How to name Gedit windows? - window

I work with multiple Gedit instances on a VM running KDE on top of CentOS. Each window is open to a specific issue, typically about a dozen, with files taken from one of about half-a-dozen branches. How can I name the individual windows to keep track of which bug or branch they are from?
THere's nothing in Preferences for this


Terminal Has Two Environments in Parentheses

While trying to set up Google Colab so I could access a ton of large jpgs for a CNN, I was running into problems. In my flustered state I tried to follow a now-forgotten website's advice. It did not work. But what did happen was now my terminal has two virtual environments (I think) listed one after the other. I'm on a macbook pro, using Zsh.
(firstEnv) (myenv) johndoe~$
I would prefer to revert back to having just my virtual environment
(firstEnv) johndoe~$
I tried:
conda deactivate myenv
but nothing changes
If you've made non-persistent changes to your shell environment inside a Terminal window, then you can discard those changes by simply closing that window and opening a new one.
If persistent changes were made then they would have been effected by updating one or more files, (probably) in your home directory. For Zsh, these would be one or more of .zshenv, .zprofile, .zshrc, and .zlogin.

Working on Xcode project on multiple computers

I currently have my project stored on my laptop but I also occasionally want to work on it on my desktop. (Both have Xcode installed). If I connect my laptop to my desktop so that I can access my laptop's files from my desktop, is it safe to simply open the files and edit, or are there hidden files deep in my computer that will get messed up? If this isn't a good idea, are there ways to work on Xcode projects from another computer?
If I connect my laptop to my desktop so that I can access my laptop's files from my desktop, is it safe to simply open the files and edit
Yes. But I don't know what you mean by "open the files". The only thing you should ever open from the Finder is the Xcode project. That being said, there's absolutely no bar to opening an Xcode project located on another volume. (I do it all the time.)
Moreover, a project folder is usually a self-contained world, so there's no issue with copying the whole folder to another machine, working on it there, and copying it back.
Still, the soundest and simplest approach (as long as you'll always have Internet access) is to get yourself a remote git repository and use it to synchronize the work done on different machines. That way, you avoid the "connect my laptop to my desktop" part of the story entirely.

How to create application to launch wine and Windows application

I'm trying to use "wine" on MAC osX Sierra version 10.12, wine is version 1.9.19
In the terminal I can launch Windows applications, however its a pain to have to keep typing in:
/Applications/Wine\ ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/HeidiSQL/heidisql.exe
I've searched around for a post on how to create shortcuts/applications to add to the launchpad, but so far none of the information has led me to a working end result. Either the locations of wine is different or it just doesn't work.
I've tried creating an application script:
do shell script "/Applications/Wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/HeidiSQL/heidisql.exe"
But this won't run either.
For anyone having the same problem, in the end I created scripts which reside in my home folder:
Launch vi, create a file called HeidiSQL, insert:
wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/HeidiSQL/heidisql.exe
Save and exit file, grant file execute permissions:
chmod +x HeidiSQL
Launch wine terminal and type in ./HeidiSQL to launch, I then did the same for PSPad.exe:
wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/PSPad\ editor/PSPad.exe
I know this thread is a little old but I was just looking for something like this to launch HeidiSQL and I came up with these three solutions which I have tried and all of them work. I am putting my findings down here for it may help someone:
Wineskin (, Playonmac ( and Winebottler
Wineskin is a mac app that download and install (and manages, updates, etc) "wine" for you. It then creates a (any name you want with any icon you want - but you need to configure it) around the windows.exe that includes the wine version selected and is completely self contained (does not need wine installed separately). Personally this is the neatest solution and my preferred even though there its a little more technical than Playonmac and similar to Winebottler. You need to read the instructions (which are very good) and you have choices to make as to the wine version to use and to configure the app. Noteworthy is that you need to change the windows version to XP rather than 7 or some buttons won't work.
Playonmac on the other hand is very user friendly. It has HeidiSQL listed on its website as compatible and its almost a single click install. You just select HeidiSQL from the list of programs and it will download everything you need for you. The only reason I prefer Wineskin is that it does not create a true self contained You can create a shortcut for it in your Applications folder but this will launch Playonmac and the app needs to be installed inside Playonmac. On the plus side, Playonmac will chose all the right settings for you to run the app correctly, the correct windows and wine version etc which is something you need to fiddle with with with Wineskin.
Winebottler again makes an app like Wineskin. The only real difference I could see is that with Wineskin the configuration app is actually part of the package whereas in Winebottler you have to recreate the package each time you make a change. I stuck with Wineskin. YMMV.

VMWare: File not Found, on Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite

I'm having trouble opening VMWare on my Mac pro OS 10.10. I didn't do anything, moving its files or anything. I just turned my Mac off before I went to bed last night, and then this morning, when I tried to open VMWare again on my Mac, it keeps giving me this waring:
File not found.
I'm very confused, I've important files storing on my Windows workspace and need to have it restored.
What I've tried:
I've uninstalled VMWare on my machine, and re-downloaded and reinstalled it back, but, no luck, still the same warning. VMWare doesn't open at all.
I've also restarted my machine, hoping that something magic can happen, but unexpectedly, no luck.
OK, question resolved after I went to the Tech Stop at my University.
We just found that Windows 7 was somehow gone in my VMWare, then we opened Virtual Machine Library of VMWare, then re-installed Win7 into this VMWare, as this picture shows:
Now things are working fine.
Some other people might run into the same issue in the future, I don't know why this happened and nobody really knows what's going on.
I called VMWare tech support, but they don't provide any help since I downloaded it for free from our CS department website. But our department tech assistance has never met this issue. So nobody to turn to.
But anyway, pretty simple to fix:
Just re-install win7 in your VMWare, if you run into the same case as I did, by opening your Virtual Machine Library.
I experienced the same symptom after rebooting my Mac. SSun's answer helped me to solve it, but I think I can offer a bit of further insight.
VMWare Fusion was actually launching successfully, but when attempting to open a machine that was open at last quit, it fails to find the machine's files. I mis-interpreted the message as meaning that VMWare couldn't find an internal file and thought it had failed to launch. I got the same error when attempting to reinstall.
SSun refers to re-installing a guest OS. To be specific, one just needs to delete the reference to the virtual machine in VMWare (after dismissing the popup and you can access to the Window menu and open your virtual machine library); not reinstalling the actual guest OS. One can then recreate the reference by opening the machine via File > Open. Alternatively, resolve the root cause of the machine not being found.
In my case the root cause was that the virtual machine resided on a different hard drive to Mac OS and was referenced via a symlink. This hard drive had failed to mount automatically at boot up.
The same confusing error occurs when reinstalling because at the end of the install, VMWare launches automatically, triggering the symptom again.
I followed the steps from below to resolve this issue:
Click OK to close the error message.
Close the Virtual Machine. Click the red dot in upper left hand
corner or execute the keyboard shortcut Command+W
Follow the menu path Window >> Virtual Machine Library to open the
Virtual Machine Library.
Right-click on the thumbnail image for the VM or hold down the Ctr
key while clicking on the thumbnail image for the VM. Result: A
drop-down menu appears.
Select Delete Result: Remove Virtual Machine dialog box appears, with
options to Cancel, Move to Track or Keep File.
Choose Keep File.
However after doing the above, I found out that you need to resart your machine for eveything to work properly, else the problem will still persist.
If you get this error – including after deleting a VM (i.e., you cannot do anything inside the VMWare Fusion app to resolve this) – I found that the following will work, without reinstalling the app, deleting its preferences, or rebooting the host Mac, but at the tiny cost of having to re-add your VMs to the list of the available ones (a simple drag-and-drop operation):
Shut down any running VMs that are functioning, then shut down VMWare Fusion.
Trash the "~/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/vmInventory" file
Open the Activity Monitor app, search for "vm", and shut down everything with "vmware", "vmnet", and "vmrest" in its name. (Or do effectively the same thing in the Terminal, with ps aux | grep vm and then kill -9 on each of the appropriate process numbers, if you're command-line-oriented.)
Go find your VMs in Finder.
Restart the VMWare Fusion application.
Drag each of your VM packages to VMWare and drop it on the now-empty left pane of the Virtual Machine Library window to re-add the the VM to the list.
Test-start each of them to make sure you didn't break anything. [This is the paranoia option, here.]
Restart VMWare to make darned sure it writes out new config files. [My trust level in this app is quite low of late.]

Emacs on Window 7 saving files to VirtualStore directory

I've recently installed ClojureBox on a Windows 7 machine after using it on a different, XP machine for a while. When I created and saved a file, it wasn't being saved where I expected, but to the \Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\VirtualStore directory. This happened as long as I wasn't running emacs as the local administrator.
A Google search returned only a couple of hits, and with nothing I could really apply other than to run emacs as a local admin.
Any other way to get around this? Is there a windows setting, or something I could configure in emacs?
You can right-click Emacs and "run as Administrator" which I expect will get annoying quickly. Further, if you launch other apps from inside it you might be misled about the behaviour of those apps under normal circumstances. A better approach would be to save your files somewhere other than under Program Files or the root of C, thus avoiding virtualization.
