Does anyone know how to enable or set-up spinifexIT easy reporter to write a scheduled reports data to an FTP. I cannot get it to work.
We set-up all connections and passwords in the spinifexIT easy reporter tool, however it doesn't write the file.
If anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly apprecaited.
Easy Reporter should work find with FTP server. I'm not sure if you have been able to log into our helpdesk, but there is an article that gives some further advice -
Alternatively, we would be happy to take a look at your setup if you like. In order to do this, you can raise a support call to (
All the best, Darren Souter
Solution Architect Easy Suite Solutions
I want to make my own ftp server software. I know, there are many ftp servers ready to install that have many features, but I still want to make my own, cause I can customize it and make it the way I want. Also, I find it fun to code, and I would rather make my own FTP server instead of downloading one that is ready to use if I have time. The problem is I can't find any information on how the protocol works and stuff like that. I would appreciate it if someone could explain how the protocol works or at least send me to a page that has useful information. Thanks!
If you are curious about beeing downvoted, here the explanation:
When planning a homebrew ftp program, it is a good point to google about FTP. Soon you will find RFC`S (that is "Request For Comment"), where things like the FTP protocol are described.
Thats a good starting point.
Then, when you have troubles with specific points, come back, show your code here, and ask for help.
I need to do FIX-API based performance testing.
Can you please let me know few way ahead.
Also if I need to develop the in-house plugin then please can you point in some direction that how to do that?
Also does any 3rd party tool like loadrunner or neoload directly support FIX-API protocol testing?
This has been asked many times before in many different forums. Please leverage Google for keywords of LoadRunner and FIX for FIXML as aprpopriate
If you want to do a test in FIX protocol over a FIX connection you can try using the FIXRobot. FIXRobot allows to easily write the tests in python. You can include a loop in the test script to pump messages and calculate the perf statistics from your application logs writing some scripts.
I developed a tool to convert german transit data into GTFS and GTFS-realtime.
Now I've got the task to test these files in OTP and I installed this standalone Version:
Everything works fine with my GTFS Data, but now I'm totally lost when it comes to using my GTFS-realtime Data. How can I include them? Is it even possible in the standalone Version?
Sorry if these are totally stupid questions but I'm a rookie in OTP and I appreciate any help or hint :)
Here is a Java demo that consume a GTFS-realtime data.
Take a look at "digging into the code" section.
All the mentioned entities such as FeedMessage, Vehicle, ..., etc. is generated from GTFS-realtime.proto via
protoc GTFS-realtime.proto --java_out=
You will need to download, make install the Protocol buffer tool(protoc)
I'm still new to PHPUnit Testing and seleniumRC, but i have managed to get them both working, so now i was wondering if it is possible to sent out an email when the test fails and passes after every test is run. the mail should go to the developer and the testing manager. is it possible to do that? and it would be very nice to generate a whole report and sent it out on all the test results. can someone please give me a proper direction which i can follow on how to get around this.
Thank you in advance
You have a few options available. For a small project, maybe a plain php script that redirects phpunit output to a file, parses it and acts accordingly. ob_start() could also be your friend for this task.
Getting into more complicated options, you could look also into using a couple of phing tasks for this. Then, last but not least, the holy-grail: very flexible for most any build tasks and best of all automated -> look into continuous integration tools such as the jenkins.
For small one-man team projects I opt for the simplest.
I need to find/create an application that will create employee web usage reports from HTTP proxy logs. Does anyone know of a good product that will do this?
#Joe Liversedge - Good point. I don't have to worry about this, however, as I am the only person in my company with the know-how to pull off an SSH tunnel.
Here's a scenario: What's to stop two employees, let's call them 'Eric' and 'Tim', from running their own little SSH tunnel back home to prevent 'the Man', in this case you, from narc'ing out their use of the Internet. Now you have a useless report.
If you're serious about getting real data, you'll want something close to the pipes.
But agreed, Splunk would work pretty well, as would an over-long and unmaintainable Perl script or a series of awks, sorts, uniq -c's, etc.
I don't use it, but I hear Splunk is a really good log aggregation and reporting tool. It comes recommended by my sysadmin buddys, I just haven't had a need for it, since we use, IndexTools for our usage stats.
or Sensage... which has a more formalized model {more like a normal relational database} of data - at the expense of requiring a little more thought and setup cost to start consuming logs.
I don't think that they offer a free low-volume version like splunk do though.