lowercase and remove punctuation from a csv - bash

I have a giant file (6gb) which is a csv and the rows look like so:
"87687","institute Polytechnic, Brazil"
"342424","university of India, India"
"24343","univefrsity columbia, Bogata, Colombia"
and I would like to remove all punctuation and lower the case of second column yielding:
what would be the most efficient way to do this on the terminal?
cat TEXTFILE | tr -d '[:punct:]' > OUTFILE
problem: resultant is not in lowercase and tr seems to act on both columns not just the ssecond.

With a real CSV parser in Perl, the robust/reliable way, using just one process.
As far as it's line by line, the 6GB requirement of file size should not be an issue.
use strict; use warnings; # harness
use Text::CSV; # load the needed module (install it)
use feature qw/say/; # say = print("...\n")
# create an instance of a new CSV parser
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ auto_diag => 1 });
# open a File Handle or exit with error
open my $fh, "<:encoding(utf8)", "file.csv" or die "file.csv: $!";
while (my $row = $csv->getline ($fh)) { # parse line by line
$_ = $row->[1]; # parse only column 2
s/[\s[:punct:]]//g; # removes both space(s) and punct(s)
$_ = lc $_; # Lower Case current value $_
$row->[1] = qq/"$_"/; # edit changes and (re)"quote"
say join ",", #$row; # display the whole current row
close $fh; # close the File Handle
cpan Text::CSV

Here's an approach using xsv and process substitution:
paste -d, \
<(xsv select 1 infile.csv) \
<(xsv select 2 infile.csv | sed 's/[[:blank:][:punct:]]*//g;s/.*/\L&/')
The sed command first removes all blanks and punctuation, then lowercases the entire match.
This also works when the first field contains blanks and commas, and retains quoting where required.

Using sed
$ sed -E ':a;s/([^,]*,)([^ ,]*)[ ,]([[:alpha:]]+)/\1\L\2\3/;ta' input_file

I suggest using this awk solution, which should work with any version of awk:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\",\""} {
gsub(/[^[:alnum:]"]+/, "", $2); $2 = tolower($2)} 1' file
We make "," input and output field separators in BEGIN block
gsub(/[^[:alnum:]"]+/, "", $2): Strip all non-alphanumeric characters except "
$2 = tolower($2): Lowercase second column

One GNU awk (for gensub()) idea:
awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS="\"" }
{ $4=gensub(/[^[:alnum:]]/,"","g",tolower($4)) }
This generates:

Another sed approach -
sed -E 's/ +//g; s/([^"]),/\1/g; s/"([^"]*)"/"\L\1"/g' file
I don't like how that leaves no flexibility, and makes you rewrite the logic if you find something else you want to remove, though.
Another in awk -
awk -F'[", ]+' '
{ printf "\"%s\",\"", $2;
for(c=3;c<=NF;c++) printf "%s", tolower($c);
print "\"";
}' file
This approach lets you define and add any additional offending characters into the field delimiters without editing your logic.
$: pat=$"[\"',_;:!##\$%)(* -]+"
$: echo "$pat"
["',_;:!##$%)(* -]+
$: cat file
"87687","institute 'Polytechnic, Brazil"
"342424","university; of-India, India"
"24343","univefrsity )columbia, Bogata, Colombia"
$: awk -F"$pat" '{printf "\"%s\",\"", $2; for(c=3;c<=NF;c++) printf "%s", tolower($c); print "\"" }' file
(I hate the way that lone single quote throws the markup color/format parsing off, lol)

Another way using ruby. Edited the data to show only the second field is modified.
% ruby -r 'csv' -e 'f = open("file");
CSV.parse(f) do |i|
puts "\"" + i[0] + "\",\"" + i[1].downcase.gsub(/[ ,]/,"") + "\"" end'
"8768, 7","institutepolytechnicbrazil"
"342 424","universityofindiaindia"
"243 43","univefrsitycolumbiabogatacolombia"
Using FastCSV gives a huge speedup
gem install fastcsv
% ruby -r 'fastcsv' -e 'f = open("file");
FastCSV.raw_parse(f) do |i|
puts "\"" + i[0] + "\",\"" + i[1].downcase.gsub(/[ ,]/,"") + "\"" end'
"8768, 7","institutepolytechnicbrazil"
"342 424","universityofindiaindia"
"243 43","univefrsitycolumbiabogatacolombia"
% cat file
"8768, 7","institute Polytechnic, Brazil"
"342 424","university of India, India"
"243 43","univefrsity columbia, Bogata, Colombia"

With your shown samples and attempts please try following GNU awk code using match function of it. Using regex (^"[^"]*",")([^"]*)(".*)$ in match function which will create 3 capturing groups and will store the value into arr and respectively I am fetching the values of it later in program to meet OP's requirement.
awk '
print arr[1] tolower(arr[2]) arr[3]
' Input_file

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E s'/("[^"]*",)/\1\n/;h;s/.*\n//;s/[[:punct:] ]//g;s/.*/"\L&"/;H;g;s/\n.*\n//' file
Divide and rule.
Partition the line into two fields, make a copy, process the second field removing punctuation and spaces, re-quote and lowercase and then re-assemble the fields
An alternative, perhaps?
sed -E ':a;s/^("[^"]*",".*)[^[:alpha:]"](.*)/\L\1\2/;ta' file

Here is a way to do so in PHP.
Note: PHP will not output double quotes unless needed by the first column. The second column will never need double quotes, it has no space or special characters.
$max_line_length = 100;
if (($fp = fopen("file.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
while (($data = fgetcsv($fp, $max_line_length, ",")) !== FALSE) {
$data[1] = strtolower(preg_replace('/[\s[:punct:]]/', '', $data[1]));
fputcsv(STDOUT, $data, ',', '"');


How to replace text in file between known start and stop positions with a command line utility like sed or awk?

I have been tinkering with this for a while but can't quite figure it out. A sample line within the file looks like this:
"...~236 characters of data...Y YYY. Y...many more characters of data"
How would I use sed or awk to replace spaces with a B character only between positions 236 and 246? In that example string it starts at character 29 and ends at character 39 within the string. I would want to preserve all the text preceding and following the target chunk of data within the line.
For clarification based on the comments, it should be applied to all lines in the file and expected output would be:
"...~236 characters of data...YBBYYY.BBY...many more characters of data"
With GNU awk:
$ awk -v FIELDWIDTHS='29 10 *' -v OFS= '{gsub(/ /, "B", $2)} 1' ip.txt
...~236 characters of data...YBBYYY.BBY...many more characters of data
FIELDWIDTHS='29 10 *' means 29 characters for first field, next 10 characters for second field and the rest for third field. OFS is set to empty, otherwise you'll get space added between the fields.
With perl:
$ perl -pe 's/^.{29}\K.{10}/$&=~tr| |B|r/e' ip.txt
...~236 characters of data...YBBYYY.BBY...many more characters of data
^.{29}\K match and ignore first 29 characters
.{10} match 10 characters
e flag to allow Perl code instead of string in replacement section
$&=~tr| |B|r convert space to B for the matched portion
Use this Perl one-liner with substr and tr. Note that this uses the fact that you can assign to substr, which changes the original string:
perl -lpe 'BEGIN { $from = 29; $to = 39; } (substr $_, ( $from - 1 ), ( $to - $from + 1 ) ) =~ tr/ /B/;' in_file > out_file
To change the file in-place, use:
perl -i.bak -lpe 'BEGIN { $from = 29; $to = 39; } (substr $_, ( $from - 1 ), ( $to - $from + 1 ) ) =~ tr/ /B/;' in_file
The Perl one-liner uses these command line flags:
-e : Tells Perl to look for code in-line, instead of in a file.
-p : Loop over the input one line at a time, assigning it to $_ by default. Add print $_ after each loop iteration.
-l : Strip the input line separator ("\n" on *NIX by default) before executing the code in-line, and append it when printing.
-i.bak : Edit input files in-place (overwrite the input file). Before overwriting, save a backup copy of the original file by appending to its name the extension .bak.
I would use GNU AWK following way, for simplicity sake say we have file.txt content
S o m e s t r i n g
and want to change spaces from 5 (inclusive) to 10 (inclusive) position then
awk 'BEGIN{FPAT=".";OFS=""}{for(i=5;i<=10;i+=1)$i=($i==" "?"B":$i);print}' file.txt
output is
S o mBeBsBt r i n g
Explanation: I set field pattern (FPAT) to any single character and output field seperator (OFS) to empty string, thus every field is populated by single characters and I do not get superfluous space when print-ing. I use for loop to access desired fields and for every one I check if it is space, if it is I assign B here otherwise I assign original value, finally I print whole changed line.
Using GNU awk:
awk -v strt=29 -v end=39 '{ ram=substr($0,strt,(end-strt));gsub(" ","B",ram);print substr($0,1,(strt-1)) ram substr($0,(end)) }' file
awk -v strt=29 -v end=39 '{ # Pass the start and end character positions as strt and end respectively
ram=substr($0,strt,(end-strt)); # Extract the 29th to the 39th characters of the line and read into variable ram
gsub(" ","B",ram); # Replace spaces with B in ram
print substr($0,1,(strt-1)) ram substr($0,(end)) # Rebuild the line incorporating raw and printing the result
This is certainly a suitable task for perl, and saddens me that my perl has become so rusty that this is the best I can come up with at the moment:
perl -e 'local $/=\1;while(<>) { s/ /B/ if $. >= 236 && $. <= 246; print }' input;
Another awk but using FS="":
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=""}{for(i=29;i<=39;i++)sub(/ /,"B",$i)}1' file
"...~236 characters of data...YBBYYY.BBY...many more characters of data"
$ awk ' # yes awk yes
FS=OFS="" # set empty field delimiters
for(i=29;i<=39;i++) # between desired indexes
sub(/ /,"B",$i) # replace space with B
# if($i==" ") # couldve taken this route, too
# $i="B"
}1' file # implicit output
With sed :
sed '
s/ /B/g
x' infile
When you have an input string without \r, you can use:
sed -r 's/(.{236})(.{10})(.*)/\1\r\2\r\3/;:a;s/(\r.*) (.*\r)/\1B\2/;ta;s/\r//g' input
First put \r around the area that you want to change.
Next introduce a label to jump back to.
Next replace a space between 2 markers.
Repeat until all spaces are replaced.
Remove the markers.
In your case, where the length doesn't change, you can do without the markers.
Replace a space after 236..245 characters and try again when it succeeds.
sed -r ':a; s/^(.{236})([^ ]{0,9}) /\1\2B/;ta' input
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E 's/./&\n/245;s//\n&/236/;h;y/ /B/;H;g;s/\n.*\n(.*)\n.*\n(.*)\n.*/\2\1/' file
Divide the problem into 2 lines, one with spaces and one with B's where there were spaces.
Then using pattern matching make a composite line from the two lines.
N.B. The newline can be used as a delimiter as it is guaranteed not to be in seds pattern space.

Display column from empty column (fixed width and space delimited) in bash

I have log file (in txt) with the following text
TCSM-1098 SE-NH -
ETIP-6 1402 SE-NH -
They r delimited by space...
How am I acquired the output like below?
Thank in advance
This is what I've tried so far
cat file.txt | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "[[:space:]][[:space:]]+" } {print $1,$2,$3,$4}' | sed 's/ /|/g'
It produces output like this
The column isn't excatly like what I hope for
It seems it's not delimited but fixed-width format.
$ perl -ple '
$_ = join "|",
map {s/^\s+|\s+$//g;$_}
unpack ("a11 a5 a6 a22 a30",$_);
' <file.txt
how it works
-p switch : loop over input lines (default var: $_) and print it
-l switch : chomp line ending (\n) and add it to output
-e : inline command
unpack function : takes defined format and input line and returns an array
map function : apply block to each element of array: regex to remove heading trailing spaces
join function : takes delimiter and array and gives string
$_ = : affects the string to default var for output
Perl to the rescue!
perl -wE 'my #lengths;
$_ = <>;
push #lengths, length $1 while /(\S+\s*)/g;
$lengths[-1] = "*";
my $f;
say join "|",
map s/^\s+|\s+$//gr,
unpack "A" . join("A", #lengths), $_
while (!$f++ or $_ = <>);' -- infile
The format is not whitespace separated, it's a fixed-width.
The #lengths array will be populated by the widths of the columns taken from the first line of the input. The last column width is replaced with *, as its width can't be deduced from the header.
Then, an unpack template is created from the lengths that's used to parse the file.
$f is just a flag that makes it possible to apply the template to the header line itself.
With GNU awk for FIELDWITDHS to handle fixed-width fields:
awk -v FIELDWIDTHS='11 5 6 22 99' -v OFS='|' '{$1=$1; gsub(/ *\| */,"|"); sub(/ +$/,"")}1' file
I think it's pretty clear and self-explanatory but let me know if you have any questions.
Manually, in awk:
$ awk 'BEGIN{split("11 5 6 23 99", cols); }
for (i in cols) {
field = substr($0, s, cols[i]);
s += cols[i];
sub(/^ */, "", field);
sub(/ *$/, "", field);
printf "%s|", field;
printf "\n" } ' file
The widths of the columns are set in the BEGIN block, then for each line we take substrings of the line of the required length. s counts the starting position of the current column, the sub() calls remove leading and trailing spaces. The code as such prints a trailing | on each line, but that can be worked around by making the first or last column a special case.
Note that the last field is not like in your output, it's hard to tell where the split between ACTV and FLTY should be. Is that fixed width too, or is the space a separator there?

use grep and awk to transfer data from .srt to .csv/xls

I got an interesting project to do! I'm thinking about converting an srt file into a csv/xls file.
a srt file would look like this:
00:00:00,104 --> 00:00:02,669
Hi, I'm shell-scripting.
00:00:02,982 --> 00:00:04,965
I'm not sure if it would work,
but I'll try it!
00:00:05,085 --> 00:00:07,321
There must be a way to do it!
while I want to output it into a csv file like this:
"1","00:00:00,104","00:00:02,669","Hi, I'm shell-scripting."
"2","00:00:02,982","00:00:04,965","I'm not sure if it would work"
,,,"but I'll try it!"
"3","00:00:05,085","00:00:07,321","There must be a way to do it!"
So as you can see, each subtitle takes up two rows. My thinking would be using grep to put the srt data into the xls, and then use awk to format the xls file.
What do you guys think? How am I suppose to write it? I tried
$grep filename.srt > filename.xls
It seems that all the data including the time codes and the subtitle words ended up all in column A of the xls file...but I want the words to be in column B...How would awk be able to help with the formatting?
Thank you in advance! :)
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { RS=""; FS="\n"; OFS=","; q="\""; s=q OFS q }
split($2,a,/ .* /)
print q $1 s a[1] s a[2] s $3 q
for (i=4;i<=NF;i++) {
print "", "", "", q $i q
$ awk -f tst.awk file
"1","00:00:00,104","00:00:02,669","Hi, I'm shell-scripting."
"2","00:00:02,982","00:00:04,965","I'm not sure if it would work,"
,,,"but I'll try it!"
"3","00:00:05,085","00:00:07,321","There must be a way to do it!"
I think something like this should do it quite nicely:
awk -v RS= -F'\n' '
sub(" --> ","\x7c",$2) # change "-->" to "|"
printf "%s|%s|%s\n",$1,$2,$3 # print scene, time start, time stop, description
for(i=4;i<=NF;i++)printf "|||%s\n",$i # print remaining lines of description
}' file.srt
The -v RS= sets the Record Separator to blank lines. The -F'\n' sets the Field Separator to new lines.
The sub() replaces the "-->" with a pipe symbol (|).
The first three fields are then printed separated by pipes, and then there is a little loop to print the remaining lines of description, inset by three pipe symbols to make them line up.
1|00:00:00,104|00:00:02,669|Hi, I'm shell-scripting.
2|00:00:02,982|00:00:04,965|I'm not sure if it would work,
|||but I'll try it!
3|00:00:05,085|00:00:07,321|There must be a way to do it!
As I am feeling like having some more fun with Perl and Excel, I took the above output and parsed it in Perl and wrote a real Excel XLSX file. Of course, there is no real need to use awk and Perl so ideally one would re-cast the awk and integrate it into the Perl since the latter can write Excel files while the former cannot. Anyway here is the Perl.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX;
my $DEBUG=0;
my $workbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new('result.xlsx');
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();
my $row=0;
while(my $line=<>){
$row++; # move down a line in Excel worksheet
chomp $line; # strip CR
my #f=split /\|/, $line; # split fields of line into array #f[], on pipe symbols (|)
for(my $j=0;$j<scalar #f;$j++){ # loop through all fields
my $cell= chr(65+$j) . $row; # calcuate Excell cell, starting at A1 (65="A")
$worksheet->write($cell,$f[$j]); # write to spreadsheet
printf "%s:%s ",$cell,$f[$j] if $DEBUG;
printf "\n" if $DEBUG;
My other answer was half awk and half Perl, but, given that awk can't write Excel spreadsheets whereas Perl can, it seems daft to require you to master both awk and Perl when Perl is perfectly capable of doing it all on its own... so here goes in Perl:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX;
my $workbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new('result.xlsx');
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();
my $ExcelRow=0;
local $/ = ""; # set paragraph mode, so we read till next blank line as one record
while(my $para=<>){
$ExcelRow++; # move down a line in Excel worksheet
chomp $para; # strip CR
my #lines=split /\n/, $para; # split paragraph into lines on linefeed character
my $scene = $lines[0]; # pick up scene number from first line of para
my ($start,$end)=split / --> /,$lines[1]; # pick up start and end time from second line
my $cell=sprintf("A%d",$ExcelRow); # work out cell
$worksheet->write($cell,$scene); # write scene to spreadsheet column A
$cell=sprintf("B%d",$ExcelRow); # work out cell
$worksheet->write($cell,$start); # write start time to spreadsheet column B
$cell=sprintf("C%d",$ExcelRow); # work out cell
$worksheet->write($cell,$end); # write end time to spreadsheet column C
$cell=sprintf("D%d",$ExcelRow); # work out cell
$worksheet->write($cell,$lines[2]); # write description to spreadsheet column D
for(my $i=3;$i<scalar #lines;$i++){ # output additional lines of description
$cell=sprintf("D%d",$ExcelRow); # work out cell
Save the above on a file called srt2xls and then make it executable with the command:
chmod +x srt2xls
Then you can run it with
./srt2xls < SomeFileile.srt
and it will give you this spreadsheet called result.xlsx
Since you want to convert the srt into csv. below is awk command
awk '{gsub(" --> ","\x22,\x22");if(NF!=0){if(j<3)k=k"\x22"$0"\x22,";else{k="\x22"$0"\x22 ";l=1}j=j+1}else j=0;if(j==3){print k;k=""}if(l==1){print ",,,"k ;l=0;k=""}}' inputfile > output.csv
detail veiw of awk
awk '{
gsub(" --> ","\x22,\x22");
k="\x22"$0"\x22 ";
print k;
print ",,,"k;
}' inputfile > output.csv
take the output.csv on windows platform and then open with microsoft excel and save it as .xls extension.

Taking multiple header (rows matching condition) and convert into a column

Hello I have a file that has multiple Headers in it that I need to have turned into column values. The file looks like this:
I would like the file to end up looking like this:
The file doesn't have sequential numbers before the names and it doesn't have the same quantity of records after the "Day" Header.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to accomplish this using the command-line?
In awk
awk -F, 'NF==1{a=$0;next}{print a","$0}' file
Checks if the number of fields is 1, if it is it sets a variable to that and skips the next block.
For each line that doesn't have 1 field, it prints the saved variable and the line
And in sed
sed -n '/,/!{h};/,/{x;G;s/\n/,/;p;s/,.*//;x}' file
Broken down for MrBones wild ride.
sed -n '
/,/!{h}; // If the line does not contain a comma overwrite buffer with line
/,/{ // If the line contains a comma, do everything inside the brackets
x; // Exchange the line for the held in buffer
G; // Append buffer to line
s/\n/,/; // Replace the newline with a comma
p; // Print the line
s/,.*//; // Remove everything after the first comma
x // exchange line for hold buffer to put title back in buffer for the next line.
}' file // The file you are using
In essence it saves the lines without a ,, i.e the headers. Then if its not a header, it switches the current line with the saved header and appends the now switched line to the end of the header. As it is appended with a newline, then the next statement replaces that with a comma. Then the line is printed. NExt to recover the header, everything after it is removed and it is swapped back into the buffer, ready for the next line.
sed '/^Day/ {h;d;}
' YourFile
posix compliant
print nothing if not at least 1 data after a Day
white line are treated as data
awk '{if ( $0 ~ /^Day/ ) Head = $0; else print Head "," $0}' YourFile
use Day as paragraph separator and content as header to use on following line
Perl solution:
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
my $header;
while (<>) { # Read line by line.
if (/,/) { # If the line contains a comma,
print "$header,$_"; # prepend the header.
} else {
chomp; # Remove the newline.
$header = $_; # Remember the header.
Another sed version
sed -n '/Day[0-9]\+/{h;b end};{G;s/\(.*\)\n\(.*\)/\2,\1/;p;:end}'
$ perl -F, -wlane ' if(#F eq 1){$s=$F[0]; next}print "$s,$_"' file
This Perl one-line program will do as you ask. It requires Perl v5.14 or better
perl -ne'tr/,// ? print $c,$_ : ($c = s/\s*\z/,/r)' myfile.txt
for earlier versions of perl, use
perl -ne'tr/,// ? print $c,$_ : ($c = $_) =~ s/\s*\z/,/' myfile.txt
Another perl example- this time using $/ to separate each record.
use strict;
use warnings;
local $/ = "Day";
while (<>) {
next unless my ($num) = m/^(\d+)/;
for ( split /\n/ ) {
print "Day${num},$_\n" if m/,/;

Bash - listing files neatly

I have a non-determinate list of file names that I would like to output to the user in a script. I don't mind if it's a paragraph or in columns (like the out put of ls. How does ls manage it?). In fact I only have the following requirements:
file names need to stay on the same line (yes, that even means files with a space in their name. If someone is dumb enough to use a newline in a filename, though, they deserve what they get.)
If the output is formatted as a paragraph, I'd like to see it indented on the left and right to separate it from other text. Sort of like the way apt-get upgrade handles the list of packages to install.
I would love not to write my own function for this - at least not a complicated one. There are so many text formatting utilities in linux!
The utility should be available in the default Ubuntu install.
It should handle relatively large input, just in case. Something like 2000 characters or so?
It seems like a simple proposition, but I can't seem to get it to work. The column command is out simply because it can't handle large chunks of data. fmt and fold both don't care about delimiters. printf looks like it would work... if I wrote a script for it.
Is there a more flexible tool I've overlooked, or a simple way to do this?
Here I have a simple formatter that, it seems to me, is good enough
% ls | awk '
NR==1 {for(i=1;i<9;i++)printf "----+----%d", i; print ""
line=" " $0;l=2+length($0);next}
print line; line = " " $0 ; l = 2+length($0) ; next}
{l=l+length($0)+1; line=line " " $0}}'
3inarow.py 5s.py a.csv a.not1.pdf a.pdf as de.1 asde.1 asdef.txt asde.py a.sh
a.tex auto a.wk bizarre.py board.py cc2012xyz2_5_5dp.csv cc2012xyz2_5_5dp.html
cc.py col.pdf col.sh col.sh~ col.tex com.py data data.a datazip datidisk
datizip.py dd.py doc1.pdf doc1.tex doc2 doc2.pdf doc2.tex doc3.pdf doc3.tex
e.awk Exit file file1 file2 geomedian.py group_by_1st group_by_1st.2
group_by_1st.mawk integers its.py join.py light.py listluatexfonts mask.py
mat.rix my_data nostop.py numerize.py pepp.py pepp.pyc pi.pdf pippo muore
pippo.py pi.py pi.tex pizza.py plocol.py points.csv points.py puddu puffo
I had to simulate input using ls because you didn't care to show how to access your list of files. The window width is arbitrary as well, but it's easy to provide a value to a -V width=... option of awk
I added a header line, an unrequested header line, to my awk script because I wanted to test the effectiveness of the (very simple) algorithm.
I'd like to stress that the simple formatter above doesn't split "file names" like this across lines, as in the following example:
% ls -d1 b*
bia nconodi
% ls | awk '
NR==1 {for(i=1;i<9;i++)printf "----+----%d", i; print ""
line=" " $0;l=2+length($0);next}
print line; line = " " $0 ; l = 2+length($0) ; next}
{l=l+length($0)+1; line=line " " $0}}'
04_Tower.pdf 2plots.py 2.txt a.csv aiuole asdefff a.txt a.txt~ auto
bia nconodi bianconodi.pdf bianconodi.ppt bin Borsa Ferna.jpg b.txt
As you can see, in the first line there is enough space to print bia but not enough for the real filename bia nconodi, that hence is printed on the second line.
Addendum 2
This is the formatter the OP eventually went with:
local margin=4
local max=10
echo -e "$filenames" | awk -v width=$(tput cols) -v margin=$margin '
NR==1 {
for (i=0; i<margin; i++) {
line = line " "
line = line $0;
l = margin + margin + length($0);
if (l+1+length($0) > width) {
print line;
line = ""
for (i=0; i<margin; i++) line=line " "
line = line $0 ;
l = margin + margin + length($0) ;
l = l + length($0) + 1;
line = line " " $0;
print line;
Perhaps you're looking for /usr/bin/fold?
printf '%s ' * | fold -w 77 | sed -e 's/^/ /'
Replace the * with your list, of course; if your files are in an array (they should be; storing filenames in scalar variables is lossy), that'd be "${your_array[#]}".
If you have your filenames in a variable this will create 3 columns, you can change -3 to whatever number of columns you want
echo "$var" | pr -3 -t
or if you need to get them from the filesystem:
find . -printf "%f\n" 2>/dev/null | pr -3 -t
From what you stated in the comments, I think this may be what you are looking for. The find command prints the file or directory name along with a newline and you can put additional filtering of the filenames by piping through grep or sed prior to pr - the pr command is for print and the -3 states 3 columns and -t is for omit headers and trailers - you can adjust it to your preferences.
