Visual Studio 2022 is Sluggish, Can I turn off the auto updated error list - performance

Since I updated to Visual Studio 2022, trying to edit my projects is painful. It is so resource intensive. When I go to task manager it is using like 2 G of ram and uses like 33% of the processor.
I am thinking it is because it seems to constantly update the error list in real time. Before, the error list would only update when you clicked build but now as soon as I make a change the list updates. Is there anyway to turn this feature off.


Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition 16.7.0 hanging

I have an issue with Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition 16.7.0 (at the time of writing the latest version).
If I create an empty project I have no problems at all, however if there is even one C# file then Visual Studio becomes absolutely useless. I've observed the following:
CPU usage hovers around the 40% mark.
Loading a file takes over 5 seconds.
Intellisense fails to recognise anything.
Every minute or so the entire application will hang for a few seconds.
After a few minutes it hangs and does not recover.
This did not occur before I upgraded to 16.7.0, but as for what I was on before I'm not certain. I've tried a number of routes:
Removing the .vs folder.
Removing the project and solution and re-creating them.
Running Visual Studio in SafeMode (this simply brought up a large number of exceptions when trying to load a project).
Running the ResetSettings switch.
A fresh installation of Windows 10 x64.
Disabling the Load projects faster option.
All extensions are disabled.
Here is what the 'status' area looks like initially during project load and then while hanging:
How can I fix this?
Failing that, how can I roll back to an earlier release?

Xamarin Tools for Visual Studio: Almost unusably slow

I'm wondering if there are any workarounds for this issue, as I am plagued by frequent crashes -- though it isn't clear whether the crashes are caused by Resharper, Xamarin Tools or the mixture of C# and F# projects.
When I restart Visual Studio and load a solution containing Xamarin Forms projects, the entire display locks up. After one to three minutes, I get a pop-up saying that an update for Xamarin for Visual Studio is available (Clicking on the pop-up has no effect, so I'm assuming this is a false positive). A few seconds after that, it attempts to connect to my Mac, which is often unsuccessful as I work on my laptop and that connection is only available when I'm at home.
Only when the connection to the Mac has failed am I able to interact with Visual Studio, and then, about 30% of the time, attempting to build, clean or rebulid simply results in a pop-up saying "The operation could not be completed". The only way to fix that is to restart Visual Studio, causing the whole grinding process to restart again.
Xamarin themselves have referred me to these forums. Obviously this is not a pure software question, so I'll try to distill this into specific answerable questions.
Is there a way to prevent the false positive that tells me a new version of Xamarin for Visual Studio is available when it clearly isn't?
Is there a setting that I can use in order to opt in to connecting to the Mac, rather than attempting to make a connection and killing startup time when I know in advance that the connection will not be made?
Has the build problem "This operation could not be completed" been reported anywhere? I haven't found any instances of this problem related to Xamarin or Resharper. But it is frequent.
Does this consistently happen? We've had this problem over the years, but it's gotten much better. Make sure all your machines are synced with the latest Stable update. If on Beta/Alpha, this is typical as we push builds often. The strange part is that you say it's trying to update Xamarin Studio, we actually don't ship Xamarin Studio for Windows anymore: So it might be a good idea to uninstall a previous version of Xamarin Studio on Windows if it's there.
This is a good point. It's something that might need a small papercut bug filed. Feel free to log an issue here and I can coordinate the status: ( In the past I've seen a couple ways around this. 1) Make a seperate .sln that might be called .Windows which will only load Windows native projects (Android, UWP, etc). This way the step is skipped completely. 2) You can simply unload the iOS project until you need to reload the project and work on the iOS side. However I do agree there should be a project property/IDE setting that should say "Start Xamarin Mac Agent on Startup".
That error is really vague. We would need to gather some logs(log files can be gathered from %LOCALAPPDATA%\Xamarin\Log or using Help->Xamarin). This operation could not be completed typically has an error/exception following it like This operation could not be completed: Invalid Pointer. So we would need to dig into logs here and see if we can get a Stack Trace when it happens. I would also try deleting your .suo in the .vs hidden folder of your project directory.

Visual studio 2015 high cpu consumption when idle

I have visual studio 2015 enterprise edition, update 1.
When idle, the visual studio process is using around 10-15% cpu constantly.
I tried the solutions provided here with no success.
The solution includes 11 c# projects.
The issue seems to appear only after the first compilation after the solution.
In my case a few *.mdb files had been added to the solution which triggered a constant cpu usage of 30-35%.
So generally the content of a solution triggers background tasks which can lead to high cpu usage. If that usage occurs suddenly, it's worth to get maybe an older source version to check, if the problem is related to added files.
In my scenario the visual studio process remained active using cpu even after closing visual studio. Using process explorer I identified two threads using the cpu indicating following start addresses:
After a lot of attempts and tests to fix this issue, I finally discovered the source of it.
I had a Code Map dgml file in the solution.
Removing the file fixed the issue, and now the devenv process cpu consumption returned to normal.
After some time working, it seems that just removing the Code Map dgml didn't entirely solve the problem. The solution at last was to remove the reference to the "Modeling Project" containing it(along with other documents such as Sequence Diagrams...).

Visual Studio 2013/2015 Idle CPU usage

I'm currently evaluating Visual Studio 2015 RC. I've noticed when running the IDE, The Visual Studio 2015 process is constantly at around 25% CPU usage. Even without a project loaded and without the welcome page it is gobbling up 25% CPU usage at a constant rate. No other applications running other than background services. All other running processes use around an additional 2 to 4 percent CPU overall.
This behavior has also been noticed in Visual Studio 2013.
Is anyone else seeing this behavior? Is this normal? Any suggestions?
Had this same problem. Processor constantly at 45-50% even when the IDE is completely idle.
Turns out the problem is the Microsoft Git Source Code provider.
I turned that off and processor dropped to 0 and the IDE became much more usable.
In my case disabling Telerik ASP.NET MVC Extension solved high CPU issue.
High CPU load started on solution load and didn't drop (40% with one, 80% with two solutions) until VS was closed or even sometimes after (had to kill the process).
Tools->Extensions and Updates->Installed, find the extension and click 'Disable'.
In my case all reference counts tried to update every time when I edit code.
I have just turned them off. You can do it this way.
It’s not to be expected that Visual Studio should chew up continuous CPU time.
I am running Visual Studio 2015 Community RTM right now with a medium sized project open, and am not seeing any ongoing CPU usage (according to Process Hacker 2, which shows usage as small as 0.01 percent). It’s just blank, which means not even 0.01% CPU usage is registering.
Keep in mind that IntelliSense scans your project files in the background to build the database for popping up its suggestions, etc.
Choosing Project > Rescan Solution from the menus will result in that process being done over, which will cause the CPU to be used for a time. But it should ultimately go quiet.
Seemingly forever, there have been times when deleting the Intellisense Database files and doing a full rescan solves “odd behavior” type problems. I don’t know if it’s the “prescribed” method, but if I suspect an IntelliSense problem I just delete the .sdf file in the project folder if I want to make sure Visual Studio starts with a clean slate. This isn’t necessary very often.
I also had this problem, constant 20-40% CPU when idling (Visual Studio 2015 update 1). I noticed that other local repositories of the same code did not have this problem.
I deleted the problematic local repository and took a new checkout, this solved the issue for me. Why this worked, I unfortunately cannot explain...
I run resharper, turned that off and turned off the Microsoft Git provider and still had high CPU issues, devenv.exe would also run after close... until recently.
It appears VS 2015 Update 2 has resolved these issues!
In my case; "Visual Studio 2015 Update 1" gone crazy editing JS files regarless of the length of the source. It used high CPU and the editor is even freezed. I fixed the issue by disabling the 3rd party add-ons by one-by-to detect the buggy one causing VS 2015 malfunctioning.
Hope it works.
In my case, the culprit was Node.js tools for Visual Studio. I had v1.1.2 installed and the cpu was constantly around 25-40%.
A switch to Node.js Tools v1.2 RC resolved the problem completely after an initial high load that went away in a couple of minutes.
In my case it was either the Roaming Extention Manager or most probably the azure worker role project in my solution. If you have one of these try unloading it and restart visual studio. I can reproduce it but I don't know why it happens.
I've noticed also that when running and stopping a debug episode on the local server, if the page is still open in the browser, VS will continue to run at high CPU. Closing the browser page stops this.
I want to share my experience,
In my case I had to diable all extensions and updates and code analysis c#.
1-For extensions and updates :
Tools => Extensions and updates
2-For the code analysis
Solution explorer => right click on the project => Properties =>Click on the tab "Code analysis" => click on the "Open" bouton => Uncheck the checkbox "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp" => save and exit.
Cpu usage descended to 1 %.
In my case, The .suo file in Visual Studio was the culprit. Deleting it fixed my issue.
Refer below link for more details.

Stop Microsoft Git Provider in Visual Studio 2013

I have some projects to work on that involve a grotesquely large csproj that is the COTS CMS application I'm extending. The project has over 16k files in it which is ridiculous but it's not something I can control, nor can I control the choice of CMS platforms. The project is in a solution... the solution is in a git repository.
With a project that large, using the source control plugin in Visual Studio 2013 means any change to a file and subsequent save results in my CPU and RAM usage spiking to a ridiculous percentage for several minutes, making the fan spin on high constantly all day and making my IDE laggy. I have a very high-end desktop replacement laptop and I'm certain throwing hardware at the problem won't make it go away. So, I go into options and set the source control provider to None... problem solved after a couple-minute lockup while VS does something.
Now for the problem... when I come in the next day and open up the solution, the plugin selection is back on Microsoft Git Provider. Is there a setting or something I can configure to tell Visual Studio (ideally for just this solution or project) to stop trying to use the integrated source control?
I had the same problem, I need the Work Items from TFS but I use git-tfs to manage my projects locally.
I managed to disable the built-in Visual Studio Git Provider by deleting all occurrences of those registry keys:
