Laravel Sum not calculating properly for 1 column in database - laravel

Good Evening,
I stuck with some strange situation, where i am not getting sum of column properly and showing 1 less in the sum of one specific column but for other 2 column sum is showing correctly.
Here is the Code
$milksalecustomerdata = customermilksale::selectraw('(SUM(buffalomilk)) as "totalbmilk", (SUM(a2milk)) as "totala2milk", (SUM(jerseymilk)) as "totaljmilk", (SUM(totalmilk)) as "totalmilk"')
Here i am getting out put as
"totalbmilk" => "36.50" here actual total is 37.50
"totala2milk" => "26.50" total is correct
"totaljmilk" => "15.50" total is correct
"totalmilk" => "78.50" total milk is less than 1.
I also checked the same in sqlworkbench my database, there total showing correctly.
Can any one help me on the same


How do I get both a COUNT() and SUM() LEFT JOIN in Laravel Eloquent?

I'm pretty new to joins so excuse me as I get my head round it! I'm trying to join 2 tables onto a links table.
One table is clicks. I want the SUM of any data in the clicks.clicks column where link_id matches. (ie 2 columns, One with 1 in the column and a second with 4 in the clicks column both for link_id=1 would return 5)
And the second table is suggestions which I want the COUNT of any occurrence of link_id to be displayed (ie 4 rows where link_id=1 would return 4)
I'm using eloquent with 2 left joins for this and have managed to get both working independently, however when I put both together, clicks_sum which is the name of my SUM join goes wildly high (Seeming as if the suggestion_count is interfering with what's going on there)
Here's my code so far for what I'm trying to achieve. I'm loading Link ID 2872719 just to test with. It should return 585 for suggestion_count and 4 for clicks_sum but I am getting totally different results than expected
use App\Models\Link;
use App\Models\Suggestion;
return Link::select(
DB::raw('SUM(clicks.clicks) AS click_sum'),
DB::raw('COUNT(suggestions.link_id) AS suggestion_count'),
->leftJoin('clicks', 'clicks.link_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('suggestions', 'suggestions.link_id', '=', '')
->where('', 2872719)
Returned is the following:
App\Models\Link {#1278
id: 2872719,
click_sum: "2340", // Should be 4
suggestion_count: 585, // The presence of this join appears to affect click_sum
Any ideas on where I am going wrong?
All my best!
Rather than having two leftJoin instances in your eloquent query you need to combine the two joins together into one leftJoin.
return Link::select(
// get the count of suggestions for each link
DB::raw('(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM suggestions WHERE suggestions.link_id = AS suggestion_count'),
DB::raw('SUM(clicks.clicks) AS click_sum'),
->leftJoin('clicks', 'clicks.link_id', '=', '', 'suggestions.link_id', '=', '')
->where('', 2872719)
This should give you the correct result as below:
#original: array:3 [▼
"id" => 2872719
"suggestion_count" => 586
"click_sum" => "4"
When performing two leftJoin as you were previously, the click_sum was being multiplied by the total count of suggestions leading to the inflated number being returned.

Power Query (M language) 50 day moving Average

I have a list of products and would like to get a 50 day simple moving average of its volume using Power Query (M).
The table is sorted by product name and date. I add a custom column and applied the code below.
if [date] >= #date(2018,1,29)
then List.Average(List.Range(Source[Volume],[Volume]-1,-50))
else ""
Since it is already sorted by date and name, an if statement was applied with a date as criteria/filter. However, an error occurs that says
'Volume' column not found in the table.
I expect to have an added column in the power query with volume 50 day moving average per product. the calculation to be done if date is greater than or equal Jan 29, 2018.
We don't know what your columns are, but assuming you have [product], [date] and [volume] in Source, this would average the last 50 days of [volume] for the identical [product] based on each [date], and place in a new column
AvgAmountAdded = Table.AddColumn(Source, "AverageAmount", (i) => List.Average(Table.SelectRows(Source, each ([product] = i[product] and [date]<=i[date] and [date]>=Date.AddDays(i[date],-50)))[volume]), type number)
Finally! found a solution.
First, apply Index by product see this post for further details
Then index again without criteria (index all rows)
Then, apply below code
= Table.AddColumn(#"Previous Step", "Volume SMA(50)", each if [Index_byProduct] >= 50 then List.Average(List.Range(#"Previous Step"[Volume], ([Index_All]-50),50)) else 0),
For large dataset, Table.Buffer function is recommended after index-expand step to improve PQ calculation speed

Laravel sum on ->first() sums more than 1 result

I have the following eloquent query
$raw = Model::select('out', 'in')->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->first();
That returns a collection of a single item, where Out = 0.0 and In = 90.0.
If I then do this:
$sumO = $raw->sum('out');
$sumI = $raw->sum('in');
I get $sumO = 13,651.41 and $sumI = 13371.69
I don't understand, because those sums don't even equal the sum of my entire table for those colums.
But it seems like->sum() is being called on the entire table/query instead of just the first result like I thought it would.
Now, I know sum of a single row is weird, and I'm not actually doing this in production. I just want to know what it is doing.
Shouldn't it still just sum the 1 number to equal itself?
It's just one row when using ->first(), so there's no need to use ->sum() just use $raw->in and $raw->out.
Also, ->sum() used with a single column at a time.

how can I group sum and count with sequel ORM and postgresl?

This is too tough for me guys. It's for Jeremy!
I have two tables (although I can also envision needing to join a third table) and I want to sum one field and count rows, in the same, table while joining with another table and return the result in json format.
First of all, the data type field that needs to be summed, is numeric(10,2) and the data is inserted as params['amount'].to_f.
The tables are expense_projects which has the name of the project and the company id and expense_items which has the company_id, item and amount (to mention just the critical columns) - the "company_id" columns are disambiguated.
So, the following code:
expense_items = DB[:expense_projects].left_join(:expense_items, :expense_project_id => :project_id).where(:project_company_id => company_id).to_a.to_json
works fine but when I add
expense_total = expense_items.sum(:amount).to_f.to_json
I get an error message which says
TypeError - no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer:
so, the first question is why and how can this be fixed?
Then I want to join the two tables and get all the project names form the left (first table) and sum amount and count items in the second table. I have tried
DB[:expense_projects].left_join(:expense_items, :expense_items_company_id => expense_projects_company_id).count(:item).sum(:amount).to_json
and variations of this, all of which fails.
I would like a result which gets all the project names (even if there are no expense entries and returns something like:
project item_count item_amount
pr 1 7 34.87
pr 2 0 0
and so on. How can this be achieved with one query returning the result in json format?
Many thanks, guys.
Figured it out, I hope this helps somebody else:
left_join(:expense_items___i, :expense_project_id=>:project_id).

Sum Formula Crystal Reports Inquiry

Ok, say I have a subreport that populates a chart I have from data in a table. I have a summary sum field that adds up the total of each row displayed. I am about to add two new rows that need to be displayed but not totaled up in the sum. There is a field in the table that has a number from 1-7 in it. If I added these new fields into the database, I would assign a negative number to this like -1 and -2 to differentiate it between the other records. How can I set up a formula so that it will sum up all of the amount fields except for the records that have an 'order' number we will call it of either -1 or -2? Thanks!
Use a Running Total Field and set the evaluate formula to something like {new_field} >= 0. So it will only sum the value when it passes that test.
The way to accomplish this without a running total is with a formula like this:
if {OrderNum} >= 0 Then {Amount}
