How can I download pdf before loading another view in laravel? - laravel

after completing a registration formular, when user clicks submit button, I want to first download a pdf and then redirect user to a view. Here is my code :
public function formularSave(Request $request) {
if(!isset($_REQUEST['token'])) {
$token = $_REQUEST['token'];
$upd_app = Application::where('token', $token)->update([
'status' => 22
$result = "Registration complete.";
$html .= 'Some test code here
<p>Date: '.date('d.m.Y H:i:s').'</p>
$pdf = PDF::loadHTML($html);
$filename = substr(md5(uniqid().time()), 0, 17) . '.pdf';
//code for download pdf HERE!!!!
return view('site.pages.registercomplete', compact('result'));
How can I download the pdf, after I create it?

It's impossible on Laravel.
This will not work. Your browser operates on simple requests one goes out one comes in.
There is no way for browser to know if user finished downloading the file and saved it somewhere. The final response from browser if file to be downloaded, nothing can follow that as far as I understand.
Now I'm not sure how that can be handled in javascript but in pure html requests it will not work.
Check this


can't reach page while export pdf/downloading file in dompdf

I want to export data tables to PDF.
I'm using Codeigniter Framework, and use dompdf plugin.
I think the code is correct, because it doesn't show any error information when I click the button to export to PDF, the page spends a long time loading, and in the end, it just displays "can't reach the page".
This problem also happens when I try to download files from my local directory.
Here is the code:
actually issue happened when i try to download more number of records
The controller:
$this->load->library('pdf'); // change to pdf_ssl for ssl
$data = array();
$data['result'] = $finaldata;
$data['search_header'] = $search_header;
$html = $this->load->view('admin/report/school_pdf', $data, TRUE);
$this->pdf->create($html, $filename);

How to display PDF Documents on the browser using a View in Laravel 5.8

I'm working on a web application using Laravel 5.8, I'm new to Laravel framework. I would like to display PDF documents on the browser when users click on some buttons. I will allow authenticated users to "View" and "Download" the PDF documents.
I have created a Controller and a Route to allow displaying of the documents. I'm however stuck because I have a lot of documents and I don't know how to use a Laravel VIEW to display and download each document individually.
/* PDFController*/
public function view($id)
$file = storage_path('app/pdfs/') . $id . '.pdf';
if (file_exists($file)) {
$headers = [
'Content-Type' => 'application/pdf'
return response()->download($file, 'Test File', $headers, 'inline');
} else {
abort(404, 'File not found!');
/The Route/
Route::get('/preview-pdf/{id}', 'PDFController#view');
Mateus' answer does a good job describing how to setup your controller function to return the PDF file. I would do something like this in your /routes/web.php file:
Route::get('/show-pdf/{id}', function($id) {
$file = YourFileModel::find($id);
return response()->file(storage_path($file->path));
The other part of your question is how to embed the PDF in your *.blade.php view template. For this, I recommend using PDFObject. This is a dead simple PDF viewer JavaScript package that makes embedding PDFs easy.
If you are using npm, you can run npm install pdfobject -S to install this package. Otherwise, you can serve it from a CDN, or host the script yourself. After including the script, you set it up like this:
<div id="pdf-viewer"></div>
PDFObject.embed("{{ route('show-pdf', ['id' => 1]) }}", "#pdf-viewer");
And that's it — super simple! And, in my opinion, it provides a nicer UX for your users than navigating to a page that shows the PDF all by itself. I hope you find this helpful!
After reading your comments on the other answer, I thought you might find this example particularly useful for what you are trying to do.
According to laravel docs:
The file method may be used to display a file, such as an image or PDF, directly in the user's browser instead of initiating a download.
All you need to do is pass the file path to the method:
return response()->file($pathToFile);
If you need custom headers:
return response()->file($pathToFile, $headers);
Route::get('/show-pdf/{id}', function($id) {
$file = YourFileModel::find($id);
return response()->file(storage_path($file->path));
Or if file is in public folder
Route::get('/show-pdf', function($id='') {
return response()->file(public_path().'pathtofile.pdf');
then show in page using
<embed src="{{ route('show-pdf') }}" type="text/pdf" >

Tracking clicks on Download button and save in database

I have simple Download button which is looks like this
<a download="{{ $thumb }}" href="{{ $thumb }}" class="btn btn-success">Download Image</a>
It is appearing on page when the image is found. The button is working perfectly and is downloading the image.
The page has simple input field which user can search the image and if image is found it's showed on page with button download.
I've made a function which saves each string which is searched and now I'm wondering if I can save also if button Download is clicked e.g. the image is downloaded.
Can someone show me an example? I'm using laravel 5.4 here. So maybe I need to pass to the controller click event?
Current controller function
public function getImage(Request $request)
$url = get_curl_content_tx(''.$request->input('url'));
$items = json_decode($url, true);
$thumb = $items['thumbnail_url'];
$db_save = new Image();
$ip = $request->ip();
$ip = DB::connection()->getPdo()->quote($ip);
$db_save->url = $request->input('url');
$db_save->ip = DB::raw("inet_aton($ip)");
return view('getImage',compact('thumb'));
Yes. Make sure that the href is going to a route where you keep track of these records and you can pass on the specific image to update the Record Model of the Image model itself if the counter is there? Something like this:
public function TrackDownload(Image $image){
$imageRecord = Record::where('image_id', '=', $image->id);
'download_counter' => $imageRecord->download_counter + 1;
return redirect()->route();

How to logout from site?

How to logout from all pages of view, when I click on logout link I just from only one page when I am trying to logout from another page its not work.
My controller code is:
public function do_login()
$this->user = $this->input->post('user_email',TRUE);
$this->pass = $this->input->post('user_pass',TRUE);
$u = new User();
$login_data = array('email' => $this->user, 'password' => $this->pass);
if(!empty($u->id) && $u->id > 0 )
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $u->id;
$_SESSION['user_name']= $u->username;
$_SESSION['fullname']= $u->fullname;
$_SESSION['is_verefied'] = $u->active;
$_SESSION['user_email']= $u->email;
$u->lastlogin = time();
setcookie("logged", 1, time()+86400);
$url = "./";
$url = $_GET['referer'];
$url = $_POST['referer'];
public function logout()
setcookie("logged", 0, time()+86400);
$_COOKIE["logged"] = '';
$_SESSION['user_id'] = '';
$_SESSION['user_name']= '';
$_SESSION['fullname']= '';
$_SESSION['is_verefied'] = '';
$_SESSION['user_email']= '';
When I logout from site, and click back from browser the user information session its not deleted.
The back button of your browser might get you to cached version of you page, cached from back when you were logged it. Also, I suggest you use CodeIgniter's sessions.
To make sure you're doing everything right.
Destroy the session:
Clear the cookie, make sure you use the same domain as when you set it up, and that the time is set to past:
setcookie('logged', '', time()-3600); // minus one hour
This script will log the user out of all pages that have a session started on them. You know a page uses sessions if this code is at the top of the code for that page:
<?php session_start(); ?>
Logging out of a website is simply clearing any session data and then destroying it.
Try the following in your logout.php:
// what were doing here is checking for any cookies used by the session.
//If there are any, we are going to delete the data with it.
if (ini_get("session.use_cookies")) {
$params = session_get_cookie_params();
setcookie(session_name(), '', time() - 42000,
$params["path"], $params["domain"],
$params["secure"], $params["httponly"]
//now lets unset the session and destroy it
// for the redirect, we simple use the php header to send the redirect url to the browser
header("Location: login");
Make sure when using the header function that there is no output, caused by blank spaces or html. As a logout page, there should be no output anyways since navigating to the logout page should log the user out and immediately redirect.
I use this script on all my sites and it works great. Anywhere I want the logout link to appear, I just link to the page as such:
Just make a file called logout.php and put this code into it.
Hope this helps you!

Magento custom add to cart process not working

REVISED QUESTION: We have tracked this down to a custom add to cart method. I have completely revised the question.
I am working on a site that is using Magento ver. as its eCommerce platform. We have built a custom "Add To Cart" process which adds multiple items to the cart via an AJAX request. After this request, some postprocessing is done viw JavaScript in the browser before redirecting to the "View Cart" page. 99% of the time this process seems to function properly in Firefox and Safari but in IE8, the process fails. When adding an item to the cart, after being redirected to the "Your Cart" page, the shopping cart is empty.
Not all items on the site are added via this AJAX process. This issue only happens only when the cart is empty before adding the items via AJAX. That is to say, if an item that is added via the normal Magento process is added to the cat first, then the AJAX add to cart requests always succeed. Blu clearing cookies and then attempting to add via AJAX will fail consistently on IE8.
Server is an Apache/PHP server with PHP 5.2.9, eAccelerator and Suhosin. Please request any additional information and I'll be happy to provide it. We are storing sessions in a MySQL Database.
Here is the code for our custom add to cart method. This code is located in /app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/controllers/CartController.php:
public function ajaxaddAction()
$result = array('success' => true);
$session = $this->_getSession();
$cart = $this->_getCart();
$products = json_decode($_POST['products'],true);
throw new Exception("Products data not sent");
foreach ($products as $product_data)
$product = $this->_initProduct($product_data['id']);
throw new Exception("Product id {$product_data['id']} not found");
$info = array('qty' => $product_data['qty']);
$info['options'] = $product_data['options'];
* #todo remove wishlist observer processAddToCart
array('product' => $products[0], 'request' => $this->getRequest(), 'response' => $this->getResponse())
$cartItems = $cart->getQuote()->getAllItems();
$result['cart'] = array();
foreach($cartItems as $item)
$result['cart'][] = json_decode($item->toJson());
catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e)
if ($this->_getSession()->getUseNotice(true)) {
} else {
$messages = array_unique(explode("\n", $e->getMessage()));
foreach ($messages as $message) {
$result['success'] = false;
$result['exception'] = $e->getMessage();
catch (Exception $e) {
$this->_getSession()->addException($e, $this->__('Can not add item to shopping cart'));
$result['success'] = false;
$result['exception'] = $e->getMessage();
header('Content-Type: application/json',true);
echo json_encode($result);
Please don't answer with "Move the code to the /app/code/local/ directory". I understand that's a better place for it, and will move it there in the future, but unless your answer will solve the issue, please just post a comment. In order to get a faster response I'm starting a bounty and want good answers to this specific issue, not just tips on better ways to integrate this code.
If there's any information I can provide to assist please let me know. We're under a tight deadline...
I've spent over 10 hours on this. For the moment I believe I have a partial solution. But I'm not sure why this solution works...
It seems that Magento requires a redirect in order to complete the add to cart process. So instead of
header('Content-Type: application/json',true);
echo json_encode($result);
I store my JSON in the session and redirect to a new cart action:
That action then dumps the JSON data
public function postajaxaddAction()
$session = $this->_getSession();
header('Content-Type: application/json',true);
echo $this->_getSession()->getCartJsonResult();
This still fails sometimes; however now my JavaScript code does not get the JSON data it was expecting and is able to repeat the request. The second request is successful more often than the first... However there are still cases when the AJAX requests fail no matter what.
Not sure if this is causing the problems you're running into, but a better way to do a JSON response would be to use the existing "Magento/Zend way" of doing it.
Instead of:
header('Content-Type: application/json',true);
echo json_encode($result);
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json', true)->setBody(json_encode($result));
We've experienced issues adding things to the cart when session storage runs out and new sessions can't be created. If you're storing sessions on disk or in memcache, check that you've allocated enough space.
