I have an even number of participants.
I want to generate n seemingly random rounds of pairings of participants, such that every participant gets paired up with another one and that no pair ever occurs more than once.
For example:
Suppose I have the participants a, b, c, d, e and f.
A first possible first round of pairings would look like this:
(a, b), (c, d), (e, f)
A second round would for example then look like this:
(a, c), (b, e), (d, f)
A bad example for a second round would be:
(a, c), (b, d), (e, f)
Which has the repeated pairing (e, f) and would therefore not be considered valid.
Pseudo code suffices.
EDIT: I forgot to add that I want the pairings to seem random. NOT like a round-robin.
Suppose you know how to apply a certain round-robin
but you wish to make the pairs "more random".
Attend to the "assign" verb:
All competitors are assigned to numbers, and then paired ...
You are free to assign ordinal position numbers arbitrarily.
You might have a list in some python implementation:
competitors = ['Alice, 'Bob', ... ]
But the alphabetic order is undesirable.
So shuffle
import random
Now feed that new permutation to your
favorite round-robin algorithm.
In general, when given the results of any
round-robin algorithm that proposes a sequence
of pairings, you are free to
that result to produce a related random sequence
which also pairs each competitor against each
of the others.
Using this great answer I was able to implement the solution in Rust:
use itertools::Itertools;
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
fn main() {
let participants = vec!["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"];
let all_rounds = all_rounds(4, participants);
.map(|round| round
.map(|pair| format!("{:?}", pair))
.join(", "))
fn all_rounds(num_rounds: u32, mut participants: Vec<&str>) -> Vec<Vec<(&str, &str)>> {
participants.shuffle(&mut rand::thread_rng());
.map(|_| {
let round = participants
.take(participants.len() / 2)
let last = participants.pop().unwrap();
participants.insert(1, last);
Thank you all very much.
I have two big lists that their item's lengths isn't constant. Each list include millions items.
And I want to count frequency of items of first list in second list!
For example:
a = [[c, d], [a, b, e]]
b = [[a, d, c], [e, a, b], [a, d], [c, d, a]]
# expected result of calculate_frequency(a, b) is %{[c, d] => 2, [a, b, e] => 1} Or [{[c, d], 2}, {[a, b, e], 1}]
Due to the large size of the lists, I would like this process to be done concurrently.
So I wrote this function:
def calculate_frequency(items, data_list) do
|> Task.async_stream(
fn item ->
frequency =
|> Enum.reduce(0, fn data_row, acc ->
if item -- data_row == [] do
acc + 1
{item, frequency}
ordered: false
|> Enum.reduce([], fn {:ok, merged}, merged_list -> [merged | merged_list] end)
But this algorithm is slow. What should I do to make it fast?
PS: Please do not consider the type of inputs and outputs, the speed of execution is important.
Not sure if this fast enough and certainly it's not concurrent. It's O(m + n) where m is the size of items and n is the size of data_list. I can't find a faster concurrent way because combining the result of all the sub-processes also takes time.
|> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn(item, counts)->
Map.update(counts, item, 1, &(&1 + 1))
|> Map.take(items)
FYI, doing things concurrently does not necessarily mean doing things in parallel. If you have only one CPU core, concurrency actually slows things down because one CPU core can only do one thing at a time.
Put one list into a MapSet.
Go through the second list and see whether or not each element is in the MapSet.
This is linear in the lengths of the lists, and both operations should be able to be parallelized.
I would start by normalizing the data you want to compare so a simple equality check can tell if two items are "equal" as you would define it. Based on your code, I would guess Enum.sort/1 would do the trick, though MapSet.new/1 or a function returning a map may compare faster if it matches your use case.
defp normalize(item) do
def calculate_frequency(items, data_list) do
data_list = Enum.map(data_list, &normalize/1)
items = Enum.map(items, &normalize/1)
If you're going to get most frequencies from data list, I would then calculate all frequencies for data list. Elixir 1.10 introduced Enum.frequencies/1 and Enum.frequencies_by/2, but you could do this with a reduce if desired.
def calculate_frequency(items, data_list) do
data_frequencies = Enum.frequencies_by(data_list, &normalize/1) # does map for you
Map.new(items, &Map.get(data_frequencies, normalize(&1), 0)) # if you want result as map
I haven't done any benchmarks on my code or yours. If you were looking to do more asynchronous stuff, you could replace your mapping with Task.async_stream/3, and you could replace your frequencies call with a combination of Stream.chunk_every/2, Task.async_stream/3 (with Enum.frequencies/1 being the function), and Map.merge/3.
You are given two lists of intervals, A and B.
In A, the intervals are sorted by their starting points. None of the intervals within A overlap.
Likewise, in B, the intervals are sorted by their starting points. None of the intervals within B overlap.
Return the intervals that overlap between the two lists.
A: {[0,4], [7,12]}
B: {[1,3], [5,8], [9,11]}
{[1,3], [7,8], [9,11]}
I got this in an interview and was stumped.
I thought of comparing intervals between the two lists. If there is an overlap between the two, add the overlap to a results list. I then advance the pointer of the list with the smaller starting interval but was unable to get to a working solution by the end of the interview.
What is the best way to solve this problem?
So you have two lists with events - entering interval and leaving interval. Merge these lists keeping current state as integer 0, 1, 2 (active interval count)
Get the next coordinate from both lists
If it is entering event
Increment state
If state becomes 2, start new output interval
If it is closing event
Decrement state
If state becomes 1, close current output interval
Treat ties (when values are equal [0..1] and [1..2]) corresponding to chosen rules - treat closing event before opening one if such intervals should not give an intersection
Here is an implementation, following the roman principle divide-et-impera:
First, find a method, which, for a given pair of Intervals, finds the overlap, if any.
/* Cases: A behind B, A overlap at start, A part of B, B part of A,
overlap at end, B starts after A ended:
A: 2..3..4..5
Bs: | |
0..1 | |
0..1..2..3 |
| 3..4 |
| 4..5..6
| | 6..7
case class Interval (lower: Int, upper: Int) {
def overlap (other: Interval) : Option [Interval] = {
if (lower > other.upper || upper < other.lower) None else
Some (Interval (Math.max (lower, other.lower), Math.min (upper, other.upper)))
That was the method with a limited responsibility, to decide for two Intervals.
If you're not familiar with Scala: Interval is a class, and the first line can be read as constructor. Lower and upper should be self explaining (of type Int).
The class has a method overlap, which takes a second instance of the class (other) and returns, as a result, a new Interval of the overlapping. But wrapped into an Option, which means: If no overlap is found, we return None. If we find one, it is Some (Interval). You can help yourself to understand this construct as a List, which is either empty, or contains exactly one element. It's a technique to avoid NullpointerException, by signalling, that there might be no result, with a Type.
If the upper of the one Interval is lower than the lower of the other interval, there can't be an overlap, so we return None.
For the overlap, we take the maximum of the two lower bounds as lower bound, and the minimum of the two upper bounds, as new upper bound.
val a = List (Interval (0, 4), Interval (7, 12))
val b = List (Interval (1, 3), Interval (5, 8), Interval (9, 11))
Naive approach: Bubble overlap (first make it work, then make it fast):
scala> a.map (aa => b.map (bb => aa.overlap (bb))).flatten.flatten
res21: List[Interval] = List(Interval(1,3), Interval(7,8), Interval(9,11))
The core, if you're not used to Option/Maybe with Some(T) and None, which might help to understand, is:
a.map (aa => b.map (bb => aa.overlap (bb)))
res19: List[List[Option[Interval]]] = List(List(Some(Interval(1,3)), None, None), List(None, Some(Interval(7,8)), Some(Interval(9,11))))
The first flatten combined the two inner Lists into one List, and the second flatten removed the Nones and left us with Intervals, instead of the wrapper Some(Interval).
Maybe I can come up with an iterative solution, which takes no interval more than 2 times more often, than it matches.
...(10 min later)...
Here it is:
def findOverlaps (l1: List[Interval], l2: List[Interval]): List[Option[Interval]] = (l1, l2) match {
case (_, Nil) => Nil
case (Nil, _) => Nil
case (a :: as, b :: bs) => {
if (a.lower > b.upper) findOverlaps (l1, bs)
else if (a.upper < b.lower) findOverlaps (as, l2)
else if (a.upper > b.upper) a.overlap (b) :: findOverlaps (l1, bs)
else a.overlap (b) :: findOverlaps (as, l2)
The first two inner lines check, if either of the Lists is empty - then no more overlap can be expected.
(a :: as, b :: bs) is a match of (l1, l2) a is the head of l1, as the tail of l1 (might be Nil) and analog b is the head of l2, bs its tail.
If a.lower is > b.upper, we take the tail of the b list and repeat recursively with the whole l1-list and similar, with the whole l2-List but only the tail of the l1 list, if b.lower > a.upper.
Else we should have an overlap so we take a.overlap (b) in either case, with the whole list of the one with higher upper bound, and the tail of the other list.
scala> findOverlaps (a, b)
res0: List[Option[Interval]] = List(Some(Interval(1,3)), Some(Interval(7,8)), Some(Interval(9,11)))
You see, no None was generated, and for findOverlaps (b, a) the same result.
Here is an implementation of the algorithm that I used as a component for a complicated reduce-step in an apache-spark program: link to another related answer. Curiously, it's also in Scala.
Here is the algorithm in isolation:
type Gap = (Int, Int)
/** The `merge`-step of a variant of merge-sort
* that works directly on compressed sequences of integers,
* where instead of individual integers, the sequence is
* represented by sorted, non-overlapping ranges of integers.
def mergeIntervals(as: List[Gap], bs: List[Gap]): List[Gap] = {
require(!as.isEmpty, "as must be non-empty")
require(!bs.isEmpty, "bs must be non-empty")
// assuming that `as` and `bs` both are either lists with a single
// interval, or sorted lists that arise as output of
// this method, recursively merges them into a single list of
// gaps, merging all overlapping gaps.
def mergeRec(
gaps: List[Gap],
gapStart: Int,
gapEndAccum: Int,
as: List[Gap],
bs: List[Gap]
): List[Gap] = {
as match {
case Nil => {
bs match {
case Nil => (gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps
case notEmpty => mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum, bs, Nil)
case (a0, a1) :: at => {
if (a0 <= gapEndAccum) {
mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum max a1, at, bs)
} else {
bs match {
case Nil => mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, a0, gapEndAccum max a1, at, bs)
case (b0, b1) :: bt => if (b0 <= gapEndAccum) {
mergeRec(gaps, gapStart, gapEndAccum max b1, as, bt)
} else {
if (a0 < b0) {
mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, a0, a1, at, bs)
} else {
mergeRec((gapStart, gapEndAccum) :: gaps, b0, b1, as, bt)
val (a0, a1) :: at = as
val (b0, b1) :: bt = bs
val reverseRes =
if (a0 < b0)
mergeRec(Nil, a0, a1, at, bs)
mergeRec(Nil, b0, b1, as, bt)
It works very similar to the merge step of a merge sort, but instead of looking at single numbers, you have to look at entire intervals. The principle remains the same, only the case-distinctions become quite nasty.
EDIT: It's not quite that. You want intersection, the algorithm here produces the union. You would either have to flip quite a few if-else-conditions and min-max-functions, or you would have to preprocess / postprocess using the de-Morgan laws. The principle is still the same, but I definitely don't want to repeat this whole exercise for intersections. Regard it not as a shortcoming, but as a feature of the answer: no spoilers ;)
This problem is from "Functional Programming Principles in Scala" # Coursera so I need to avoid having complete code in this question - it's past deadline already but there are always years to come. I was looking for general suggestions on methods to implement this transformation.
I have a set of variable-length Tuples, full subset of some String in lowercase
val indexes = Set('a', 'b', 'c')
and a set of tuples with max allowed occurence for each char
val occurences = Set(('a', 1), ('b', 5), ('c', 2))
I want to get combinations of weighted tuples:
val result = Seq(Set(), Set((a, 1)), Set((b, 1)), Set((b, 2)) ... Set((a, 1)(b, 2)(c, 2)) ...)
My assignment suggests easy way of building result via recursive iteration.
I'd like to do it in more "structural?" way. My idea was to get all possible char subsets and multiplex those with added weights (~pseudocode in last line of post).
I got subsets via handly subsets operator
val subsets = Seq(Set(), Set(a), Set(b), Set(c), Set(a, b), Set(a, c), Set(b, c), Set(a, b, c)
and also map of specific Int values for each char, either of
val weightsMax Map(a -> 1, b -> 5, c -> 2)
val weightsAll Map(a -> List(1), b -> List(5,4,3,2,1), c -> List(2,1))
I don't really know which language feature I should use for this operation.
I know about for and collection operations but don't have experience to operate with those on this level as I'm new to functional paradigm (and collection operations too).
I would have no problems with making some corporate-styled java / XML to solve this (yeah ...).
I'd like to have something similar defined:
FOREACH subset (MAP chars TO (COMBINATIONS OF weights FOR chars))
You can express this problem recursively and implement it this exact way. We want to build a function called expend: Set[Char] => List[Set[(Char, Int)]] that returns all the possible combinations of weights for a set of chars (you wrote it chars TO (COMBINATIONS OF weights FOR chars)). The intuitive "by the definition" way is to assign each possible weights to the first char, and for each of these assign each possible weights to the second char and so on...
def expend(set: Set[Char]): List[Set[(Char, Int)]] =
if(set isEmpty) Nil else
allPairsFromChar(set head) flatMap (x => expend(set tail) map (_ + x))
Where allPairsFromChar is trivial from your weightsAll and your FOREACH subset (...) is another flatMap ;)
I just can't understand how this algorithm works. All the explanations I've seen say that if you have a set such as {A, B, C} and you want all the permutations, start with each letter distinctly, then find the permutations of the rest of the letters. So for example {A} + permutationsOf({B,C}).
But all the explanations seem to gloss over how you find the permutations of the rest. An example being this one.
Could someone try to explain this algorithm a little more clearly to me?
To understand recursion you need to understand recursion..
(c) Programmer's wisdom
Your question is about that fact, that "permutations of the rest" is that recursive part. Recursion always consist of two parts: trivial case and recursion case. Trivial case points to a case when there's no continue for recursion and something should be returned.
In your sample, trivial part would be {A} - there's only one permutation of this set - itself. Recursion part will be union of current element and this "rest part" - i.e. if you have more than one element, then your result will be union of permutation between this element and "rest part". In terms of permutation: the rest part is current set without selected element. I.e. for set {A,B,C} on first recursion step that will be {A} and "rest part": {B,C}, then {B} and "rest part": {A,C} - and, finally, {C} with "rest part": {A,B}
So your recursion will last till the moment when "the rest part" will be single element - and then it will end.
That is the whole point of recursive implementation. You define the solution recursively assuming you already have the solution for the simpler problem. With a little tought you will come to the conclusion that you can do the very same consideration for the simpler case making it even more simple. Going on until you reach a case that is simple enough to solve. This simple enough case is known as bottom for the recursion.
Also please note that you have to iterate over all letters not just A being the first element. Thus you get all permutations as:
{{A} + permutationsOf({B,C})} +{{B} + permutationsOf({A,C})} + {{C} + permutationsOf({A,B})}
Take a minute and try to write down all the permutations of a set of four letters say {A, B, C, D}. You will find that the algorithm you use is close to the recursion above.
The answer to your question is in the halting-criterion (in this case !inputString.length).
function permutate(inputString, outputString) {
if (!inputString.length) console.log(outputString);
else for (var i = 0; i < inputString.length; ++i) {
permutate(inputString.substring(0, i) +
inputString.substring(i + 1),
outputString + inputString[i]);
var inputString = "abcd";
var outputString = "";
permutate(inputString, outputString);
So, let's analyze the example {A, B, C}.
First, you want to take single element out of it, and get the rest. So you would need to write some function that would return a list of pairs:
pairs = [ (A, {B, C})
(B, {A, C})
(C, {A, B}) ]
for each of these pairs, you get a separate list of permutations that can be made out of it, like that:
for pair in pairs do
head <- pair.fst // e.g. for the first pair it will be A
tails <- perms(pair.snd) // e.g. tails will be a list of permutations computed from {B, C}
You need to attach the head to each tail from tails to get a complete permutation. So the complete loop will be:
permutations <- []
for pair in pairs do
head <- pair.fst // e.g. for the first pair it will be A
tails <- perms(pair.snd) // e.g. tails will be a list of permutations computed from {B, C}
for tail in tails do
permutations.add(head :: tail); // here we create a complete permutation
head :: tail means that we attach one element head to the beginning of the list tail.
Well now, how to implement perms function used in the fragment tails <- perm(pair.snd). We just did! That's what recursion is all about. :)
We still need a base case, so:
perms({X}) = [ {X} ] // return a list of one possible permutation
And the function for all other cases looks like that:
perms({X...}) =
permutations <- []
pairs <- createPairs({X...})
for pair in pairs do
head <- pair.fst // e.g. for the first pair it will be A
tails <- perms(pair.snd) // e.g. tails will be a list of permutations computed from {B, C}
for tail in tails do
permutations.add( head :: tail ); // here we create a complete permutation
return permutations
I use the LINQ Aggregate operator quite often. Essentially, it lets you "accumulate" a function over a sequence by repeatedly applying the function on the last computed value of the function and the next element of the sequence.
For example:
int[] numbers = ...
int result = numbers.Aggregate(0, (result, next) => result + next * next);
will compute the sum of the squares of the elements of an array.
After some googling, I discovered that the general term for this in functional programming is "fold". This got me curious about functions that could be written as folds. In other words, the f in f = fold op.
I think that a function that can be computed with this operator only needs to satisfy (please correct me if I am wrong):
f(x1, x2, ..., xn) = f(f(x1, x2, ..., xn-1), xn)
This property seems common enough to deserve a special name. Is there one?
An Iterated binary operation may be what you are looking for.
You would also need to add some stopping conditions like
f(x) = something
f(x1,x2) = something2
They define a binary operation f and another function F in the link I provided to handle what happens when you get down to f(x1,x2).
To clarify the question: 'sum of squares' is a special function because it has the property that it can be expressed in terms of the fold functional plus a lambda, ie
sumSq = fold ((result, next) => result + next * next) 0
Which functions f have this property, where dom f = { A tuples }, ran f :: B?
Clearly, due to the mechanics of fold, the statement that f is foldable is the assertion that there exists an h :: A * B -> B such that for any n > 0, x1, ..., xn in A, f ((x1,...xn)) = h (xn, f ((x1,...,xn-1))).
The assertion that the h exists says almost the same thing as your condition that
f((x1, x2, ..., xn)) = f((f((x1, x2, ..., xn-1)), xn)) (*)
so you were very nearly correct; the difference is that you are requiring A=B which is a bit more restrictive than being a general fold-expressible function. More problematically though, fold in general also takes a starting value a, which is set to a = f nil. The main reason your formulation (*) is wrong is that it assumes that h is whatever f does on pair lists, but that is only true when h(x, a) = a. That is, in your example of sum of squares, the starting value you gave to Accumulate was 0, which is a does-nothing when you add it, but there are fold-expressible functions where the starting value does something, in which case we have a fold-expressible function which does not satisfy (*).
For example, take this fold-expressible function lengthPlusOne:
lengthPlusOne = fold ((result, next) => result + 1) 1
f (1) = 2, but f(f(), 1) = f(1, 1) = 3.
Finally, let's give an example of a functions on lists not expressible in terms of fold. Suppose we had a black box function and tested it on these inputs:
f (1) = 1
f (1, 1) = 1 (1)
f (2, 1) = 1
f (1, 2, 1) = 2 (2)
Such a function on tuples (=finite lists) obviously exists (we can just define it to have those outputs above and be zero on any other lists). Yet, it is not foldable because (1) implies h(1,1)=1, while (2) implies h(1,1)=2.
I don't know if there is other terminology than just saying 'a function expressible as a fold'. Perhaps a (left/right) context-free list function would be a good way of describing it?
In functional programming, fold is used to aggregate results on collections like list, array, sequence... Your formulation of fold is incorrect, which leads to confusion. A correct formulation could be:
fold f e [x1, x2, x3,..., xn] = f((...f(f(f(e, x1),x2),x3)...), xn)
The requirement for f is actually very loose. Lets say the type of elements is T and type of e is U. So function f indeed takes two arguments, the first one of type U and the second one of type T, and returns a value of type U (because this value will be supplied as the first argument of function f again). In short, we have an "accumulate" function with a signature f: U * T -> U. Due to this reason, I don't think there is a formal term for these kinds of function.
In your example, e = 0, T = int, U = int and your lambda function (result, next) => result + next * next has a signaturef: int * int -> int, which satisfies the condition of "foldable" functions.
In case you want to know, another variant of fold is foldBack, which accumulates results with the reverse order from xn to x1:
foldBack f [x1, x2,..., xn] e = f(x1,f(x2,...,f(n,e)...))
There are interesting cases with commutative functions, which satisfy f(x, y) = f(x, y), when fold and foldBack return the same result. About fold itself, it is a specific instance of catamorphism in category theory. You can read more about catamorphism here.