Laravel Dusk beforeEach, beforeAll, afterEach, afterAll solutions - laravel

Is there any way in Laravel Dusk tests to run codes before all, before each, after each and after all tests?
I'm looking for something like in Jasmine beforeEach(), afterEach() and beforeAll(), afterAll() functions.
I found nothing useful in many days of searching.


How do you test response contains string in Inertia unit tests?

I am using Inertia and would like to run some tests to check whether the response contains a certain string.
fn (AssertableInertia $page) => $page->component('UsersPage')->has('profile')->dd('profile.0.buttons')
so the above works and i can dump the profile.0.buttons and see the string i want to check for, but how do i automatically test that this string exists? normal unit tests, i'd use assertSee. whereContains also doesn't work.
I think that Inertia page about testing has done a great job in summing the testing option for Laravel/Inertia.
Endpoint tests (assertInertia) are feature tests, and you can use them to check if a controller is sending the right components and data to Inertia.
Your question is going more in the direction of "Client-side unit tests" e.g. Jest, where you can send some data to React/Vue component and see how that data has been rendered.
There are "End-to-end tests": Cypress is great but lacks nice integration with setting up Laravel enviroment and seeders in test.
That leave us with Laravel Dusk. I love this tool because it give us best of both worlds (backend and frontend).
You can set up your test with seeders or Model factories, and in the same test you can fire up virtual browser and see how Inertia rendered page. Best thing is that you can use helpers for typing and clicking so you can realy test your app and how it behaves.

Cypress with Jasmine

We are in a process of migrating existing Protractor scripts(with Jasmine Framework) to Cypress.
I would like to know if we can use the Jasmine in Cypress also. As, Cypress by default uses Mocha.., so need a clarification if we can install Jasmine dependences along with Cypress to define the tests with Framework.
I don't think so. Cypress modifies/patches the Mocha hooks like beforeEach() and also the chai expect() to work with their framework.
Is there anything about Jasmine that you don't get out of the box with Cypress? I believe the expect() syntax may be different, if you have too many Jasmine-style expectations to change you may be able to add custom Chai expressions so that they work without modification.

How to properly write e2e tests of Vuetify apps?

Currently I am using Nightwatch.js with Chromedriver to perform e2e tests of my Vuetify app. However, the test results are indeterministic.
Many times I get errors like: Timed out while waiting for element <.menuable__content__active> to be present for 5000 milliseconds. when running waitForElementVisible('.menuable__content__active', 5000) right after click('.v-select'), whereas sometimes it passes.
There must be a simpler way to select an item in <v-select> other than clicking on it, waiting for .menuable__content__active and clicking on .menuable__content__active .v-list__tile--link. The same with <v-menu>, <v-autocomplete>, <v-date-picker>, etc.
Other times running click('#myid .v-btn') does not work, but execute('document.querySelector("#myid .v-btn").click()') does.
What is the proper way to do deterministic e2e testing of Vuetify apps with a lot of dynamic components?
I managed to successfully e2e-test Vuetify using Cypress instead of Nightwatch.js, which implicitly waits for elements to appear when using cy.get(). Moreover, its snapshots in between tests are really useful for debugging.

Codeception, Laravel, Acceptance tests

I'm developping an acceptance test with Codeception Laravel 5.
I see in the docs that module Laravel 5 should not be used in acceptance tests.
Now, I would like to use function like: Auth::xxx, factory(User::class)->create(), etc... but those functions are not recognized.
I can use them in my funcional tests, because I include Laravel 5 Module.
Does it mean I will not be able to use them in acceptance test, or is there a trick to do it???
The documentation clearly outlines the answer to your question:
You should not use this module for acceptance tests. If you want to use Laravel functionality with your acceptance tests, for example to do test setup, you can initialize the Laravel functionality by adding the following lines of code to your suite _bootstrap.php file:
So this is what you add:
require 'bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require 'bootstrap/app.php';
$app->instance('request', new \Illuminate\Http\Request);
This means you can use the Laravel functionality in your Acceptance Tests, however, you can't use the Codeception Laravel 5 module for your Acceptance Tests.
Hopefully this clears things up.
When in acceptance testing, you have two instances, yours (codeception) and the app's (website).
This means anything laravel you use in your instance won't work in the app's instance.
Here Auth::check() has no meaning, as acceptance testing must be decoupled from the app. You should assert if you are seeing Log In or Log Out in the rendered html for example.
Eloquent is the only thing you can get away with when in acceptance testing.

One set of tests for few projects with different parameters

i'm using Protractor and Jasmine and would like to organize my E2E test in the best way.
There is a set of the tests for check registration function (registration with right credentials, register as existed user, etc.).
I need to run those tests in three different projects. Tests are same, but credentials are different. For one project it could be 3 fields in the registration form, in another one - 6.
Now everything is organized in a very complicated way:
each single test is made not as "it" but as a function
there is a function which contains all tests (functions which test)
there is a file with Describe function in each
in that file there is one "it" which call the function which contains all tests
there is test suite for each project
I believe that there is a practice how to organize everything in a right way, that each test was in own "it". So will be happy to see some links or advice.
Thank you in advance!
Since it's a broad question, i will redirect you to few links. You should probably be looking at page-object model of Protractor. It will help you simplify and set a standard to organise your tests in a way that is readable and easy to use. Here's the link to it as described by Protractor team.
page-object model
However if you want to know why do we need to use such a framework, there are many shortcomings to it, which can be solved by using such framework. A detailed explanation is here
shortcomings of protractor and how to overcome them
EDIT: Based on your comments i feel that you are trying make a unified file/function that can cater to all the suites that will be using it. In order to handle such things try adding a generalised function (to fill form fields in your case), export that function and then require it into your test suites. Here's a sample link to it -
Exports and require
Hope this helps.
