Ansible Filtering with Values within Dictionary of the List (FortiOS Facts) - ansible

I am tyring to use filter with Values within Dictionary of the List (FortiOS Facts). Sample Resp onse from FortiGate (Facts)
"changed": false,
"meta": {
"http_method": "GET",
"size": 2,
"matched_count": 2,
"next_idx": 1,
"revision": "ac9c4e1d722b74695dee4fb3ce4fcd12",
"results": [
"policyid": 1,
"q_origin_key": 1,
"status": "enable",
"name": "test-policy01",
"uuid": "c4de3298-97ce-51ed-ccba-cafc556ba9e0",
"uuid-idx": 14729,
"srcintf": [
"name": "port2",
"q_origin_key": "port2"
"dstintf": [
"name": "port1",
"q_origin_key": "port1"
"action": "accept",
"ztna-status": "disable",
"srcaddr": [
"name": "all",
"q_origin_key": "all"
Ansible Filter works fine for the following code
- name: To Fetch Existing Firewall Polices Based on Selector firewall_policy
vdom: "{{ vdom }}"
access_token: "{{ fortigate_access_token }}"
selector: "firewall_policy"
- action=="accept"
register: existing_fw_policy_object
when: existing_fw_name is defined
- name: Display Existing Firewall Policy
msg: "{{ existing_fw_policy_object }}"
What is the way to filter on srcintf. Wanted to Filter Firewall Policy with port2.


How to Read and Output json Response using Ansible

How to read/display the following response (e.g: name, srcinft, dstinf) from FortiGate Firewall using Ansible. Or is there any way I can read this JSON output from file and display the fields i want.
"changed": false,
"meta": {
"http_method": "GET",
"size": 2,
"matched_count": 2,
"next_idx": 1,
"revision": "ac9c4e1d722b74695dee4fb3ce4fcd12",
"results": [
"policyid": 1,
"q_origin_key": 1,
"status": "enable",
"name": "test-policy01",
"uuid": "c4de3298-97ce-51ed-ccba-cafc556ba9e0",
"uuid-idx": 14729,
"srcintf": [
"name": "port2",
"q_origin_key": "port2"
"dstintf": [
"name": "port1",
"q_origin_key": "port1"
"action": "accept",
"ztna-status": "disable",
"srcaddr": [
"name": "all",
"q_origin_key": "all"
"dstaddr": [
"name": "all",
"q_origin_key": "all"
"policy-expiry": "disable",
"policy-expiry-date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"service": [
"name": "ALL",
"q_origin_key": "ALL"
"tos": "0x00",
"sgt-check": "disable",
"sgt": []
"policyid": 2,
"q_origin_key": 2,
"status": "enable",
"name": "test-policy-02",
"uuid": "534b6c9c-97d1-51ed-7aa8-7544c628c7ea",
"uuid-idx": 14730,
"srcintf": [
"name": "port1",
"q_origin_key": "port1"
"dstintf": [
"name": "port2",
"q_origin_key": "port2"
"action": "accept",
"nat64": "disable",
"nat46": "disable",
"ztna-status": "disable",
"srcaddr": [
"name": "all",
"q_origin_key": "all"
"dstaddr": [
"name": "",
"q_origin_key": ""
"srcaddr6": [],
"reputation-direction6": "destination",
"policy-expiry-date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"service": [
"name": "ALL_ICMP6",
"q_origin_key": "ALL_ICMP6"
"tos": "0x00",
"webcache": "disable",
"webcache-https": "disable",
"sgt-check": "disable",
"sgt": []
"vdom": "root",
"path": "firewall",
"name": "policy",
"version": "v7.2.3",
"build": 1262
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"vdom": "root",
"selector": "firewall_policy",
"selectors": null
"_ansible_no_log": false
Expected result:
- name: port2
q_origin_key: port2
- name: port1
q_origin_key: port1
- name: port1
q_origin_key: port1
- name: port2
q_origin_key: port2
Unfortunately there is absolute no description or any further information.
However, regarding
How to read/display the following response (e.g: name, srcinft, dstinf) from FortiGate Firewall using Ansible.
you may have a look into the following simple and lazy approach with loop
- hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: false
- name: Include vars of stuff.yaml into the 'stuff' variable (2.2).
file: stuff.json
name: stuff
- name: Show list of dict
msg: "{{ stuff.meta.results }}"
- name: Print key:value
- "name: {{ }}"
- "{{ item.srcintf }}"
- "{{ item.dstintf }}"
label: "policyid: {{ item.policyid }}"
loop: "{{ stuff.meta.results }}"
resulting into an output of
TASK [Print key:value] *****************
ok: [localhost] => (item=policyid: 1) =>
- 'name: test-policy01'
- - name: port2
q_origin_key: port2
- - name: port1
q_origin_key: port1
ok: [localhost] => (item=policyid: 2) =>
- 'name: test-policy-02'
- - name: port1
q_origin_key: port1
- - name: port2
q_origin_key: port2
Further Documentation
include_vars module – Load variables from files, dynamically within a task
Or is there any way I can read this JSON output from file and display the fields I want?
To get familiar with data structure, respective JSON response you've provided in your example, you could start with something like a JSONPathFinder. It will result into an path of
for the provided keys.
It is also possible to use jq on CLI
jq keys stuff.json
and just proceed further with
jq '.meta.results' stuff.json
jq '.meta.results[0]' stuff.json
jq '.meta.results[1]' stuff.json
Further Q&A
How to get key names from JSON using jq?

ansible jinja2 seperate certain interfaces from list

I'm new to jinja and ansible, and am still trying to wrap my head around how to work with them.
In my case, I'm trying to get a sublist of interface names, where I can execute a certain action on if the description key contains a certain value.
I tried things with an if map construction, but that did seem to work out.
Any suggestion how to do this?
I have the following
- hosts: Router1
gather_facts: false
connection: network_cli
- name: get interfaces
state: gathered
register: all_interfaces
- name: check debug
msg: "{{ all_interfaces.gathered }}"
- name: only configured by Ansible ports
interface: >
{% if 'Configured by Ansible' in all_interfaces.gathered|map(attribute='description')%}
{% endif %}
- name: check debug
msg: "{{ interface }}"
The list printed out (and which I try to use)
"description": "Router2",
"enabled": true,
"mode": "layer3",
"name": "Port-Channel1000"
"description": "Router2",
"enabled": true,
"name": "Ethernet1"
"description": "",
"enabled": true,
"name": "Ethernet2"
"description": "",
"enabled": true,
"name": "Ethernet3"
"description": "",
"enabled": true,
"name": "Ethernet4"
"description": "Configured by Ansible",
"enabled": false,
"name": "Ethernet5"
"description": "Configured by Ansible",
"enabled": false,
"name": "Ethernet6"
"enabled": true,
"name": "Ethernet7"
"enabled": true,
"name": "Ethernet8"
"enabled": true,
"name": "Loopback0"
"enabled": true,
"name": "Management0"
"enabled": true,
"name": "Management1"

Ansible search and query

Updated with suggestions from larsks.
With the following structure
"intf_output_ios": {
"ansible_facts": {
"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
"changed": false,
"failed": false,
"gathered": [
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/0"
"mode": "trunk",
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/1",
"trunk": {
"allowed_vlans": [
"encapsulation": "dot1q"
"mode": "trunk",
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/2",
"trunk": {
"allowed_vlans": [
"encapsulation": "dot1q"
"access": {
"vlan": 30
"mode": "access",
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/3"
"name": "GigabitEthernet1/0"
"name": "GigabitEthernet1/1"
"name": "GigabitEthernet1/2"
"name": "GigabitEthernet1/3"
"name": "GigabitEthernet2/0"
"name": "GigabitEthernet2/1"
"name": "GigabitEthernet2/2"
"name": "GigabitEthernet2/3"
"name": "GigabitEthernet3/0"
"name": "GigabitEthernet3/1"
"name": "GigabitEthernet3/2"
"access": {
"vlan": 99
"mode": "access",
"name": "GigabitEthernet3/3"
To print only the ports in VLAN 30 use the following?
- name: "P901T6: Set fact to include only access ports - IOS"
access_ports_ios_2: "{{ intf_output_ios | json_query(query) }}"
query: >-
- name: "P901T7: Dump list of access ports - IOS"
NOTE: It is important to use 30 (with backticks) and not '30'
I have gone through without really understanding how to fix this. If someone has some good link that would be very useful
With a structure like
ok: [access01] => {
"access_ports_ios": [
"access": {
"vlan": 30
"mode": "access",
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/3"
"access": {
"vlan": 99
"mode": "access",
"name": "GigabitEthernet3/3"
To get ports in vlan 30 use:
- debug:
var: access_ports_ios|json_query(query)
query: >-
If you want to use a variable for vlan instead of hard-coding it. I had to do as follows:
- name: Debug 4
var: access_ports_ios|json_query('[?access.vlan==`{{ src_vlan | int}}`]')
You're asking for gathered.access, but gathered is a list and does not have an access attribute. You want "all items from gathered for which access.vlan is 30 (and note that the value of access.vlan is an integer, not a string):
- debug:
var: intf_output_ios|json_query(query)
query: >-
Which given you example input produces:
TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"intf_output_ios|json_query(query)": [
"access": {
"vlan": 30
"mode": "access",
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/3"
I'm going to reiterate advice I often give for json_query questions: use something like jpterm or the JMESPath website to test JMESPath expressions against your actual data. This makes it much easier to figure out where an expression might be going wrong.

Usage of Ansible JMESPath in queries

I am using following JSON file:
"lldp_output['gathered']": [
"mode": "trunk",
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/0",
"trunk": {
"encapsulation": "dot1q"
"access": {
"vlan": 12
"mode": "access",
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/1"
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/2"
And the playbook:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
tmpdata: "{{ lookup('file','sample.json') | from_json }}"
- name: Take 4
msg: "{{ tmpdata | community.general.json_query(lldp_output['gathered']) }}"
I get the following error:
TASK [Take 4] ********************************************************************************************
task path: /root/scripts/atest.yml:18
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
"msg": "Error in in json_query filter plugin:\n'lldp_output' is undefined"
How do I query the JSON shown so I get a list of all ports that have mode: trunk
When I run in a playbook:
- name: Find trunk ports
hosts: ios
- name: Collect interface output
state: gathered
- debug:
- name: Take 4
msg: "{{ intf_output | json_query(query) }}"
query: >-
The structure returned is like following:
"intf_output": {
"ansible_facts": {
"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
"changed": false,
"failed": false,
"gathered": [
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/0"
"mode": "trunk",
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/1",
"trunk": {
"allowed_vlans": [
"encapsulation": "dot1q"
"mode": "trunk",
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/2",
"trunk": {
"allowed_vlans": [
"encapsulation": "dot1q"
"mode": "trunk",
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/3",
"trunk": {
"allowed_vlans": [
"encapsulation": "dot1q"
"mode": "trunk",
"name": "GigabitEthernet1/0",
"trunk": {
"allowed_vlans": [
"encapsulation": "dot1q"
"mode": "trunk",
"name": "GigabitEthernet1/1",
"trunk": {
"allowed_vlans": [
"encapsulation": "dot1q"
"name": "GigabitEthernet1/2"
"name": "GigabitEthernet1/3"
"name": "GigabitEthernet2/0"
"name": "GigabitEthernet2/1"
"name": "GigabitEthernet2/2"
"name": "GigabitEthernet2/3"
"name": "GigabitEthernet3/0"
"name": "GigabitEthernet3/1"
"name": "GigabitEthernet3/2"
"name": "GigabitEthernet3/3"
For each host I run against the playbook against.
The argument to json_query must be a string. Because you haven't quoted your argument, Ansible is looking for a variable named lldp_output. But you've got additonal problems, since you're trying to access a key named lldp_output['gathered'], but [ is a syntactically significant character in JSON (and JMESPath queries), so that needs to be escaped as well.
In order to avoid all sorts of quote escaping contortions, we can place the query itself into a variable, so that we have:
- hosts: localhost
tmpdata: "{{ lookup('file','sample.json') | from_json }}"
- name: Take 4
msg: "{{ tmpdata | json_query(query) }}"
query: >-
Note that we are using the >- block quote operator, which means that the value of query is the literal string "lldp_output['gathered']", including the outer quotes.
That playbook outputs:
TASK [Take 4] *********************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": [
"mode": "trunk",
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/0",
"trunk": {
"encapsulation": "dot1q"
"access": {
"vlan": 12
"mode": "access",
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/1"
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/2"
To get just those systems with mode equal to trunk, just add that
criteria to your query:
- hosts: localhost
tmpdata: "{{ lookup('file','sample.json') | from_json }}"
- name: Take 4
msg: "{{ tmpdata | json_query(query) }}"
query: >-
This will output:
TASK [Take 4] *********************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": [
"mode": "trunk",
"name": "GigabitEthernet0/0",
"trunk": {
"encapsulation": "dot1q"
Given the data you've shown in your updated question, things are much
simpler, because you don't have the weird quoting you had in the
original question. With intf_output defined as shown, you can
- name: Take 4
msg: "{{ intf_output | json_query(query) }}"
query: >-

Parse / Loop ansible registered variable

Trying to figure out how to filter out the list of UserNames in the output of the following playbook.
- name: Get all users
hostname: "{{ dellome_hostname }}"
username: "{{ dellome_username }}"
password: "{{ dellome_password }}"
register: users
Now the output provides the following:
ok: [] => {
"users": {
"ansible_facts": {
"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
"changed": false,
"deprecations": [
"msg": "Distribution Ubuntu 18.04 on host should use /usr/bin/python3, but is using /usr/bin/python for backward compatibility with prior Ansible releases. A future Ansible release will default to using the discovered platform python for this host. See for more information",
"version": "2.12"
"failed": false,
"user_info": {
"": {
"#odata.context": "/api/$metadata#Collection(AccountService.Account)",
"#odata.count": 3,
"value": [
"": "/api/AccountService/Accounts('10066')",
"#odata.type": "#AccountService.Account",
"Description": "admin",
"DirectoryServiceId": 0,
"Enabled": true,
"Id": "10066",
"IsBuiltin": true,
"Locked": false,
"Name": "admin",
"Password": null,
"Permissions#odata.navigationLink": "/api/AccountService/Accounts('10066')/Permissions",
"RoleId": "10",
"UserName": "admin",
"UserTypeId": 1
"": "/api/AccountService/Accounts('10102')",
"#odata.type": "#AccountService.Account",
"Description": null,
"DirectoryServiceId": 0,
"Enabled": true,
"Id": "10102",
"IsBuiltin": false,
"Locked": false,
"Name": "dell",
"Password": null,
"Permissions#odata.navigationLink": "/api/AccountService/Accounts('10102')/Permissions",
"RoleId": "10",
"UserName": "dell",
"UserTypeId": 1
"": "/api/AccountService/Accounts('10233')",
"#odata.type": "#AccountService.Account",
"Description": null,
"DirectoryServiceId": 10232,
"Enabled": true,
"Id": "10233",
"IsBuiltin": false,
"Locked": false,
"Name": "Domain Users",
"Password": null,
"Permissions#odata.navigationLink": "/api/AccountService/Accounts('10233')/Permissions",
"RoleId": "10",
"UserName": "Domain Users",
"UserTypeId": 2
I was able to determine the following from the output of the registered variable users.
- debug:
var: "{{ users | length }}"
This provides me the length of 5. Which makes sense to an extent. If I start poking into the output I can then determine the following:
- debug:
var: "{{ users.user_info | length }}"
This shows me the length of 1 which makes sense. If I add the var using users.user_info I can then see the output below.
TASK [manage_users : debug] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
"users.user_info": {
"": {
"#odata.context": "/api/$metadata#Collection(AccountService.Account)",
"#odata.count": 3,
"value": [
"": "/api/AccountService/Accounts('10066')",
"#odata.type": "#AccountService.Account",
"Description": "admin",
"DirectoryServiceId": 0,
"Enabled": true,
"Id": "10066",
"IsBuiltin": true,
"Locked": false,
"Name": "admin",
"Password": null,
"Permissions#odata.navigationLink": "/api/AccountService/Accounts('10066')/Permissions",
"RoleId": "10",
"UserName": "admin",
"UserTypeId": 1
"": "/api/AccountService/Accounts('10102')",
"#odata.type": "#AccountService.Account",
"Description": null,
"DirectoryServiceId": 0,
"Enabled": true,
"Id": "10102",
"IsBuiltin": false,
"Locked": false,
"Name": "dell",
"Password": null,
"Permissions#odata.navigationLink": "/api/AccountService/Accounts('10102')/Permissions",
"RoleId": "10",
"UserName": "dell",
"UserTypeId": 1
"": "/api/AccountService/Accounts('10233')",
"#odata.type": "#AccountService.Account",
"Description": null,
"DirectoryServiceId": 10232,
"Enabled": true,
"Id": "10233",
"IsBuiltin": false,
"Locked": false,
"Name": "Domain Users",
"Password": null,
"Permissions#odata.navigationLink": "/api/AccountService/Accounts('10233')/Permissions",
"RoleId": "10",
"UserName": "Domain Users”,
"UserTypeId": 2
Trying to figure out how I can loop through and get an array of the following: value —> UserName. Essentially I am going to take the following value and loop through and delete users that don’t equal the following. Admin, dell, domain users.
Now one might say you would easily just say while not = to items - then that list would work - I first need to figure out how to search and get the values out. I have tried the following:
- debug:
var: users.user_info().value()
- debug:
var: users.user_info.find('UserName')
- debug:
msg: UserName
loop: users.user_info."".value
#- debug:
# var: users.user_info."{{ dellome_hostname }}".UserName
#- debug:
# var: "(claims1 | from_json).value"
# msg: "{{ users.user_info.UserName | list }}"
# (output_text.stdout | from_json).ismaster
#- debug:
# msg: "{{ item }}"
#loop: "{{ users.user_info | from_json | list }}"
At the end of this once I understand how to get the data out i can then create a loop to execute the following:
- name: Delete a User in Dell OME
hostname: "{{ dellome_hostname }}"
username: "{{ dellome_username }}"
password: "{{ dellome_password }}"
state: "{{ requestedState }}"
name: "{{ requstedUserName }}"
This is where i can then add the loop to eliminate users that don't meet the list of names i provide. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here are some of the errors i have run into.
TASK [manage_users : debug] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({{users.user_info().value()}}): 'dict' object is not callable"}
TASK [manage_users : debug] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "template error while templating string: expected name or number. String: {{users.user_info.\"\".value()}}"}
Or as i am looking at this - if i can figure out a way to create a loop that looks for the roleID and when it is not equal to 10 then delete the user.
Use json_query. The tasks below
- set_fact:
users_rm: "{{ users.user_info|
json_query('*.value[].UserName') }}"
- debug:
var: users_rm
- admin
- dell
- Domain Users
You are running the query at the host and the dictionary users comprises the users from this single host only. If there are more hosts in the dictionary the asterisk '*' in the query above would select them all. It would be better to select users for the particular host the query is running at. For example, the task below gives the same result
- set_fact:
users_rm: "{{ users.user_info[inventory_hostname].value|
list }}"
