Play console my staged rollout percentage is always 10 - google-play-console

Whenever I try to release a build on the play console, the staged rollout is always set to 10 percent as a default. I want to have 100% rollout by default, I'm aware of how to do it individually on each release but how can I change this overall setting?


Can I run build for entire PR, not only batch of commits?

Is there any option to trigger build ONLY for entire pull request (only on merge)? I could not find any info about that option, in triggers settings there is only "Include several check-ins in a build if they are from the same committer" option. Will triggering on "Merged" comment works?
I tried to create a trigger but there's no option for this.
In my team we're using teamcity 2020.2.4.
If you limit your branch spec to only watch master, it will only trigger when commits are made to master. Given that you are performing PRs from feature branches to master, a build set up to only trigger (limited by the branch filter in the CVS root) on new changes, will only trigger once the merge commit (or any other commits made to master) have been made.
The workflow you describe puts some requirements and limitations on the process that you work with and disallowing commits to master from everyone except the build system / VCS is one such rule you could set in place to achieve this.
The other setting you mention, "Include several check-ins in a build if they are from the same committer", will let TeamCity bundle together the changes included in a build, if the commits come in within the allowed time limit (defaults to 1 minute, if I remember right). If this setting is not enabled, all commits - even those which come in one after the other within a very short time frame - will trigger a new, separate build.
I'd generally advise to enable that option and set the timeframe to 1 minute or whichever suits your team the best.

Two apps in review in publish - how to know which one will be published?

I'm in the following situation:
Both versions are in the "review and publish" state, definitely not out to the public yet
I want to release just one, the one that says 176(1.0.27)
How can I be sure that when i click review and publish only that one will be published, and the other one will be archived?
It seems that the 176(1.0.27) one is currently at 0%. You can increase staged rollout percentage to 25% or something. Once it has reached at 100% and wait a couple hours for it to take effect, I think the older version will be closed.

Teamcity build queue coalescing

We're using TeamCity 9.0.4.
Our full builds take over three hours. While a build is in progress if new commits come in they get queued with, apparently, a VCS snapshot from the time they were queued (I can't see that behaviour specified anywhere, but it's what I've observed).
So by the time the next build is dequeued there may be many builds queued up as developers have been committing changes. The intermediate builds are usually not useful at this point - we just want it to skip straight to the latest build for that configuration.
Other build systems I've used only queue one additional build per configuration and takes its VCS snapshot at the point it is dequeued. This has the effect we want.
I can't work out how to achieve this with TeamCity. What am I missing?
According to our documentation, TeamCity should perform the following build queue optimizations:
If it does not work for you, I'd recommend upgrading your server to the most recent version first, and if it does not help, create an issue in our tracker with details about these builds.
I think you've specified this in your trigger.
Edit Configuration Settings | Triggers | VCS Trigger | Show advanced options | Trigger a build on each check-in
That option should be unchecked. The wording is a little confusing I guess. Even with this unchecked, each VCS commit will queue a build but it won't force them to be built in isolation.

How can I configure team city to build latest version only instead of each commit

I am using teamcity 8.0 with github.
I have a continuous deployment build configuration set up to look at our master branch and when changes occur they are built and deployed.
When code is ready for deployment it is merged in from another branch into master, so master is always a snapshot of the last deployed code. ongoing development happens on other branches.
The problem we have is that when we deploy there is usually at least 20 commits and often many more from a mix of developers. Team city builds and deploys each commit separately which takes an age and leaves our live system unusable while this is occurring.
Is there a way to configure team city to just build the most recent code when it detects a change instead of every individual commit
Review your VCS trigger settings. "Per-checkin Triggering" should be turned off.
Also, check if you are using GitHub Service hook for "TeamCity" - it may also produce number of builds.

Teamcity vcs trigger quiet period until previous build finish

I would like my trigger to start on svn commit but only after previous build had finished.
It is implemented to some extent with quiet period but there are disadvantages I'd like to omit:
1. it could be situation build has already finished but we are still waiting for quiet period to finish
2. it could be situation build has not yet finished but we are starting new build because quiet period had finished.
I'm going to assume (since you didn't specify) you want the next build to start only after the previous build has finished because there is some shared resource that they are using (e.g. for integration tests).
TeamCity has a setting to limit the number of simultaneously running builds, whether they are manually run or started by a trigger. Set the following option on the first page (General Settings) of your build configuration to "1":
Limit the number of simultaneously running builds (0 — unlimited)
Edit: TeamCity 8.0 announced today has added support for Shared Resources which allows you to define external resources and quotas for use across more than one build configuration.
