'?' instead of persian character - cmd

I am tried to work with 'MySQL'.
but when I want to write in Persian keyboard, it doesn't show correctly
how can I fix this problem?
enter image description here
its preview


Why is facepalm emoji 🤦‍♀️ followed by U+200D♀

I am trying to send utf-8 symbols via serial device to browser and display them. I have found out when I print facepalm emoji 🤦‍♀️ (on windows 10 Win+.) it has U+200D and ♀ characters behind. Others emojis don't have that. I was using View non-printable unicode characters tool. Also I found, if you print it in notepad it will show you ♀, when you print it in browser address bar ♀ is invisible but if you press backspace you delete it. And finally, if you print it in some html text input, you can delete whole emoji with single backspace. Why is that?
Emoji sequences have more than one code point to signify variations (below may or may not look different for each sequence depending on browser):
🤦‍♂️ MAN FACEPALMING U+1F926 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
🤦‍♀️ WOMAN FACEPALMING U+1F926 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
Emoji List, v13.1 No. 260-262.
Full Emoji List, v13.1, No. 260-262 (With browser-specific images)
Unicode® Standard Annex #29, UNICODE TEXT SEGMENTATION
Some editors/browsers handle the sequences better than others and may not show differences in all variations or may not recognize the latest Unicode specfication and newer emojis.

NS button text interprets FontAwesome

If I set the text of the Button whose font is FontAwesome to something like "Download" - it interprets 'down' as an font from FA as well as 'ad'
e.g. Open = it'll display O and then a pen icon from FA.
Very weird - how can I stop this.
I'd like the button text to contain both FA icons (specified with unicode escape codes) and regular text.
I haven't used FontAwesome recently, I recall they use to denote icons by character code so there were no issues in combining text along with icons, not sure if that's changed now.
As a workaround you can use formattedText instead of text. You will be able to use different fonts within Button with 2 different FormattedString definitions, one for icon and another for text.

Sublime text 3 automatically highlights the texts when typing on mac

when i type something in sublime 3 it has a white box appear around the text, when i out focus the sublime and get focus back, the text which is highlighted disappear.
So i have to press escape or space to turn it off before saving which is super annoying. Tried to turn off some highlight functions in sublime setting but doesn't work.
please see the example image below, thanks
p/s i dont install any plugin except package control, and it happens to every language (php, js, html, text, xml ...)
i used a vietnamese keyboard, so turn it off when the problem sold.
i think it may happen to another keyboard. thanks

Display Emoji icons in Mac app

I want the user to have easy access to Emoji icons in a small chat I am making for the company I'm working at.
Therefore, I want to make a panel which shows the available Emoji icons. To do this, I am using an NSCollectionView. Now, I need to pass a string which is shown in an NSTextField. This string must contain one Emoji icon.
I can't figure out how to write this Emoji icon in unicode in a string. Everything I have tried just shows a strange symbol instead of the icon.
Can anyone tell me, how I can put an Emoji icon into an NSString?
📱 You want emoji 😄?
🐷🐻🐨🐸 They're in Unicode now 🐸🐨🐻🐷
If you open up the 💻Character Viewer💻 you can actually paste them directly into your source code. If you'd rather, you can encode them in hexadecimal (\U0001F431 for cat face) by looking them up in the Unicode code charts (especially the chart for the U+1F300 block).
If you want to make sure they appear in color, you'll need to select the "Apple Color Emoji" font for the Emoji. You can use NSAttributedString to set the font on a per-character basis.

How to display unicode control characters in visual studio text visualizer?

I get some text string from service, which contains Unicode control characters
(i.e \u202B or \u202A and others for Arabic language support).
But while debugging I can't see them in default text visualizer. So I need to enable display for such characters to determine which of them my text consists of. There is checkbox in text visualizer "show all characters", but it doesn't work as I expect.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Those are codes for explicit RLE and LRE order, ie if in RLE something should be displayed in LRE order.
