How do I keep a copy of the DOM in Sorry Cypress? - cypress

When a Cypress test fails in CI pipeline, the screenshot is not enough to determine the cause.
How do I upload a copy of the DOM to the server so I can examine the node structure post-mortem when a test fails?


Cypress : How to run tests within a single spec in a specific order?

I have test suite where in one of the spec the 5th test-case is dependent on 3rd test-case. While the case is run locally via cypress runner - I do not see any issue in order of running.
But while case is running in CI - I'm seeing 5th is failing randomly [verified that no script errors] & upon analysis I notice that certain data records which are created in 3rd case are not returned for 5th case & hence its failing.
Is there a way to order tests within a spec in Cypress?
Unfortunately it is not possible to run tests within the same spec file in specific order in Cypress currently.
Cypress is basically just scheduling events to happen, with no additional control beyond that, so there is no way to guarantee tests will run in a specific order.

Access filesystem in Karma-Jasmine

I have a bunch of HTML5 canvas tests in my library which I run via Karma and Jasmine. If I detect differences in my tests I show the canvas DOM elements with my generated image output and a diff on the browser page. But when I run my tests in Chrome Headless and/or on my CI environment I have no way of checking the test results in case they fail. And that's currently the issue I'm facing: when I run the tests with a UI, they are green, if I run them in Chrome Headless they fail but I have no chance of checking my visual output.
As solution I'd like to write my generated images to disk. On local tests I can then check this folder what happened an on CI I can publish the result images as artifacts. But here comes the point: Karma and Jasmine seem to have no proper mechanism in place for this task. Also I could not find any plugin tackling this challenge of properly accessing the local file-system from your tests.
A tricky aspect is also that I cannot use promise (async/await) operations at the place where I want to save files. I am within a Jasmine CustomMatcher which does not have promise support I could try rewriting my tests again to handle the error reporting to Jasmine.
My attempts so far:
I started with a custom Karma reporter listening to browser logs and potentially use this as channel to hand over the image bytes to Node for writing to disk. But this additional plugin registration messed with my overall Karma configuration. Karma and Rollup were not working anymore once I registered my custom reporter and I never found out if such large byte amounts can be even transferred via this channel.
Then I started with an API via karma-express-http-server where I "upload" the files to be saved. But I stopped half way as such a simple task seem to require again a bunch of libs and custom implementation to get a simple file upload running (karma-express-http-server, multer). Also I need to rely on synchronous Ajax calls here which is not really future proof.
The Native File System API heavily relies on Promises so I cannot use it.
There must be a simpler way of just writing a file as part of your tests to disk while when using Karma and Jasmine.

Cypress secure to use with production data

I am trying to use cypress for running some monitoring tests on production.I am also using snapshot match plugin to compare screenshots.
I just want to know is this safe to do ?
I am not using any dashboard services from cypress -just running tests on our local machines-will cypress sent any info outside our network?
Cypress doesn't send anything to Cypress's servers unless you specifically configure it to - it's safe.
The only other thing is, by default, Cypress will send crash reports (when Cypress itself crashes) to be analyzed. You can turn this off by following the instructions here.

Save recording response log in Jmeter

I know how to save the results tree before doing recording in Jmeter. But is there a way to save the results after the recording?? Actually I have recorded a big scrip without knowing this.
Just add View Results Tree listener as a child of the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and you will be able to see request/response details and save them into a file if needed.
Just in case the above test plan was generated using JMeter Templates Feature

How to make a TeamCity build fail (timeout) if it takes too long?

How do we put a timeout on a TeamCity build?
We have a TeamCity build which runs some integration tests. These tests read/write data to a database and sometimes this is very slow (why it is slow is another open quesiton).
We currently have timeouts in our integration tests to check that e.g. the data has been written within 30 seconds, but these tests are randomly failing during periods of heavy use.
If we removed the timeouts from the tests, we would want to fail the build only if the entire run took more than some much larger timeout.
But I can't see how to do that.
On the first page of the build setup you will find the field highlights in my screenie - use that
In TeamCity v.9 and v.10 you should find it under the "Failure Conditions". See:
