powershell execution policy change issue - visual-studio

i cannot run my project file scripts in visual studio because of this policy
its not even changing to REmoteSigned even for that command am getting same error.


How to build Visual Studio Installer Project in Azure Devops Pipeline Hosted Agent

I have a Visual Studio setup project. Normally I use the Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects extension, and run an MSBuild Exec task with command line using devenv. This works on my dev box and my existing build machine. However I'm looking to migrate to a hosted pipeline agent using the VS2017 image.
I was hoping the installer extension might already be installed, so I tried my build and got an error:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\devenv.com" "D:\a\2\s\Source\Build..\WindowsFormsApp1\WindowsFormsApp1.sln" /Build "Debug" /Project "Setup1" /ProjectConfig "Debug" /Log
The operation could not be completed. The parameter is incorrect.
I tried adding the VSIX to my repo, and then issuing a command line install of the VSIX as such:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\VSIXInstaller.exe" /a /quiet /log:MyTestApp.log D:\a\2\s\Source\Build\InstallerProjects.vsix
However that seems to block for about 10 minutes, and then fails with an error (I suspect the UI is blocking even though I used the /quiet arg to suppress the UI):
... exited with code -2146233088.
Is there any way to build a Visual Studio installer project using a MS-hosted pipeline agent?
How to build Visual Studio Installer Project in Azure Devops Pipeline Hosted Agent
AFAIK, I am afraid we could not build Visual Studio Installer Project in Azure Devops Pipeline Hosted Agent at this moment.
I encountered a similar issue two weeks ago, after a period of investigation, I started to try the same idea as you, using command line to install the Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects extension.
However, I got the timeout issue. I could not install that extension on the hosted agent. To test the reason for this, I use the same command lien to installed that extension on another local machine. Indeed, there is a UI window to confirm if you want to install this extension, even after I give the /admin parameter:
Check the options here.
Then I try to open the command line with Administrator and execute the same command line, it can successfully install that extension. So, I want to execute the command line in the Azure DevOps pipeline. But no success. Because we could not execute command line script as admin using Command Line Script task.
It seems we have to set our private agent.
Hope this helps.

Installing Visual Studio 2017 Community getting error when installing microsoft.visualstudio.AspNet45.features

The error is being caused by Visual Studio Installer 2017 trying to execute the command C:\WINDOWS\system32\dism.exe" /online /quiet /norestart /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:"netfx4extended-aspnet45" /All /logPath:"C:\Users\lgray\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_setup_20170828185051_001_Microsoft.VisualStudio.AspNet45.Feature.log". When I try to execute the same command using the command line tool as administrator I get an error:1206. All attempts made to fix the problem failed. The command cannot work without /ScratchDir set.
Is there a way to set /ScratchDir globally so that all command that ran uses the default or is the a way to append to the command being executed by Visual Studio Installer?
Is there a way to skip the executing of the command?
Anything solution is welcome.

Issue generating resources in VS.Net 2010, windows 7 64 bit

I am having an issue generating resources in VS.Net 2010, windows 7 64bit. It am able to compile the solution in Visual studio. But when I try to compile the solution in command prompt using msbuild, it fails generating the resources.
I went through the below link and find a solution to get it compiled in command prompt using msbuild.
I used option 2 from the above article.
Before compiling in command prompt I have to execute the below two commands.
CorFlags /32BIT+ /Force Resgen.exe
And after finishing the compilation I have to execute the below remove 32 bit command. Other wise it fails in visual studio.
CorFlags /32BIT- /Force Resgen.exe
One weird thing is non of my team members are having any issue with this. I only have the problem.
Could you please let me know why it's only me?
Also any other permanent solution if you have, with out running the above commands again and again.
Thanks in Advance
Sometimes it has issues with the privileges.
Just make sure that you have tried running your command prompt with full privileges.
i.e. Run as administrator

PowerShell CmdLet as Visual Studio External Tool

I am attempting to add a PowerShell cmdlet as an external tool in Visual Studio 2010, but whenever I call the external tool I get:
{foo} cannot be loaded because the
execution of scripts is disabled on
this system. Please see "get-help
about_signing" for more details.
I have already set my system's execution policy to 'RemoteSigned' (I also tried 'Bypass'), so why is this happening? I am fully able to run that same script if I open up a command line and call it via powershell.exe path\to\script.ps1 (which is exactly what my external tool definition is calling).
Are you running on a x64 system? If so, you have to set the execution for both x86 and x64 PowerShell. You can also pass the ExecutionPolicy directly as a parameter to Powershell (2.0) via the command line:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command "&{ foo }"

spawning cmd.exe error in vs2008

I have created a simple vc++ console application and try to print "Hello World". I am using Windows Server 2003 machine.
When I try to build this project I got the error as Error: spawning cmd.exe
How do I fix this?
Check if cmd.exe is in <Path> environment variable?
I just did a small test by removing the %SystemRoot%\system32 from path environment variable and I got the same problem what you are facing.
Error 4 Error spawning
'cmd.exe'. Project SEH
If it is the path issue then try adding below to Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories:
If you get error like this
Just open Tools –> Options –> Projects and Solutions –> VC++ Directories
and add these lines :
yes i hav found where the proble.
I unable to locate path of cmd.exe
go to visualstudio tools->options->projects and ->vc++ directories and specify ($SystemRoot)/system32 then it working fine.
Are you running on Vista? Could this be a case of needing to run Visual Studio as Administrator?
I believe cmd.exe is not runnable by a non administrative user by default on Windows Server 2003, so I would check its permissions. That of course assumes you are not running it as Administrator already.
Yep. (Another weird windows error)
Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories -> Executable Files
Add $(SystemRoot)\System32
it works
It was giving error for me because cmd.exe was not accessible with the current user.
What I did to solve this problem :
Close current Visual Studio.
Reopen Visual Studio by right clicking on visual studio and select 'Run as administrator'
Now run The project.
Why It works
To access cmd.exe application must have privilege to run this. It doesn't have permission to access this and hence it works next time when you tries to access it normally(without running application as Administrator)
Operating System
Windows 7
