Leverage Spring boot Redis Auto configure logic for RedisConnectionFactory - spring-boot

Spring boot auto configures RedisConnectionFactory if spring-data-redis exists on classpath and RedisConnectionFactory is initialized in LettuceConnectionConfiguration if Lettuce-core available on classpath.
I've only one Redis store as of now, so leveraging Spring boot auto configuration.
Now I'm adding two redis stores, one redis store used as default and other is used when specified with parameter cacheManager = "secondayCacheManager" in #Cacheable annotation so, application should've capability to cache/cache-get on both redis stores.
To configure both Redis Stores, we've to configure both the primary and secondary RedisConnectionFactory and cacheManager using custom configuration. (because spring doesn't auto configure RedisConnectionFactory if it already exists in any custom configuration)
Now the above is custom configuration and missing lot of logic that is happening while configuring RedisConnectionFactory in LettuceConnectionConfiguration.
Auto configure logic for LettuceConnectionConfiguration is package private so, cannot be called directly from custom configuration.
We would like to leverage the auto configure logic in
LettuceConnectionConfiguration while configuring the custom
RedisConnectionFactory for both primary and secondary redis caches.
Is there a way to achieve this?
Reason being we would like keep the redis connection configurations as it is done by spring boot auto configure.
Currently using below code to configure both the primary and secondary RedisConnectionFactory with Pool configuration and some code copy pasted from LettuceConnectionConfiguration class.
public static LettuceConnectionFactory buildLettuceConnectionFactory(RedisProperties properties, ClientResources clientResources) {
RedisStandaloneConfiguration standaloneConfiguration = new RedisStandaloneConfiguration(properties.getHost(), properties.getPort());
if (properties.getPassword() != null) {
if (properties.getUsername() != null) {
LettucePoolingClientConfiguration poolingClientConfiguration = LettucePoolingClientConfiguration.builder()
LettuceConnectionFactory lettuceConnectionFactory = new LettuceConnectionFactory(
standaloneConfiguration, poolingClientConfiguration);
return lettuceConnectionFactory;
private static GenericObjectPoolConfig buildGenericObjectPoolConfig(RedisProperties properties) {
RedisProperties.Pool pool = properties.getLettuce().getPool();
GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig = new GenericObjectPoolConfig();
if (Objects.nonNull(pool)) {
return poolConfig;
private static ClientOptions createClientOptions(RedisProperties properties) {
ClientOptions.Builder builder = initializeClientOptionsBuilder(properties);
Duration connectTimeout = properties.getConnectTimeout();
if (connectTimeout != null) {
return builder.timeoutOptions(TimeoutOptions.enabled()).build();
private static ClientOptions.Builder initializeClientOptionsBuilder(RedisProperties properties) {
if (properties.getCluster() != null) {
ClusterClientOptions.Builder builder = ClusterClientOptions.builder();
Refresh refreshProperties = properties.getLettuce().getCluster().getRefresh();
Builder refreshBuilder = ClusterTopologyRefreshOptions.builder()
if (refreshProperties.getPeriod() != null) {
if (refreshProperties.isAdaptive()) {
return builder.topologyRefreshOptions(refreshBuilder.build());
return ClientOptions.builder();


Autowiring MongoClient and MongoClientSettings without explicitly specifying a Connection String

I am upgrading the MongoDB driver which requires moving away from the older MongoClientOptions to the newer MongoClientSettings.
In the older implementation, the following configuration was used within a #Configuration class with the ConnectionString inferred from the spring.data.mongodb.uri and an #Autowired MongoTemplate:
public MongoClientOptions mongoOptions() {
Builder clientOptionsBuilder = MongoClientOptions.builder()
//Timeout Configurations
if(sslIsEnabled) {
//Other SSL options
return clientOptionsBuilder.build();
And in the Newer Implementation, a ConnectionString parameter is specifically expected, and the property file spring.data.mongodb.uri is not selected automatically. As a result, I have specified the connection string using the #Value Annotation. Not doing this results in the program to infer localhost:27017 as the connection source.
String connectionString;
public MongoClient mongoClient() {
MongoClientSettings.Builder clientSettingsBuilder = MongoClientSettings.builder()
.applyToSocketSettings(builder -> {
// Timeout Configurations
}).applyConnectionString(new ConnectionString(connectionString));
if (sSLEnabled) {
clientSettingsBuilder.applyToSslSettings(builder -> {
//Other SSL Settings
return MongoClients.create(clientSettingsBuilder.build());
While documentation and other StackOverflow posts mention MongoClientSettings overrides the property file entries, is there a way to retrieve/infer the MongoClientSettings from the property files and then append other custom configurations to it?
I am using Spring Boot 2.6 and spring starter dependency for MongoDB
I found that a similar question asked on GitHub earlier.
Modify MongoClientSettings while using auto configuration with mongodb #20195
Replacing the #Bean configuration which had MongoClientOptions with MongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer helped solve the problem.
public MongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer mongoDBDefaultSettings()
throws KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
return builder -> {
builder.applyToSocketSettings(bldr -> {
//Apply any custom socket settings
builder.applyToSslSettings(blockBuilder -> {
// Apply SSL settings
// Apply other settings to the builder.

spring boot with redis

I worked with spring boot and redis to caching.I can cache my data that fetch from database(oracle) use #Cacheable(key = "{#input,#page,#size}",value = "on_test").
when i try to fetch data from key("on_test::0,0,10") with redisTemplate the result is 0
Redis Config:
public class RedisConfig {
JedisConnectionFactory jedisConnectionFactory() {
RedisStandaloneConfiguration redisStandaloneConfiguration = new RedisStandaloneConfiguration("localhost", 6379);
return new JedisConnectionFactory(redisStandaloneConfiguration);
public RedisTemplate<String,Objects> redisTemplate() {
RedisTemplate<String,Objects> template = new RedisTemplate<>();
template.setStringSerializer(new StringRedisSerializer());
template.setValueSerializer(new StringRedisSerializer());
return template;
#Cacheable(key = "{#input,#page,#size}",value = "on_test")
public Page<?> getAllByZikaConfirmedClinicIs(Integer input,int page,int size) {
try {
Pageable newPage = PageRequest.of(page, size);
String fromCache = controlledCacheService.getFromCache();
if (fromCache == null && input!=null) {
log.info("cache is empty lets initials it!!!");
Page<DataSet> all = dataSetRepository.getAllByZikaConfirmedClinicIs(input,newPage);
List<DataSet> d = redisTemplate.opsForHash().values("on_test::0,0,10");
return all;
return null;
The whole point of using #Cacheable is that you don't need to be using RedisTemplate directly. You just need to call getAllByZikaConfirmedClinicIs() (from outside of the class it is defined in) and Spring will automatically check first if a cached result is available and return that instead of calling the function.
If that's not working, have you annotated one of your Spring Boot configuration classes with #EnableCaching to enable caching?
You might also need to set spring.cache.type=REDIS in application.properties, or spring.cache.type: REDIS in application.yml to ensure Spring is using Redis and not some other cache provider.

Adding Compression to Spring Data Redis with LettuceConnectionFactory

I see Lettuce can do compression for Redis serialized objects: https://lettuce.io/core/release/reference/#codecs.compression
Any way to set this config within Spring Boot Data LettuceConnectionFactory or in some other bean? I've seen this question asked here as well: https://github.com/lettuce-io/lettuce-core/issues/633
I'd like to compress all serialized objects being sent to Redis to reduce network traffic between boxes.
I ended up solving it the following way.
Create a RedisTemplate Spring Bean. This allows us to set a custom serializer.
public RedisTemplate<Object, Object> redisTemplate(LettuceConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
RedisTemplate<Object, Object> template = new RedisTemplate<>();
// Set a custom serializer that will compress/decompress data to/from redis
RedisSerializerGzip serializerGzip = new RedisSerializerGzip();
return template;
Create a custom serializer. I decided to extend JdkSerializationRedisSerializer since that's what Spring was using by default for Redis. I added a compress/decompress in each respected method and use the super class serialization code.
public class RedisSerializerGzip extends JdkSerializationRedisSerializer {
public Object deserialize(byte[] bytes) {
return super.deserialize(decompress(bytes));
public byte[] serialize(Object object) {
return compress(super.serialize(object));
// Helpers
private byte[] compress(byte[] content) {
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (GZIPOutputStream gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream)) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerializationException("Unable to compress data", e);
return byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
private byte[] decompress(byte[] contentBytes) {
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
IOUtils.copy(new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(contentBytes)), out);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerializationException("Unable to decompress data", e);
return out.toByteArray();
Use spring dependency injection for the RedisTemplate Bean.
Here is a sample of a Java Spring Boot Redis Cluster Data configuration.
It is an implementation with Redis Cluster and Redis Cache Manager.
Snappy Compression
Kryo Serialization
Support ttl per cache key
Gradle configuration
Link to github https://github.com/cboursinos/java-spring-redis-compression-snappy-kryo

use spring boot data redis Connect to the redis cluster problem

I used spring boot data redis to connect to the redis cluster, using version 2.1.3 The configuration is as follows:
public RedisConnectionFactory myLettuceConnectionFactory(GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) {
RedisClusterConfiguration redisClusterConfiguration = new RedisClusterConfiguration();
final List<String> nodeList = redisProperties.getCluster().getNodes();
Set<RedisNode> nodes = new HashSet<RedisNode>();
for (String ipPort : nodeList) {
String[] ipAndPort = ipPort.split(":");
nodes.add(new RedisNode(ipAndPort[0].trim(), Integer.valueOf(ipAndPort[1])));
LettuceClientConfiguration clientConfig = LettucePoolingClientConfiguration.builder()
RedisClusterClient clusterClient ;
LettuceConnectionFactory factory = new LettuceConnectionFactory(redisClusterConfiguration,clientConfig);
return factory;
However, during the operation, a WARN exception message will always be received as follows:
Well, this seems to be a problem with lettuce, How to map remote host & port to localhost using Lettuce,but I don't know how to use it in spring boot data redis. Any solution is welcome, thank you
I've got the answer, so let's define a ClinentRourse like this:
MappingSocketAddressResolver resolver = MappingSocketAddressResolver.create(DnsResolvers.UNRESOLVED ,
hostAndPort -> {
return HostAndPort.of(ipStr, hostAndPort.getPort());
return hostAndPort;
ClientResources clientResources = ClientResources.builder()
Then through LettuceClientConfiguration.clientResources method set in, the normal work of the lettuce.

Spring, autowire #Value from a database

I am using a properties File to store some configuration properties, that are accessed this way:
private String pathFile;
Is it possible (with Spring 3) to use the same #Value annotation, but loading the properties from a database instead of a file ?
Assuming you have a table in your database stored key/value pairs:
Define a new bean "applicationProperties" - psuedo-code follows...
public class ApplicationProperties {
private DataSource datasource;
public getPropertyValue(String key) {
// transact on your datasource here to fetch value for key
Inject this bean where required in your application. If you already have a dao/service layer then you would just make use of that.
Yes, you can keep your #Value annotation, and use the database source with the help of EnvironmentPostProcessor.
As of Spring Boot 1.3, we're able to use the EnvironmentPostProcessor to customize the application's Environment before application context is refreshed.
For example, create a class which implements EnvironmentPostProcessor:
public class ReadDbPropertiesPostProcessor implements EnvironmentPostProcessor {
private static final String PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME = "databaseProperties";
private String[] CONFIGS = {
// list your properties here
public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment, SpringApplication application) {
Map<String, Object> propertySource = new HashMap<>();
try {
// the following db connections properties must be defined in application.properties
DataSource ds = DataSourceBuilder
try (Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
// suppose you have a config table storing the properties name/value pair
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = ?")) {
for (int i = 0; i < CONFIGS.length; i++) {
String configName = CONFIGS[i];
preparedStatement.setString(1, configName);
ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
while (rs.next()) {
propertySource.put(configName, rs.getString("value"));
// rs.close();
environment.getPropertySources().addFirst(new MapPropertySource(PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME, propertySource));
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Finally, don't forget to put your spring.factories in META-INF. An example:
Although not having used spring 3, I'd assume you can, if you make a bean that reads the properties from the database and exposes them with getters.
