How get the collection’s entry ID through a Relation in Strapi? - strapi

I hope you’re doing well.
So, I’m creating a database-driven website about Portuguese dubs and using Strapi as backend and CMS.
I created a collection type name Movies that has, amongst other things, a repeatable component for the cast.
This repeatable component is made of a relations component with the Voice Actors collection (one to one) and a text field with the character he played.
When I call the API for a certain movie and populate Cast, it retrieves me the cast. However, it retrieves me the wrong ID for the Voice Actor.
For example, my Voice Actors’ ID go from 16 to 20, whoever the API is returning 10, 11, 12…
How do I retrieve the Voice Actors’ ID?

so let's make it clear you have a collection movies, witch has repeatable components casts witch has relation to an actor.
So id that you have in your screenshot is likely an id of component, to get full data you would need to populate at list two levels deep:
const query = qs.stringify(
populate: {
casts: {
populate: ['actor'],
encodeValuesOnly: true,
witch would give request like this:


Is there a way to create multiple relation at once in hygraph?

I am currently using hygraph as CMS. I have two models, posts and tags. I created many to many relation between them. It works when I use the inbuilt content editor.
The problem is that I cannot do the same with API. I can only create one relation at a time.
So is there a way to create multiple relation at once via API?
I figured this out by hit and trial.
mutation MyMutation {
data: {title: "ABC", genres: {connect: [{Genre: {type: "travel"}},{Genre: {type: "food"}}]}}
) {
You have to pass array of individual genres to connect.

Cache nested results

In my app, an user might request which friends did a specific action:
query($id: Int) {
post(id: $id) {
likes {
But that means re-fetching the id, name and photo data for the same objects for different posts (since the server doesn't know what I already have cached). What strategy I could use to try leverage the cache here?
Only thing I can think of is in the query above I only request the id field and have separate queries for the name and photo and try to batch those.
There is no built-in way in GraphQL to share objects in the same result object graph returned. You have actually answered your own question. By normalizing the resultant graph of objects using IDs, it does reduce the amount of JSON you'd be transmitting back to the client. However, it requires the clients to request the data in a different way. For example,
query($id: Int) {
post(id: $id) {
likes {
likesByPostId(postId: $id) {
In GraphQL, we let the clients make the decision on how to optimize the data fetching. The server simply returns the data in the shape the client requests. So you can't really decide for the clients.

Apollo/GraphQL field type for object with dynamic keys

Let's say my graphql server wants to fetch the following data as JSON where person3 and person5 are some id's:
"persons": {
"person3": {
"id": "person3",
"name": "Mike"
"person5": {
"id": "person5",
"name": "Lisa"
Question: How to create the schema type definition with apollo?
The keys person3 and person5 here are dynamically generated depending on my query (i.e. the area used in the query). So at another time I might get person1, person2, person3 returned.
As you see persons is not an Iterable, so the following won't work as a graphql type definition I did with apollo:
type Person {
id: String
name: String
type Query {
persons(area: String): [Person]
The keys in the persons object may always be different.
One solution of course would be to transform the incoming JSON data to use an array for persons, but is there no way to work with the data as such?
GraphQL relies on both the server and the client knowing ahead of time what fields are available available for each type. In some cases, the client can discover those fields (via introspection), but for the server, they always need to be known ahead of time. So to somehow dynamically generate those fields based on the returned data is not really possible.
You could utilize a custom JSON scalar (graphql-type-json module) and return that for your query:
type Query {
persons(area: String): JSON
By utilizing JSON, you bypass the requirement for the returned data to fit any specific structure, so you can send back whatever you want as long it's properly formatted JSON.
Of course, there's significant disadvantages in doing this. For example, you lose the safety net provided by the type(s) you would have previously used (literally any structure could be returned, and if you're returning the wrong one, you won't find out about it until the client tries to use it and fails). You also lose the ability to use resolvers for any fields within the returned data.
But... your funeral :)
As an aside, I would consider flattening out the data into an array (like you suggested in your question) before sending it back to the client. If you're writing the client code, and working with a dynamically-sized list of customers, chances are an array will be much easier to work with rather than an object keyed by id. If you're using React, for example, and displaying a component for each customer, you'll end up converting that object to an array to map it anyway. In designing your API, I would make client usability a higher consideration than avoiding additional processing of your data.
You can write your own GraphQLScalarType and precisely describe your object and your dynamic keys, what you allow and what you do not allow or transform.
You can have a look at taion/graphql-type-json where he creates a Scalar that allows and transforms any kind of content:
I had a similar problem with dynamic keys in a schema, and ended up going with a solution like this:
query lookupPersons {
persons {
person3: personValue(key: "person3") {
data: {
persons: {
personKeys: ["person1", "person2", "person3"]
person3: {
id: "person3"
name: "Mike"
by shifting the complexity to the query, it simplifies the response shape.
the advantage compared to the JSON approach is it doesn't need any deserialisation from the client
Additional info for Venryx: a possible schema to fit my query looks like this:
type Person {
id: String
name: String
type PersonsResult {
personKeys: [String]
personValue(key: String): Person
type Query {
persons(area: String): PersonsResult
As an aside, if your data set for persons gets large enough, you're going to probably want pagination on personKeys as well, at which point, you should look into

Apollo/React mutating two related tables

Say I have two tables, one containing products and the other containing prices.
In Graphql the query might look like this:
option {
price {
I present the user with a single form (in React) where they can enter the product detail and price at the same time.
When they submit the form I need to create an entry in the "product" table and then create a related entry in the "price" table.
I'm very new to Graphql, and React for that matter, and am finding it a steep learning curve and have been following an Apollo tutorial and reading docs but so far the solution to this task is remaining a mystery!
Could someone put me out of my misery and give me, or point me in the direction of, the simplest example of handling the mutations necessary for this?
Long story short, that's something that should actually be handled by your server if you want to optimize for as few requests as possible.
Problem: The issue here is that you have a dependency. You need the product to be created first and then with that product's ID, relate that to a new price.
Solution: The best way to implement this on the server is by adding another field to Product in your mutation input that allows you to input the details for Price as well in the same request input. This is called a "nested create" on Scaphold.
For example:
// Mutation
mutation CreateProduct ($input: CreateProductInput!) {
createProduct(input: $input) {
changedProduct {
price {
// Variables
input: {
name: "My First Product",
price: {
amount: 1000
Then, on the server, you can parse out the price object in your resolver arguments and create the new price object while creating the product. Meanwhile, you can also relate them in one go on the server as well.
Hope this helps!

Elasticsearch: document relationship

I'm doing a elastic search autocomplete-as-you-type
I'm using cool features like ngram's and other stuff to create needed analyzer.
currently I break my had around indexing following data.
Let say I have Payments type,
each document in this type looks like this
..elastic meta data..
paymentId: 123453425342,
providerAccount : {
id: 123456
firstName: Alex,
lastName: Web
consumerAccount : {
id: 7575757,
firstName: John,
lastName: Doe
amount: 556,
date : 342523454235345 (some unix timestamp)
so basically this document represents not only the payment itself but it also shows the relationship of the payment, the 2 entities which related to the payment.
Payment always have its provider and consumer.
I need this data in payment document because I want to show it in UI.
By indexing it like so, it might be a big pain for handling the updates of Consumer or Provider because each time some of them change its properties I have to update all the payments which has this entity.
Another possible solution is to store only id's of this consumers/providers and make a query on payments and then 2 queries for the entities for retrieving needed fields, but i'm not sure about this because i'm doing ajax requests each time a character entered, so here comes the performance question.
I have also looked into parent/child relationship solution which basically fits my case but I wasn't able to figure out if I can retrieve also the parent(consumer/provider) fields while I querying child(payment).
What would you suggest?
Yes, you can retrieve the parent while querying child using has_child.
Considering payment as child and consumer as parent, You can search all the consumers by :
GET /index_name/consumer/_search
"query": {
"has_child": {
"type": "payment",
"query": {
// any query on payment table
"inner_hits": {}
This would fetch you all the consumer based on the query on child i.e payment in your case.
inner_hits is what you are looking for. This will retrieve you the children as well. But it was introduced in elasticsearch 1.5.0. So version should be greater than elasticsearch 1.5.0.
You can refer
Your problem is not an issue. I suppose you want tot freeze data after the pay, right? So you don't need to update the accounts data in existing payment documents.
Further: parent/schild is easy for updating, but less efficient with querying. For auto complete, stay using your current mapping!
