My old release to Google Play Store was an APK and now it HAS to be an AAB. Will there be issues e.g., signed app etc? - google-play-console

My earlier version of the app was uploaded years ago. Now I wish to upload an updated version. The old one was an APK file and now it has to be an AAB package (developed using Android studio). When I was uploading some new app yesterday I underwent a process of getting errors at package name level and more. I have not 'updated' an app yet and the process is new to me. I wanted to know of there would be issues especially with recent changes?
I am looking for some helpful pointers and links that will guide me. I am kind of new to this


Are DSYMs no longer available for download in ASC?

Sup gang
I've noticed dsyms link is no longer available under Build Metadata in App Store Connect. Our team has submitted a couple of builds recently and none of them have it. Looks like the last build that had it was over a month ago.
I've seen many old posts asking the same question before so I wonder if this time Apple devs broke it again or is it a new default?
I have the feeling it won't be there ever again as we have disabled bitcode in our project (so Apple does not re-generate the dsyms).
Anybody experiencing the same problem?

How to handle MISSING_PLUGIN_EXEPTION in Flutter with Firebase Core Plugin on IOS

for several days I have tried to link my Flutter app with Firebase Database. But unfortunately, whenever I want to start debugging the compiler gives back a missing plugin exemption concerning the firebase_core package. I have already seen some entries referring to this issue here on stack overflow but none of them worked for me.
I have already followed the instruction steps by the installation guide on Firebase and included the Google Service File in my Xcode project.
I already did flutter clean, deleted the pods folder and the pod file.lock file in IOS, tried to include the Firebase SDK package by using the add package option in Xcode.
In the past, the connection between my Flutter project and the Firebase Database already worked but somehow it won't work now.
I think that my issue deals with the new step in the installation process for Firebase Connection when I am asked to make use of the Firebase SDK in Xcode.
In the following I'll add some more pictures for illustration. If someone had the same/a similar issue, it would be a huge help for me.
error Message
Xcode runner workspace including google Service
AppDelegate in Xcode
pubspec yaml

Include old version play console

Delete this threat if there is already one existing but I didn’t find it with the search function or it didn't help me out.
I tried to upload an update of my app.
I have an issue uploading on play console
My abb version that's currently online is called 113.
Now I want to make an update that's called 114
But I want to include version 113
Here is what the console gives me as error
This APK will not be served to any users because it is completely shadowed by one or more APKs with higher version codes. Remove this APK from your release or review the targeting and version codes of the APKs that you are including in this release.
I saw this errors in boards but the solutions there didn't help me since I work with App Bundles and not APKs

Non-public API usage Flutter.framework/Flutter: _kCTFontOpticalSizeAttribute error on upload of flutter app

I've spent the last two days trying to submit my app to the App Store. I get the message below:
ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public symbols in Frameworks/Flutter.framework/Flutter: _kCTFontOpticalSizeAttribute. If method names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above, altering your method names will help prevent this app from being flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one or more of the above APIs may be located in a static library that was included with your app. If so, they must be removed. For further information, visit the Technical Support Information at
Here's what Ive done so far:
a) I've scoured my code for any reference to Font Sizes - I had some that were constants - I changed the constant name to:
b) I tried to download the latest flutter sdk version
c) I rebuilt my entire keychain.
Im so desperate right now. im tired.
What do I do?
the internet has no mention of this bug.
I've got the same message several times from the App Store Team a few minutes ago.
I think the problem was the Flutter SDK version...!
I used to use the latest version(Flutter SDK version 1.12.3-pre.26) at first but changed the Flutter SDK version to 'v1.9.1+hotfix.3' and the problem is resolved!!!
I solved the problem with the following instruction below:
Switching Flutter SDK version to 'v1.9.1+hotfix.3' with the command:
flutter version v1.9.1+hotfix.3
Archive and upload again ...
Problem Solved!!!!!! 🤩
This may be a recently-introduced Skia regression.
The code was included in Flutter v1.12.3, so v1.12.2 on the dev channel should work.
Flutter's Bad Build wiki page will be updated when there is a fix for this issue.
Update: This has been resolved in Flutter v1.12.5.
Since there have been a lot of problems with flutter recently(when I tried the fix mentioned in another answer I different error) I though I should include this
Just type flutter version [version code]

Is there a way to retrieve information about new app builds from TestFlight?

I am using TestFlight to distribute test versions of my app to a private group of people. As I am making a lot of updates these days I wonder if some of my testers will get sick of the large amount of update emails they receive.
So I thought it would be a better approach to let the app check for updates when started and than showing a small notification that there is a new version out and to only notify the testers about important updates by mail.
So my question is: Is there a way to retrieve information about new builds by RSS or some other channel?
The TestFlight iOS SDK already supports this for beta versions if you have the SDK integrated into your app:
Beta In App Updates
If a user is using a beta version of your app, you are setting the
UDID, a new beta version is available, and that user has permission to
install it; an in app popup will ask them if they would like to
install the update. If they tap "Install", the new version is
installed from inside the app.
NB: For this to work, you must increment your build version before
uploading. Otherwise the new and old builds will have the same version
number and we won't know if the user needs to update or is already
using the new version.
To turn this off set this option before calling takeOff:
[TestFlight setOptions:#{ TFOptionDisableInAppUpdates : #YES }];
