Vertex AI tutorial error ; AiPlatformException: code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED - google-cloud-vertex-ai

I have a trouble about sample code in
I tried notebook for vertex AI pipeline however below error was happened when pipline job is executed. code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, message=The following quota metrics exceed quota limits:
Is there some idea to solve this issue ?
I tried same issue and solution however issue is existed and answer is not discovered.
I tried cpu upgrade (4core 15GB-> 8core 30GB).
It is not effective.
I think infrastructure setting issue.


Lazy Logical Replication with MonetDB

I'm trying to implement MonetDB in three machines, one master and two replicas in lazy logical replication.
For now I'm trying to implement in only machine with the following commands I took from this old issue in only one machine for now.
Everything goes according to plan until the first problem I have: When trying to create tables or inserting stuff I get the following errors I was not able to find on google:
Error in optimizer wlc: TypeException:user.main[17]:'wlc.predicate' undefined in: X_0:any := wlc.predicate("alpha":str, "id":str);
Error in optimizer wlc: TypeException:user.main[50]:'wlc.predicate' undefined in: X_0:any := wlc.predicate("beta":str, "id":str);
Error in optimizer wlc: TypeException:user.main[77]:'wlc.depend' undefined in: X_0:any := wlc.depend("beta":str, X_1:lng);
I got around this by setting optpipe to minimal_pipe but I wanted to know why this is happening so I don't have to do this.
The second problem I have when trying CALL wlr.replicate:
Perhaps a missing wlr.master() call.
How do I correctly set-up replication?
Thanks in advance.
The wlc/wlr features are experimental and de facto deprecated in current releases of MonetDB and completely removed starting from the next major release. Replication in MonetDB is a topic currently under revision. You might be better off formulating a feature request on MonetDB's githup page.
You might also consider looking into the concepts of replicate and remote tables. But those are definitely not solutions by themselves and if used as such, implement replication on the SQL layer instead of the infrastructural layer.
But on the short run, I do not expect that the open source community can help you out here much. Consider commercial support otherwise if feasible.

Why showing a error messag 'system.ExtrinsicFailed' while calling a Smart Contract function?

I've learned how to deploy a contract by following pages:
But they both fails at the step 'Calling a contract'
Here is the chain source code that I created (referred from :
Error message:
extrinsic event
The contact was turning into tombstone immediately after creation. This can be prevented when rasing the default endowment at deployment.
The tutorial seems to be updated now and at the step when deploying the smart contract ( it contains:
To instantiate our contract we just need to give this contract account
an endowment of 10,000,000 and again set the maximum gas allowed to
500,000 units.
However, They are considering enhancing the user experience for the contracts that turns into tombstone.You can see the discussion here:
system.ExtrinsicFailed means something went wrong. You should decode exactly what went wrong here, then repost if you're still confused. There doesn't seem to be much guidance on what these errors mean so It's confusing ;{ I'm having my own confusions over here.
I also encountered this problem. The solution is to set the amount of transfer to be larger.

TableNotFoundException when upgrading hbase client from 0.98 to 1.1

I've just upgraded to HortonWorks HBase client from version 0.98. All works fine locally, but under production load after a couple of minutes I'm starting to have TableNotFoundException:
Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableNotFoundException
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionManager$HConnectionImplementation.locateRegionInMeta(
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionManager$HConnectionImplementation.locateRegion(
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RpcRetryingCallerWithReadReplicas.getRegionLocations(
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RpcRetryingCaller.callWithoutRetries(
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ClientScanner.nextScanner(
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ClientScanner.initializeScannerInConstruction(
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ClientScanner.<init>(
at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable.getScanner(
The behaviour seems random and unpredictable, e.g. repeating the same request just works (i.e. no exception is thrown and data are successfully retrieved)
I was trying to understand what was changed from 0.98 to 1.1 and the only significant thing I found was
Playing around with those values didn't help.
Any thing else I should take into account? Any pointers are highly appreciated!
The problem was in the way how we used HConnection object, there were several instances of them (which, I agree, is not the right way to use it, IIUC). In the new version of the hbase client, there are also several "hconnection" threads for meta lookup per HConnection. All of this accumulated leading to the extremely high number of threads that JVM were not able to handle. After using a single HConnection instance, the problem went away and everything works as expected.

Weblogic server down with outofmemory

Is there any way to pro actively find like 'my server will down with out of memory in after some minutes.'
Is there any steps to find that. Want to know my server is going to down with out of memory in few minutes. before its occurring
I believe one of the only solutions is to keep an eye on the log files. There is the standard error message which is written to the log files at a defined time interval '% of the server memory is free'. If this figure is consistently low and shrinking then you know there is something wrong.
This document also suggests extra methods to add logging and increase alert levels for low memory conditions.

High CPU Usage with no load

We are running a windows service which every 5 seconds checks a folder for files and if found logs some info about it using NLog.
I already tried the suggestions from ASP.NET: High CPU usage under no load without succes.
When the service was just started there is hardly any CPU usage. After a few hours we see CPU peaks to 100% and after some more waiting the cpu graph looks like:
I tried the steps described in to produce information on what is going on:
I don't know where to continue. Any help appreciated
Who wrote this windows service? Was it you or 3rd party?
To me, checking folder for changes every 5 seconds sounds really suspicious, and maybe the primary reason why you are getting this massive slowdown.
If you do it right, you can get directory changes immediately as they happen, and yet spend almost no CPU time while doing that.
This Microsoft article explains how exactly to do that: Obtaining Directory Change Notifications by using functions FindFirstChangeNotification, FindNextChangeNotification, ReadDirectoryChangesW and WaitForMultipleObjects.
After a lot of digging it had to do with this:
The service had a private object X with property Y
Every time the service was fired X was passed to the Business Logic. There Y was used and in the end disposed. The garbage collector will then wait until X is disposed, which will never happen until the service is restarted. This caused an extra GC waiting thread every time the service was fired.
