I have set a custom value in the session variable from the PHP class now I want to get the Session variable in the twig template in shopware6.
anyone can help me?
It's not considered best practice to access the session directly in the template. You should create a subscriber to add variables to your template.
class MySubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
GenericPageLoadedEvent::class => 'onPageLoaded',
public function onPageLoaded(GenericPageLoadedEvent $event): void
$session = $event->getRequest()->getSession();
$event->getPage()->assign(['myVariable' => $session->get('someSessionKey')]);
Then in your template:
{{ page.myVariable }}
For the sake of completion: You can also access the session object in the template directly.
{{ app.session.get('someSessionKey') }}
I'd still recommend going the extra mile with a subscriber to do some sanity checks though.
I have setup my navigation menu from a ViewComposer (see laravel view composers: https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/views#view-composers) like this
View::composer('partials.nav', function ($view) {
$view->with('menu', Nav::all());
What I need is that from some controllers to setup which navigation item is active, ie "current section".
How do I send from some controllers a variable to "partials.nav" like currentNavItem?
Do I send it with the rest of the variables for returned view?
return view('page.blade.php",$viewVariables + $optionalVariablesForPartialsViews);
It looks spammy
Side notes:
I use laravel 5.6
Later edit
It looks Laravel 5.1 : Passing Data to View Composer might be an options. I will try and get back .
Because the $variable you want to send differs in different controller's actions yes you need to specify the $variable
return view('page.blade.php",$viewVariables,$variablesForPartialsViews);
of course you might need to set a default value for the $variable in order to avoid undefined variable error
You should handle the parameters.
for exemple:
public function compose(View $view)
$view->with('page', $this->getPage());
public function getPage()
$viewVariables = 2;
$optionalVariablesForPartialsViews = 1;
return $viewVariables + $optionalVariablesForPartialsViews;
Under your app folder make a class named yourClassNameFacade. Your class would look like this.
class yourClassNameFacade extends Facade
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'keyNameYouDecide';
Then go to the file app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php and add to the register function
public function register()
$this->app->bind('keyNameYouDecide', function (){
//below your logic, in my case a call to the eloquent database model to retrieve all items.
//but you can return whatever you want and its available in your whole application.
return \App\MyEloquentClassName::all();
Then in your view or any other place you want it in your application you do this to reference it.
view is the following code:
{{ resolve('keyNameYouDecide') }}
if you want to check what is in it do this:
{{ ddd(resolve('keyNameYouDecide')) }}
anywhere else in your code you can just do:
I'm trying to learn laravel 4. I created a form(using view) and returned it via a controller(testController) using index method. I had created this controller using artisan command.
i created another method (dologin) in the controller which would process the form. In the form url parameter i gave the address of dologin method.
This is the route:
Route::resource('test', 'testController');
This is the controller
class testController extends \BaseController {
public function index()
return View::make('test.index');
public function dologin(){
echo "working";
and this is the index view file
{{ Form::open(array('url'=>'test/loginform')) }}
{{ Form::text('username', null, array('placeholder'=>'Username')) }}<br/>
{{ Form::password('password', array('placeholder'=>'Password')) }}<br/>
{{ Form::submit('Login') }}
{{ Form::close() }}
After submitting form, it should echo "working" in the browser. But after submitting the form, page is blank. The url changes though from
umefarooq's answer is correct, however hopefully this answer should give you a bit more insight into getting a head-start in your Laravel development as well as a consistent best-practice programming style.
Firstly, class names should really start with a capital letter. Try to keep methods / function names starting with a lower case letter, and class names starting with a capital.
Secondly, you don't need the \ in front of BaseController. You only need the backslash if you are name-spacing your controller. e.g. if your controller is in the folder Admin\TestController.php, and you put your TestController in the Admin namespace by typing <?php namespace Admin at the beginning of the file. This is when you should use \BaseController because you are telling your TestController to extend BaseController from the Global Namespace. Alternatively, before you declare your class, you can type use BaseController; and you don't need to put a \ in every time.
Specifically related to your question:
When you use resource routes in your routes file, you are telling Laravel that the controller can have any or all of the following methods: index, show, create, store, edit, update and destroy.
As such, Route::resource('test', 'TestController'); will point to TestController.php inside your controllers folder.
Your TestController should be structured as follows, most restful controllers will use the below as some kind of boilerplate:
class TestController extends BaseController
public function __construct()
// Typically used for listing all or filtered subset of items
public function index()
$tests = Test::all();
return View::make('test.index', compact('tests'));
// Typically shows a specific item detail
public function show($id)
$test = Test::find($id);
return View::make('test.show', compact('test'));
// Typically used to show the form which creates a new resource.
public function create()
return View::make('test.create');
// Handles the post request from the create form
public function store()
$test = new Test;
$test->attribute1 = Input::get('attribute1');
$test->attribute2 = Input::get('attribute2');
$test->attribute3 = Input::get('attribute3');
$test->attribute4 = Input::get('attribute4');
if ($test->save())
return Redirect::route('test.show', $test->id);
// Shows the edit form
public function edit($id)
$test = Test::find($id);
return View::make('test.edit', compact('test'));
// Handles storing the submitted PUT request from the edit form.
public function update($id)
$test = Test::find($id);
$test->attribute1 = Input::get('attribute1');
$test->attribute2 = Input::get('attribute2');
$test->attribute3 = Input::get('attribute3');
$test->attribute4 = Input::get('attribute4');
if ($test->save())
return Redirect::route('test.show', [$id]);
// Used to delete a resource.
public function destroy($id)
$test = Test::find($id);
return Redirect::route('test.index');
Also, the beauty of using Resource Controllers is that you can take advantage of named routes.
in the terminal window, type in php artisan routes.
You should see 7 named routes.
So within your form, instead of doing
{{ Form::open(array('url'=>'test/loginform')) }} you can point the url to a named route instead:
{{ Form::open(array('route' => array('test.store')) }}
That way if you ever change the url, or need to move around your site structure, this will be easy, because the forms post url will auto bind to the named route within the routes file. You wont need to update every single one of your views to ensure that the url's are pointing to the correct location.
Finally, as a starting point, I would recommend using JefreyWay/Laravel-4-Generators package. https://github.com/JeffreyWay/Laravel-4-Generators . Use them to create your resources, controllers, views etc. and see how the generators scaffold your models, views and, controllers for you.
Here is another resource to help you get started:
Route::resource('test', 'testController');
will work for RESTful method of controller, like index, edit, destroy, create and now you are using custom method of controller for this you need to create another route
hope this will work for you. read route documentation http://laravel.com/docs/routing
In addition to what umefarooq said, which is 100% accurate. You need to look into flash messages as well.
public function dologin(){
//do login verification stuff
If login validated
Return redirect::to(logged/page)->with('message', 'You're logged in');
If login failed
Return redirect::to('test')->with('message', 'You login credentials fail');
For further research:
In Laravel 4, how do I create an instance of a model and make it globally available? Even in views. I'm looking to do something similar to the way you get the User instance using Auth::User->name (the syntax I mean, not storing in a session) but in this case it would be ModelName::DefaultEntity->attribute.
A little more detail...
I am writing an application that will house multiple websites - a bit like a CMS. So I have a Website model. Each Website model will have a URL attribute so that when a user visits the URL the application can retrieve the Website model from the database and brand the website appropriately e.g. Title, logo, theme, etc...
I would like the current Website model to be available everywhere without having to create a new instance of Website in every controller/method. So in my layouts and views I could just say something like:
{{ Website::Website()->name }}
{{ CurrentWebsite::name }}
I have achieved the first one by making a static method in the Website model:
public static function current()
return Website::find(1); // just to test it for now
But with that, it will have to do a database query every time I say:
{{ Website::current()->name }}
Plus it doesn't feel right.
Can anyone help?
Kind regards,
You probably are looking for 'a shared container bind'. See the docs here.
App::singleton('foo', function()
return Website::whereCode('whoop')->first();
App::make('foo'); // every where you need it
Create normal class. Like CurrentWebsite or Website or whatever.
class Website {
public function a() {
//your code
Create facade (WebsiteFacade.php)
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
class WebsiteFacade extends Facade {
protected static function getFacadeAccessor() { return 'website'; }
Create Service Provider
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class WebsiteServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function register()
$this->app->bind('website', function()
return new Website();
4.Go to your config/app.php and add folowing:
'providers' => array(
'aliases' => array(
5.Refrech auto loader. And Now you can access Website class anywhere like this:
What you already have is good, but if you just want prevent that query from executing every time, you can cache it:
public static function current()
return Website::remember(10)->find(1); // just to test it for now
Adding a listener to your routes.php:
DB::listen(function($sql, $bindings, $time) { var_dump($sql); var_dump($bindings); });
And executing it:
{{ Website::current()->name }}
Will show the query in the first execution but not in the second, because it's cached.
I have a Merchant entity with the following fields and associations:-
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Category", inversedBy="merchants")
public $categories;
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Tag", inversedBy="merchants")
public $tags;
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Category", inversedBy="merchants")
protected $primaryCategory;
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Tag", inversedBy="merchants")
protected $primaryTag;
The Tags and Categories also have a ManyToMany mapping.
So we have Tag_Category, Merchant_Tag, Merchant_Category mapping tables.
Now I want to perform some ajax on these fields.
I want to allow the user to select the Primary Tag first. On the basis of the Primary Tag, ajax refresh the categories to only those which belong to this Tag and some more operations.
How can I achieve this?
I was able to make this work a few months back. While what a.aitboudad has shared is accurate. There are a few gotcha's that first timers with Symfony/Sonata might face.
Here are the steps.
1> Extend Sonata CRUD's edit.html.twig / base_edit.html.twig .
For simplicity, I'll use only the latter.
Copy vendor/bundles/Sonata/AdminBundle/Resources/views/CRUD/base_edit.html.twig into the views folder corresponding to the MerchantAdminController - YourBundle/Resources/views/Merchant/base_edit.html.twig
2> We need to tell our MerchantAdmin class to use this template. So we override SonataAdmin's getEditTemplate method like this:
public function getEditTemplate()
return 'YourBundle:Merchant:base_edit.html.twig';
3> Next we need to code the Ajax functionality in our base_edit.html.twig . Standard Ajax comprises of the following:
3.1> -- Create an Action in the controller for the Ajax request
We primarily want to get a list of category IDs corresponding to a particular tag. But most likely you are just using Sonata's CRUD Controller.
Define your MerchantAdminController which extends CRUDController
namespace GD\AdminBundle\Controller;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Controller\CRUDController as Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use GD\AdminBundle\Entity\Merchant;
class MerchantAdminController extends Controller
3.2> -- Tell your Admin service to use this newly created controller instead of the default CRUDController by defining it in YourBundle/Resources/config/services.yml
class: %gd_admin.merchant.class%
- { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm, group: gd_merchant, label: Merchants }
arguments: [null, GD\AdminBundle\Entity\Merchant, GDAdminBundle:MerchantAdmin]
Notice that the 3rd argument is the name of your controller. By default it would have been null.
3.3> -- Create an Action named getCategoryOptionsFromTagAction in your controller. Your Ajax call will be to this Action.
// route - get_categories_from_tag
public function getCategoryOptionsFromTagAction($tagId)
$html = ""; // HTML as response
$tag = $this->getDoctrine()
$categories = $tag->getCategories();
foreach($categories as $cat){
$html .= '<option value="'.$cat->getId().'" >'.$cat->getName().'</option>';
return new Response($html, 200);
3.4> -- Create the corresponding route in app/config/routing.yml. Remember to expose your route if you are using the FOSJsRoutingBundle (else you'll have to hardcode which is not a good idea).
pattern: /{_locale}/admin/gd/admin/merchant/get-categories-from-tag/{tagId}
defaults: {_controller: GDAdminBundle:MerchantAdmin:getCategoryOptionsFromTag}
expose: true
3.5> -- Make the Ajax Request and use the response
{% block javascripts %}
{{ parent() }}
<script type="text/javascript">
var primaryTag = $("#{{ admin.uniqId }}_primaryTag");
primaryTag.change(updateCategories()); // Bind the function to updateCategories
primaryTag.change(); // Manual trigger to update categories in Document load.
function updateCategories(){
return function () {
var tagId = $("#{{ admin.uniqId }}_primaryTag option:selected").val();
var primaryCategory = $("#{{ admin.uniqId }}_primaryCategory");
var locale = '{{ app.request.get('_locale') }}';
var objectId = '{{ admin.id(object) }}'
var url = Routing.generate('get_categories_from_tag', { '_locale': locale, 'tagId': tagId, _sonata_admin: 'gd_admin.merchant', id: objectId });
$.post(url, { tagId: tagId }, function(data){
primaryCategory.val("option:first").attr("selected", true);
{% endblock %}
Gotcha 1: How to get the Unique ID that is appended to all Sonata elements
Solution: Use the admin variable which will give you access to all the Admin Class's properties including uniqId. See code on how to use it.
Gotcha 2: How to get the Router in your JS.
Solution: By default Symfony2 Routing doesn't work in JS. You need to use a bundle called FOSJSRouting (explained above) and expose the route. This will give you access to the Router object within your JS too.
I have modified my solution slightly to make this example clearer. If you notice anything wrong, please feel free to comment.
At step 1 of Amit and Lumbendil answer you should change
{% extends base_template %}
{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle::standard_layout.html.twig' %}
if you get an error like
Unable to find template "" in YourBundle:YourObject:base_edit.html.twig at line 34.
Very detailed post, just to update the way of override and use the edit template in the Admin class.
Now, you should do it this way:
// src/AppBundle/Admin/EntityAdmin.php
class EntityAdmin extends Admin
public function getTemplate($name)
if ( $name == "edit" )
// template 'base_edit.html.twig' placed in app/Resources/views/Entity
return 'Entity/base_edit.html.twig' ;
return parent::getTemplate($name);
Or inject it in the service definition used the provided method, to keep the Admin class as cleaner as possible:
// app/config/services.yml
class: AppBundle\Admin\EntityAdmin
arguments: [~, AppBundle\Entity\Entity, ~]
- {name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm, group: "Group", label: "Label"}
- [ setTemplate, [edit, Entity/base_edit.html.twig]]
in the block javascripts, you have to change "liszt:updated" to "chosen:updated"
hope it helps someone ;)
I just asked a question ( Templates In Kohana 3.1 ) about templates and now I know that I should use Kostache. It's a module for the Mustache template language.
Anyway, I just enabled Kostache module for my Kohana 3.1 and all works. It's installed correctly! What to do next? How to use it?
Where should I put my views now?
What my controller should extend?
How to assign variable?
How to make header, footer etc. for views?
Maybe there are step to step guide for it? This and this won't help me a lot...
Where should I put my views now?
View classes contain logic for your templates and by convention should be stored in classes/view/{template name}.php
Templates contain your HTML and should be stored in the templates directory in the root of your module, e.g. templates/login.mustache
By default kostache will try and work out the location of the template based on your view class' name.
If your view class is called View_Admin_Login then kostache will look for templates/admin/login.mustache
What my controller should extend?
You do not need to extend any special controllers, the normal Controller will work fine as a base.
How to assign variable
$view = new View_Admin_Login;
$view->message = 'Hello';
Of course, any methods or variables you declare in your view class will also be available in
the template. If there is a class variable and method with the same name then the method will always take precedence over the variable.
How to make header, footer etc. for views
It will help if you read the kostache guide. The idea is that your views extend Kostache_Layout, see also the layout template
There's lots of demos and examples in both of the repositories that you said won't help you.
Try this...
class Controller_Test extends Controller {
public function action_index()
$view = new View_Home;
class View_Home {
public $name = "Chris";
public $value = 10000;
public function taxed_value() {
return $this->value - ($this->value * 0.4);
public $in_ca = true;
protected $_layout = 'home';
Hello {{name}}
You have just won ${{value}}!
Well, ${{ taxed_value }}, after taxes.
In your APPPATH/classes/controller/Test.php:
class Controller_Test extends Controller{
public function action_index()
$renderer = Kostache::factory();
$this->response->body($renderer->render(new View_Test));
In your MODPATH/KOstache/classes/view/Test.php:
class View_Test
public $name = "Chris";
public $value = 10000;
public function taxed_value() {
return $this->value - ($this->value * 0.4);
public $in_ca = true;
In your MODPATH/KOstache/classes/templates/test.mustache:
Hello {{name}}
You have just won ${{value}}!
Well, ${{ taxed_value }}, after taxes.
In the following example, do not pay attention to naming classes and inheritance:
More examples on GitHub