How do I write to the memory in wasmer-go? - go

According to this issue on the wasmer-go github, it used to be that you could use instance.Memory but this appears to be missing from newer versions. I can do instance.Exports.GetMemory("mem") but this does not allow me to write to it. My question is: how do I write to this memory?
Thank you for any help!
Just so you know: this is to pass strings to a wasm function

The way I have made this work is with an exported allocate function (__alloc in AssemblyScript or malloc in WASM compiled from Go), use this exported function to allocate the memory and it returns the starting address. Use instance.Exports.GetMemory("mem").Data() to get the byte array of the memory, start at the address returned from the allocate function, and just manually overwrite the bytes in the array with the bytes from the string. I know this is not the best way but it is the way that works without needing changes to wasmer-go. Keep in mind different modules may use different utf standards (Go uses 8, AssemblyScript 16), I handle this with an export that is read on instance creation.


Get memory address ranges for Windows program

I'm trying to read the memory of a Windows program based on a pointer I find by using ModuleInfo to get the address starting point and size of the module. But that pointer points to memory outside that modules address space, is there a way to find out the program uses that section of memory without having to find a pointer to it first?
See if the program in question has an interface ( ) that can be used to interface with said program. If there is no documented interface, attempting to tamper with that programs memory is a bad idea; and will most likely result in undefined behaviour. If this does not answer your question I suggest you edit it to specify exactly which program this is about.

PIC24F - Possible for data values to persist, even after the PIC is powered off?

I have a question regarding the persistence (storage) of data values in a PIC24F, even after the PIC has been turned off.
I have read through the datasheet(s), but am confused regarding the difference of the EEPROM and Flash memory.
For example, say I have a variable "x", is there a way for the value of "x" to persist even after the PIC has been shut off? I know programs can persist in the flash memory so long as the code is compiled in Stand Alone Operation (COE_OFF). However, I am specifically wondering about data values.
If I make the program memory and the memory for the data value non-volatile, will it persist even when the power is off?
Do I need to declare the value as "static", example: static int x; ?
Or am I wrong and there isn't any way for a data value to persist even after the power has been turned off?
Thanks for the help and clarifications!
You must write to flash in pages, using the TBLWTL and TBLWTH instructions, as you have read in the datasheet for your device. This is typically for updating your software through a bootloader, and it does not sound like this is what you are after.
To access the EEPROM you can do it in smaller units, and there are compiler convenience macros for declaring where in the memory map a variable should live. You can specify that the variable lives in EEPROM and the compiler will generate instructions for accessing and updating that for you. You can also use the compiler intrinsics or the TBL instructions for reading it directly.
The declaration will probably look something like:
unsigned __attribute__((space(eedata), aligned(2)) my_eeprom_variable;
Look at the generated assembler to see what the compiler does when you access the variable.
Declaring a variable static only has traditional C semantics; it controls the scope of the variable and the initialisation rules.
Contents of registers and RAM variables are lost when power is turned off. Flash and EEPROM are both persistent. Flash can only be erased in large blocks - 128K and up depending on the type that you have. EEPROM words can be individually read or written. If you have EEPROM, that's your best bet for saving a small amount of data. Usually you have to read and write EEPROM serially.
thanks for the responses!
After some other suggestions I read through the MPLAB C30 Compiler datasheet again, and found the "persistent" attribute.
Per the datasheet:
"The persistent attribute specifies that the variable should not be initialized or cleared at startup. A variable with the persistent attribute could be used to store state information that will remain valid after a device reset."
I'm going to try using this to see if it will work.

Some Windows API calls fail unless the string arguments are in the system memory rather than local stack

We have an older massive C++ application and we have been converting it to support Unicode as well as 64-bits. The following strange thing has been happening:
Calls to registry functions and windows creation functions, like the following, have been failing:
hWnd = CreateSysWindowExW( ExStyle, ClassNameW.StringW(), Label2.StringW(), Style,
Posn.X(), Posn.Y(),
Size.X(), Size.Y(),
hParentWnd, (HMENU)Id,
AppInstance(), NULL);
ClassNameW and Label2 are instances of our own Text class which essentially uses malloc to allocate the memory used to store the string.
Anyway, when the functions fail, and I call GetLastError it returns the error code for "invalid memory access" (though I can inspect and see the string arguments fine in the debugger). Yet if I change the code as follows then it works perfectly fine:
BSTR Label2S = SysAllocString(Label2.StringW());
BSTR ClassNameWS = SysAllocString(ClassNameW.StringW());
hWnd = CreateSysWindowExW( ExStyle, ClassNameWS, Label2S, Style,
Posn.X(), Posn.Y(),
Size.X(), Size.Y(),
hParentWnd, (HMENU)Id,
AppInstance(), NULL);
SysFreeString(ClassNameWS); ClassNameWS = 0;
SysFreeString(Label2S); Label2S = 0;
So what gives? Why would the original functions work fine with the arguments in local memory, but when used with Unicode, the registry function require SysAllocString, and when used in 64-bit, the Windows creation functions also require SysAllocString'd string arguments? Our Windows procedure functions have all been converted to be Unicode, always, and yes we use SetWindowLogW call the correct default Unicode DefWindowProcW etc. That all seems to work fine and handles and draws Unicode properly etc.
The documentation at does not say anything about this. While our application is massive we do use debug heaps and tools like Purify to check for and clean up any memory corruption. Also at the time of this failure, there is still only one main system thread. So it is not a thread issue.
So what is going on? I have read that if string arguments are marshalled anywhere or passed across process boundaries, then you have to use SysAllocString/BSTR, yet we call lots of API functions and there is lots of code out there which calls these functions just using plain local strings?
What am I missing? I have tried Googling this, as someone else must have run into this, but with little luck.
Edit 1: Our StringW function does not create any temporary objects which might go out of scope before the actual API call. The function is as follows:
Class Text {
const wchar_t* StringW () const
return TextStartW;
wchar_t* TextStartW; // pointer to current start of text in DataArea
I have been running our application with the debug heap and memory checking and other diagnostic tools, and found no source of memory corruption, and looking at the assembly, there is no sign of temporary objects or invalid memory access.
BUT I finally figured it out:
We compile our code /Zp1, which means byte aligned memory allocations. SysAllocString (in 64-bits) always return a pointer that is aligned on a 8 byte boundary. Presumably a 32-bit ANSI C++ application goes through an API layer to the underlying Unicode windows DLLs, which would also align the pointer for you.
But if you use Unicode, you do not get that incidental pointer alignment that the conversion mapping layer gives you, and if you use 64-bits, of course the situation will get even worse.
I added a method to our Text class which shifts the string pointer so that it is aligned on an eight byte boundary, and viola, everything runs fine!!!
Of course the Microsoft people say it must be memory corruption and I am jumping the wrong conclusion, but there is evidence it is not the case.
Also, if you use /Zp1 and include windows.h in a 64-bit application, the debugger will tell you sizeof(BITMAP)==28, but calling GetObject on a bitmap will fail and tell you it needs a 32-byte structure. So I suspect that some of Microsoft's API is inherently dependent on aligned pointers, and I also know that some optimized assembly (I have seen some from Fortran compilers) takes advantage of that and crashes badly if you ever give it unaligned pointers.
So the moral of all of this is, dont use "funky" compiler arguments like /Zp1. In our case we have to for historical reasons, but the number of times this has bitten us...
Someone please give me a "this is useful" tick on my answer please?
Using a bit of psychic debugging, I'm going to guess that the strings in your application are pooled in a read-only section.
It's possible that the CreateSysWindowsEx is attempting to write to the memory passed in for the window class or title. That would explain why the calls work when allocated on the heap (SysAllocString) but not when used as constants.
The easiest way to investigate this is to use a low level debugger like windbg - it should break into the debugger at the point where the access violation occurs which should help figure out the problem. Don't use Visual Studio, it has a nasty habit of being helpful and hiding first chance exceptions.
Another thing to try is to enable appverifier on your application - it's possible that it may show something.
Calling a Windows API function does not cross the process boundary, since the various Windows DLLs are loaded into your process.
It sounds like whatever pointer that StringW() is returning isn't valid when Windows is trying to access it. I would look there - is it possible that the pointer returned it out of scope and deleted shortly after it is called?
If you share some more details about your string class, that could help diagnose the problem here.

Fixed Memory I don't need to allocate?

I just need a fixed address in any win32 process, where I can store 8 bytes without using any winapi function. I also cannot use assembler prefixes like fs:. and I have no stack pointer.
What I need:
-8 bytes of memory
-constant address and present in any process
-read and write access (via pointer, from the same process)
-should not crash the application (at least not instantly) if modified.
Don't even ask, why I need it.
The only way I'm aware of to do this is to use a DLL with a shared section...
// This goes in a DLL loaded by all apps that want to share the data
#pragma data_seg (".sharedseg")
long long myShared8Bytes = 0; // has to be initialized or this fails
#pragma data_seg()
Then, you add the following to the link command for the dll:
I am also curious why you want this...
Not that I recommend this, but the PEB probably has some unused or inconsequential fields in it that you could overwrite. I still think this is a terrible idea, though.
constant address and present in any
You won't be able to achieve that. Win32 uses paged memory so different processes can access the same memory addresses even though it is different memory.

Unexpected behavior of write operations when creating a custom section in EEPROM using GCC

Here is my question,
I work on an application embeded in a board we manufactured ourselves for a space project.
The board uses a LEON2 Processor which is a derivate of SPARC v8 and we also use RTEMS as OS.
In this application we have to save default value for various tables for the FS in the EEPROM, so the user can modify them how he wants without having to do it everytime.
To achieve this I simply created a new section (.eeprom_data) and I placed it at address 0x6007cc40 which is in the EEPROM. It was done by using a specs file and a custom linker script which located the section at the correct address and told the compiler to put certain variables in this same section.
It seems to be working fine in this regard.
Here is an extract of objdump for the section and one particular var:
6 .eeprom_data 000033c0 6007cc40 6007cc40 00038a80 2**3
6007fbda g O .eeprom_data 00000002 Downlink_Priority_Vc1_default_value
The only problem is that it seems not to be fully working. My application runs correctly with no problem but doing a simple test like this only partially work:
managed_faulty_sectors_default_crc = 0x789A;
tmp = managed_faulty_sectors_default_crc;
The write operation which should write 0x789A in EEPROM does absolutely nothing
The read operation however works perfectly and returns correctly the data that is stored in the memory.
I don't really know how to solve this problem so I hope someone can give me a hand.
Thanks, Léo.
Thanks for your answers.
For some reason, when the HW engineer designed our board they did not allow the addressing of single 16 bits address only 32 bits address..
Are you sure the data cache (if any) is flushed before you disable the EEPROM?
And, are the EEPROM variables properly declared volatile?
Do you compile with optimization flags ?
I'd guess the compiler to optimize away the write unless managed_faulty_sectors_default_crc is declared volatile .
Also how is managed_faulty_sectors_default_crc mapped to the .eeprom_data section - does objdump give any clue as to wether they're mapped correctly ?
