Cannot get instance of recurring event in AppleScript Calendar - applescript

I have a script that performs actions on events in the next 30 days. I use the following command to get stamp dates for all events between eventStart (today) and eventEnd (today + 30).
set newStamps to get stamp date of (every event of calendar myCal whose start date is greater than eventStart and start date is less than eventEnd and allday event is false)
This returns stamps of events which are not repeated, and it misses stamps from repeated events (from an event with stamp before eventStart but has repeating instances within eventStart and eventEnd)
How can I return all events regardless of whether they are repeated or not?

A repeated event has only one real instance - the very first one. The rest of the events corresponding to this instance are calculated on the fly by the itself, this is a virtual approximation that the script cannot get by requesting the
Instead, your script itself should compute what the computes. Knowing the start date of the first instance and the recurrence period, the script should use the normal addition and multiplication operations.
For example,
(startDate of N-th instance) = (startDate of 1-st instance) + N* (period of 1-st instance).
(endDate of N-th instance) = (endDate of 1-st instance) + N* (period of 1-st instance)


CRON JOB - Schedule Laravel command for different timezones - Manage for different regions

I'm using Laravel 5.8 and I like to auto-generate Invoices should be generated auto from Monday - Sunday.
every Sunday night at 23:59:00
Let's say I have
"23:59:00 according to the region time zone".
Every store is related to a region, from the region table you'll find the time zone.
How should I set the CRON JOB so I can generate invoices automatically according to the list of timezone I will get from the table?.
I have two suggestions;
if you want it to be static, define each command with the corresponding timezone from your database. Different timezones may have same time such as Europe/Amsterdam and Europe/Berlin
If you want it to be dynamic, make it run every 59. min hourly and try to match it with the timezones via using hour.
Inside your command class;
public function handle(TimezoneRepository $timezoneRepository)
$timezones = $timezoneRepository->getUniqueTimezones(); // the unique timezones in your database - cache if you want
foreach ($timezones as $timezone) {
$date = Carbon::now($timezone); // Carbon::now('Europe/Moscow'), Carbon::now('Europe/Amsterdam') etc..
if ($date->hour === 23) { // you are in that timezone
$currentTimezone = $date->getTimezone();
dispatch(new ReportMaker($currentTimezone)); // dispatch your report maker job
With the dynamic one, you will hit to multiple timezones at one iteration(when generate:report is executed) as i said at then beginning.
one of the possible flaw may be; if the execution of getting timezones etc takes more than 1 minute you may be in 00:00 instead of 23:59. It is better to calculate your report asynchronous and cache the list of timezones to not face problems while executing this loop.
Another possible flaw;
According to wiki;
A few zones are offset by 30 or 45 minutes (e.g. Newfoundland Standard Time is UTC−03:30, Nepal Standard Time is UTC+05:45, Indian Standard Time is UTC+05:30 and Myanmar Standard Time is UTC+06:30).
If you want to cover any of these, then it is better to execute the command like this
$schedule->command('generate:report')->cron('14,29,44,59 * * * *');
and make both hour and minute comparison such as;
$date->hour === 23 && $date->hour === 59
You can use the timezone() method in your task Schedulding
Using the timezone method, you may specify that a scheduled task's
time should be interpreted within a given timezone:

Is there a way to convert the current time / timezone with Apple Script?

I have a basic Apple Script that will return the current time based on the users timezone, however, I would like to expand this to where it will add or subtract hours to adjust to other timezones. For example, If it's 2:29:15 PM CDT, I would like to create a script that will subtract two hours from that to reflect the current time in the Pacific timezone (12:29:15 PM PDT). I would most likely make separate scripts that add or subtract a certain number of hours, so I don't need for this script to handle every timezone.
Here is what I have so far:
set t to (time string of (current date))
Maybe I'm missing something, but if you just want to shift the time of a date by a few hours, you can use a handler like so:
on shiftTimeZone(givenDate, hoursDifference)
return givenDate + (hoursDifference * hours)
end shiftTimeZone
set curd to (current date)
log time string of curd
(*e.g. 6:56:59 PM*)
set newd to shiftTimeZone(curd, -3)
log time string of newd
(*e.g. 3:56:59 PM*)

how to get recent event recorded in event logs(eg: logged before about 10 seconds) in Windows using C++?

I need to collect event logs from Windows those are logged before 10 seconds. Using pull subscription I could collect already saved logs before execution of program and saving logs while program is running. I tried with the code available on MSDN:
Subscribing to Events
"I need to start to collect the event logged 10 seconds ago". Here I think I need to set value for LPWSTR pwsQuery to achieve that.
L"*[System/Level= 2]" gives the events with level equal to 2.
L"*[System/EventID= 4624]" gives events with eventID is 4624.
L"*[System/Level < 1]" gives events with level < 2.
Like that I need to set the value for pwsQuery to get event logged near 10 seconds. Can I do in the same way as above? If so how? If not what are the other ways to do it?
EvtSubscribe() gives you new events as they happen. You need to use EvtQuery() to get existing events that have already been logged.
The Consuming Events documentation shows a sample query that retrieves events beginning at a specific time:
// The following query selects all events from the channel or log file where the severity level is
// less than or equal to 3 and the event occurred in the last 24 hour period.
XPath Query: *[System[(Level <= 3) and TimeCreated[timediff(#SystemTime) <= 86400000]]]
So, you can use TimeCreated[timediff(#SystemTime) <= 10000] to get events in the last 10 seconds.
The TimeCreated element is documented here:
TimeCreated (SystemPropertiesType) Element
The timediff() function is described on the Consuming Events documentation:
The timediff function is supported. The function computes the difference between the second argument and the first argument. One of the arguments must be a literal number. The arguments must use FILETIME representation. The result is the number of milliseconds between the two times. The result is positive if the second argument represents a later time; otherwise, it is negative. When the second argument is not provided, the current system time is used.

ns3 execute function during simulation at regular time interval

How can I execute a function every 20us for example?
I aim to log the busy/free state on a CSMA channel using ns3::CsmaChannel::IsBusy (is that the best way to do it?) I have to call it at regular time interval to log each returned value and time.
You can use
simulator:: schedule function
to schedule function on a regular time interval
Simulator:: Schedule (Seconds(20.0), &function name, parameter1, parameter 2)
This is the syntax for scheduling an event for every 20 seconds

Drools - Repeated Events and Temporal Relations

In general I am writing rules for events which equal (by attributes values) events can occur any time in consecutive manner (every second). I want to fire rules for matched events only on an hourly bases.
In more details:
I want to fire a rule when an event is inserted for the first time (not exist yet) OR when an event is inserted and if and only if equal events are already inserted to the working memory BUT the newest of them is at least one hour ago old.
What is a reasonable way of writing a rule of that kind, taking events duration will be 24H?
rule X
$e : MyEvent() from entry-point "s"
not( MyEvent( this != $e, id == $, this before[0s,1h] $e ) from entry-point "s" )
// $e arrived and there is no other event with the same
// id that happened during the last hour
Replace "id == $" by whatever constraints you use to decide two events are related to each other.
You could create a global queue like this:
global java.util.List eventQueue;
Your also need to access your global queue from java, so just use:
session.setGlobal(name, value);
In this queue save an event and related time. Then check hourly form java code this queue, and execute rules based on timestamp. This is not poor drools approach, but is straightforward.
