Retrieve client secret id from Hashicorp vault using JMeter - jmeter

I have stored the azure client secret id in Hashicorp Vault. I need to retrieve the secret id from Hashicorp Vault using JMeter. So can someone please tell me how to do that?

Take a look at HTTP API section of Vault documentation, given you have the token you should be able to get the secret you're looking from using single simple HTTP Request sampler along with the HTTP Header Manager for authentication purposes.
Alternatively you can use JSR223 Sampler and Groovy language, example code - Java Application Demo


How to secure conjur "api key" in ansible awx

We have requirement to secure credential with cyberArk and use it in ansible awx credential. Note:not within ansible playbook.
In ansible(AWX) credential, How to secure/automate conjur "api key" without manual type
Currently, when using the CyberArk Conjur Secret Lookup in Ansible Automation Platform (formerly Tower) or AWX, there is no way to provide the API key to the platform Just-in-Time. It is required to be stored and encrypted within the API Key value of the Secret Lookup credential type, as is depicted in your screenshot.
There is research being done on how this can utilize Conjur's JWT authenticator instead of using a stored API key, however there are no details on the development at this time.
At the very minimum, the Secret Lookup approach currently implemented would allow you to introduce secret rotation to all secrets previously stored in Ansible which is a security improvement over the static nature of those secrets when they were stored there.

Keycloak load testing using jmeter

I have deployed keycloak as a standalone server and wanted to load test on it. I have very less knowledge about how to load test using jmeter. Gone through this resource but it is hard for me to understand it.
Can anybody explain on how can i actually do it ?
EDIT: I made a simple api that will authenticate using keycloak. So what i did is deploy the api in another server and used jmeter to get the auth token from keycloak and use that token to authenticate to the api. I did as much threads as possible as a way of load testing.

How to configure Jmeter to handle www-authenticate: Negotiate header 'kerberos'

I need to performance test a SSO based application which uses Kerberos authentication.
In my jmeter tool I have added Http Authorization manager and configured krb5 and jaas config files in bin folder.
While re-playing I am getting '401' and the response header contains 'www-authenticate: Negotiate'.
This was handled by the browser and the Load runner tool.
In load runner, after configuring krb5.ini file, I was able to get the access token.
Can anyone tell me how to generate this Negotiate token in jmeter
Make sure to select KERBEROS as the "Mechanism" in the HTTP Authorization Manager
Provide all other values like username, password, domain and realm
Make sure to use HttpClient4 implementation under HTTP Request Defaults
krb5.conf and jaas.conf settings must match your application setup
You might also want to set property to true under file of JMeter installation and inspect messages in the console
More information: Windows Authentication with Apache JMeter

How to write Jmeter script for AWS cognito login

I am trying to create jmeter script for login in to iphone native app. App is using cognito to authenticate the user.
As response of first page of app I am getting SALT and Secret block.
I am passing this secret block in and other required parameters in next request, however I got error message as "User name or password is in correct".
Did anyone worked successfully on similar things which can help me.
Looking into Amazon Cognito page:
Social and enterprise identity federation
With Amazon Cognito, your users can sign in through social identity providers such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon, and through enterprise identity providers such as Microsoft Active Directory via SAML.
Standards-based authentication
Amazon Cognito User Pools is a standards-based Identity Provider and supports identity and access management standards, such as Oauth 2.0, SAML 2.0, and OpenID Connect.
You will not be able to record and replay none of the mentioned protocols, depending on underlying identity provider mechanism you will either need to apply advanced correlation or a way to provide the required Bearer Token.
So you need to identify which identity mechanism is used under the hood and amend your JMeter test accordingly.
Reference material:
How to Load Test SAML SSO Secured Websites with JMeter
OpenID Connect - How to Load Test with JMeter
How to Run Performance Tests on OAuth Secured Apps with JMeter

Issue when using security.oauth2.resource.jwt.key-uri with server.ssl

We are developing a resource server based on Spring Boot+Cloud using OAuth2+JWT Token for security and using Cloud Foundry UAA as the authorization server.
For the verifier key, we used security.oauth2.resource.jwt.key-uri property, so the resource server can dynamically pick up the public key from UAA at start up time. This was working all fine. When we tried to enable SSL in this resource server, we started to get Cannot convert access token to JSON error. When I debugged the code, it looked like it wasn't picking up the correct key to verify the signature. After spending some time, I figured out that it works if key-value is used instead of key-uri, but in that case you need to configure the key statically. It seems like a bug, but I am not 100% sure.
Is there a way to get the SSL working when still using key-uri for JWT? Or would you recommend a better and different approach to this?
