Spring KafkaStreams not receiving messages only in tests - spring

I have problem with Spring and KafkaStreams but only in tests.
Test looks like below
private StreamsBuilder streamsBuilder;
void shouldHandleUserCreatedEvent() {
new Thread(() -> {
streamsBuilder.stream("TESTTOPIC").peek((k, v) -> System.out.println("received_from_test"));
var event = UserCreatedEvent.builder()
reactiveKafkaProducerTemplate.send("TESTTOPIC", event.getUserId(), event).block();
StepVerifier.create(Flux.interval(Duration.of(30, ChronoUnit.SECONDS)))
and after this test message "received_from_test" is not printed.
But when I create similar stream in my app for example like below:
void init() {
streamsBuilder.stream("TESTTOPIC").peek((k, v) -> System.out.println("received_from_app"));
message "received_from_app" is printed.
Maybe somebody could help me and tell whats wrong with above test?
new Thread() is only to exclude problem with Threads (blocking or something similar)

I have suspicion that StreamsBuilder.build() method is called after app starts and this topology is used. After app starts any other method call on builder have no impact on stream processing.
If I want to use this topology in tests I need to create new KafkaStreams and pass modified topology to it


Spring Reactor and consuming websocket messages

I'm creating a spring reactor application to consume messages from websockets server, transform them and later save them to redis and some sql database, saving to redis and sql database is also reactive. Also, before writing to redis and sql database, messages will be windowed (with different timespans) and aggregated.
I'm not sure if the way I've accomplished what I want to achieve is a proper reactive wise, it means, I'm not losing reactive benefits (performance).
First, let me show you what I got:
class WebSocketsConsumer {
public ConnectableFlux<String> webSocketFlux() {
return Flux.<String>create(emitter -> {
.execute(URI.create("wss://some-url-goes-here.com"), session -> {
WebSocketMessage initialMessage = session.textMessage("SOME_MSG_HERE");
Flux<String> flux = session.send(Mono.just(initialMessage))
Flux<String> sessionStatus = session.closeStatus()
return flux
.subscribe(); //1: highlighted by Intellij Idea: `Calling subsribe in not blocking context`
private ReactorNettyWebSocketClient createWebSocketClient() {
return new ReactorNettyWebSocketClient(
() -> WebsocketClientSpec.builder().maxFramePayloadLength(131072 * 100)
class WebSocketMessageDispatcher {
private final WebSocketsConsumer webSocketsConsumer;
private final Consumer<String> reactiveRedisConsumer;
private final Consumer<String> reactiveJdbcConsumer;
private Disposable webSocketsDisposable;
WebSocketMessageDispatcher(WebSocketsConsumer webSocketsConsumer, Consumer<String> redisConsumer, Consumer<String> dbConsumer) {
this.webSocketsConsumer = webSocketsConsumer;
this.reactiveRedisConsumer = redisConsumer;
this.reactiveJdbcConsumer = dbConsumer;
public void onReady() {
ConnectableFlux<String> messages = webSocketsConsumer.webSocketFlux();
webSocketsDisposable = messages.connect();
public void onDestroy() {
if (webSocketsDisposable != null) webSocketsDisposable.dispose();
Is it a proper use of reactive streams? Maybe redis and database writes should be done in flatMap, however IMO they can't as I want them to happen in the background and they will also aggregate messages with different time windows. Also note comment 1 from the code above where idea lints my code, code works however I wonder what this lint may result in? Maybe I should use doOnNext not to call emitter::next but to invoke some dispatcher of messages there with some funcion like doOnNext(dispatcher::dispatchMessage) ?
I want websockets client to start immediately after application is ready and stop consuming messages when application shuts down, are #EventListener(ApplicationReadyEvent.class) and #PreDestroy annotations and code shown above a proper way to handle this scenario in reactive world?
As I said saving to redis and sql database is also reactive, i.e. those saves are also producing Mono<T> is subscribing to those Monos inside subscribe of websockets flux ok or it should be accomplished some other way (comments 2 and 3 in code above)

Spring Integration Flow with #Restcontoller Timing issue

A simple #RestController is connected with a #MessagingGateway to an IntegrationFlow.
After a load test we saw within the tracing that we lose "a lot of time" before even starting the processing within the flow:
Tracing result
In this example we can see that over 90ms spend befor sending the message to the flow.
Did anyone have some idea what leads to this behavior?
As far as I understood the documentation, everything is handled in the sender thread and therefore no special worker threads are created.
We use the Restcontroller since we need to create the documentation with springdoc-openapi-ui
public class DescriptionEndpoint {
HttpMessageGateway httpMessageGateway;
public Result findData(#Valid dataRequest dataRequest) {
final Map<String, Object> headerParams = new HashMap<>();
return httpMessageGateway.basicDataDescriptionFlow(dataRequest, headerParams);
public interface HttpMessageGateway {
#Gateway(requestChannel = "startDataFlow.input")
Result basicDataDescriptionFlow(#Payload dataRequest prDataRequest, #Headers Map<String, Object> map);
public class ExampleFlow {
public IntegrationFlow startDataFlow() {
return new FlowExtension()
After adding some more traces I realized, that this timing issue is caused by my spring security configuration.
Unfortunatelly, i thought, the span is only representing the time after the start of findData(..). But it seems, the tracing starts already in the proxy methods and security chain.
After improving some implementation on our JWTToken filter, the spend times for these endpoints are OK.

Spring Integration: Manual channel handling

What I want: Build a configurable library that
uses another library that has an internal routing and a subscribe method like: clientInstance.subscribe(endpoint, (endpoint, message) -> <handler>) , e.g. Paho MQTT library
later in my code I want to access the messages in a Flux.
My idea:
create MessageChannels like so:
.registration(IntegrationFlows.from("message-channel:" + endpoint)).bridge().get())
forward to reactive publishers:
"publisher:" + endpoint,
() -> IntegrationFlows.from("message-channel:" + endpoint)).toReactivePublisher()
keep the message channels in a set or similar and implement the above handler: (endpoint, message) -> messageChannels.get(endpoint).send( <converter>(message))
later use (in a #PostConstruct method):
.from((Publihser<Message<?>>)applicationContext.getBean("publisher:" + enpoint))
I doubt this to be the best way to do what I want. Feels like abusing spring integration. Any suggestions are welcome at this point.
In general however (at least in my tests) this seemed to be working. But when I run my application, I get errors like: "Caused by: org.springframework.messaging.core.DestinationResolutionException: no output-channel or replyChannel header available".
This is especially bad, since after this exception the publishers claim to not have a subscriber anymore. Thus, in a real application no messages are proceeded anymore.
I am not sure what this message means, but I can kind of reproduce it (but don't understand why):
public void channelTest() {
() -> IntegrationFlows.from("any-channel").toReactivePublisher()
.from((Publisher<Message<?>>) applicationContext.getBean("any-publisher"))
MessageChannel messageChannel = applicationContext.getBean("any-channel", MessageChannel.class);
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.error("Error: ", t);
I of course read parts of the spring integration documentation, but don't quite get what happens behind the scenes. Thus, I feel like guessing possible error causes.
This, however works:
static class Config {
GenericApplicationContext applicationContext;
GenericApplicationContext applicationContext,
IntegrationFlowContext integrationFlowContext
) {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
// optional here, but needed for some reason in my library,
// since I can't find the channel beans like I will do here,
// if I didn't register them like so:
// .registration(
// IntegrationFlows.from("any-channel").bridge().get())
// .register();
() -> IntegrationFlows.from("any-channel").toReactivePublisher()
void connect(){
.from((Publisher<Message<?>>) applicationContext.getBean("any-publisher"))
ApplicationContext applicationContext;
IntegrationFlowContext integrationFlowContext;
public void channel2Test() {
MessageChannel messageChannel = applicationContext.getBean("any-channel", MessageChannel.class);
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.error("Error: ", t);
Thus apparently my issue above is realted to messages arriving "too early" .. I guess?!
No, your issue is related to round-robin dispatched on the DirectChannel for the any-channel bean name.
You define two IntegrationFlow instances starting with that channel and then you declare their own subscribers, but at runtime both of them are subscribed to the same any-channel instance. And that one comes with the round-robin balancer by default. So, one message goes to your Flux.from() subscriber, but another to that bridge() which doesn't know what to do with your message, so it tries to resolve a replyChannel header.
Therefore your solution just only with one IntegrationFlows.from("any-channel").toReactivePublisher() is correct. Although you could just do a FluxMessageChannel registration and use it from one side for regular messages sending and from other side as a reactive source for Flux.from().

Spring Integration Service Activator handler business logic

I am currently new to Spring Integration.
Basically trying to poll onto multiple file locations asynchronously with Java Spring integration DSL. I am required to get the file name and perform some operations with filename and push the file to S3 finally, my question is can these tasks of performing operations with file be performed in the task executor or the service activator handler . I am not sure which is the right place.
private AWSFileManager awsFileManager;
public IntegrationFlow inboundChannelFlow(#Value("${file.poller.delay}") long delay,
#Value("${file.poller.messages}") int maxMsgsPerPoll,
TaskExecutor taskExecutor, MessageSource<File> fileSource)
return IntegrationFlows.from(fileSource,
c -> c.poller(Pollers.fixedDelay(delay)
.handle("AWSFileManager", "fileUpload")
TaskExecutor taskExecutor(#Value("${file.poller.thread.pool.size}") int poolSize) {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
//Runnable task1 = () -> {this.methodsamp();};
return taskExecutor;
public void methodsamp()
catch(Exception ex)
I have attached the sample code here.
Also is there a way I could retrieve the filename of the files in the channel as I need to pass this as parameter to the fileUpload method.
Please advise.
Your question isn't clear. The TaskExecutor is for the thread context in the flow. The Service Activator (.handle()) is exactly for your business logic method. This one can be performed on a thread from the executor. And you really use them in your IntegrationFlow correctly.
The FileReadingMessageSource produces message with the java.io.File as a payload. So, that is the way to get a file name - just from File.getName()!

Send and receive files from FTP in Spring Boot

I'm new to Spring Framework and, indeed, I'm learning and using Spring Boot. Recently, in the app I'm developing, I made Quartz Scheduler work, and now I want to make Spring Integration work there: FTP connection to a server to write and read files from.
What I want is really simple (as I've been able to do so in a previous java application). I've got two Quartz Jobs scheduled to fired in different times daily: one of them reads a file from a FTP server and another one writes a file to a FTP server.
I'll detail what I've developed so far.
public class MyApp extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
private Configuration configuration;
public DefaultFtpsSessionFactory myFtpsSessionFactory(){
DefaultFtpsSessionFactory sess = new DefaultFtpsSessionFactory();
Ftp ftp = configuration.getFtp();
return sess;
The following class I've named it as a FtpGateway, as follows:
public class FtpGateway {
private DefaultFtpsSessionFactory sess;
public void sendFile(){
// todo
public void readFile(){
// todo
I'm reading this documentation to learn to do so. Spring Integration's FTP seems to be event driven, so I don't know how can I execute either of the sendFile() and readFile() from by Jobs when the trigger is fired at an exact time.
The documentation tells me something about using Inbound Channel Adapter (to read files from a FTP?), Outbound Channel Adapter (to write files to a FTP?) and Outbound Gateway (to do what?):
Spring Integration supports sending and receiving files over FTP/FTPS by providing three client side endpoints: Inbound Channel Adapter, Outbound Channel Adapter, and Outbound Gateway. It also provides convenient namespace-based configuration options for defining these client components.
So, I haven't got it clear as how to follow.
Please, could anybody give me a hint?
Thank you!
Thank you #M. Deinum. First, I'll try a simple task: read a file from the FTP, the poller will run every 5 seconds. This is what I've added:
public FtpInboundFileSynchronizer ftpInboundFileSynchronizer() {
FtpInboundFileSynchronizer fileSynchronizer = new FtpInboundFileSynchronizer(myFtpsSessionFactory());
fileSynchronizer.setFilter(new FtpSimplePatternFileListFilter("*.csv"));
return fileSynchronizer;
#InboundChannelAdapter(channel = "ftpChannel", poller = #Poller(fixedDelay = "5000"))
public MessageSource<File> ftpMessageSource() {
FtpInboundFileSynchronizingMessageSource source = new FtpInboundFileSynchronizingMessageSource(inbound);
source.setLocalDirectory(new File(configuracion.getDirFicherosDescargados()));
source.setLocalFilter(new AcceptOnceFileListFilter<File>());
return source;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "ftpChannel")
public MessageHandler handler() {
return new MessageHandler() {
public void handleMessage(Message<?> message) throws MessagingException {
Object payload = message.getPayload();
if(payload instanceof File){
File f = (File) payload;
Then, when the app is running, I put a new csv file intro "Entrada" remote folder, but the handler() method isn't run after 5 seconds... I'm doing something wrong?
Please add #Scheduled(fixedDelay = 5000) over your poller method.
You should use SPRING BATCH with tasklet. It is far easier to configure bean, crone time, input source with existing interfaces provided by Spring.
Above example is annotation and xml based both, you can use either.
Other benefit Take use of listeners and parallel steps. This framework can be used in Reader - Processor - Writer manner as well.
