how to create a loadable kernel module .ko and make it part of a default linux image - linux-kernel

I am trying to build a linux image using pengutronix. how to create a loadable kernel module .ko and make it part of a default linux image.
I have one of the kernel module as "<m>" there is no <*>(builtin) option for it .but i want to module to be part of the linux image, Ex) The .ko to be inside the /lib/modules folder.


Install additional kernel modules

I need pwm-bl.ko kernel module for my Raspberry Pi, but it is not present in my /lib/modules directory. Sure, I can download kernel sources for my kernel version, select necessary modules to build, build and put it into this directory. But how to automate this process? I've found module-assistant utility, but it looks like a list of modules is very limited.

replace recompiled kernel module

I edited the source of a kernel module, recompiled it and replaced it with the path from modinfo of the old kernel module, then I rebooted, there was no difference, my kernel module wasn't loaded, everything worked like i didn't changed the .ko file, although the file in the path (filename) of modinfo is the same file that I've recompiled.
when I grep my module from /boot/config-* it is configured as module (=m) and not built in to the kernel (=y)
How can I replace a kernel module?

Missing headers for kernel in bzImage loaded on qemu

I am trying to compile a kernel module of kernel version 3.2.0 on a linux kernel bzImage loaded on a qemu emulator, however I am getting the following error:
/lib/modules/3.2.0/build no such file or directory. I tried to look up solutions over the net but nothing specific related to solve this for a kernel image being loaded over qemu. The command I issue to load the bzImage on qemu is qemu/qemu-system-x86_64 -m 2G -kernel ../linuxkernel/arch/x86/boot/bzImage -hda ../../sid.ext2 -append "root=/dev/sda"
bzImage only contain kernel's image, it doesn't contain files needed for build modules.
You should:
Find kernel headers(with some files built), corresponded to you kernel, and install them to directory, to which /lib/modules/3.2.0/build points.
Or build kernel from the sources by hands. In that case reference /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/build will point to your compiled source files automatically.

how to build linux kernel in OpenWrt distribution

I make a modification in linux kernel of OpenWrt and then I compile the new (kernel) with command :
make target/linux/compile V=99
but I don't found the new image under
in order to upgrade the kernel in my OpenWrt running in VM VirtuaBox
how to proceed to get the new kernel and upgrade the Openwrt ?
I am a bit puzzled by the fact you are looking at the linux-x86 folder since with openWRT you usually cross-compile everytime, or at least I've never used it for not cross compilations.
What are you compiling for ?
You should see a build/$TARGET folder with a linux-x-x directory in it where the linux kernel was compiled.

How to extract kernel headers for compiling kernel module later

I compiled various Linux kernel from git repositories. There are times when I copied the kernel to other system and need the kernel header to compile external module.
I tried to run "make headers_install" but it only generated a include/ folder. When I tried to point external module to that folder, it complains it cannot find Makefile.
What is the proper way to package kernel-header for deployment?
Create kernel packages instead, that's "make deb-pkg" for dpkg based distros and "make rpm-pkg" for RPM based ones. These create multiple packages, one of those is a package usable for external modules building. That should be linux-headers-* for the Debian packages and a "devel" package for he RPM versions.
In some ways this is just an expansion of the previous answer. If you look at the file scripts/package/builddeb in the kernel sources you will find script code which selects the files needed for building external modules from a kernel build and puts them into /usr/src/linux-headers-$version. I can find that script code in my local kernel version by searching for the string "# Build kernel header package" in the builddeb file. If you want to do things by hand you could execute that script code manually.
