GTK4 under rust, trying to find which mouse pointer and whether there are modifer keys pressed - events

I'm writing a gtk4 application in rust, and I'd like to get the mouse key that was clicked and any modifier keys at the time. My GestureClick handler has .buttons(0) to accept input from all buttons, but the event object does not seem to have any way to determine the source of the event. The event just gives the GestureClick object, location, and click count. Does it need to have a separate handler for each button?
In addition, I'd like to use modifier keys like shift and ctrl to modify the action. This does not seem to be available (at least, I haven't been able to find it). Would I need to monitor keypress events to keep track of the state myself? I'm pretty sure X reports the state of the modifier keys on click events, gtk doesn't?


Programmatically disable "Shake to find pointer" MacOS feature without hiding cursor

I am aware of this question, but that's different to what I am looking for, as the accepted answer hides the cursor.
I'm writing software that remaps the left mouse button to the left CTRL key.
I have it working, with one problem: when I hold down the CTRL key and drag the mouse pointer this feature often activates, which messes up my drag operation (it feels like trying to change direction running on ice).
So the Apple engineers must have disabled this feature while the left mouse button is down and re-enabled it when the button is released.
Something like this -- however when I inject my simulated mouse events, the feature does not disable.
What I'm getting at is: there must be some programmatic way of doing it, even if it is an internal Apple function. Unless Apple are using the solution in the linked answer, i.e. NSCursor.hide() and then manually drawing the cursor icon at the cursor location.
How can I accomplish this cleanly?
EDIT: A CGEventTap for NSEventTypeGesture or NSEventTypeMagnify fails to catch anything.

Get mouse button state in OSX

Is there any way to query the state of mouse buttons in OSX? In other words, I am looking for a function that returns whether a mouse button is currently being pressed or not. The equivalent under Windows would be GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON).
This is in the context of a Quartz event if that matters. I found the promising function CGEventSourceFlagsState that, when called with kCGEventSourceStateHIDSystemState returns that information for the CONTROL, SHIFT, ALT keys but from what I can see, unfortunately not for mouse buttons.
Seems like CGEventSourceButtonState might just be what I am looking for.

Cocoa listening key events and responding them without view

First of all hi guys!
I was trying to write a mouse controller app for mac os x which is reading inputs from keyboard and moves the mouse accordingly. By garbage input i will describe the input was intented for a mouse event but it creates text on screen.
Before anyone points to the fact that there is a built in one, It was laggy even in shortest lag setting and cannot registers more than two buttons at the same time (you have to press diagonals to go to the diagonal.) If you accidentally press another button when release of the accident button your motion stops. My first and last reaction was "rubbish!". Adding customization and extra features is my goal.
I want to create a key combination that will block the garbage input to be passed to other programs while it was held. But global monitoring and seems like it always passes the event. And unfortunately I see qqqqqqqwwwwwww like text in unwanted places.
I want to see that when i press q w and up, it will make the mouse go up. But i create qqqqqqqwwwwww mess on the way. My first idea was creating a view on popover and handle events there, but whenever I want to use my mouse from keyboard seeing a popover is anoying and I couldn't find a way to show the popover without leaving any garbage keyboard input.
What should i do in this situation?
You will want to use Quartz Event Taps. Note that for an application to tap keyboard events, it has to be trusted for accessibility (as in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility). Your app can ask to be made trusted using AXIsProcessTrustedWithOptions().

Using KeyRemap4MacBook to bind a keyboard key to a scroll action?

Basically, I want to bind a certain letter to scroll up the mouse reel, and do so continuously if I hold the key continuously. I need it to work even if other keys are being pressed at the same time, and only work on a certain window title/tab title in the browser.
I basically want to emulate the function of the autohotkey program for the "Attack On Titan Tribute Game"'s reeling function.
An AutoHotKey equivalent is available at:
(Which may be offline due to unknown reasons, might have to wait)
Basically, if you download the application, set Reel In to the "x" or "e" key, it works regardless if other keys are being held. Just make sure you uncheck the checkbox so it can work in any window. It basically scrolls down for you. It also includes the source.
Or.. if I can use any other free application to do the same thing, that'd be nice.
All I want is the scrolling function and it has to be specific to a window/plugin/etc. and be able to be triggered while holding down other keys.

Catch Capslock press in Cocoa application

I’m working on an application that uses the great MASShortcut repository by Shpakovski. I reference this to ask if there is a way to register a shortcut for Capslock in the same way that Shpakovski does in his repository?
It seems that I can’t register 0xffff (Key Codes shows this as Capslock) as a valid shortcut. Even if I combine it with the modifier keys. I also want to catch the press before it toggles the system’s Capslock functionality.
I’m aware that I could listen to all keystrokes and just catch the Capslock when it occurs but I want to avoid this behaviour since I feel it’s potentially insecure and will also decrease the overall system performance.
Edit: I already took a look at some working C++ / C# libraries for Windows which implement this feature. They seem to override the system’s Capslock flag continuously which I found pretty odd. I’m basically having 2 problems here:
1. How to catch the Capslock press without having a keystroke listener all the time
2. How to do so without triggering the system’s Capslock functionality.
One possibility could be to overwrite sendEvent: in your NSApplication delegate. From Apples documentation:
You rarely invoke sendEvent: directly, although you might want to
override this method to perform some action on every event. sendEvent:
messages are sent from the main event loop (the run method).
sendEvent: is the method that dispatches events to the appropriate
responders—NSApp handles application events, the NSWindow object
indicated in the event record handles window-related events, and mouse
and key events are forwarded to the appropriate NSWindow object for
further dispatching.
You could evaluate if the current event has the modifier key pressed and act upon that.
For background processing Quartz event taps can be used. If that leads to a rejection, I don't know.
