How can I change image in extension of Image swiftUI - xcode

Hello everyone I have some problems because I need setup callback method into "Image" class
but xCode show me error. How can I fix it?
this is my code:
enter image description here
Thanks for your answer:)


Image not adding to pug file

I am adding an image to the home.pug. When a home.pug is opened on localhost, the image does not show on the browser. How do I fix it?
enter image description here
How is your static directory exported?
You might have to use:

Rendering Problems after add image in Android Studio

Only what I want is add image to my app. Everytime i get this error:
Rendering Problems:
The following classes could not be found: class, show
I tried two things to solve this error:
1. Change API
2. add Basic. to Styles
Nothing working... Please help.
I had the exact same problem and I fixed it by changing the name of the image I was trying to add. The problem was that the image's name started with a number so try to edit the name and see if it helps.

How to access image files in a today notification widget

Is there any kind of restriction when accessing image through widgets extension?
I have an image within Widget extension Supporting Files group called pocket.png
I want to use this image through by Widget custom view controller and as usual i wrote this code
var pocketImage:UIImage = UIImage(named: "pocket")
To my surprise this code returns blank. Tried with pocket.png same problem.
Now i tried to do with image with path and even the below code returns nil
let pathx = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("pocket", ofType: "png")
So how do i access local available image?
Note: The same code works fine when i use it in the main application with its local image.
There was an issue with xcode which didn't copy the images properly. I had to delete and copy them again to fix the issue.

Why isn't the ImageView/background show in storyboard

I have added an ImageView as a background and added a .png image but the actual image does not show in storyboard but when i run it shows.
Anyone know why this is the case?
See picture:
I did solve this and it turned out to be the name of the .png that caused the problem. When changed "iphone5_frosty-568h#2x.png" to a shorter name it suddenly worked.

How to fix the code block widgets GUI error

Could somebody help me it? Thanks in advance.
When I use codeblock to create an widgets GUI, I encounter this error popup window below:
The window show message below: Because I just register in this websit and could not paste image.
So the image could be found in link:,18677.0.html
widgets GUI error Filename:CommandLine Error:end of statement expected(; or lf)
I tried the RC2 and the issue has been fixed.
