Excel cube: create new measure as sum of existing measures - dax

I have no idea what to put in the formula box, and the help (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/create-a-measure-in-power-pivot-d3cc1495-b4e5-48e7-ba98-163022a71198?ns=excel&version=90&syslcid=1033&uilcid=1033&appver=zxl900&helpid=149601&ui=en-us&rs=en-us&ad=us) says simple enter a formula.
Is there any documentation?
=SUM(dsv_FactIncome[ClientValue], dsv_FactIncome[PartnerValue])
=SUMX(dsv_FactIncome[ClientValue], dsv_FactIncome[PartnerValue])
are acceptable to it, either.

This is DAX and your syntax is incorrect. Try
=SUM(dsv_FactIncome[ClientValue]) + SUM(dsv_FactIncome[PartnerValue])


Using IF, AND/OR (many condition) with Array formula in Google sheets

Could someone help me?
I'd like to use the Array formula with AND/OR as follows but it doesn't work
It similar to OR
How can I use this in case I need to put more than 2 conditions in the AND/OR when using the Array formula?
Thanks so much.
Do not use AND/OR with ARRAYFORMULA, use + instead of OR and * instead of AND with IF
You can add other conditions if you respect the syntax with + or *

Arraryformula with IF

I have a very simple formula but don't understand why it does not work?
here is my formula: ARRAYFORMULA(IF(J2:J>P2:P,P2:P,J2:J))
without array formula : IF(J2>P2,P2,J2))
Anyone can help me understand what am I missing in Arrayformula?
with or without arrayformula my output is same -->

Box-Cox Transformation in SPSS

I transformed my stat data with logarithm, square root,... but my dependent variable doesn't achieve normality distribution yet.
Then, I know that the Box-Cox transformation permit us to find out the best transformation approach in order to achieve normality distribution and therefore apply parametric test such as ANOVA.
Can anybody help me in how I can perform this Box-Cox transformation in SPSS software? It is possible to apply through its syntax?
There is a Box Cox transformation syntax on Raynald's SPSS tools website. The data are just to give an example.
I added some simple syntax to easily see the results.
* Box-Cox transformation for all 31 values of lambda between -2 to 1
(increments of .1).
* Raynald Levesque 2003/11/08.
* http://www.spsstools.net/en/syntax/syntax-index/compute/box-cox-transformation/
GET FILE="C:\{SPSS user folder}\Employee data.sav".
COMPUTE var1=salary./* salary is a skewed test variable.
VECTOR lam(31) /xl(31).
LOOP idx=1 TO 31.
COMPUTE lam(idx)=-2.1 + idx * .1.
DO IF lam(idx)=0.
COMPUTE xl(idx)=LN(var1).
COMPUTE xl(idx)=(var1**lam(idx) - 1)/lam(idx).
* visual examination of results.
VARIABLES= salary xl1 to xl31
/stat descrip.
* numerical examination of results.
/VARIABLES= salary, xl1 to xl31
The numerical examination works best after having copied the results in a spreadsheet.
This worked for me: "Go to Transform – Prepare Data for Modelling Automatic from the drop down list. In the Fields tab you can specify which variables to transform by moving them to the Inputs box. In the Settings tab click on Rescale Fields. Tick the box before ‘Rescale a continuous target with a Box-Cox transformation to reduce skew’. Click Run. This will create a new column with the transformed variable."
From: https://www.researchgate.net/post/How_can_I_do_Box-Cox_transformations_in_SPSS
You might want to double check with another source.

result expanded to maximum (more) on wolfram alpha query

I am using mathematica to query wolfram alpha for a query. for that purpose I use:
WolframAlpha["prime minister of france", "PodPlaintext"]
I took the options from here: http://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/WolframAlpha.html
My problem is that I need info that is hidden at first and is located under the more option on the page. I was unable to find a way to query the full data (after more was clicked) from the mathematica.
Any ideas how to achieve it?
For anyone who encounters this problem in the future, I will post the answer in case someone else will have this problem. You have to use the more option combined with asynchronous and change the timeout:
WolframAlpha["prime minister of france", Asynchronous -> True,
PodStates -> {"More"}, TimeConstraint -> 20000]

Excel formula debugging - Median calculation

I need help in proper formula formatting/syntax. I just haven’t been able to debug my formula to calculate a Median. Here is a working formula that calculates an Average:
=AVERAGEIFS(OFFSET(INDEX(date_city!1:1,MATCH("Price Per SF",date_city!1:1,FALSE)),0,0,COUNTA(INDEX(date_city!1:65521,,MATCH("Price Per SF",date_city!1:1,FALSE))),1), (OFFSET(INDEX(date_city!1:1,MATCH("Date of Sale",date_city!1:1,FALSE)),0,0,COUNTA(INDEX(date_city!1:65521,,MATCH("Date of Sale",date_city!1:1,FALSE))),1)), ">" & Criteria!$F$4, (OFFSET(INDEX(date_city!1:1,MATCH("Date of Sale",date_city!1:1,FALSE)),0,0,COUNTA(INDEX(date_city!1:65521,,MATCH("Date of Sale",date_city!1:1,FALSE))),1)), "<" & Criteria!$G$4)
I need to modify the above so it calculates a Median.
I’ve tested this simpler formula for proper format and it works:
I need to replace *date_city!$I$2:$I$989* and *date_city!$E$2:$E$221* from the above Median formula with their corresponding code from the Average formula.
I tried this code, but cannot find my errors. Probably incorrect parantheses or comma placement.
=MEDIAN(IF((OFFSET(INDEX(date_city!1:1,MATCH("Date of Sale",date_city!1:1,FALSE)),0,0,COUNTA(INDEX(date_city!1:65521,,MATCH("Date of Sale",date_city!1:1,FALSE))),1)) ">" & Criteria!$F$4)*(OFFSET(INDEX(date_city!1:1,MATCH("Date of Sale",date_city!1:1,FALSE)),0,0,COUNTA(INDEX(date_city!1:65521,,MATCH("Date of Sale",date_city!1:1,FALSE))),1)) "<" & Criteria!$G$4), OFFSET(INDEX(date_city!1:1,MATCH("Price Per SF",date_city!1:1,FALSE)),0,0,COUNTA(INDEX(date_city!1:65521,,MATCH("Price Per SF",date_city!1:1,FALSE))),1)
Thanks in advance for any help.
FormulaDesk can display your formula in a way that is very easy and quick to understand, rolling-up nested parts together with their results. It should also pinpoint exactly where the error is.
[Disclosure: I am the author of FormulaDesk]
