Xamarin iOS MismatchedApplicationIdentifierEntitlement error - xamarin

I am trying to install my xamarin ios app via hotreload. I am getting this error when it is trying to deploy it to my phone:
Xamarin.iOS.Windows.HotRestartClient Error: 0 : Deploy Error: Could
not install the application '[REDACTED].ipa' on the device Haley’s
iPhone. Details: MismatchedApplicationIdentifierEntitlement -
Upgrade's application-identifier entitlement string
([REDACTED].com.[REDACTED]) does not match installed application's
application-identifier string
(HKRRFPJB86.com.xamarin.Xamarin-PreBuilt); rejecting upgrade.
I am not sure where the identifier, HKRRFPJB86.com.xamarin.Xamarin-PreBuilt, is coming from.
The iOS bundle signing is setup for automatic provisioning and is getting the right team id.
Info.plist has the right bundle identifier too.


Appium inspector give error "Original error: App with bundle identifier 'xxxx' unknown

I am quite new to Appium testing and I am trying to use Appium inspector https://github.com/appium/appium-inspector.
I run my app 'IntegrationApp' on iOS simulator in Xcode. The bundle identifier shown in Xcode for 'IntegrationApp' is 'com.facebook.IntegrationApp'
And 'IntegrationApp' is running successfully on simulator
Then when I try to connect Appium inspector to app 'IntegrationApp' on simulator, it gives error 'Failed to create session. An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: App with bundle identifier 'com.facebook.IntegrationApp' unknown'
What might the issue be?
Incidentally, the app comes from Appium installation and the 'WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj' project is under .../node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent, so I assume it's a normal app to use for simulator, i.e. no need of signing etc.
I also tried other app that should already exist on simulator, like app store, but it's giving the same error.
I can't tell you what exactly is the issue but this app is not meant to be used like this. If you just want to get familiar I would advise you to use any of the native iOS apps - like Settings, Camera or whatever. You can find their bundle IDs here

How to set Bundle Ids, App Identifiers and Provisioning Profiles to publish a WatchOs App made with SwiftUI and XCode?

I made a watchOS app with Xcode 12 and SwiftUI but I really struggle trying to publish it. An watchOS app has three pieces of code:
the app
the watchkit app
the watchkit extension
I've tried to use the same bundle id for all (in the format: com.domain.appname). That failed. So I've tried to use a different bundle id for each as follow (knowing I've create the 3 App Identifiers and the 3 Provisioning Profiles matching those on developer.apple.com).
the app (bundle id: com.domain.appname)
the watchkit app (bundle id: com.domain.appname.watchkitapp)
the watchkit extension (bundle id: com.domain.appname.watchkitextension)
This failed to build with this error:
So I cannot build or Archive my app. Then I've used the same bundleId for both App and Extension like this:
the app (bundle id: com.domain.appname)
the watchkit app (bundle id: com.domain.appname.watchkitapp)
the watchkit extension (bundle id: com.domain.appname.watchkitapp)
With these settings I can build and archive the app. However when I try to upload it to the app store (with XCode or with the external app called the transporter) I got this error:
So at this point I'm lost... Is there someone here who has been able to publish a watch os app using swift UI and Xcode and who can tell me how to use Bundle Ids, App Identifiers and Provisioning Profiles to do so. Thanks
In Target > General > Bundle Indentifier
They should be incremental for the extension targets
Main app = com.domain.appName
Watch app = com.domain.appName.watchkitapp
Watch extension = com.domain.appName.watchkitapp.watchkitextension
Your extension isn't unique (it doesn't add the extension part) from what I can see.
Also, your Version and Build in the same area should match all 3 Projects

ERROR ITMS-90283: "Invalid Provisioning Profile" in Mac-Catalyst app

I'm working on a Mac-Catalyst app. It needs to access some of the AppKit Classes so I integrated a macOS Bundle to accomplish that(reference blog post: https://medium.com/better-programming/how-to-access-the-appkit-api-from-mac-catalyst-apps-2184527020b5), and it works fine except it won't let me upload the app to the Appstore. When I try to upload the app XCode throws me an error:
ERROR ITMS-90283: "Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle com.XXX.MacPlugin [com.XXX.XXXX.pkg/Payload/XXX.app/Contents/PlugIns/MacPlugin.bundle] is invalid. [Invalid 'com.apple.application-identifier' entitlement value.] For more information, visit the macOS Developer Portal."
I tried uploading the build removing this plugin and it worked, but with this Plugin it won't work.

launch the application on a connected iOS device receive an error

I an receiving the following error when I select launchIOSDevice
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':launchIOSDevice
No provisioning profile found matching signing identity 'iPhone Developer: sunshakir#yahoo.com (Y6W56GXM29)' and app bundle ID 'com.gluonDemoSingle.DemoSingle'
What is the steps need to be taken in Xcode to resolve the problem
I suggest you to use free apple developer account for testing. You have to follow these steps below:
If you do not have an Apple ID you can use, you can create a new one here.
Open Xcode and go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts
Add your Apple ID
Under Manage Certificates, add one for iOS Development.
Now create a new Xcode project, select a simple template like Single View App.
Make sure you set the exact same bundle identifier as the one on your project.
Connect your device and run the Xcode project. It will install a provisioning profile for that empty app on your device.
Quit Xcode and go back to your project, try to deploy it to the iOS device without setting the iosSignIdentity and iosProvisioningProfile).
You can check more detail from my post

issues running Sidekick project on iPhone

I am learning NativeScript Vue and trying to transition from the online Play to Sidekick. I have gone thru the documentation:
Code Signing
Run App on Device
Here are the steps I have done thus far:
Created a paid Apple Developer account (don't really intend on selling on the app store but you never know, right?)
Created a Development Certificate
Downloaded the development certificate (ios_development.cer) to ~/Downloads
Created a Development Provisioning Profile
Downloaded the provisioning profile (xxx.mobileprovision) to ~/Downloads
Updated to the latest version of NativeScript as per these instructions
Opened my downloaded Play project in NativeScript Sidekick
Connected my iPhone 8+ to my Macbook Pro
In the Connected Devices section, updated the Provisioning and Certificates with the downloaded profile but I could not add the certificate generated above, but only with one created when I made my Apple Developer account.
If I do a local build then I get:
[18-10-25 07:15:27.576] Build failed. ENOENT: no such file or
directory, scandir '/Users/xxx/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning
Selected my attached iPhone and clicked "Run on Device" to get the error:
[18-10-25 07:01:26.078] Error detected during LiveSync on
716bd55f99272ba6acb7af3dfb3ce5d079a40ba5 for
/Users/xxx/projects/private/xxx. Error: ENOENT: no such file or
directory, scandir '/Users/xxx/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning
So this seems like a certificate/provisioning issue but I am uncertain what I am doing wrong. I do see that my Sidekick General settings "Application Identifier" has a warning ("This value should match the App ID of your iOS provisioning profile) but I do not see how to fix that in either Sidekick or Apple Developer and am not sure that is the root of these problems.
I guess you might have forgot to add your device id to developer portal and include same in provisional profile while creating.
