Sort text by value in tag - sorting

it may be a strange question but I really need it. I want to sort such text by value inside id. Actually I need too compare multiple files in such format, but its impossible to do because there are different order. Is it possible to sort it somehow? Or maybe some easy way to convert it to Json? Thank you.
<id>Some Line</id>
<text> Text </text>
<id>Another Line</id>
<text> First Text </text>
<id>First Line</id>
<text> Another Text </text>
I have tried to sort it, but I don't know how to do it without converting to json, which I can't do because of the text format. Tools like kaleidoscope has no such functions.


XPath query for contains() with multiple text elements

How can I find all tags that have text "world"?
Expected result should be tag 'a'.
I am trying //a[contains(text(),'world')] but it doesn't give anything.
This 'a' tag is kind of mix of text and another tag.
Try this one:
(//*[contains(., "world")])[last()]
or if you know for sure that it will be a node:
Also check the difference between string value and text node

how to write xpath to extract data between two tags

How can I write an xpath to extract data between two two different tags?
I want to extract #12345 from this. Kindly guide me through this.
You can get the following text sibling of the div tag and use substring-before() to extract the text before the (:
substring-before(//div/following-sibling::text(), "(")

how to display an image using xslt

I have the following code
<xsl:template name="toggle">
<xsl:param name="target"/>
<xsl:param name="show"/>
<input type="image" src="glass.png" />
<xsl:attribute name="onclick">
toggle('<xsl:value-of select="$target"/>','<xsl:value-of select="$show"/>');
I want to add an external image which is not part of xml file. I want to replace my Submit button with an image.
When using the above code I am unable to get the image as output.
Any ideas on how to do it?
Do you know what HTML you want to generate?
If you do, then tell us.
If you don't, then you have an HTML problem, not an XSLT problem.
Never try to write code in XSLT until you know what output HTML you want it to produce. Actually, I think it was Dijkstra who said you should never start writing any program until you know what output you want it to produce. A good principle. When applied to XSLT, remember that the output in this sense is an HTML document, not a screen displayed by the browser.

Selecting specific using x-path while disregarding certain nodes

I have some html that looks pretty much like this.
<a img src="img src">
This is the text I want to select using xpath.
How can I select only this particular text node as indicated above using xpath?
How do I get at only this particular
text element in question using xpath?
"/p/text()" xpath expression will select the text from "p" node in above XML (Posted in question).
this will remove trailing spaces from string. This xpath produces exactly what you want.
There is very good tutorial at

How do I add an image to an item in RSS 2.0?

Is there a way to send only an Image with a link and some alt text for each item in an RSS feed?
I looked at the enclosure tag but this is only for videos and music.
The enclosure element can be used to transmit pictures. The RSS 2.0 spec is quite clear about that, saying that the type is a MIME type. It does not say it is restricted to audio or video.
Here's an example: a set of photo feeds from Agence France Presse
One of solutions is to use CDATA in description
Image inside RSS
<img src="" alt="Smiley face">
Note, that you may have a problem with hotlink prevented site.
This is possible in RRS2,
So you have to use the enclosure tag, to add media
You should use the enclosure tag within item to include the image. You can use it for images by setting the correct Mime Type (for example: image/jpeg) and including the image size as the "length" attribute. The length attribute doesn't need to be completely accurate but it's required for the RSS to be considered valid.
Here's a helpful article that discusses this and other options.
To work with the Mailchimp RSS to email feature, they expect the image to be specified in a <media:content> element inside <item>. This is their source for the feed item's image macro in their templates.
Thus, you need to add to the declarations
Then inside the <item> element add
<media:content medium="image" url="http://whatever/foo.jpg" width="300" height="201" />
Without the extra declaration, the feed is invalid since media:content is not a known element.
Inside tag ITEM
<image:image xmlns:image="">
http://domain. com/image.jpg
< /image:image>
Inside Description Tag
Some Text..
<br/><img src='http://domain. com/image.jpg' ><br/>
More Text
Regarding the <p> tag issue, You need to encode html within the xml.
Your code would look something like this:
<description><p> Text in the tag </p></description>
Since you are using php you can use htmlentities() to encode the html tags. They look horrible in the xml but RSS readers know what to do with it.
