Jmeter delay between two loop count in Loop Controller - performance

I am trying to achieve below use case for load testing via jmeter
1. Search Product
2. Add to cart
3. Do payment
1 user with uid = 1 will perform above mentioned 3 steps every 5min for 1 hour.
total request per user per hour. = 12(5 * 12 = 60) * 3(rpm) = 36(request per hour)
total users(threads) = 1000.
total request per hour = 1000 * 36 = 36000
lets consider 3 request as a single set
I am looking for below things
after every 5min 1 set should be executed
delay between two sets should be of 5 min
can anyone please help me in achieving above scenario?
I have tried with below jmeter tools
thread group (thread = 1000, ramp up = 100 sec, loop count = 1)
loop controller( above 3 request with loop count = 12)
constant timer = 300000 millisecond
thread group (thread = 1000, ramp up = 100 sec, loop count = 1)
loop controller( above 3 request with loop count = 12)
constant throughput timer = 5 rpm
thread group (thread = 1000, ramp up = 100 sec, loop count = infinite, duration = 3600 sec)
above 3 request inside thread group
constant throughput timer = 5 rpm
Also I have tried with random order controller
I am unable to simulate above scenario. What I am getting is first request is getting executed 1000 times, then delay, then second request is getting executed 1000 times, then delay then 3rd request is getting executed 1000 times.

Constant Timer adds a delay before each Sampler in its scope
If you want to introduce a delay between 2 iterations add Flow Control Action sampler and define the desired delay there
Additionally if you want all the users to finish the action - add a Synchronizing Timer and set the number of users to group by to be equal to the number of threads in the Thread Group.
More information on JMeter Timers concept: A Comprehensive Guide to Using JMeter Timers


How to automatically check time?

Is it possible to automatically check time then execute certain codes?
timer ='%H:%M:%S', os.time() - 13 * 60 * 60 )
if timer == "18:04:40" then
I am trying to print hello on "18:04:40" everyday ('s time) without setting up a timer (which counts how much time past since the program's initiation) as I can't run the program 24 hours non-stop...
Thanks for reading.
This may not be the best solution but, when using a library like love2d for example you could run something like this:
function love.update(dt)
timer ='%H:%M:%S', os.time() - 13 * 60 * 60 )
if timer >= value then
--stuff here
Or if you wanna make it so you have a whole number something like
tick = 0
function love.update(dt)
tick = tick + dt
if tick > 1 then
timer ='%H:%M:%S', os.time() - 13 * 60 * 60 )
if timer >= value then
--stuff here
Lua has to check the time in some way.
Without a loop that can be realized with debug.sethook().
Example with Lua 5.1 typed in an interactive Lua (lua -i)...
> print(_VERSION)
Lua 5.1
> debug.sethook() -- This clears a defined hook
> -- Next set up a hook function that fires on 'line' events
> debug.sethook(function() local hour, min, sec = 23, 59, 59 print('%H:%M:%S', os.time({year = 2021, month = 12, day = 11, hour = hour, min = min, sec = sec}))) end, 'l')
-- just hit return/enter or do other things
5.9 - The Debug Library

Understanding Spring Boot actuator `http.server.requests` metrics MAX attribute

can someone explain what does the MAX statistic refers to in the below response. I don't see it documented anywhere.
You can see the individual metrics by using ?tag=url:{endpoint_tag} as defined in the response of the root /actuator/metrics/http.server.requests call. The details of the measurements values are;
COUNT: Rate per second for calls.
TOTAL_TIME: The sum of the times recorded. Reported in the monitoring system's base unit of time
MAX: The maximum amount recorded. When this represents a time, it is reported in the monitoring system's base unit of time.
As given here, also here.
The discrepancies you are seeing is due to the presence of a timer. Meaning after some time currently defined MAX value for any tagged metric can be reset back to 0. Can you add some new calls to /myControllerMethod then immediately do a call to /actuator/metrics/http.server.requests to see a non-zero MAX value for given tag?
This is due to the idea behind getting MAX metric for each smaller period. When you are seeing these metrics, you will be able to get an array of MAX values rather than a single value for a long period of time.
You can get to see this in action within Micrometer source code. There is a rotate() method focused on resetting the MAX value to create above described behaviour.
You can see this is called for every poll() call, which is triggered every some period for metric gathering.
What does MAX represent
MAX represents the maximum time taken to execute endpoint.
Analysis for /user/asset/getAllAssets
5 115 17
6 122 17 (Execution Time = 122 - 115 = 17)
7 131 17 (Execution Time = 131 - 122 = 17)
8 187 56 (Execution Time = 187 - 131 = 56)
9 204 56 From Now MAX will be 56 (Execution Time = 204 - 187 = 17)
Will MAX be 0 if we have less number of request (or 1 request) to the particular endpoint?
No number of request for particular endPoint does not affect the MAX (see Image from Spring Boot Admin)
When MAX will be 0
There is Timer which set the value 0. When the endpoint is not being called or executed for sometime Timer sets MAX to 0. Here approximate timer value is 2 minutes (120 seconds)
DistributionStatisticConfig has .expiry(Duration.ofMinutes(2)).
which sets some measurements to 0 if there is no request has been made in between expiry time or rotate time.
How I have determined the timer value?
For that, I have taken 6 samples (executed the same endpoint for 6 times). For that, I have determined the time difference between the time of calling the endpoint - time for when MAX set back to zero
More Details
Document has been updated.
Max for basic DistributionSummary implementations such as CumulativeDistributionSummary, StepDistributionSummary is a time
window max (TimeWindowMax).
It means that its value is the maximum value during a time window.
If the time window ends, it'll be reset to 0 and a new time window starts again.
Time window size will be the step size of the meter registry unless expiry in DistributionStatisticConfig is set to other value

JSR223 Timer in jmeter

How to create thread delay in seconds based on the calculation(duration/throughput) using JSR223 Timer. what should I write inside the script section ?We are having the Duration and throughput as Jmeter parameters in our Test Plan
The easiest way is to use Precise Throughput Timer or Throughput Shaping Timer - both can be configured with combination of the desired throughput and test duration. The timers are smart enough in order to pause JMeter threads to reach the needed throughput.
If for some reason the above timers are not suitable you can consider implementing so called Pacing - a dynamic delay between Thread Group iterations.
The example code would be something like:
//Sets the pacing length based on the last requests response time. 4500 is the time in ms
Long pacing = 4500 - prev.getTime();
//If the response time is less than 4500 ms, set the delay value to myDelay
if ( pacing > 0 )
//iPacing is equal to the int value of pacing if pacing is not equal to null, otherwise iPacing is null
Integer iPacing = pacing != null ? pacing.intValue() : null;;
vars.put("myDelay", String.valueOf(iPacing));
return iPacing;
//The response time is greater than or equal to 4500 ms, set myDelay to 0
vars.put("myDelay", "0");
return 0;

Whenever i ran the Jmeter test for less than 10 Thread Groups then all the time "Throughput" shows numbers in "Minutes"

When I execute test in JMeter for less than 10 Thread Groups, in Summary Report column Throughput showing result in Minutes.
Can anyone please help me
As per RateRenderer class source
String unit = "sec";
if (rate < 1.0) {
rate *= 60.0;
unit = "min";
if (rate < 1.0) {
rate *= 60.0;
unit = "hour";
setText(formatter.format(rate) + "/" + unit);
If throughput is more than 1 - time unit is "seconds"
If your throughput is less than 1 - it's being multiplied by 60 and time unit is set to "minutes"
If after throughput converting to "minutes" it is still less than 1 - it is being multiplied by 60 and time unit is set to "hours"
If you need to get the throughput in hits per second from minutes - just divide the value by 60.
Other options are:
Patch the RateRenderer class and comment out the two above "if" clauses
Use an external 3rd-party tool like BM.Sense for JMeter results analysis

Jmeter : Summary report : Throughput

is the total throughput shown in last row in Summary Report correct ? I m using Jmeter 2.11
I find it difficult to match the displayed figure by manipulation.
I followed the formula (x/sec) : Number of request / Total response time required (in sec)
Or 1/Avg total response time (sec).
for example : 50 request taking avg response time as 2000 ms each then throughput = 50/(50*2) = 0.5/sec
But Jmeter shows different value than 0.5/sec or 30/min
Can someone help me here?
I was also having similar assumption. But this is the formula for calculating throughput.
endTime = lastSampleStartTime + lastSampleLoadTime
startTime = firstSampleStartTime
converstion = unit time conversion value
Throughput = Numrequests / ((endTime - startTime)*conversion)
(I got this few months back from the below answer)
Calculating throughput from Jmeter jtl log file
