This is annoying I've deployed locally, all working well, when I deploy to Heroku I get a 400 error for my web hooks, I've checked the STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY, STRIPE_SECRET_KEY,and STRIPE_WH_KEY all are correct, what am i missing?
Updated keys, deleted endpoint and recreated, restarted dynamos.
I'm new to all of this and I finally managed to get a full deploy to Heroku from Github without it crashing. Everything says its ready to go live. I tried to start the server but it fails. It gives me an H10. Do I have to let heroku see EVERYTHING in github even when the project doesn't require such?
I have deployed an Elixir/Phoenix web app on Heroku 2x instance, the backend is in Postgres. The app works fine most of the time but every now and then it returns no such app I am not able to figure out, why is it happening. I have checked the logs and metrics but nothing is helping. In fact, no logging happens when such errors are happening. It feels as if temporarily the DNS resolver on their side has crashed. I haven't added any custom domain and using the default domain name provided by Heroku.
I am deploying a Laravel application to Heroku. I just installed a Laravel project. But did not make any changes because I installed it just to try out the Laravel deployment on the Heroku. Then I created repository. Then I created a pipeline and a production app within it on the Heroku. Then I synced the production app to the master branch of my Github repo.
This is the screenshot
Then I configured the env variables in the Heroku like this.
When I open or view the app on the browser, it says 403 forbidden. What is wrong with and how can I fix it?
To deploy your application to Heroku, you must first create a Procfile, which tells Heroku what command to use to launch the web server with the correct settings. After you’ve done that, you’re going to create an application instance on Heroku, configure some Laravel environment variables, and then simply git push to deploy your code!
I have three mvc 3 web applications in a single web role on Azure Cloud Services. All of a sudden this morning both the single instance in production and in staging give "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable." when navigated to in a browser.
I rebooted the production instance but nothing changed. Then I deployed a remote desktop enabled version to the staging instance and logged in. However, strangely when I navigate to the web applications in a browser inside the remoted staging instance everything works.
Looking at IIS server logs it seems there are some issues starting the roles (warning level about the appPoolId being incorrect) but obviously the roles are starting as they are accessible from inside the staging server.
The World Wide Web Publishing service is also running and even after restarting this service the web application is not accessible externally.
Does anyone have an explaination for why the sites are accessible locally but not remotely that would help me debug this issue?
I found out where the issue came from, the bindings that were configured in IIS7 did not include bindings for the actual [abc] host headers.
I assume that for some reason since some time last night or this weekend the requests seem to come with those headers instead of the original headers for the website. This is really strange but adding these bindings fixed both the staging and production instances and they were available again after this change.
since march we got some troubles with our deployments on our windows azure server.
It seems that the deployments doesn't work and because sometimes it works sometimes not i don't get it.
Some kind of error i saw on my windows azure dashboard -> deployments:
"Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error)."
"Host key verification failed. fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly"
i tried to restart the server or make new commits to github or simply redeploy or disconnect and reconnect to github. At the moment nothing works. There is a development server and a live server. Both contains the exact similiar version of the website (written in node.js). i've checked it a lot of times. Deployment with the development version works fine. live dont.
Do you have any suggestions? I have no idea where to start :-(
If it's a web role you can check the iisnode/ folder, should contain the log files. They can also be accessed with the emulator running, try