Add visual basic class to Word Web Addin - word-web-addins

I'm creating a new Web Add-In for Microsoft Word. Is it possible to add Visual Basic code?
Background is, that I want to access environment data out of the Add-In. The code for accessing this data is written in Visual Basic.
Thanks in advance.


Manipulating Client Files in Office Add-Ins

I am developing an Office Add-in using Visual Studio. However, I want to rename some files, delete others, and upload a file. Visual studio allows me to use HTML and JavaScript. However, neither of these allows me to access or manipulate the files on the client PC.
I could do this easily in the old VBA add-in development methodology, but I am new to the new "progressive web App" technique. I would appreciate an suggestions about how to access and manipulate client files in an Office Add-In developed with Visual Studio.
Thank You.
You cannot access the local file system (except for cookies) from an Office Web Add-in for the same reason that you cannot from a web application. It would be a security risk.

How to create an Office add-in using React + TypseScript in Visual Studio?

If I go to create a new project in Visual Studio, the add-in template it generates is based on JavaScript and uses JQuery framework, but I'd like to create an add-in using React (so I can use Fabric UI for react) and Typescript, is there an option for doing that?
I know that if I can use Visual Code and Node to create a project like this, 'yo office' has the option to generate a template for many different types of add-ins, but I found no option for this in Visual Studio.
The Office Tools in Visual Studio do not have that option, but it's a great idea! Please go to Office Developer User Voice and suggest it.

Add-in for desktop and web Outlook

I am new in Office add-in development and little bit confused about creation JS plug-ins for Outlook. Actually we can create one add-in which will be available on all platforms: Outlook on Mac/PC, and Outlook 365.
But what about tools for it? According Outlook development documentation, we can use Yeoman generator for creating Office add-ins. However in my VisualStudio Community 2015 is type of project like "Web add-in", where I can chose Outlook add-in. So is there some difference between Yeoman generator and VisualStudio Web add-in projects?
Visual Studio is the main tool for creating Outlook plugins. You can also use Visual Studio Code for developing web-based solutions.
Office add-in is nothing else as "manifest.xml" file + your web application (HTML + JS). Web application is what your VS Code is help you to create. The manifest part is something which you able to write yourself, coy it from an example or use YO Generator to produce it for you. More on how to build office add-ins: Office Add-ins with VS Code and how to use generator: Yo Code - Extension Generator
To answer your question "is there some difference between Yeoman generator and VisualStudio Web add-in projects?": There is no fundamental difference. First choose whether to develop your Outlook Web Add-in with VS or with some non-VS tool. If you use VS, then use the project templates in VS. If you use any other development tool, use the yeoman-generated templates.
Occasionally, templates can get out-of-date. For example, recommended practices may change, or the manifest XML schema may be expanded. As a general rule, the yeoman-generated templates are updated more frequently than the ones generated in VS. For this reason, there may be small differences in the templates (besides the differences that are inherent to the differences in the tools).

How to modify JavaScript Intellisense by using Visual Studio Integration Package?

I need to modify some logic of Javascript Intellisense on Visual Studio 2008 SP1 like some build-in function such as ScriptEngine, ScriptEngineBuildVersion and etc. Moreover, I need to dynamically generate function depend on opened docuement.
In Visual Studio, language services are provided via VSPackages. Most built-in language services in Visual Studio 2008 do not really offer any kind of extensibility or customization that would enable what you're trying to achieve.
There are a couple of options you could consider though:
Write your own Javascript language service. Obviously, this would be non-trivial, but it would allow you to get the precise behavior you're after. Language services are responsible for parsing the file to provide colorization, quick info, Intellisense, auto-completion, and other features to the core text editor. The simplest example of a language service is a sample in the Visual Studio 2008 SDK 1.1 called the RegExLangService. There is also a detailed walkthrough for the sample.
You could attempt implementing either an Add-in or a VSPackage which would insert/manipulate text in the editor based on the contents of the open document. Your question doesn't really say exactly what kind of behavior you need (other than dynamically generating a function). This would certainly be possible with the Visual Studio SDK and much less work than writing your own Javascript language service.
Good Luck!

Please explain what an outlook add-in is

Can someone give me a quick explanation of when I would use Visual Studio 2008 Outlook 2007 Ad-In project type? and how would that compare to developing a bunch of outlook macros directly in outlook?
Basically, I want to have some sort of application read email (with attachments) from a pop3 email box, do some filtering/editing/validation of the subject/sender/content and then if certain conditions are met, save the attachments to a local file, and then add an entry into an SQL server database table (i.e. date/sender/subject/message).
Seems there are at least 10 different ways to do between an outlook macro and a VS Office Project, how do I pick?
I am not clear, if I create this solution as a Visual Studio outlook add-in, where does it run? Is it loaded into outlook, does it run as a separate process and communicates back and forth with outlook? if outlook is not running, does it start it?
An Outlook Add-on is a compiled component that uses the Outlook API to perform the tasks you need. A macro/VB script is an interpreted script that actually uses the same API. The add-on approach is better if you want to deploy your functionality.
When you work on an Outlook add-on in Visual Studio, you'll be creating a .NET component, which integrates into the Outlook application, which is written in C++ so uses COM. You'll have to be careful about managed/unmanaged types and releasing objects you retrieve from Outlook.
I have recently completed just such a tool, but I chose to use Add-in Express ( These guys provide a layer of abstraction over the [challenging] Outlook API and also provide some excellent support if you're stuck.
In my case, with Add-in Express, I "run" by setting Outlook as the application command to run, in the Project properties. Add-in Express sorts out the installation of the add-on within Outlook. So when I press "Run", Outlook starts and my add-in is displayed, which may be debugged in the normal fashion. I'm not sure how VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office) works in this respect - or at least, I can't remember.
This is an example of an outlook add-in..
Personally, I don't see macros distributable.
