I would like to create a new pipeline using API for SAST scan. Is this possible using the API. Any pointers to the relevant BB API docs or any sample code?
So, there isn't any official API endpoint for creating a new pipeline.
Here are Bitbucket cloud API docs: https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/bitbucket/rest/intro/
Here you will find information on how to set up your first pipeline:
I hope that helps!
I am trying to convert my REST API into graphql using AWS app sync, the problem is I am unable to fine the right method or documentation on how to do it.
I have successfully created a schema, I am trying to give a resolver for it, but I am not sure what is the right way to do it.
The problem was the creation of a pipeline, I changed actions > update runtime > Unit Resolver (VTL only). and then selecting the HTTP request as a data source was open for me to use. the document does not seem to have this information, anyways if you play with it for some time, you can get it (quite frustrating, ngl).
In the Rest v3, I could easily query a commit and get the changed files and patch for each file: https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/commits/#get-a-single-commit
I don't seem to be able to retrieve this info using the new v4 graphQL, does anyone have a clue how?
Currently, it seems that the functionality you are looking for, and much needed in my opinion, isn't supported with GitHub's GraphQL API v4 and it's probably best to stick with the current REST API.
You can refer to the following posts on the official GitHub API support forum and the answers given there by GitHub's staff.
ref1 - 29/5/19
ref2 - 5/11/18
Also, a similar question was posted on SO here
Is there any Ruby API that would be used to create work items in my ADS project?
Which api should I use to create or update work items in Azure DevOps using ruby?
There is unofficial Ruby library that wrap the Azure DevOps api, you can find it here, is not look like it's maintained.
Another option is to use Azure DevOps Rest API with Ruby, and run it like every HTTP request.
Not sure about the Ruby API, but can use the standard REST API in ruby code to create work item in ado project. Below links with help you with the details -
Work item tracking Service
I believe the default data source when creating GraphQL API is DynamoDB, I would like to set it to Lambda function instead.
Is there a way to do this with Amplify?
if not, what is the workaround?
I found this AWS tutorial online that states:
we'll show you how to write a Lambda function that performs business logic based on the invocation of a GraphQL field operation.
but I couldn't use this with Amplify.
For now, you can use this pattern described here to manually setup the correct templates and target a lambda that you setup with Amplify.
Soon (or maybe by the time you read this, based on the status of this PR) you'll be able to annotate your GraphQL Schema with #function and have it wire up all that same stuff for you.
Hope this helps.
We are working on building connectors for Mailchimp using one of our client tool.
We are referring http://developer.mailchimp.com/documentation/mailchimp/reference/ for mailchimp API 3.0 resource guide.
Few of the resources like template folders,campaign folders, content,send_checklist are newly added up to this guide. These were not present earlier whenever I did the analysis of mailchimp API.
Is the guide contain complete list of resources of 3.0? Will it get Updated frequently?
The documentation at developer.mailchimp.com is complete, but things will be added to it as new features are added to the API.