, include the common style sheet, and have it use those variables.
The thing is, I'm not sure what the legitimate or idiomatic approach is to do this in SCSS. Unlike Stylus, which has a global scope for its variables, SCSS would have me #use '../config'; and reference config.$asset-input-error, and from outside the library there's no way I see to change the configuration to point that asset to a different location. I'm sure SCSS has a way for me to do this, but I'm not sure what it is. Do I convert the entire library into a giant mixin to which I pass optional configuration? Do I do something with global variables? Something else?
How can I provide variables to my SCSS style sheet to configure it as part of including it in a project?
Ultimately the end goal here is just to be able to say to the library things like: “the assets to reference are here” (very important) or “the error color is this in this particuilar project” (less important).
Using #import
You can use global variables declared before the #import as you stated.
SCSS Documentation for this method
$asset-input-error: '/subfolder/static/input-error.svg' !default;
input:invalid {
background: url($asset-input-error) no-repeat center right;
#import 'forms';
$asset-input-error: '/different/path/input-error.svg';
#import '#company/package/styles';
CodeSandbox Demo
Using #use [...] with
You can also hop aboard the #use train if you prefer to future-proof your library.
SCSS Documentation for this method
SCSS Documentation for using mixins
SCSS Documentation for configuring forwards
$asset-input-error: '/subfolder/static/input-error.svg' !default;
input:invalid {
background: url($asset-input-error) no-repeat center right;
#forward 'forms';
#use 'styles' with (
$asset-input-error: '/different/path/input-error.svg'
Sadly CodeSandbox and StackBlitz don't support dart-sass, so I don't have a live demo for this but I tested it on the latest version of sass from npm.

Why is Bootstrap accordion not working in React?

I have started a new app using React and react-bootstrap. There is only one component outside the App.js file. The contents:
import React from 'react';
import { Accordion, Button, Card } from 'react-bootstrap';
const accordionDemo = (props) => (
<Accordion defaultActiveKey="0">
<Accordion.Toggle as={Button} variant="link" eventKey="0">
Card one
<Accordion.Collapse eventKey="0">
<Card.Body>Body of Card One.</Card.Body>
<Accordion.Toggle as={Button} variant="link" eventKey="1">
Card two
<Accordion.Collapse eventKey="1">
<Card.Body>Body of Card Two.</Card.Body>
export default accordionDemo;
This results in a button and text displaying for each card in the code. The buttons don't do anything except create a warning in the console: index.js:1 Warning: findDOMNode is deprecated in StrictMode. findDOMNode was passed an instance of Transition which is inside StrictMode.
A warning should break, right?
is this a react-bootstrap wide problem? Or perhaps Boottstrap?
Do I need to manually import some CSS? I thought The react components would come with that styling already.
So I was foolish. I did not have the bootstrap scss imported into my main scss file. And... that was everything.
The answer, therefore, is yes, you DO need to import CSS separately when using react-bootstrap -- as per

How do I use angular-fontawesome with Angular Material?

Existing questions on this subject refer to how to use Angular with FontAwesome Icons and the Answer is ideally Angular FontAwesome. I searched both repo's and didn't really find much using angular-fontawesome. There are hints of older solutions only.
So I have that. I am also using Angular Material Buttons, to which I have been tasked with using FontAwesome Icons in my Buttons and this leads me to Material Icons
I am not really sure where to begin.
Providing I have added an Icon to angular-fontawesome as described. I have a Button with a Icon ready to go, there is a standard method to use to connect the two?
TLDR: I want to use a Material Icon Button, but I am unable to use a Material Icon and have to use FontAwesome Icons instead. I don't know how to achieve this.
Approach 1: Material icon registry
Material allows to use custom SVG icons with its components (like mat-button). FontAwesome icons are also SVGs, so you can use this mechanism to solve task at hand.
// 1. Import desired FontAwesome icon
import { faFontAwesomeFlag } from '#fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons';
import { icon } from '#fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core';
// 4. Use with `mat-icon` component in your template
#Component({ template: '<button mat-button type="button"><mat-icon svgIcon="font-awesome" style="vertical-align: top"></mat-icon>Make Awesome!</button>' })
export class AppComponent {
constructor(registry: MatIconRegistry, sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {
// 2. Render icon into SVG string
const svg = icon(faFontAwesomeFlag).html.join('');
// 3. Register custom SVG icon in `MatIconRegistry`
Also check this issue for description of a more lightweight implementation.
Approach 2: Use fa-icon component from angular-fontawesome library
As you already seem to use #fortawesome/angular-fontawesome package in your application, you can avoid using mat-icon altogether and use fa-icon inside mat-button instead.
import { faFontAwesomeFlag } from '#fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons';
#Component({ template: '<button mat-button type="button"><fa-icon [icon]="faFontAwesomeFlag" style="padding-right: 6px"></fa-icon>Make Awesome!</button>' })
export class AppComponent {
faFontAwesomeFlag = faFontAwesomeFlag;
Note that you'll also need to add FontAwesomeModule to imports for this to work. See documentation for more details.
Here is the demo with both described approaches:
Note that I also had to add some CSS to ensure that icon is aligned well with the button text.
Go to your project directory and run this command to install google material icons pack
npm add material-design-icons.
Next, update the “.angular-cli.json” file to include the web font into the “index.html” page when application gets compiled:
styles: [
Finally, you can test the font by updating the main application template with something like the following:
<h1>Material Icons</h1>
<i class="material-icons">account_circle</i>
<i class="material-icons">thumb_up</i>
You can refer to this site . I followed all the steps fro this site to use mat-icons when I was creating angular 6 project.
You can also checkout this stackblitz
If you want to use font awesome icons I suggest you can start by following this guide . It's super easy and simple to use.
Install font-awesome dependency using the command npm install --save font-awesome angular-font-awesome.
After that import the module :
import { AngularFontAwesomeModule } from 'angular-font-awesome';
imports: [
export class AppModule { }
